Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter.

Warning- This is a SLASH and it's VERY DISTURBING. But you should know that already.


Six, Six, Six


Draco walks down the halls, feeling uneasy. He has a 'meeting' with Snape tonight. He looks down at his watch and sighs. He has to be there in a few minutes. He goes down to a classroom and holds onto the handle, unsure if he wants to go in or not.

"If I go in here, I'm going to be in so much pain later on." he mumbles to himself. He takes a deep breath. "It's for the best." He twists open the door and enters.

"Hello, Draco."

The voice gives him chills. But there good chills. "Hey, Harry." he says and walks over to the brown haired boy and giving him a kiss.


"Get up, Drac!"

Draco groans loudly. "Oy, mate! I'm trying to sleep!" he wines and throws his covers over his head. "Go away."

Blaise sighs and pulls the covers off his friend. "Come on, mate. We've got Potions." he says.

Draco's heart stops. He had skipped his "special meeting" with Snape to be with Harry. Harry had talked him into it. "I don't think I can go to Potions today." he states.

"Why not?" Blaise asks.

"I'm too tired."

"And I'm not!"

"Well you weren't out all night shagging your brains out."

Blaise raises an eyebrow. "Actually I was." he corrects.

Draco looks up at his friend and rolls his eyes. "Shagging Pansy doesn't count." he states.

Blaise glares at Draco. "I wasn't with Pansy. I was with Cho Chang." he snaps.

Draco's eyes widen. "Go Blaise! Hitting the Ravenclaws now, are we?"

"No. Chang was just throwing herself around like a whore and I just so happened to be there."

Draco grins. "We act so much alike that I'm amazed where not related." he says.

"Now that you know about my romp, may I ask who the lucky bloke was who gave you the pleasure last night was?"

Draco's grin fades. "No. That is none of your businesses." he barks.

Blaise scoffs. "Don't tell me your back with Scarhead again."

"Come on, Blaise. Do I really want to be with a guy who would risk his family alienating him?"

Blaise looks his friend in the eyes. He could tell there was a hint of a lie in his eyes but he couldn't figure out what part of his sentence wasn't true. "No…"

Draco climbs out of his green sheets and goes over to his trunk and pulls out his clothes. "Well then why would I go running back to Potter. I learned my lesson the first time." He says. He walks into the loo and locks the door behind him. As he strips down to nothing, he smirks. 'Actually I really didn't learn anything from last time.' he thinks.


Draco sits down in Potions next to Blaise. He leans over to him. "Hey, don't leave my side." he whispers.

Blaise looks at him with curiosity in his eyes. "Why not?" he asks, highly amused.

"Just don't."

"Look if it's Pott-"

"Blaise! I just need you not to leave my side. Don't ask questions. Just do it." he snaps. Blaise nods and Snape enters the room.

Snape looks over at Draco with a glare that burns into Draco's soul. "Mr. Malfoy, I need to talk to you about some missing assignments after class." he says, coldly.

As the class went on, Draco felt more and more nervous of what Snape could say or do to him. 'I'm so fucked. I should of told Harry to hold off till tonight. But no! I had to be a fucking moron and listen to my cock and meet up with him. Merlin, Snape is going to tear me an new one. Literally, probably.' he thinks.

A note floats onto his table and he quickly opens it:

Meet me in 'our' classroom and tell me what happens with your and Snape.

Draco sighs stressfully. 'Things I do to keep this relationship with Potter together.' he thinks.

Blaise taps him. "What did the note say?" he whispers.

Draco shakes his head. "Nothing much. Crabbe wanted to know what the essay was in Defense against the Dark Arts." he lies. Blaise nods and goes back to his work.

Draco lays his head down on his open book and stares a Harry. The image of him sucking his cock last night flows into his mind and he mentally groans. 'I hate to even think this but everything I'm putting myself though is worth Harry.' he thinks.

"…is due Wednesday. Class dismissed."

As everyone begins to collect their books and rush out of the class, Draco sits there, his head still on his book. Blaise begins to pack up when Draco grabs his friends wrist. "Come up with me." he says.

Blaise looks down at Draco like he's insane. "Weren't you paying attention at all today! Snape is biting people heads off for no apparent reason." he says. "He needs to get laid or something."

