Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous

Disclaimer: This is the last time I will have to say this so here goes. . . I DON'T OWN INUYASHA!

AN: -GASP- SHE'S ALIVE! Oh yes I am. I told you all that I wasn't going to stop writing until I finished this story. I tried to make this chapter longer since it is the last chapter of this story. Yes, I know you are all sad, but it had to come to an end sooner or later. Well, THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! I HOPE YOU ENJOY! YOUR REVIEWS MAKE MY LIFE!

Anyway, on with the last chapter of "Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous."

Chapter 21: The End

Ayame had affectively avoided Kouga until the day of their departure from the resort. She couldn't sort out her feelings, and had a really hard time putting them into words. She decided the best way to tell him how she felt was to do it through a song. Luckily, their concert was the next night so she wouldn't have to avoid him for much longer.

Everyone else was getting along fine. They were all on edge because of the tension between Ayame and Kouga, but they tried not to let it affect them too much. No one really knew what happened. Neither Ayame nor Kouga had talked about what happened. They put all their energy into avoiding one another.

"Ayame we need to rehearse for tomorrow," Sango said, walking in to her friend's room and practically dragging her to the rehearsal room.

"Speaking of that, I need you, Rin, and Kagome to learn this song," Ayame said, giving her friends the papers.

"Uhh… Aya, I think you've lost it. There are no words…" Kagome pointed out.

"I know that," Ayame replied. "I don't want anyone seeing this song until it's performed."

"Okay, well, let's just practice our other songs than shall we?" Kagome said, grabbing her guitar and warming up some. The others agreed and practiced for a little over an hour.

They went out for dinner that night, at a nice quiet restaurant. Everyone—but Ayame and Kouga that is—was chatting quietly, talking about the upcoming concert. They were going to be heading back home for their concert. They would leave early in the morning so they could get home in time to get ready.

They got back to the resort and did what they normally did almost every night. They went swimming. Ayame decided that she didn't want to go swimming. She said that she needed to stay in her room and work on a song; which was the truth. Ayame needed to make the song perfect. Kouga was still really depressed about the whole situation. He sat quietly in the hot tub thinking about where he had gone wrong.

Finally, it started getting really late, so everyone decided to head back up to the rooms. Sango walked into her room to find that Ayame had already fallen asleep. She gave Miroku a kiss goodnight, and got ready for bed herself. Soon everyone was asleep, awaiting the day to come.

The Next Day

Everyone woke up early so they could pack their things—since no one thought about packing the night before. They pretty much packed in silence. There was so much tension in the air that you could almost taste it. No one wanted to be the first to speak, or try to break the tension between Ayame and Kouga, so they all remained silent.

The limo ride was filled with quiet chatter; mostly between the guys and their girlfriends. To Ayame, the ride home couldn't have been any longer. She really needed to talk to Kouga, but she just couldn't. Hopefully her song would speak her words.

By the time they arrived home, it was already two in the afternoon. The guys were just going to hang out for a while, while the girls got ready for their concert. They all needed to take showers and make sure they looked their best. They needed to be at the concert hall at around six to get the equipment set up since the concert started at seven.

Ayame, Kagome, Sango, and Rin all went up to their rooms and took showers. They had about two hours to get ready, so they could take nice, long showers.

Kagome changed into a black leather mini and a red halter top. She threw a lot of random red and black bracelets onto her wrists and a silver necklace with a star on it. She put on black eyeliner, pink eye shadow, and red lipstick to match her shirt. Overall, she liked her look. Lastly, she grabbed her favorite pair of black knee high boots. She then went back to the bathroom to do her hair. She thought for a while before deciding to curl it.

Sango went to her closet, still in her towel, to pick out what she wanted to wear. She grabbed low rise black jeans, and a blue crop top that had straps that crossed over each other to meet at the back of her neck. Like Kagome, she grabbed many random black and blue bracelets to adorn her wrists. She also put a black choker around her neck. Then she went to the bathroom to put on black eyeliner, blue eye shadow, and clear lip gloss to give her lips a glossy shine. She put her hair into a high pony tail. She then proceeded to walk back to her closet and chose a pair of shoes. She decided on a pair of three inch blue strappy heels to match her shirt.

