5.22 A House is Not a Home episode addition. A week later.


FROM: dragonladyatnertzdotnet

SEND TO: bibliophileatnertzdotnet

SUBJECT: The Future

I know you are still in no mood to talk to me, and that's fine.

The little tiny window of speaking time your cell phone allows for messages is pathetic, by the way.

But there's stuff that can't wait.

Actual stuff, in fact.

I've had Kirk load up a u-haul with your things I already schlepped back here. I know you must want them. And know for a fact that life without that blue pillow, for you, is impossible.

Ordinarily I'd crook my irresistible little finger at Luke and borrow his truck to bring everything to you, but for now this seems a better idea. So, Mr. Gleason's Moving Service will call you tomorrow to set up a delivery time. I have already paid him, so don't let him tell you otherwise.

So on to us... and me.

Me first! Me first!

Luke and I are engaged!

Yes, I am going to be the future Mrs. Backwards Baseball Cap and he Mr. Gilmore (we're still in negotiations on that.)

I was sitting in the diner while he was ranting away and feeling so alone... and then I looked up at him and just knew, Rory.

Just knew that I'd found home. In Luke. After all these years. I may not be as smart as I think I am.

He was ranting on in that sexy way of his and I knew that no one would ever love me the way he does, or support me, or put up with me, or feed me... or... Well, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

He's it for me, kid. And, wonder or wonders, I am it for him. Hah! Poor guy.

So I was watching him rant and when he stopped to breathe, I proposed.

I am woman here me roar, baby!

He was floored, to say the least. Told me I was crazy even...

But then, after wrangling and so on, we talked, kiddo, really talked about all the things we want.

We stayed up all night and had this terrifyingly grown-up conversation, but it was so wonderful, Rory.

We want each other.

He wants to live in The Twickham House of all places. It's always been a dream of his to restore it. So he's bought it for us! And he wants me to be happy—to realize my potential in my work too. He actually thinks I have potential! So I've worked out a deal to do some consulting with Mike Armstrong now and then, with Luke's blessing, which could mean travel—for both of us! And I get to keep my beautiful Inn.

And, hold on to your hat little lady, but Luke wants kids! Who knew? The plural form might be a bit much for me at this point in life, but who knows? All we do know is that we are going to work it out together.

Work, home, family... the whole package.

He's my miracle man.

And you're still my miracle girl.

And I can't have it all without you, Little Me.

So do what you need to do, Rory. And then find your way back.

It' taken a lot of thinking on my part this week (no cracks, please), but I've let go, honey. I have. All those years we worked so hard... well, it became my goal too that you have Harvard or Yale or whatever school you wanted. And, of course, I'm disappointed for you and for myself. But, I will suck it up and move on.

I have before and I will again.

I believe in you and know you will find your own best way. You're Rory Gilmore, dammit!

And please know that I will always be here if you need me, for any reason. That's what being a mom is about.

I will add one last thing, Rory, and then shut up. I'm the mom so I get to.

Regret can become a soul-sucking thing in life, honey. Think about that. It gets inside you like one of those creepy little Star Trek aliens and crawls around making you do horrible things to yourself (which is why I hate that show, despite the groovy boots.)

And most of the time it feeds on fear.

So take this and hear it without an eye roll please: You cannot know what the regret of missed opportunity in life is until much further down the old yellow brick road. Say, when you're knocking on forty.

It is not an easy thing to see your friends pursue their dreams without you. It is not easy to let your own go, even when circumstances dictate it. Hey, we make the best of what we have, but when we are twenty it is still all ahead to be grabbed and achieved. It's scary I know, honey, but it's still there. And it won't be later. Which is when the regret part comes in.

So if you do take this time, use it well. Don't squander it on DAR doily-dos. If you take this time to find yourself, then do so.

I already know how wonderful you are so it shouldn't take too long for you to figure it out too.

The plan is to be married at The Dragonfly on the fourth of July, then watch the fireworks after a perfect Sookie dinner. Just Luke and me standing up before a judge, that's all. Simple. If Luke wore a tux, I think I'd be laughing my ass off too hard to say 'I do'! The image is just wrong in so many ways.

Of course we want you there. I will also send an invite to Richard and Emily. I know you would want me to.

So home has to be redefined for all of us this summer, I guess. But you will always have one in my heart.

I will be in the courtroom on the third, whether you want me there or not.

I've told Kirk to stop and pick up a cup of Luke's coffee for you on the way to dropping your stuff off.

I know it tastes like home.

I love you and am proud of you and can't wait to see you set the world on fire! I know you will!

Love, Mom

P.S. Luke's taking me on surprise honeymoon afterwards. I can't get a thing out of him on it which makes wardrobe decisions excruciating, though light layers is always the best way to go, I've heard. So, it'll be farewell to Stars Hollow for awhile for me!

P.P.S. Send my green sweater home with Kirk!

P.P.P.S. I am keeping your pink one. If you want it—Come and get it!

Love you. Bye.