Written for Ruxi & Viridian_Magpie

Despite his blindness Yomi knew many things. He knew that his fingers left bruises on those fragile human hips, knew that the body above him flushed a deep red when pleasured, knew that those green eyes darkened and rolled up during release, showing only white.

Yomi couldn't explain how he knew but he was sure of it just the same, just as he was certain that while his lover lay atop him murmuring promises of loyalty and love, betrayal lay woven within the words, a teasing duplicity that spanned lifetimes.

Although he would not allow himself to be taken in again sometimes in the heat of their passion, as his hybrid partner rode him with a fierceness only matched in battle, Yomi liked to think that those words were true.

And it was in those moments that he was thankful for his blindness for it assisted in his brief denial allowing him – for just a little while – to believe that he had finally gotten the one thing he wanted most.
