Mikoto pushed herself up off the ground. She wasn't sure how long she had been asleep, but the sun wasn't out anymore. She was a little hungry, and she didn't really know where she was. She looked around at the room. It was a fairly large room, but the majority of it was a cell with a small window. She looked through the bars, wondering who could have lived in there. A mirror stood on the wall behind her with an ornate design on it; perhaps it had been used by whoever had lived in the cell.

She turned to face the door she had not come through. As she began walking toward it, the world went black and white.

"What?..." she whispered. She looked back behind her, and she saw the mirror in the wall begin to glow.

A woman came out of it.

Mikoto shrieked and fled from the room. She accidentally kicked an object and saw it bounce down the stairs in front of her. When she reached the base, she saw it was her mother's camera.

"Get away from me!" she yelled as she grabbed the camera and took a photo of the woman.

It had no effect.

Mikoto stood for a second, and then ran through the room. She tore down the next set of stairs, out the door, and into the Cherry Atrium. As she reached the small window, the world began to regain color; a quick glance behind her confirmed that the woman was no longer chasing her.

She fell over and began to pant for breath. "What…was that?" she gasped. "What's…happening…to me?"

She stood back up and looked into the Cherry Atrium. And there, hovering before the Moon Shrine, was…

"Mom!" Mikoto yelled.

Yae's ghost hovered before the girl. Every few seconds she would float a little closer to her daughter, but then she would pause. Mikoto stared at her mother for a few seconds, and then turned and ran once again.

She ran through the Cherry Atrium to the Burial Room. Through the Great Hall to the Rope Hallway. She turned the corner, praying that she could just get out, that she could escape, that she could forget this horrible place.

Her father was on the other side of the hallway. She let out a shriek and ran into the room with the sunken fireplace.

Ghosts were everywhere. There was a woman wearing a blindfold, and a woman with long hair. There was a man with his ribs showing, and a man wearing a demon mask. Amidst them all was another little girl pointing at the grandfather clock.

She ran to the stairs, clinging onto the tiny hope that maybe she could still escape. She tore up them and ran over to the Study door.

It was locked.

Mikoto spun around and stared at the horde of ghosts coming toward her. She stared at them defiantly, grabbing her camera tightly, hoping against hope that she would not have to fight them.

And then a voice called to her.

"Over here!"

She looked at the source of the call. It was…


The boy ran to her from the stairs she had just ascended. She stared at him and let out a small gasp; the man, the long-armed man, he had killed her best friend, he had –

She breathed out as he threw his arms around her.

When Mikoto Munakata woke up, she was laying outside of Himuro Mansion. She looked around her, but no one was there. No ghosts. No evil.

Just her.

- Mikoto Hinasaki's Diary

I don't understand. Why did Katsu save me? Mommy and Daddy were going to kill me. But Katsu saved me. He let me out…I don't get it. He said that ghosts were like guardian angels. Maybe…maybe he's right.

Hinasaki-san came to visit me today. He said that he's going to be taking care of me now. He seemed really sad about Daddy's death. I won't tell him what happened, though. I don't want him to be sad, too.

I had a dream last night with Mommy and Daddy in it. They were standing in front of a really big mansion, and then they went inside. I wanted to go after them, but I decided not to. I just…I feel like I still belong here, with the living.

I can't remember much about the mansion anymore. I have a few hazy images of some of the rooms, but nothing in particular. I can barely even remember what Mommy looked like. The only really strong memory I have is of Katsu sitting on the other side of the little campfire we made.

I feel so sad…but at the same time, I think that one day I'll feel better. I have to stay strong, for Mommy and Daddy. And Katsu, too.

I'll go on living…even with the pain.

And that's the end of the story. Well, that's not quite true – Mikoto had a granddaughter named Miku, who went back to Himuro Mansion and saved the ghosts. But you know that. :P

I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks to pikarikku, Fallen Akaichou, SyberiaWinx, uniquewriter, and ExDemon for their reviews – I really appreciate them.

Well, I'm off.
