Disclaimer: I do not OWEN FMA I don't think I'd want to either. If this were my show I'd be terrified of the fan base XD! Hides looking around carefully Perverts… EVERYWHERE…. Oh…. Wait… I'm one of them OH SNAP! Shot

Heh enjoy the story :D!

Chapter 9:

"If… You kill me… The…. The… The boy will die!" Sarah gasps out.

Envy glares dropping her nonchalantly. He turns to Ed ignoring the coughing doctor on the floor. He grins as he looks down to a scalpel. "Tell us or we'll kill him!" He leans over Ed trying to think of the best place to cut.

Her eyes grow wide finally panicking, not wanting Ed to die not when she could stop it. Lowering her head, Sarah grits her teeth, sighing in defeat, "He was… bitten and now is fighting a deadly disease."

Envy looks to her and stands up straight now paying attention to her words. "Oh?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you're the entire story! The only things that you could probably believe are that he has to fight it himself, and that at this point no one can help him." Sarah gets out very mindful of the scalpel by Ed's neck.

"I see, will he be able to use alchemy after words?" Lust speaks up this time.

Sarah nods her head slowly.

"Are you still needed in his recovery?" Envy grins.

"If he's bitten again, then yes… I know the most about this disease." Sarah speaks up, cursing herself for the slight hint of fear in her voice.

"Can you completely cure it?" Lust speaks up once more keeping her eye on Envy.

"Not when it gets to a certain point, when the disease has spread too far, then a person would die, I… I'm still working on the cure…" Sarah gets out despair threaded through her words.

"Great! Thank you for the information!" Envy speaks up. The sound of metal hitting wood could be heard through the room and the sound of the window opening.

"Ed… I'm…. sorry…" Sarah speaks up weakly, her fists clenching together, as her eyes squeeze closer together.


Sarah looks up in shock that the boy's actually awake, "Edward-kun!"

Grinning Ed turns his head to her, his face pale and warn-out, "I…. Feel like shit."

"Heh…" She walks up to Ed feeling his head obviously being very hot, Sarah sighs getting some cool compresses ready. "I can see that…"

"Doc…" Ed speaks up looking back to the ceiling, a determined look on his face, "You didn't tell them everything did you?"

Sighing, She looks to Ed leaving the compress in the small basin of water, "No, I didn't tell them everything, just enough for them to know that you could die with out my help." She sits down once more wringing out some of the water from the hand towel, placing it on his forehead. "Though there's more that you need to know," She pauses for a moment, as Ed slowly nods showing that she has his attention, "Do you promise not to get too terribly upset?" She watches him once more as his eyes turn to her. Sighing once more Sarah finally speaks up, "Roy was bitten by the same woman… There's no other way to explain it."

Ed's eyes grow wide for a moment, then quickly show anger and just as quickly turn to remorse. "Is she here 'cause of me?" He asked looking away almost fondly at the window.

"She probably knew how to find you since you are apart of the military." Blinking a couple times Sarah looks at her hands sighing once more, "He's fighting this too, he needs your sympathy. He was bewitched as well."

Ed grumbles, "Hmph, serves him right! He's such a pervert!" Ed grumbles though regrets it as he starts coughing into his hand, sighing as he finds blood on his hand.

Sarah smiles keeping her head down, "Yea he didn't like it when I told him he was a perver-" Sarah looks at Ed's hand shocked, blood, "Ed… How long have you been coughing up blood?"

Ed looks at her for a moment and smiles nervously, "For about three hours now…"

Sarah grabs a towel and wipes away the blood, "Ed… You need to fight this… For your brother."

Ed smiles "Heh…" putting his left hand on his forehead, feeling the coolness of the compress, "You make it sound like I've forgotten. Of course I'm going to make it." Ed turns to Sarah seeing her eyes covered by shadow, "Right? I mean if anything I'll have Roy coming in here bugging me about how I'm not allowed to die before he does. So I can't die just yet." Ed blinks slightly feeling fingers grip his bed-sheet lightly, looking up to Sarah tears running down her face. "Doc…"

"Ed! I… He's going to die… if I can't find that stupid cure!" Sarah gets out rather loudly, slumping back into her chair, "I… I don't want it to be like it was with Rick… He… He said he loved me so much… and then…." Ed watches as the woman before him breaks down. Her shoulders shake as she sobs into her hand. "I don't want to have to see it happen again with either of you!" She pauses a moment trying to stop her tears, failing horribly, "I…" She breaths in quickly and lets the air out unsteadily, "Sorry…" She stands up leaving the room, with Ed watching her, worry completely evident on his face, he looks down to his sheets taking into consideration what he's heard thus far.

