A/N: This will probably just be a short, but if you actually like it then I may continue it. This is just a short snippet that I thought up while on an airplane after having re-read Demon in my View. Please review after you have read this!

Black roses. The darkness, which had enveloped her, was like the velvet, lovely color of these flowers. They were a welcome element in a world that had been once filled with her pain, not so long ago. The memory of that excruciating pain, which had filled her as her life, blood, breath and soul were sucked out of her was softening as she drifted into the soft bed of black roses.

They had surrounded her, their teeth gleaming white under the moon. Their fangs looking more horrible then ever. Being a witch from the Smoke line she hadn't been as prepared as she probably should have been. They had wanted to see her suffer. Any witch was worth watching die painfully. There was no sweet antiseptic that came with a normal humans death. No views of paradise as her life slipped away from her. They passed her around. Each one greedily drinking of her sweet, rich enchanted blood. Though they usually were solitary preditors, for some reason they had been together this night.

There was nothing she could do, too many of them and she was already weary from a long day of working. There had been no time to think and no time to act. Vampires were quick, so were witches, but not this time. But now, she cared nothing of her past, nothing about who she had been or where she was. She cared less about the future that she knew she would not have.

But what would happen if she woke? What would happen if this now soft bed of black roses turned into thorns, red with the shed blood that she had lost to these monsters? These thorns waited to finish her off in a last burst of pain. They wanted to encompass her in a tormented darkness. In a way that would be much worse and final than the blackness of the roses that she now lay in.

Midnight roses, an omen of death, which was speeding toward her. There was no escape. This is the end, there was no way out but death, and soon she slipped under the roses. She was suffocated by their sweet intoxication. And she would know no more.

A/N: Ok-first-I hope someone reads this. And second I hope that whoever you are liked it. If not that is fine too. Please review either way. I am eagerly awaiting reviews. Do you think I should make this story longer or not-I could always make this the ending or the beginning-what do you think? Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.