Hey everyone and welcome to the story. I'm TiDuS-FoRvEr or as my friends call me, Jen Anyways before I begin the story I have to explain some things. This IS a Tidus/Yuna fic.

Firstly, I don't own any of the characters from Final Fantasy X and X-2 nor any of the scenes, items, etc. They ALL belong to Square Enix.

Secondly the rating. This story has been rated R for violence, language, sexuality, blood and I would have to say that I wouldn't recommend kids younger then 14 to read this. But that is just my opinion.

Hmmm lets see what else…Oh ya, I am always open for ideas or thoughts all the time. Either write it in a review or my personal e-mail address. Either way is fine.

And lastly I would like to say. Sit back, get comfy, get a drink if you like and enjoy the story P.S. This story takes place in Zanarkand. (The real city people not the ruins)

Quote of the chapter: Before you say 'Hello' think and make sure you except the fact that one day your gonna have to say 'Good-Bye'.

To Be With You
Chapter 1

The Assignment

Tidus loaded his gun as he hid behind a wall in an abandoned building located downtown Zanarkand. His partner, Auron, accompanied him against the other wall as they prepared to enter.

Tidus signaled Auron to enter. Slowly both walked in. It was actually really dark inside which made it more complicated.

"This guy has no where to run. I'm going in." Tidus told Auron.

Auron nodded. "I'm right behind you."

As Tidus made his way into the lobby of the building, he could see someone hiding behind a pole and he open fired at Tidus. Noticing him ahead of time, Tidus successfully dodged the bullets with a barrow roll and shot him in the leg.

The man grunted in pain as he fell to the ground, dropping his gun.

"Nice work T!" Auron told him as he ran over to the guy and placed handcuffs on his wrists.

"Too easy." Tidus said feeling proud of himself. He then looked down at the guy and picked up his backpack. "That'll teach you to flee after robbing a Jewelry store. When you mess with the Zanarkand police, you mess with me."

"Let's get this guy back to the station and call it a night." Auron said helping the guy up and taking him out of the building.

Tidus was one of the best of the best there was in Zanarkand. He was 20 years old, sparkling blue eyes and choppy blonde hair. He was dedicated to his work and has been a cop for 2 years now.

Auron was Tidus' partner. He was 35 years old, brown eyes and black hair. Auron had been a cop for just over 10 years but wasn't as serious as Tidus was. He was good, but Tidus could beat him any day.


The doctor had just left the daughters room and closed the door behind him.

Braska came walking up to him. "Will Yuna be okay?" He asked concerned and upset.

"She has a few burses on her arms, but nothing too series. They should be gone within a few days." The doctor told him.

Braska relaxed. "Ah, thank Yevon. Thank you doctor."

The doctor smiled then left his home.

Braska then entered Yuna's room at sat down on her bed. "Yuna?"

Yuna was facing the other way crying. "Forgive me father. You were right about everything."

Braska placed his hand over his. "Its okay my child. Everything is going to be just fine."

He then stood up and left her room so she could rest. Braska sat on his couch as he thought about the horrible things that have been going on for the last two weeks. His daughter was well, but he still felt insecure about everything that has been happening.

"Mr. President? We've managed to track down the best undercover bodyguard there is." He looked up and nodded.

"Contact him as soon as possible, my daughter needs to be safe immediately before Seymour strikes back." Braska said.

The man nodded then left him alone.

Braska was the most powerful man in Zanarkand. Well of course he was, he was the President. The leader of his people. He was just over 40 and had one daughter, who he loved and cherished greatly. He wanted to do something to keep this man away from his daughter once and for all. He could only hope.

Tidus and Auron entered the station laughing from a job well done.

"Man, I'm starving! I can't wait to go home tonight and just sit in front of the TV and relax." Tidus told Auron.

"Same here. Ha, ha." Auron told him grabbing a donut and started to munch on that as their boss approached them.

"Congrats boys! Everyone in the station is talking. I'm very proud of you two." Their boss, Nooj told them. "Tidus, I must speak with you in my office. Be there in five minutes, okay?

"Aww really? I was just going to go home." Tidus wined.

"Well that's a shame, now is it? Be in my office." Nooj told him then walked off.

"That guy never gives me a break." Tidus told Auron. "He's always biting my head off."

"Thought you enjoyed that?" Auron asked teasing. "Have fun!" He then left the station to go home.

Tidus then walked over to Nooj's office and entered to see that he was already waiting for him. Tidus then sat down at his desk.

"Tidus I have your next assignment read for you." Nooj told him.

"Yes sir?" Tidus asked.

