Title: No Grand Finale

Rating: PG-13 / T – It's RENT, for goodness' sake. Besides, this is violent.

Genre: Angst…

Summary: Drabble – Mark's thoughts on the 'dance of life.' Challenge 30


A/N: This is the challenge: "has to have both Roger Davis and Mark Cohen in it. Can be slash or friendship. You can either write off the prompt: dance club. Or you can read Lillia's and my summary of a real life event and write your story off it, basically you have to draw your inspiration from the summary, in any way at all." Also… "Fic has to be longer than 300 words OR shorter than 136 words."

I used the first choice, within 136 words, and I interpreted as follows…


"Life's a big dance," Roger once told me, when he was high. "Every action's another step to the finale."

I rolled my eyes, then, and asked him, "Where's the soundtrack, then?"

He smiled. "Everywhere. Everything's music, if you listen right."

I'm listening, now, Roger! I'm listening to my own agonized groans, his sadistic, pleasured grunts and the steady thud of the metal bar on my chest, my cracking ribs – I'm listening, Roger, and I don't hear any music!

I feel the twisting contortions of my body, sense the coiling of his muscles for the next savage strike – I sense no dance. My vision swims dark and blurry before me as I bleed upon the dirty asphalt; this is no grand finale. It is a dark and quite and horrid end.

... you… were… … … wrong…


A/N: Yep. In case you didn't quite get it, the last line is where Mark fades from blood-loss and whatnot. Whether he dies or not, well… that's for you to imagine. I have my own ideas, but far be it from me to influence you one way or the other… -wink-

Please review this, even if you hated it! I'd like to know your thoughts!

Love, Snarky