The Jewels The Guardian and The Ghost.

By Kellie Fay

Disclaimer: Danny Phantom and all related characters belong to Butch Hartman. I don't make money out of this. If I did I wouldn't need to work for a living.


A magical set of gems and an old enemy forces Danny to confront one of his worst fears. Can he place his trust in a mysterious new teacher who know far more about him that he wants her too?


Sarah stepped off the bus, and glanced around at the station. It seemed an ordinary enough place on the surface. As usual the bus station wasn't the best place in the world to hang out. A few homeless men sat on the benches with their worldly possessions gathered around their feet. The smell of cigarettes, coffee and trash came in on the early morning breeze. On her left a teenager was blaring a radio far too loudly, trying to drown out the television at the coffee shop on her right.

"Welcome to Amity Village," Sarah said to herself.

She managed to catch a taxi to her destination. Casper High School. Outside the school a few students were milling about horrified at the idea of entering the building early. One small group of three caught her attention. There to the left of a girl dressed completely in black and purple, stood her quarry. He had haunted wary eyes which seemed far too old to belong to such a young person. Next to him sat another student with a dark chocolate complection. He wore a bright red hat, and was busy playing on some sort of hand held device, but her full attention was on the boy in the middle. Other groups of students eyed the trio with disgust and disdain.

The more the fools they, Sarah thought as she walked up the grey flagstone path to the front of the building. To have such a treasure in their midst and to consider him a loser.

Sure enough the young wary student instantly noticed her as a stranger. He tensed not knowing if she was an enemy or not. She managed to appear as if she had not noticed the group, but as she walked by she reached out with her mind and gently touched his thoughts. It's all right Danny I'm not your enemy. We'll get better acquainted later.

Danny blinked and relaxed slightly. Whatever was bothering him now it wasn't her presence. She continued into the building and to her meeting with the school principal.


Chapter 1: The Newcomer

"Danny wake up!"

Danny Fenton blinked, and looked sheepishly into the violet eyes of his best friend Sam who was glaring at him impatiently.

"Sorry Sam must have zoned out there for a second," he said with a shrug. Considering that he constantly was short on sleep due to his ghost hunting it wasn't an uncommon thing for him to completely blank out for minutes at a time.

Sam sighed, but didn't argue. She knew how much, or how little sleep he was getting. "I said do either of you have any idea who she could be?"

"Not me," Tucker answered staring after the woman who had just walked past. "She is pretty though."

"Way to old for you Tuck," Danny said with a grin. "Maybe she's a new teacher."

Sam shrugged. "Well if she's a new staff member we'll find out soon enough. Come on you two, the bell is going to ring."

Twenty minutes later Danny and the others sat down in their chairs and Mr Lancer came in with that same strange woman.

She had sliver hair tied up in a bun. And a pair of wire rimmed glasses rested on the bridge of her nose, hiding a pair of storm grey eyes. She was dressed in a deep emerald green skirt with a celtic print blouse of the same dark green.

"Class this is Miss Daily," Mr Lancer said. "She's going to be your new math teacher.

Danny winced. Tucker made a small groan of pain. Sam just focused on the newcomer to the school. There was something about this woman that put Sam on edge, but she couldn't tell what it was.

"I expect you all to treat Miss Daily with the same respect you give all the other staff here." Mr Lancer finished.

He left the room, and almost instantly Dash whispered, "Looks like Miss Dorky to me."

"If you want Mr Lancer to keep teaching you math, Mr Baxter, I can arrange that." The new teacher said with a sly smile lifting her head slightly to look at Dash out of the corner of her eye.

Sam and Tucker sat up and looked at Dash behind them. He gulped and looked nervous. He didn't expect the teacher to hear him. Then Sam turned back to the teacher. She was looking directly at Dash now. She was still smiling but there was something feral about it. Dash was completely taken aback.."

"How did she hear Dash? Tucker whispered to Sam. "I barely heard him, and he's all the way in the back."

Just then Miss Mc Daily turned to give Tucker the same sly smile, but she said nothing. Sam worried that they would inadvertently become her next target.

The teacher turned away though as if she hadn't heard them, but somehow Sam knew that she had. She simply didn't care.

Okay this teacher is weirder than normal, Sam scribbled on a page. She shifted the paper to Danny's side of the table knowing he would glance and send a message back. .

Danny didn't seem to see the paper. His eyes were staring down into his notebook. His hand was moving writing the notes, but Sam could tell that he wasn't aware that he was doing so.

His eyes look vacant. Like he's under a magic spell or something. The last time I saw him looking like that was...was Sam forced the image of Danny under Freakshow's control holding an ax to strike at her away. Get a grip on yourself Sam. Freakshow is back in jail and Danny destroyed that control scepter. He's not under a spell. I don't think. Concerned Sam reached out for Danny's hand. "Da–"

Before she could finish his name she heard her own name being called. "Samantha?"