Ayame walked out of the bathroom with one towel around her waist, and another towel holding her hair in place. She already knew that she wanted to wear a pair of light blue jeans with holes in the knees, but she needed a shirt to go along with the pants. She finally decided on a low cut dark green shirt with a black tank top underneath. The shirt was long enough that she didn't need a belt. Like the others before her, she adorned her wrists with green and black bracelets. For a necklace, she decided on a silver chain choker that connected to a heart in the middle of the necklace. She put on black eyeliner, green eye shadow, and clear lip gloss like Sango. She decided to put her hair up into a messy bun, with random chin length bangs framing her face. She then went back to her closet and grabbed a pair of green four inch strappy heels. Ayame had gotten really good at walking in heels and now, she loved them.

Rin jumped out of the shower and went to get her clothes. For pants, she chose a pair of white cargo pants, and for a shirt, she chose a striped black and violet tube top with a skull at the bottom right. She also grabbed a black studded belt to help hold up her loose cargo pants. Can you guess what she did next? That's right! She put many violet and black bracelets on her wrists, but wore no necklace. She put on black eyeliner, purple eye shadow, and light pink lip stick. She decided to just leave her hair down since she really didn't wan to deal with it. For shoes, she decided on a pair of violet flip flops. Probably not the best kind of shoes to wear, but what did she care?

The girls met downstairs in the kitchen to decide on a song list. Ayame told them all to think about what songs they would want to perform. They all got to choose one or two songs.

"So, Rin, what songs do you want to perform?" Ayame asked, sitting at the counter and staring at her glass of water.

"Uh, well. . . I was thinking about performing "Ironic" and "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" if you guys want," Rin said, as she also got a glass of water from the fridge.

"Works for me," Sango said. Kagome and Ayame nodded their heads in agreement.

"I was thinking about "Have You Ever?" and "Bad Boy"," Sango added, smirking as she did so.

"Thinking about Miroku while choosing your songs Sango?" Kagome joked. Sango gave her a look that said, "of course I was."

"Good choices Sango," Kagome said. "I want to play "You Make Me Sick" and "Because of You"." Kagome said.

"No," Ayame said. ""You Make Me Sick" is fine, but we're not playing "Because of You"." Ayame said, very adamant about her decision. Kagome decided not to question Ayame's reasoning and chose another song.

"Okay, then how about "Invincible"?" Kagome said, throwing her next choice out there. Ayame nodded her head in agreement. Kagome looked at Sango and Rin for their reaction.

"Works for me," they replied at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed.

"Looks like we've been friends for too long. . . Now we're starting to talk for each other. I don't think that's healthy," Sango joked. Rin nodded her head in agreement, laughing while she did so.

"So, Ayame, what songs did you choose?" Rin asked her friend.

""Love is a Battlefield" and the song I gave you guys the music to," Ayame replied.

"You're still not going to tell us the song lyrics are you?" Kagome asked. Ayame shook her head.

"I'm sorry guys, but you'll understand when you hear the song." Ayame stated. "Anyway, we still have about forty five minutes before we have to leave. Might as well practice the songs."

The girls all agreed and went upstairs to practice.

Forty minutes later there was a knock on the door. Kagome, Rin, Ayame, and Sango all stopped what they were doing and went to open the door. It was Miroku, who told them they had to leave in five minutes. The girls were so busy practicing, that they didn't even notice how late it was. They finished up what they were doing and put their instruments away. Kagome and Rin brought their guitars, but they would have a drum set there for Sango. Ayame grabbed the song list and followed her friends outside.

They were going to once again, travel in the limo. Everyone piled into the limo—guys included—and began their trip to the concert hall. The girls were silent, going over the music in their heads while the guys talked quietly, so as not to receive the wrath of their girlfriends. The trip was pretty short in comparison to their last one.