"It's an official message from the President. Seems that his daughter was abused and raped from her ex-boyfriend who we just found out was the escaped criminal Seymour Guado." Nooj said handing him a folder of his records.

"Seymour Guado, I've heard of him. Suppose to be the most dangerous guy in all of Zanarkand."

"Correct." Nooj replied.

"Abuse, rape, attempted murder, drugs, this guy has it all." Tidus said looking at his records.

"This man has been stalking the President's daughter for some time now. Tidus, I want you to take the assignment of protecting her and bringing this man to justice. Do you except?" Nooj asked Tidus.

"Seymour Guado. Never thought I'd be the one to hunt him down. Sir, I accept." Tidus told him as he placed the folder down on the desk and stood up.

"Excellent. You should begin immediately. There is a car waiting outside that will escort you to the Presidential Palace." Nooj told him. "This is a very important case T. Be on your guard at all times."

Tidus nodded then left his office. He really wanted to go home and relax tonight but this was an official message from the President himself. Although Tidus was truly dedicated to his work, a mastermind like Guado was someone not to underestimate. The police have been trying to catch him for a year now. But no one has even gotten close. He was too quick and clever.

Tidus then stepped into the car as the driver drove him up to the Presidential Palace to begin his assignment.

Upon arriving, his eyes widened as he saw the mansion. He always knew that it was vast but being able to see it up close just stunned him. He then walked to the door and the guards allowed him to enter, meeting Braska who was waiting in the main hall.

"Sir, it's an honor to meet you." Tidus told Braska.

"And I am truly grateful for you accepting this assignment Tidus Keller—"

"I prefer T or Tidus, sir." Tidus interrupted.

"Tidus. A week ago my daughter was attacked by her ex-boyfriend named Seymour Guado. We found his criminal files, they were really shocking. It appears that he was arrested for rape and abuse. My daughter was seeing him after he broke out but now we believe that he wants her dead." Braska told him.

"Brake up with a guy and it costs you your life. I know my facts about this criminal and I promise you that the department has sent out its best man to ensure you're daughter's safety and to bring this man to justice." Tidus told Braska.

Braska was somewhat relieved knowing that his daughter would be safe. "Thank you for your services."

He then turned to his butler. "Barthello, would you be kind enough to fetch my daughter from her room?"

"But of course." He responded, making his way upstairs.

Braska then turned back to Tidus. "I shall leave the rest up to you. Please feel free to be acquainted with my daughter. Sorry to trouble you but I must attend an important meeting in Bevelle and won't be back for several days."

"Your daughter is in safe hands, sir." Tidus told him.

Braska smiled at the man then left the house to catch his plane.

As Tidus waited there patiently, Yuna came down the stairs slowly. He turned his head towards her and stared in enchantment. She didn't look that much younger then him. Although entirely unprofessional and impolite, he couldn't stop gazing upon her face. But he had to get that out of his mind. She was the President's daughter after all.

Yuna smiled as she approached him. She was thinking the same about him. He had the most beautiful eyes that she had ever seen, blue crystal eyes that would make you melt away instantly. He had blonde hair and tanned skin.

Tidus then stretched out his hand to shake hers.

"Greetings. I'm Tidus, assigned to protect you." He introduced.

"I'm Yuna, the President's daughter." She replied afterwards.

As you already know, Yuna Simmons is the only daughter of Braska, the President of Zanarkand. She was 18 years old, pale skin, chestnut brown hair, and mixed color eyes, one green the other blue.

It was nearly 11pm and Tidus was exhausted. All he wanted to do was eat a cheeseburger and turn on the TV but he knew that he was on a way too important assignment to do so.

"Would you like me to show you to your room?" Yuna asked softly.

Tidus nodded. "Okay." He replied.

Yuna then took him upstairs and down the right hall to the first door. "This one is yours." Yuna told him opening the door and showing him.

"And where is your room, may I ask?" Tidus asked.

"I'm right beside you." Yuna replied with a pleasant smile.

"Okay, well, I'll leave you to rest. What plans do you have tomorrow?" Tidus asked.

"Oh, well, I was planning on going to the movies with some friends after school." Yuna replied. "Why do you ask?"

"I'll drive you to and from school everyday, okay? And I will accompany you to the movies." Tidus told her.

"Yeah, I kind of figured that." Yuna said with a small laugh.

"What?" Tidus asked.

Yuna then observed him carefully. "Nothing. Goodnight Tidus." She replied then walked over to her room.

Tidus had a slight odd look on his face, but he soon shook it off and entered his room for some rest.

Romance already blooms between the two if you noticed. I know it was small but it'll get batter as the story progresses. Don't forget to review. It only takes 2 minute's max out of your busy schedule. Thanks a million everyone.