Author's Note: Whoa! I read the last chapter... and it wasn't as retarded as i thought! well... here ya go... aw man... i drop my ring pop on the floor... gross...

and guess what! i think i'm going to edit this:dances around:

thanks to all of you who reviewed! 2lazy2sign in (well... it wont be TOO horribly compli- whatever, yes, yes it is. you x-files loser, MUHAHAH x-files losers rock!)Zesuit(no problem! . yup, sorry last chappy was kinda short... i ran out of ideas that didn't lead to some horrible orgy type- yeah.) peacelove(hehe, thanks! you're being honest, right: P)KHSsSoccerGurl(thanks! i'll try!) Sacred Candybar(haha your review made me laugh...hehe ur awesome.)

Three weeks had gone by since Kathleen had left.

Three long, awkward weeks.

Very long and very awkward.


Ciara, second in 'command', was indeed worried out of her mind. She would pace around, mummbling to herself, then run off for several hours then come back, worse than before.

Claire was in denial. Especially towards Ralph. Everytime he brought up Kathleen, she would say, "Oh, she's always gone this long!" Then try to snog him.

But the younger girls... very were getting panicky and suspicious.

With out the guidence of their eldest female leader, they were lost. Ciara would always leave in a panic. With Claire... her only interest was herobsession with Ralph.

So, the younger girls brought their suspicions on Ralph. As each day passed, it seemed that the girls had liked himless and less. Except Claire, who was just the opposite.

Claire and Ciara's command over the girls would be less and less effective as each day without Kathleen went by. But Ciara didn't mind that, she just wanted Kathleen back. And Claire couldn't care less, all she wanted was Ralph, and with Kathleen out of the way, what she wanted was now somewhat attainable.




"Alright, alright, alright!" Kathleen said quickly. "How about this one..."

The tribe of boys sat infront of her. Of course, there were two boys with pointed sticks at either side of her, and Jack, who was standing behind. Just in case.

"What..." She started. "do you get when you combine a donkey... and an onion?"

The boys infront of her scratched their head. Huh. What an odd-

"A piece of ass that brings a tear to your eye!" Kathleen shouted.

The boys roared with laughter. Even Jack chuckled.

"Another!" A boy sceamed.

"Another?" Kathleen repeated in a mock suprised voice.

"Yeah yeah!" The boys chanted.

"Well..." Kathleen pressed a finger to her lips.

"Yeah! Wench, another!"

"Yeah Wench!"

Kathleen's face darkened and she let out a low growled. "QUIET!" She barked.

The boys stopped at an instant. She smiled to herself, realizing how the boys grew more and more attached to her every moment she was around.

"Dont call me 'wench', alright?" She said sternly.

Jach was suprise at how his boys were acting. They were obeying her! That wasn't good. He needed to think of a plan...

"Alright?" Kathleen repeated.

"Yessum..." The boys said.

"Good!" She brightened up. "Anyways..."

"Then what do we call you?" A young boy asked.

"Oh!" She smiled. "Call me-"

"I'LL ANSWER THAT!" Jack cut in.

Kathleen glared at him for rudely interupting.

"Call her..." Jack gave a dramatic pause, and even Kathleen was a little curious.


Kathleen gasped. "MOTHER?"

The boys smiled. "Mummy!"

Kathleen grimaced. She didn't want to be looked up as a mother, the girl who comforted and nursed the boys... She wanted to be the leader. The girl who made the rules and made sure they were obeyed!

"And i am no longer Jack..." Jack said. "From now on, you will call me... Father!"

Kathleen's jaw dropped. What in the world...


The boys, especially the younger ones, made their way over to Jack and Kathleen, squishing them both together and creating one gigantic group hug.

After several hearty moments and more "Mummy!"'s and "Daddy!"'s, Kathleen and Jack stood side by side infront of the boys.

No longer was there two boys at either side of Kathleen, holding sharpened sticks at her neck. They had sat with the rest of the boys. Jack was somewhat suprised that they left without him comanding to do so... But he would punish them later, probably.

Now... he was waiting for Kathleen aka "Mother's" reply.

She looked at all the dirty, smelly boys' hopeful faces.

This was what they wanted. A family. She found it odd how that could go from barbaric to obediant in seconds.

Kathleen sighed. "Alright now boys... first thing's first. We need to gather food."

They blinked.

She was a mother, not a person who bossed children around! Kathleen thought for a moment.

" i can make you all dinner!" She added. Surely this was what their mother's did... prepare meals and stuff like that.

The boys smiled. "What kind of dinner?" A boy asked.

"Erm...Whatever you can find... but better!" She smiled.

They smiled to. She looked at Jack, who looked amused.

