So, this is the end of my 10 days fic. I want to say thank you to everyone who read it, even if you didnt review. I hope you enjoy this last epilogue fic. I hope you all had a good Valentines day --.

Paring: SasuNaruSasu -ish

Genre: Romance

Warning: AU-yness(?)

It's Valentines Day.

I don't like this holiday. At all.

I wanted a mission but Kakashi-sensei insisted that we all get a day off, and told us to 'have fun'. Right…well that scares me.

Is it required to go outside on Valentines Day? I had planned on staying inside until I realized that I was starving and I didn't have any food. Meaning that I didn't have any ramen. So much for not going outside.

I stepped out of the house and turned to lock the door, when I see a flash of something behind me. I whirl around and glare at the spot. No chakra signature. I turn back to the door, finish locking at and leave for the store.

As a walk along the road Sakura-chan comes running up to me.

"Naruto, have you heard! They're having a festival tonight! Apparently Tsunade-sensei kept talking about how she wanted fireworks for Valentines Day and Shizune-san suggested a festival."

Wow, she sure is hyper.

"Me and Ino and Hinata are going as a group, so you had better come see us!" She sounds more like she's warning me than inviting me.

"Okay, okay, Sakura-chan, I'll be there." She grins and runs off.

As I walk through the isles of the super market, pulling down different flavors of cup ramen, I see the familiar spikes of black hair bobbing down the next isle. I jump up to the top of the shelf, but see no one. I do, however, get yelled at the owner, and am forced to apologies profusely.

"Sorry, Oji-san, I wasn't thinking," I saw scratching the back of my head. He frowns at me and waves me away from the store.

As I walk back to my apartment I see Iruka-sensei, who beckons me over.

"Naruto, would you like me to take your out for some ramen?" He smiles kindly at me. Even though I've been able to pay for my own food from the money I get paid for completing missions, I still like going out with Iruka-sensei. And who am I to turn down free food?

"Sure, Iruka-sensei!" I grin at him.

"One pork ramen, please," I call out. Suddenly I feel someone's eyes on me and I whip around looking towards some of the trees. And there, among the leaves, I can see him; Sasuke-bastard. And he's just sitting up there looking at me. I give him a 'what-the-hell?' look, but he continues to stare at me. I shrug, whatever. I'll find out what he wants eventually.

"Here you are, Naruto-kun!" Ayame's voice is happy and it brings me back to what I should be focused on: food.

Sasuke follows me around for the rest of the day. It's done discreetly and it would have worked, except that I know. And he knows that I know. And I know that he kno-- okay, never mind. That's not the point. But I don't really know what the point is.

I talk to Sakura-chan later and she tells me to meet her in the middle of the fair at eight tonight. I had gotten used to Sasuke following me around, too, when suddenly around six thirty he's gone. I feel kind of weird that he's not there, but I ignore it. I have to get dressed for the fair.

I don't wear anything different for the fair; my usual orange and black outfit is fine. I leave my hite-ate behind, though. When I reach the fair-ground at eight fifteen the girls are already there along with Shikamaru and Chouji who look like Ino forced them to come along. Hinata, Sakura-chan, and Ino are all wearing Kimono, which look strange compared to their normal Kunoichi outfits.

"You all look beautiful tonight," I say grinning at them. Somehow I think I've been around ero-sennin too much, which is probably why I don't like girls very much.

Ino smirks, "even Shikamaru?"

"Oh, yeah, especially Shikamaru," I say, laughing and rolling my eyes. I hear Shikamaru muster a quiet, "troublesome."

"Oh, Naruto! Sasuke-kun wanted me to tell you to meet him on the bridge," Sakura says.

"Eh? Really? Why?" She shrugs, "Aa, ok, thanks, Sakura-chan, I'll go see him"

I wonder what he wants from me, maybe he's going to tell my why he was stalking me today. As I approach the bridge I can see a lone figure standing there, his face illuminated by the lanterns. He is dressed traditionally, in hakama and haori, both with the Uchiha crest on them.

I feel my pulse quicken slightly as I walk towards him. He looks beautiful in the lantern light. So I'm attracted to him, I can't help it, can I? He is leaning on the railing, looking down at the koi swimming in the river. I come up and lean over next to him, placing my hands on the cool wood. The water is clear and as I look down I can see our reflections looking at each other.

Then I hear a rustling noise and I see him push a card across to me. I raise my eye brows, but say nothing. It is a simple white envelope and my heart beats faster as I peel back the flap and pull the card out. My eyes skim over the words and I laugh. He turns toward me scowling but the slight flush on his cheeks ruins the effect.

"Heh, nothing ever was straightforward with you, Sasuke" He doesn't say anything, but moves forward to press his lips to mine. I lean up into him, his is, after all, still taller than me, and I feel him smile.

Sasuke is a man of few words, but I think this card sums it up well.

Okay, so this is a Valentine's Day card.

And yes, I know all of the assumptions that go

along with said card. But don't worry.

This isn't one of those mushy-gushy,


my-life-began-when-I-met-you type cards.

This is just a "Hey, you're cool and I kinda like you" card.

Minus all the I-wanna-have-your-babies stuff.

I'm not saying you're my "soul mate"

or my "one true love." I don't wanna make you

run down the isle, count the stars in the sky,

or clutch a box of tissues in your hand as your

read this. All I want to say is

"you're neat and I think your starting to grow on me"


Thanks everyone!