Closing the door behind herself. Sarah walks to the wall resting her forehead against the wall. 'I… I need… never again… Rick… I… I'm so… sorry…. Please… please forgive me….' She drops to her knees, her sobs steadily slowing as someone runs up to her seeing the unconscious guard.

"Doctor!" Sarah looks up, her face tear stained, only to find a tall and rather bulky man. She blinks a couple times confused. "Dr. Sarah Reed! Are you alright?" Comes the deep voice of the man above her, she slowly nods. "Is Edward Elric alright?"

Sarah looks at the ground getting up, "He's getting worse…" She speaks up wiping the tears away. She sighs unsteadily, "May I ask whom you might be my good sir?"

"Major Alexander Louise Armstrong madam!" Armstrong salutes quickly, Sarah returns the favor and salutes him back. "How is Edward Elric doing worse may I ask?"

Sarah looks at Alex for a moment and reverts her eyes to the floor, "He… The disease is slowly eating through his system, and most likely if he doesn't start getting better very quickly he'll be coughing up more than just blood…" Armstrong looks at the young doctor terrified, or as terrified as one could get with Armstrong, obviously the man was completely out of the loop.

She looks at him for a moment, "You're not from this region's HQ… where are you from?"

"Main Central." Armstrong speaks up quickly.

"I see… word gets out quickly…" Sarah sighs.

"Of what?" Armstrong looks at her rather lost.

Looking at the man to her right she just couldn't believe that central knew NOTHING of the situation. Clearing her throat Sarah finally speaks up, "Colonel Mustang has also fallen ill from this disease, though his condition is more serious. If there's no cure found to this disease, then… the Colonel and Edward will both change into… well…" Sarah rolls her eyes knowing the man's going to laugh at her thinking she's joking, "Well into vampires…"

"I see…" Armstrong quickly holds his chin contemplating this new information.

Looking at the man before her, feeling a bit shocked Sarah leans forward trying to see if there's something odd about this man or hasn't looked over her day well enough. Shacking it off she turns to him fully sighing, "I know it sounds rather idiotic, but still in one way or another Ed and Roy will die with out a cure."

"I thought you said they would turn into vampires…?" Armstrong looks at her curiously.

Rolling her eyes, Sarah whispers to him, "I can't say it a lot around here cause they'll think I'm nuts tell me that there's no such things as vampires, and obviously if you're one of them you're probably thinking 'this woman's got to be kidding me right?" She sighs slowly, "I just wish someone would believe me for once…"

"I never thought that…" Alex gets out hurt obvious in his voice.

Sarah looks to him rather surprised once more, "Really?"

"Of course, these two fine men have been through a lot, it doesn't surprise me in the least that something like this would happen. Since, isn't it a myth that an alchemist once wanted to make a human so badly that…"

Sarah nods, "he made a human that needed to feed of the blood of others once every two to three weeks, though the really brutal ones feed once a week, or every day. Though that's when they're making their, 'meal' last." She shudders at the thought of this new person doing so to Ed, and just getting over Roy. "Though there was one report saying that they love youthful blood, it's new fresh, blah blah blah."

"What about virgin blood?" Alex asks curiously.

Sarah blushes furiously, lowering her head and her thumbs twiddling, "UM! I don't see how that COULD make a difference…"

"I see…" Alex nods slowly.

"Though…" Sarah thinks about it for half a second, "Some of the vampires believe that virgin blood is better and will grant them youth," She rolls her eyes at the thought, "Rather ridiculous since anyone's blood can do that it's just that youthful blood is supposedly sweeter."

Nodding, Armstrong looks into Ed's room seeing him slowly breath, looking rather exhausted. He looks to Sarah very seriously, "Thank you so much."

"For what?" Sarah blinks confused.

Armstrong quickly takes Sarah into a death hug, "For helping those boys, they need each other so terribly much!"

Her eyes grow wider slowly as the air in her lungs slowly is taken away by the mans over powerful grip, lightly patting his shoulder, Sarah manages a, "Sure…. Thing…."

Letting her go Armstrong watches her slump into the wall rather comically, her eyes swirled from the over whelming hug. "I shall go watch the boy!" Armstrong announces walking into Ed's room.

Smiling nervously, Sarah stands up holding her arm and ribs feeling them slightly ache. "S-sure…" She sighs slightly, and checks up on the guard seeing that he's only unconscious. Getting some smelling salts she awakens the man letting him stare at her for a moment, though jerks back in shock.

"WHAAA WHO ARE YOU, ARE YOU REALLY THE REAL DOCTOR!" The bold man from before speaks up his black hair bouncing around as he tries to get away from the doctor.