He said, "You heard your mother, go! And come back as soon as you find something decent!"

"YES FATHER!" They answered happily, and ran off.

"Oh do be careful!" Kathleen called in a mock sweet voice.

She noticed that one of the boys, Roger, was a little hesitant. But he left shortly after the rest of them.

Now Jack and Kathleen were alone in a cave.

"Well now, Jack dear." Kathleen said in a very fake voice. "I find this...cave... absolutly dreadful! And the children could get very sick, sleeping in here all the time. Look at the walls, moisture everywhere! Perfect breeding ground for bacteria. I think we should move down by the beach, its nicer and MUCH warmer..."

Jack smirked. "You think you're so clever, Wench."

Kathleen immediatly backhanded Jack in the face.

"Nu-uh uh!" She wagged a finger. "It's Mother now."

Jack growled., rubbing his jaw. Who would of guessed she was this violent?

"Damn, woman!"Jack said, backing away.

Kathleen shrugged. "I was a second degree black belt before i went on the plane."

Jack blinked. He picked the wrong girl...

"So dont EVEN..." Kathleen stopped. "...what do you mean i'm the clever one? You were the one who said the whole 'family' thing."

Jack stood up strait. He was a few inches taller than her. He smiled right back. "Well now honey... Here's the thing. All the boys want is a family"

Kathleen snorted. "Uhuh, and you wanted to dance around infront of them..."

"Well... you see, if i hadn't done that, then you would take over the boys with your... jokes and ideas...and beating me up all the time..." Jack muttered the last part. "But with a family... the Father always has the last word."

Kathleen glared. He was right.

"Whatever." She said.

"So honey... now since we are a Mommy and Daddy... why dont why act like it?"Jack grinned and wrapped his arm around Kathleen's waist.

Her eye twitched. "Dont even..."

"Oh, what was this about the beach? Why dont we check it out, yeah?"

Kathleen sighed and allowed Jack to lead her out of the smelly cave. At least she could convince everyone to take a damn bath... and maybe poop outside...

"Doctor Grey, is he alright?" The firmiliar femine voice called.

"I'm not sure... his brainwave scans are so unpredictible..." Dr. Grey said.

Ralph was having the odd dream again. Nothing but darkness filled with sound and feeling.

He was stuck in the limbo.

He had been having these kinds of dreams for a while now. Sometimes there would just be darkness and feeling, and no voices.

Voices. That voice sounded so familiar. He hadn't heard her in his dreams for a long time... or it seemed like that.

Ralph listened carefully. He hated these dreams, they weren't normal. He couldn't just snap out of them when he didn't like it. He had to sleep it through. Dream on...

Eventually, it would come to an end, and he would wake up back on the island.

That island! That island was horrible!

"Well, i've been reading him stories." The voice echoed through his mind.

"Really? Like what kind of stories?" The doctor asked.

"Oh, fairy tales. Like Peter Pan..."

"Ah, excellent choice. How very nice of you."

Ralph was still. He felt a warm, tingling sensation around his hand. He couldn't see it, but he could feel it.

"Look! He's moving!"

"Let me take a look..."

There was silence, but more feeling

"Well...not quite yet. But you know, telling him stories might effect his dreams."

"Is that bad?"

"I doubt it."

"RALPH!" A girl cried.

Ralph woke up. His dreams had been like that for a while. Ever since Kathleen left.

Wait a minute. Kathleen. That voice... They sounded both-

Thats when Ralph realized that Claire was sitting on his waist.

"CLAIRE!" He gasped. "What are you doing?"

She smiled. "I like you..."

Ralph frowned. This was weird, she was too young. If it was Kathleen, he wouldn't mind at all but...

Kathleen! How long was she gone? How long had it been? Almost four weeks? Time went by so quick...

And the girls were getting out of hand. They didn't listen to Claire or Ciara, they just did what Kathleen had told them to do before.

But that was the bad thing. Since they were stuck on the island like this, they needed to work together. But all the girls did what Kathleen told them to do on different days. So one girl would want to go shooting, and another girl would want to make braclets.

And since they didn't progess with people just doing whatever they wanted, they would get upset and nothing would get done. Then they'd start to argue.

Plus, Ralph couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't even suggest on a project, the girls hated him so much. They believed that it was his fault Kathleen hadn't came back...

Thats when Ralph decided that he would search the island for Kathleen. Even if he would have to go back to that awful cave Jack lived... where Piggy had been murdered...

Ralph shuddered.

What a pleasant feeling!

Ralph would leave right after... What was he thinking?

Claire shreiked with delight.

Oh yes. Right after he and Claire were through doing... whatever they were doing...