They pulled around to the back of the establishment, because the lines were already forming out front. Once everyone was out of the limo they had to go their separate ways. Kouga, Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Miroku had front row seats a little away from everyone else. Seeing as how they were famous, they didn't want people all over them.

Rin, Kagome, and Sango hugged and kissed their boyfriends, while Ayame just walked away and headed inside, and Kouga stood there silently. The girls finally parted from their boyfriends and followed Ayame inside.

"Hey Kouga," Miroku said. "I know you're having a hard time with Ayame, but try to enjoy the concert a little bit. Kouga nodded his head a little.

"I'll try," was his only response.

They guys then proceeded to a side door to get to their seats. They still had about an hour before the concert, but they didn't have anything better to do. If they walked out front they would get mauled by their fans, so it was safer to stay inside.

Behind the curtain, the tech people were setting up the girls instruments for them. The girls sat on the ground in a circle—like they did before every concert—and warmed up. Ayame would sing quietly, while the others would hum their parts. It was a ritual to get them ready. They would do this for a little while before their instruments were set up. Then they would go to make sure everything was in working order.

It took the tech people about thirty minutes to set up all the equipment. The girls check their instruments and played a few notes to make sure everything was fine. Kagome and Rin tuned their guitars, while Sango played a few things on her drums. Ayame was quietly singing to warm up her voice. Finally, everyone in the audience was seated, and the girls were ready to perform.

The man who was supposed to announce them was just waiting for someone to give him a mic so he could talk. Finally, the mic was given to him, and he went through the curtain while the people in the audience cheered.

"How's everyone doing tonight!" he began. "We'll tonight we have some very talented ladies for you. Demonic Angel was started only a little while ago, but they are already a bit hit. Am I right!" His words were followed by loud cheers. "Well, I'm sure you guys didn't pay to hear me talk so I might as well finish up. Here they are, DEMONIC ANGEL!" he said, as the curtain opened and colored lights flashed like crazy. Everyone was cheering as loud as they could.

The girls had decided to play "Bad Boy" first. Ayame walked out to the middle of the stage and began her song.


Remember the feelings

Remember the day

My stone heart was breaking

My love ran away

This moment I knew I would be someone else

My love turned around and i fell

Ayame and Kagome

Be my bad boy, be my man

Be my weekend lover but don't be my friend

You can be my bad boy but understand

That I don't need you in my life again

Won't you my bad boy, be my man

Be my weekend lover but don't be my friend

You can be my bad boy but understand

That I don't need you again

No I don't need you again


Bad boy!


You once made this promise to stay by my side

But after some time you just pushed me aside

You never thought that a girl could be strong

Now I'll show you how to go on

Ayame and Kagome

Be my bad boy, be my man

Be my weekend lover but don't be my friend

You can be my bad boy but understand

That I don't need you in my life again

Won't you be my bad boy, be my man

Be my weekend lover but don't be my friend

You can be my bad boy but understand

That i don't need you again

No i don't need you again

They finished their song with a loud applause. Ayame smiled and grabbed the mic.

"HEY EVERYONE!" Ayame said. "Our first song was called "Bad Boy". I'm Ayame, Kagome is on electric guitar and she is back up singer, Rin is over there on bass, and Sango is back there on drums. We just wanted to thank everyone for coming to our concert, and we hope you love it. Our next song is called "You Make Me Sick". We hope you like it," Ayame finished. Waiting for Sango to start the song.

The girls went through the next five songs without any problem. Ayame once again stopped to say something more than just the name of the next song.

"Okay guys, our next song was written for people very close to us. We love you all and we hope you like it. Yes, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Kouga, and Miroku, that means you. The song is called "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous"," Ayame said smirking.


