The new story, Left to Follow, is up. It follows the families 2 years after this story. If you want to get updates by email, put yourself on alert.

A preview from somewhere in the story:

"But she will know! He will know!" Darcy was having trouble staying in place. The urge to pace around, to look away – to get away from this insane woman – was ready to overcome him. "Are you intending to propose that they divorce?"

"Of course not! It would bring unimaginable shame to the family – "

"As would your suggestion! Or even, more so! A child out of wedlock for no other reason than this stupid idea of family blood lines? I may have a medieval brother, but I believe the rest of us are living in the same century! If they want children, let them adopt?"

"Like your sister Mary did? So conveniently while in France?" Lady Catherine snarled.

"Yes!" he said without thinking. "No! – you are trying to throw me off! You know very well what I meant. If it is all to be covered up anyway, who cares if belongs to one of them or neither of them? If you are so concerned about outside opinion – "

"I am concerned for this family! The same family whose name you bare, Fitzwilliam. I will not let it die!"

"Then you should have had sons!" Even in his enraged state, he could tell – after a moment or so of stunned silence – that he had gone too far. He stepped back, attempting to compose himself as he bowed. "I apologize, Aunt Catherine. But – surely you have not brought this idea to either of them?"

"No," she said. "I need your help to do it."

The blood drained from his face. He felt it, like it was growing cold as death. "You cannot be serious."

"I am very – "


"Fitzwilliam, I am your aunt – "

"I know who you are, and I will never consent to such a plan," he said calmly, his voice steady in his severity. "It goes beyond all propriety and taste, and I will have nothing to do with it. Ever."

"You – "

"We have nothing more to say on the subject. In fact, I find myself in need of refreshment or I may well be ill. Goodnight, Lady Catherine." He bowed again, turned, and left, tuning out her shrieks of his name by slamming the door behind him.