Blushing furiously that she was caught not paying attention Samantha looked at the new teacher with a feeling of impending dread. "Miss Daily?"

"I asked you if you knew how to find the radius of this circle. Miss Manson."

Of course she didn't she didn't hear what the teacher said before. "Um...uh."

Miss Daily's smile was gentle, but somehow it didn't reassure Sam. "Come to the board, and lets see if I can help you. "

Miss Daily kept Sam near her for the rest of the period. A few times Sam was able to look back at Danny and Tucker. Danny didn't even seem to notice that Sam was at the board. Tucker shrug once when Sam glared at him. She guessed he made a few attempts to snap Danny out of whatever was wrong with him to, because a few times Miss Daily called on him to answer a question. Fortunately Tucker knew most of the answers.

Finally the bell rang for class change. As Sam went up to her desk, to get her books. Miss Daily said. "Now try to pay attention a little better Samantha, and try not to worry so much about little things." If Samantha wasn't looking for it she might not have seen Miss Daily place her hand on Danny's back. As the teacher turned and left Sam saw Danny rubbing his eyes looking about in confusion.

"Danny?" Sam said, grateful that he didn't have the same blank look he had all during the class.

"Huh? Sam? Danny yawned, and looked up at her. "Did I sleep through the whole class?"

"Sleep?" Tucker looked at Danny in confusion. "You're eyes were open the whole time. You even took notes."

"I took notes?" Danny echoed confused. "But I don't remember."

Sam put in her own concerns. "But Tucker didn't you notice. Danny's eyes might have been open but he didn't really see or notice anything except what was on the board. He didn't even blink when Miss Daily called me up to the board. "

"You were called to the board?" Danny asked. When Sam nodded Danny shook his head baffled. "I don't remember anything about the class. I'm telling you I must have been sound asleep."

"Your eyes were open." Tucker reminded him. "Hey maybe you were like sleepwalking or something when you were taking the notes. That's a cool trick."

Sam shook her head thoughtfully. "I don't think so, Tuck. Miss Daily called me to the board when I tried to snap Danny out of whatever was wrong with him. Then when the bell rang you snapped out of it when she touched you. There's something weird about Miss Daily, but I don't know what it is."

Just then the late bell rang. All three gave out a collective sigh. "We're late for class," Danny muttered. "Again."

Tucker jumped over to the last desk where a slip of yellow paper rested. Picking it up he grinned and said. "Maybe not, I happen to have here a late pass for all three of us signed by Miss Daily."

"Miss Daily?" Sam asked. "But I didn't see her leave it. In fact I didn't see her leave."

Tucker shrugged. "Neither did I but get this, she left the time out we could stay here for as long as we want and not get in trouble."

Danny shook his head no. "Lets not take our chances Tuck, but why would she leave us a late pass when none of us knew we were going to be late."

Sam moved over to Tucker and filled in the proper time on the late pass. "I've got a better question. Why did she leave us the pass at all? All we've been doing is talking about her."

Neither Danny nor Tucker had an answer to that.

The next class was Social Studies, then English. Throughout the rest of the day Danny seemed to be fine. Still Sam worried.

"Look maybe Tucker was right. It was something like sleepwalking," Danny said to reassure her. "It will probably never happen again."

"Isn't that what you said the first time you went intangible?" Tucker asked.

Both Sam and Danny glared at him. "Danny, I know you don't want to think about it, but I still think Miss Daily did something to you. There's something creepy about her that I just can't put my finger on."

"But why did she do it? Tucker asked. "Cuz Danny was tired?"

Danny and Sam both now stared at Tucker with their mouths open. "Tuck you may just have something there," Sam said. "Danny felt like he slept during the whole class, and Miss Daily didn't want anyone including us disturbing him. Maybe whatever she did she did because he was tired."

"But why?" Tucker asked again. "And how?"

"I don't know," Danny said thinking hard. "But if she did whatever she did because I was tired, the obvious answer is for me not to get that tired again. I'm just going to have to make sure I get a good night sleep."

"And hope you don't have to go ghost hunting in the middle of the night again," Sam said cynically.

Coming Soon Chapter 2 Here we Go Again

Miss Daily looked up and smiled at the pair. "Do you always come into the school through a teacher's window Miss Manson?"

Tucker took a step back behind Sam. She however, refused to be intimidated. "What did you do to Danny?" She demanded.

Miss Daily sighed sadly. "Danny is fine, Sam. He's just sleeping."

"Then why are his eyes open?" Sam asked, folding her arms over her chest.

Miss Daily rolled her eyes and made a small annoyed groan. "Okay it's more like at trance, but if you leave Danny alone, when the class is done he'll feel as if he got a full night's sleep. All you two have to do is not speak or touch Danny for the rest of the class. The trance is pretty fragile. If you try to get his attention it will break and I doubt he'll let me set it again."

"He didn't want you to set it now!" Sam replied outraged. "Why are you doing this? Who are you?"