"Yes, I'm the real doctor." She smiles sweetly, though her sweet smile quickly fades, "Why wasn't there a guard inside the room? HMM?" She glares at the man seeing he's trying to avoid the question. "Well?"

"I… Though… It doesn't matter I was unconscious!" The man gets out quickly.

Sarah glares at him, and walks to a nurse button, "You can go to your surperior and tell them about your actions and have them fire you." She starts to push the button though is quickly stopped.

"Please… I thought First Lt. Would be back before you'd get back…" The bold man not so bold anymore speaks up, looking rather defeated, "Please don't get me fired…"

She looks at him with little pity, though some, the man HAD been knocked out, by things that weren't even human no less! She removes her hand and sighs. "Fine, have someone look at that wound of yours and have two more guards stand here, Major Armstrong is in the room with Edward Elric so you don't have to worry about a guard for inside the room." Sarah finishes up and leaves the man.


After a half hour walk through the hospital Sarah finally walks into Roy's room seeing how he's doing, though right away she could tell that the man was already doing worse. Looking to one of the nurses she sighs, "Has he been able to eat anything?" She asks pulling out a stethoscope.

"No ma'am…" The nurse speaks up calmly waiting for the doctor before her finish her examination.

"I see, has he awoken since he left urgent care?" Sarah asks standing strait up placing her index finger on her chin.

"No, he's been asleep."

"I see…" Smiling at the nurse, she excuses the nurse to find someone to stay and to guard him for the night. Walking over to the colonel Sarah sits down looking at him, seeing the torment on his face, it was obvious that the poison was still effecting him, though that came as no surprise since the mans DNA IS being changed into a blood thirsty animal. Her eyes narrowing slightly, she looks at him watching him fight it, seeming to be mauling over something. 'It'd probably kill Roy in his condition, but for Ed… even for Ed it could be risky but still it's worth trying."

The nurse returns with three men one being Havoc, "Hey doc."

Sarah smiles at her co-worker, "Hey, can I ask you to do me a favor?"

Blinking slightly, watching Sarah ask the nurse to send the other two out of the room to keep guard of the door. Havoc looks at the doctor before him suspiciously, "What's up?" he grabs a chair and sits with the back of the chair facing his chest.

"Well I wanted to try something with Full Metal, since he is in the same boat as Mustang." Sarah holds her chin thinking on the matter. "It should work but it's probably going to be really painful."

Looking at the woman before him, he blinks at her confused, "Wait, wait, wait! What are you talking about!"

Sarah looks to Havoc confused and smiles forgetting that Havoc probably has NO idea what she's talking about. "Sorry, basically, with the added DNA from the original host, it's like they've been poisoned, except they don't die, they turn into something else, that isn't what one would call human."

"Like the humonculi?"

"Yes basically. Though, with all this going on in their bodies, it will be harder for them to use their alchemy when, or if they get better." Sarah closes her eyes at the thought of losing either one.

"So what were you talking about before?"

Gasping, Sarah smiles nervously, "Oh! I'm sorry, I was talking about using garlic on Ed's food, have him eat some, since his condition isn't as serious as Roy's so he should survive something like that."

Looking at the woman before him as though she were insane, starts blinking once more in confusion, "Why would gar…. You're joking right?" He'd finally remembered the old myths.

"It has been proven that Vampires are extremely allergic to Garlic extract, also silver but silver bullets would be a little expensive wouldn't it?" She smiles nervously.

"Why didn't the bullets that we used before work?" Havoc grumbles, then remembers what had happened in the office shuddering at the thought, "I mean that man-"

Slapping her hand over Havocs mouth, Sarah glares at him shaking her head, "Do not talk about what had happened in that office, it would be too dangerous, they'd end up doing experiments on the poor man. Also try to turn not only Roy but Ed into killing machines, for the full grown vampire it takes about thirty to sixty seconds to drain a adult man. So don't mention what happened in that office to anyone." Sarah could see the terror in the man's face not really having thought about it. Well not seriously anyway, he slowly nods removing her hand.

Sarah leans back in her chair looking at the colonel next to her asleep. His face slightly twitching as he unconsciously tries to point out his pain.

"How did you get into this kind of stuff anyway?" Sarah looks up to Havoc curiously. "I mean what made you want to look up vampires and stuff so badly for the longest time it's been myth."

She looks at him for a moment, not really shocked, but still she wasn't really expecting the matter to come up anytime soon. "Well I would have thought you'd have looked at my file really. Anyway my fiancé and I lived in a small town in the west, about five years ago. Three weeks after my darling Rick asked me to marry him, there was this new woman in town, though at first no one thought anything about it, she seemed so nice, though very shy." Sighing Sarah looks to Roy.

