Title: TV Stories

Rating: K

Summary: A series of one shots involving the Doctor, Rose and a TV.

Disclaimer: (to the tune of Don't Feel Like Dancin'):
Well I don't own Doctor Who and I think that really blows
Coz if I did I never would have gotten rid of Rose ...

Guilty Pleasures

The Doctor looked around to make sure Rose wasn't around. He took a deep breath and switched on the TV. His show was just starting.

After 10 minutes the Doctor was completely engrossed. So much so that he didn't hear Rose come in.

"Doctor?" she said in disbelief.

"Rose!" exclaimed the Doctor. "Er, it's not what it looks like. I was just, er, flicking round."

"No you weren't," said Rose. "I can't believe it. You, you … you watch Neighbours!"

"No, I, it's just … so what if I do?" said the Doctor.

"Well, I don't know of many 900 year old male aliens who watch soap operas," said Rose.

"You don't know many 900 year old male aliens, period," argued the Doctor. "Now shush … what did he say? Did you hear that Rose?"

"Er, something about Katya being in hospital I think," Rose said.

"Oh for god's sake, Katya's always in hospital!" the Doctor exclaimed. "She practically lives there!" Rose giggled as she walked out of the room. Maybe the Doctor would let her watch Day of Our Lives now ...

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I would like to thank my 50 YEAR OLD DAD for pointing out about Katya. Now, I'm not sure how many of these I'm gonna do. So review, and we'll see what happens.