By Katybelle

I do not own the characters of The Lost World.

This story takes place in season 3 between "Fire In The Sky" and "Hollow Victory"

How did Veronica go from loving Malone in "Eye For An Eye" to just being friends in "Hollow Victory"? How did Malone deal with what happened to him in "Into the Fire" and his rejoining the world in "True Spirit"? Why was Marguerite so upset when Malone left in "Brothers In Arms?" These are questions I always wondered about. In this story I try to give an answer to these questions and a few others.


Lord John Roxton had always prided himself on his even temperament, but Marguerite Krux was certainly putting it to the test today. Why did she constantly have to question his decisions? Why couldn't she for once do as she was told?

He knew the answer to those questions even as he asked them in his mind. It was who she was. It was what made her a woman of fire and steel; the reason he loved her so much. She wasn't like other women. Marguerite was quite capable of making her own decisions and she did not like being told what to do. Maybe one of these days he would accept that and stop trying.

They were preparing to go searching for medicinal herbs. Their stocks were dangerously low and it was important for their survival that their stocks were replenished. Roxton knew he had promised to take Marguerite to the Zanga Village and he also understood the festival only happened twice a year. This would have been an opportunity to trade with neighboring villages bringing goods they didn't normally see.

It wasn't that Marguerite's trading trip wasn't important. It was just this hunt for herbs to make medicines was more important. Survival was always the number one priority out in the jungle. But the more he tried to explain it to Marguerite, the angrier she got. She kept saying they didn't need him to go. Marguerite was adamant that Challenger, Veronica and Malone could handle it. He tried explaining to her that some of the herbs only grew near the t-rex hatchery and some in known raptor feeding grounds but she seemed to think Veronica and Malone could handle anything that came up. Veronica was capable but it was more than one person could handle.

Roxton would not admit it to her but the truth was he wasn't sure he could trust Malone. Since he had come back from the spirit world he seemed more reckless and took unnecessary risks. That could spell death on the plateau.

Roxton looked out on the plateau one last time then turned and walked back inside. Veronica was preparing a quick breakfast. She did not look too happy. Roxton knew she and Malone had argued last night about his reckless behavior involving the Hagens. Another reason Roxton felt he had to go. The tension between the two of them would make it harder for them to focus on their surroundings.

Challenger came up from the lab with his pack and a couple of extra sacks. He added them to the pile already sitting by the elevator. He looked at the two packs already there and then back at Roxton. Veronica handed him a cup of tea.

"Good morning Challenger," Veronica said with a smile.

"Thank you Veronica," Challenger said, "and good morning to you." He walked over to where Roxton stood, slowly sipping his own cup of tea.

"Where are Malone and Marguerite?" Challenger asked. "I want to get an early start. We have a lot of plants to gather."

"Marguerite is probably sulking," Roxton said with a grimace. "She's angry with me because I had to cancel her trading trip. She was looking forward to it."

"Yes, pity we couldn't make that trip," Challenger said. "It would have been quite interesting. A festival that celebrates the autumnal equinox. Extraordinary! What did you say it was called, Veronica?"

"The Festival of Marbon," Veronica replied.

"Interesting name," Challenger said. "It sounds vaguely familiar."

Malone walked into the room and laid his pack over by the others. He then walked over to the stove.

"No coffee this morning?" asked Malone, looking at Roxton.

"There isn't time for anything hot Ned," Veronica said. "We need to get moving as soon as possible. There's plenty of fruit to eat. You'll have to make do with that."

"Marguerite won't like that," Malone replied.

"Well she'll just have to dislike it then," Veronica replied. "We don't have time to indulge her whims this morning."

Malone looked over at Challenger and Roxton. Both of them held a cup of tea in their hands. "But you had time to make tea, I see," Malone said.

"You and Marguerite are the only ones who drink coffee," Veronica said defensively. "If you want it, fix it yourselves."

"Of course it's not important because Marguerite and I are the only ones who drink it," Malone stated irritably. "If Challenger or Roxton drank it, there would be a pot sitting on the stove."

"Ned you're acting like a child!" Veronica said angrily.

"It's not her fault," Roxton interceded. He could see another argument between the two of them beginning. "I was so busy last night preparing for our journey today; I didn't have time to roast the coffee beans. Blame me, not Veronica."

Malone grabbed some fruit off the table and went out on the balcony. Veronica looked over at him angrily and then just turned away.

"I guess I better go wake Marguerite," Roxton said.

"Well it's about time someone did," Veronica replied. "She's going to make us late as usual."

"Well someone's in a chipper mood this morning," Marguerite said as she walked up the stairs to the main room. She carried her pack and four large canvas bags. She laid them in a chair instead of piling them with the others at the elevator.

"What's for breakfast and where's the coffee?" she asked as she sat down at the table.

"Fresh fruit," Veronica replied, "and there is no coffee. You'll have to drink tea."

Marguerite turned and looked at Roxton.