"Then the men of the town started getting sick, even my precious Rick. I went in search for a cure, I didn't want him to get hurt like the other men were. After he'd really started to get worse, someone noticed something, that the graves of the men that had supposedly died were empty. I thought about it and after all the research I found nothing wrong with him. So I went to different sources, and there was only certain books that were correct about this sickness that he had. I went deeper and deeper, until I had found out the real truth of how vampires were made how to destroy them to whole thing." Sarah smiles covering her face, "Now I hate it that I found that information."


"Heh…" She leans back in her seat looking to the ceiling, "I still remember what he looked like that day… the last look on his face… He didn't believe me, and then when all was said and done… all that was left of him was ash, blood and foam… there was nothing left of him to…" Sarah closes her eyes as a tear falls down her cheek, "I killed what he became… not him…not him…"

"You… killed…"

"I DID NOT…. Kill… my fiancé…"Her eyes grew larger with each word she spoke not wanting to think that she truly had killed her lover. "He became a monster!" Sarah quickly glares at Havoc seeing that he's had just about enough of vampires and her past for that matter.

"Whatever… just tell me what we can do to get the colonel better…" Havoc slumps a little more forward onto the back of the his chair.

Looking to the new victims of the vampress Sarah looks to Havoc with a heavy sigh, "The only thing I CAN do is…. Give him garlic and hope and pray that it works. It's a big guess but it's better than nothing." She holds her hand over Roy's forehead feeling the terrible heat from his forehead, "He's getting worse… It's slowly eating at him like snake poison…"

"Well then inject it into him, NO wait do what you did before! When you just poured it into his neck." Havoc smiles at the idea.

Sarah looks at the bandage around his neck, sighing she stands up and walks to the door, calling the same nurse back, she speaks with her for a moment and sends her off again returning to her seat.

"What'd you ask for?" Havoc blinks a little.

"For some needles and to give Elric an injection while he's sleeping… I got a lovely warning from his brother about not to give him one while he's still conscious." Sarah smiles a little getting out the garlic extract from her back pouring some into two different bottles, and quickly screws on the caps, "I'll need to get some more… I'll get it in the morning…."

Both turn to the door seeing the nurse, Sarah smiles getting the syringes thanking the nurse and lets her leave. "I'm going to need your help…." She puts one down on the counter still wrapped in it's sterile container.

Getting up Havoc waits for orders of what to do.

Sarah looks at Havoc with a very serious face, "No matter what happens do not let him go…"

Remembering what had happened at the office Havoc quickly moves to hold down Roy waiting for the fire works to begin. He watches Sarah push the needle into, of all places, his heart, "Wha-"

"Shh! This is the fastest and safest way to get the anti-venom to go through out the rest of his body!" she pushes the liquid into Roy's heart and mumbles to herself, "And it's the most dangerous…." She removes the needle and puts it to the side and holds down his legs ready for anything.

Havoc waits looking at the Colonels face watching as sweat forms at his brow quickly, 'His temperature is breaking…'

Both jump when Roy finally starts moving around, his body moving around like that of a man going into a seizure. "NURSE GET ME ICE AND PILLOWS."

A nurse from in the hall halers back an understanding and runs off to get said things.

"What's going on?" One of the Guards speaks up.

"Colonel Mustang is going into a seizure!" Sarah does what she can to hold him down.

"His eyes they're rolled up!" Havoc speaks up fearfully, "OH MY GOD HE'S FOAMING AT THE MOUTH!" Havoc lets go to frightened to hold on anymore.

"HOLD ONTO HIM! I NEED THAT ICE DAMN YOU!" Sarah yells out, "He's GOING TO VOMIT GET A SPUTUM DISH!" Four other nurses rush into the room, one with an ice packet another with pillows in his arms, the third one directing Havoc out of the room, and the fourth with the sputum dish, turning the Colonel so that he wont choke on his own vomit.

Havoc looks at the door terrified, he had no idea something like that could do this to the Colonel, 'What'll happen to full metal? I don't think my heart could take another look at something like that again especially from the kid!' Just watching them terrified him.


Yes I know evil, I'm being mean to Roy. Still there is more fun tome come. Thank you everyone that reviewed. Also I'm putting up disclaimers cause ff is getting grumpy. I'll hopefully get from free time to get the rest of this cliffy up XD. Though yea college is making a little hard and my muses are hard at work at helping me keep up with school work T-T. Sorry for the long pauses inbetween.