Draco's stomach turns. 'He's all pissed off because he didn't fuck me! What the hell!' he thinks. He sits up and closes his book. "Please come up with me still. He won't go off on me as bad if your there." he says.

Blaise sighs and sets his books down. "Come on."

Draco smirks and stands. The two walk over to Snape's desk, where the dark haired man was scribbling down on parchment. They stand in silence till Snape says, "Zabini, you have been dismissed" without looking up at the boys.

"But, I'm waiting for Draco."

Snape looks up from his parchment. "Did you not hear what I said?" he growls.

Blaise's back straightens. "I heard you loud and clear but I'm not leaving." He says.

Draco looks at Snape with a evil glisten in his eyes. Snape clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "Fine. Twenty points from Slytherin and you have detention tonight. Meet here at 11." he growls. Draco's stomach turns.

Blaise's jaw drops. "But-"

"Do you want to make it a full week?"

Blaise glares at his teacher and then glares at Draco. "I'll see you later, Draco." he snaps. He grabs his books and stomps out of the room.

Snape looks at Draco, his eyes burning with anger. "Why didn't you show last night?" he growls.

"Didn't feel like having my arse being ripped in half."

Snape glares at him. "Really? Hm, well last night I felt like writing your father." he sneers.

Draco's stomach falls to his feet. His eyes widen and his throat dries up. "You didn't." he squeaks out.

Snape nods. "But something kept me from sending the note though." he says. Draco lets out an inaudible sigh. Snape stands up and walks in front of Draco. He glares down at the boy before grabbing a fist full of the blonds long locks. Draco yelps.

"Get down on your knees."

Draco's eyes widen. "Now?"

"Why not?"

"What if-"

Snape silences Draco by smacking the boy across the face. "Get down, now! I'm not saying it again!" the man growls. Draco sighs in defeat. Snape lets go of his hair as Draco falls to his knees. He watches as Snape unzips his slacks and frees his cock. The tip of it was swollen and dripping pre-cum.

"Suck me off."

Draco frowns and sighs. He stares at Snape's cock, not moving. Snape smacks him hard. "NOW!" he yells. Draco looks up at Snape. He could tell Snape was about to snap and Draco didn't want to have a bunch of bruises on his body if he was going to go see Harry after this.

He watches as Snape's cock twitches when he breathes on it. He reaches up and kisses on the dark haired think of his night with Potter the night before. Draco licked the tip of the head and Snape groans.

"Stop teasing, you fucking whore." Snape growls, pulling on Draco's hair hard.

Draco nods and takes him into his mouth. He's mastered a way not to feel the need to vomit every time he has to do this. He presses his tongue hard against the bottom of his mouth so that he doesn't have to taste the older man.

Snape comes without warning. Snape eyes the 16 year old and watches him to make sure he swallows his semen. Draco stands to his feet. "Damn that was quick. I didn't even have time to really enjoy it." Snape says, aloud. "It must have been because you skipped out on last night and I had been expecting you."

Draco wipes off his mouth and shrugs. "May I go?" he asks.

"Yes." the dark haired man says. "Oh tell Potter 'thank you' for saving your arse."


Draco goes into his and Harry's classroom. He sees Harry sitting on the table. Harry smiles as Draco walks in. "Hey! What took so long?" he asks.

"Harry, did you stop Snape from sending a note to my father last night?"

Harry smiles. "Yeah. It was nothing. I have a way with Snape." he says.

Draco raises his eyebrow. "Did he make you do anything?" he asks.

Harry shakes his head. "No!" he says, quickly. "Snape and I are close and he understands when I tell him something."

"So the arsehole has a nice side?" Draco jokes.

"Only towards me."

Draco places himself in-between Harry's legs. "Does he know about you and me?" he asks, kissing on the boy's neck.

"He doesn't have a clue."

Draco smiles and Harry kisses him. His tongue enters Draco's mouth and he pulls back. "You taste…why…did Snape make you…"

Draco frowns and look away. Harry's face pales and he hops off the table. "Harry, you know he makes me still do this!" he yells. "It's the only way we can keep this from my parents."

"Draco, I'll see you later."

Draco looks dumbfounded. "Where are you going?" he asks.

Harry shakes his head. "I have to go, ok. I'll see you tonight." he says and storms out of the room.