Always see it on TV
Or read it in the magazines
Celebrities who want sympathy
All they do is piss and moan
Inside the rolling stone
Talking about
How hard life can Be

I'd like to see them spend a week
Living life out on the street
I don't think they would survive
If they could spend a day or two
Walking in someone else's shoes
I think they'd stumble and they'd fall
They would fall...

Ayame and Kagome
Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous
They're always complainin
Always complainin
If money is such a problem
Well they got mansions
Think we should rob them

Did you know if you were famous
You could kill your wife
And there's no such thing as twenty-five to life
As long as you've got the cash to pay for Cochran
Did you know if you were caught
And you were smoking crack
McDonalds wouldn't even wanna take you back
You could always just run for mayor of D.C.

I'd like to see them spend a week
Living life out on the street
I don't think they would survive
If they could spend a day or two
Walking in someone else's shoes
I think they'd stumble and they'd fall
They would fall

Ayame and Kagome

Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous
They're always complainin'
Always complainin'
If money is such a problem
Well they got mansions
Think we should rob them
(Rob them)
(Rob them)

They would fall(they would fall)
They would fall...

Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous
They're always complainin'
Always complainin'
If money is such a problem
We've got so many problems
Think I can solve them

Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous
We'll take our clothes, cash, cars and homes
Just stop complainin'

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous ----

Ayame looked down to see the reactions of their friends. She was glad to see a smile on all of their faces. "Okay, well we hope you enjoyed that song. This next song will be our last one. I know you're all disappointed. This next song is really special in the fact that not even my band members know the lyrics. I just gave them the music and told them to learn it," she said laughing a little. "Anyway, this song is dedicated to someone who I love with all my heart, but couldn't find a way to tell him. I hope my lyrics will speak my words for me," Ayame said taking a deep breath as Sango started the song.


If ever you wonder if you touched my soul,

Yes, you do…

Since I met you, I'm not the same

You bring life to everything I do

Just the way you say hello

With one touch I can't let go

Never thought I'd fall in love with you

Because of you, my life has changed

Thank you for the love and the joy you bring

Because of you, I feel no shame

I'll tell the world

It's because of you

Sometimes I get lonely

And all I gotta do is think of you

You've captured something inside of me

You make all of my dreams come true

It's not enough that you love me for me

You reached inside and touched me eternally

"I love you" best explains

How I feel for you


My life has changed

Thank you for the love and the joy you bring

Because of you, I feel no shame

I'll tell the world

It's because of you

The magic in your eyes

True love, I can't deny

When you hold me, I just lose control

I want you to know

That I'm never letting go

You mean so much to me, I want the world to see

It's because of you...

repeat except last line



The crowd broke into applause as Ayame finished her song. She looked over to Kouga to see his reaction. His eyes met hers, and faster than you could blink, Kouga was running up to the stage. He jumped up onto the stage and kissed Ayame on the lips. Ayame wrapped her arms around Kouga's neck and put her all into the kiss. If the song didn't prove her love, than this kiss surely would. The two didn't even realize that everyone was cheering for them, including their friends. Sango, Rin, and Kagome gave each other excited looks as they clapped and cheered.

Soon the need for air became too great and they pulled away from each other. Kouga rested his forehead on Ayame's, while breathing deeply.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" he said.

"I didn't know how to. I'm sorry I ran, but I love you, Kouga," Ayame said.

"I love you too, Ayame," Kouga said, as he began kissing her once again. Finally, they broke once again and Ayame, with slightly red cheeks, grabbed the mic and began to talk. Kouga stood right next to her with his arm around her waist.

"Well, that's the end of our concert. We hope you all enjoyed it. Seeya next time!" Ayame said as the lights went out and they exited the stage.

Ayame was so glad that Kouga still loved her. She didn't mean to make him wait so long, but she just couldn't put how she felt for him into words.

"AYAME! WE ARE SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!" her friends yelled as they hugged her. Kouga released his grip on Ayame once he saw the girls running towards him. A minute later Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, and Miroku showed up.

"Congrats Kouga," Miroku said, slapping him on the back.