"I'm sorry Marguerite," Roxton replied. "I didn't have time last night to roast the beans." He wished he had. He'd love to be able to make her smile this morning. One of her smiles made his heart feel lighter.

"I see," said Marguerite, reaching for some of the fruit Veronica had already cut up. "I guess I'll have tea then." She rose from her chair to get her tea, letting everyone know by the tone of her voice that she was not pleased.

"Sit down Marguerite," Roxton said quickly. "I'll get it for you."

"I am quite capable of getting my own tea, thank you Lord Roxton," the fiery woman said as she brushed by Roxton and went into the kitchen.

Challenger just shook his head. This was going to be a long two days. First Malone and Veronica, now Roxton and Marguerite.

"Marguerite, we don't need the extra bags," Roxton said as she sat back down at the table with her tea. "We have plenty for the plants we need."

"They're not for plants," Marguerite took a sip of her tea. "They're for goods I plan on trading for at the Zanga Village today."

"Marguerite we went through this last night," Roxton said. "This trip is too important. I can't put it off. I'll take you when we get back."

"It'll be too late then," Marguerite said as she reached for another piece of fruit. "The trading only lasts one day and then the festival begins. I have to go today. You can go search for the plants we need and I'll go to the Zanga Village."

"Not bloody likely," Roxton practically shouted.

"I beg your pardon," Marguerite said rising from her chair. "Are you telling me what I am or am not going to do Lord Roxton?"

"Yes I am Marguerite," Roxton said resolutely, knowing he was incurring the wrath of the hot tempered woman. "It's too dangerous for a person to go alone. Challenger needs to go because he knows what plants we need. Veronica knows where most of these plants are and I need to watch their backs. We're going into dangerous territory. I can't spare anyone."

"You can spare me," Malone said, walking into the room. "I don't have a job on this journey. I'll go with you Marguerite."

"Thank you Malone," Marguerite said with a smile. "I accept your kind offer."

Roxton did not like this any better than he did Marguerite going alone. He trusted Malone or at least he thought he did. But not lately. His reckless behavior did not bode well. "Malone we will need you with us today," Roxton said.

"No you won't," Malone said. "I'm just an extra gun. Marguerite and I can go to the Zanga Village and the three of you can go on your expedition."

"I think that's a good idea," said Challenger. "Marguerite can acquire the goods we need and we can acquire the medicinal plants we need."

"I think we should all stick together," Roxton protested. "It will be safer for everyone."

"Don't be ridiculous Roxton," Marguerite said. "Malone and I can go to the Zanga Village and back to the tree house without incident. We don't need the protection of the great white hunter." Marguerite put her hands on her hips as she fired off at the hunter.

"I agree with Marguerite," Veronica interjected softly. "There's no reason she and Malone shouldn't be able to go to the festival." For the life of her, she could not understand Roxton's need to always protect Marguerite. The woman was quite capable of looking out for herself. Sure she could get them into some bizarre situations, but she could also get them out.

Roxton knew he was overreacting, but he couldn't seem to stop himself. If anything happened to Marguerite, well he didn't even want to think about it. Roxton turned as he felt Challenger touch his arm.

"I think the two of them will be fine Roxton," Challenger said softly. "Both of them are able to take care of themselves."

Roxton nodded his head. He knew he had lost. He just hoped Marguerite would be careful.

"Let me see your gun," Roxton said to Marguerite. "I want to check it."

She indulged the overprotective hunter by handing him her pistol. He checked the gun to make sure it was clear and then handed it back to her.

"Okay Malone let me see yours," Roxton said, extending his hand out for Malone's gun.

"I've already checked it," Malone said.

"Then it won't hurt for me to check it again, will it?" Roxton said irritably.

Malone decided it wasn't worth starting an argument over and handed Roxton his gun. The hunter checked it and handed it back to his younger friend. Malone tried not to take it personally, but it was difficult not to.

"Marguerite I was just explaining to Veronica that the name of the festival sounded familiar," Challenger said, trying to ease the tension in the room. "Have you ever heard the name before? I believe she said it was called Marbon."

"It's very similar to Mabon, which is the name for the Celtic celebration of the equinox," Marguerite said, while nibbling on some fruit. "We've found Celtic references here on the plateau before, so I can't say I'm surprised."

"Yes of course," said Challenger. "Marguerite perhaps it would be a good idea to get a history on the festival and maybe learn something about the different people who will be taking part."

"Challenger the only thing I will be getting is the best deals I can find," Marguerite said. "Need I remind you that all your shirts are practically threadbare? I bet you don't have a pair of trousers that haven't been patched."

"Of course you're right my dear," Challenger said, patting Marguerite on the shoulder. "By the way, while you are there, try and find some kind of writing material. I'm using my old notes and could sure use some clean paper, if there's any available."

"I'll try George, but stationery is not something you find a lot of on the Plateau."

"I'm sure you will do fine. You are very good at negotiating with trades people."

"Well someone has to be," Marguerite said, as she got up from the table and started getting her things together.

"You will be back tonight, right?" Roxton asked.