"Great concert girls. I especially liked the "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" song, Where in the world did you think of an idea like that?" Inuyasha asked sarcastically.

"Oh, no where in particular," Ayame replied, laughing as Kouga hugged her closer.

"So you guys want to get a bite to eat before we head home?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"I have a better idea," Kagome said. "Why don't we go to a club. I really wanna dance."

"Oh Kags that's a great idea," Rin and Sango said, once again, at the same time.

"We really need to stop doing that," Sango said. Rin agreed, while everyone else laughed. Everyone agreed that going to a club was the best idea. They piled into the limo, and told the driver where to go. They were going to a dance club called "Chaotic". It now seemed like everything was back to normal. Finally the terrible tension was gone, and they could have some fun.

They went back to the VIP section of the club to dance. They knew if they danced with the "normal" people, they would have people all over them. The VIP section was where famous people could dance and have fun without getting mauled by fans.

The girls dragged their boyfriends onto the dance floor. Even Sesshoumaru, who was very reluctant to dance, gave in to Rin's pleas. The girls grinded with their boyfriends, having the time of their life.

"You're so beautiful you know that?" Kouga whispered into Ayame's ear, sending shivers down her spine. Ayame looked back at him and smiled.

"I love you so much," she said before kissing him lightly on the lips. As soon as she pulled away he pulled her back for a more intense kiss. Even while kissing they continued to grind against each other. Oh yes, they are that talented.

Inuyasha saw Kouga and Ayame kissing and pointed it out to Kagome. "I'm so happy for them," Kagome said, leaning her head back on Inuyasha's chest. Inuyasha started kissing her neck in response. It seemed he had better things to do than talk. Of course, Kagome wasn't complaining.

Just then, a slow song came on. The girls changed their positions so they were now facing their boyfriends. They all leaned their heads on the guys' chests. They seemed completely content being held by the people they loved.

"I love you Rin," Sesshoumaru said, pulling her closer if that was even possible.

"Love you too Sess," Rin replied, closing her eyes and loving the feeling of her boyfriend holding her close.

"Miroku, I'm so proud that you haven't done anything perverted yet," Sango said, rewarding her boyfriend with a kiss.

"I love you Sango," Miroku said.

"I love you too Miroku," Sango said as Miroku pulled her into a steamy kiss.

It seems that Kagome, Ayame, and Sango found out that even if people were famous, it didn't automatically make them bad people. It made them glad that they had been hit by the limo in the first place. Luckily, their parents had agreed to let the girls stay with the guys so they could continue their singing career. The guys spent a lot of their time doing movies, but every moment that they weren't, they were with their fiancés.

Yes, you did read that correctly. Soon after that concert Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Kouga, and Miroku proposed. Of course the girls said yes. They had decided that they all wanted to get married at the same time. Kagome, Sango, Rin, and Ayame couldn't have been happier. The girls soon began going on tours across the world. If the guys were doing a movie, they would fly out on their time off to visit their soon to be wives. Everything seemed to be going right for them, and they hoped that their luck continued.

So, what did we learn from all of this? We learned that getting hit by a limo isn't such a bad thing after all.


AN: THAT'S THE END! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! I FINISHED MY STORY! It actually makes me kind of sad to know that it's over. I hope you guys like how I ended it. I can't even put into words how much your reviews mean to me! I really wanted this to be the last chapter, and I thought that was a good place to end it. Anyway, tell me what you think! I just wanted to thank each and every person who reviewed and read this story. I can't believe that I have almost five hundred reviews. I seriously never thought that would happen. You guys seriously make my life!

I might be writing another story soon, but it won't be Inuyasha. I'm debating between Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, and Gundam Wing. I haven't made up my mind yet. But I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE YOU ALL! You are my motivation for writing this story!

Oh, and the last song that Ayame sang. . . I have had that song picked out since chapter two I think. I have been waiting that long to write that scene and I hope it was good. Soo. . . I really hoped that you all liked "Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous" and don't forget to review! Till next time. . . Ja ne!