"Maybe," Marguerite said. "We may decide to stay the night and enjoy the festival tomorrow."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Roxton said. "There's going to be a lot of strange people there."

"Well we will come home tonight," Marguerite said in a huff, "but not because you demand it. I will be anxious to return home with our goods."

Marguerite got up and took her cup into the kitchen, cleaned it and put it up. Roxton did the same with his and Challenger's hoping to talk to Marguerite, but she walked by him like he wasn't there.

"Malone what do you have in your pack?" Marguerite asked, checking her own as she spoke.

Malone opened his pack and started pulling things out. "I have a blanket, an extra shirt, some extra ammo, some rope and a few bandages."

"Put some more first aid items in your pack," Roxton said.

"We're just going to the Zanga Village," Malone argued. "How much do we need?"

"It's better to be prepared," Roxton said.

Marguerite rolled her eyes. "I've been on my own for quite a few years and believe it or not Lord Roxton, I managed to survive without your help. I can look out for myself."

"Yes it is a good idea," Challenger interceded before another argument broke out. "We have some willow bark left and some of my anti infection powder and you can take some more bandages." Challenger went down to the lab to get the supplies needed.

Malone put the things back in his pack and followed Challenger to the lab.

"I've got all that in my first aid kit," Marguerite protested.

"Well it won't hurt to have more," Roxton stated.

"Fine!" Marguerite said irritably. "I would like to get on the trail this morning if possible."

"So would I," Veronica said. "I agree with Marguerite. You are overreacting. If they run into any trouble they won't be far from the tree house or the Zanga."

"You can never be too careful out here," Roxton said defensively. "You never know what the plateau will throw at you."

Malone and Challenger came back up the steps from the lab.

"Are we all ready to go?" Challenger asked.

"Yes the sooner we get going the better," Veronica said.

Veronica and Challenger went and picked up their packs. Both Challenger and Malone grabbed their rifles and stepped onto the elevator.

Marguerite grabbed some fruit and added it to her pack. She put her pack on and grabbed the bags and went to wait for the elevator to come back up. Roxton put his pack on but hesitated before he reached for his rifle. He already had his Webleys on.

"Marguerite please don't be angry with me," Roxton said softly. "I'm only concerned for your safety. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Roxton I know that," Marguerite said, "but you've got to stop treating me like I'm helpless. I can take care of myself. I am not a child and I don't need you ordering me around like one." Marguerite was still angry.

"I am well aware of that," Roxton said. "Look Marguerite you can't stay angry with me forever. I don't do it on purpose."

"Don't count on it. I can stay angry for a very long time."

Roxton flinched at Marguerite's words. He knew she was right. He did get over zealous at times but it was only because he loved her. What made it so difficult was he could not declare that love. She wasn't ready and he could lose her forever if he moved too soon.

Marguerite saw the pain in Roxton's eyes. She took a deep breath and calmed down a bit. She knew his over protectiveness came from his desire to keep her safe.

"I know you don't do it on purpose, but you still have to stop. Anyway you're the one who needs to be careful out there. I wouldn't want some big t-rex having you for lunch." Marguerite said sarcastically.

"Don't worry I will be careful," Roxton said with a smile grateful she had decided to let him off the hook. He walked closer to the dark hair beauty but she moved away.

"The others are waiting. We better go on down." Roxton sighed and reached for his rifle. They got into the elevator and went down to the ground.

The others were waiting patiently for them. Malone and Veronica were standing on either side of Challenger, neither one would look at the other. The tension between Veronica and Malone was obviously still there. Roxton suspected they had been arguing because Challenger looked very uncomfortable.

"Good we are ready to go," Challenger said a little too quickly. "We mustn't waste time now. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can return."

Marguerite walked up to Malone and handed him the extra bags.

"You expect me to tote them?" he asked.

"Yes," Marguerite said and walked by him towards the gate.

Veronica and Challenger laughed as they followed Marguerite to the gate.

"Well you wanted to go with her Malone," Roxton said. He walked beside Malone as they headed for the gate.

"Malone be careful out there," Roxton said. "Don't take any foolish chances. It's not only your life at stake."

"There's no need to worry," Malone said. "I would not do anything to endanger Marguerite."

"Good," Roxton said. "Let's get started then."

They joined the others at the gate. They walked together until they had to go their separate ways. Marguerite and Malone headed towards the Zanga village while the others headed in the opposite direction. They said their good-byes and wished each other safe journey.

Roxton turned and watched Marguerite walking away from him. He wished he could have gone with her. He knew it was silly. Maybe it had to do with the fact he had just come to terms with his feelings for Marguerite. He knew he loved her but wasn't ready to tell her yet. He wasn't sure how she would react, even though he felt pretty sure she felt the same. It would have been nice to have some time alone with the dark haired beauty. Maybe after they got back, they could spend some time together.

Roxton reluctantly turned around and headed away from the woman he loved. They were heading into dangerous territory and he needed to focus on the task at hand. When they got back in two days, he would find a way to make it up to Marguerite.

To Be Continued