Strong hands were hugging her tightly, the same hands that she always loved to feel around her.

Tender and demanding lips were pulling her into a possessive and oh so passionate kiss, sneaky tongue was battling her own for dominance; winning as it always did. Strong, powerful and masculine scent that could only belong to him invaded her mind. She was lost. Lost again and forever.

Every morning men and women in the Blueberry Village would wakeup and begin their daily routine. Children would be seen running on the dusty streets, women chatting amongst themselves near the entrance of various shops, gossiping about the others, their husbands working to provide their families with food and other supplies...all in all life in the Blueberry Village was as normal and calm as one can be in the countryside. Days would go by and nothing significant would change. The whole population of Blueberry was no more than one hundred fifty or something people, including elder ladies and gentlemen. Years went by without really changing the village itself or the people living in it. The new millennium would come around pretty soon, but it didn't really matter to the villagers of Blueberry.

In the evenings, when fathers would finish their work, when mothers would already prepare dinner and children would finally stay calmly at home after a noisy and busy day, families would gather around a big wooden table and talk over the day. It was really a tradition in Blueberry and every family would do the same- gather, talk, eat. All houses looked the same and people themselves were no different. No strange things would happen, not much of gossip to find around, television was not as welcomed as in the " new world"-big cities, radio was of course in use, the newspapers were there as well, but that was not the most interesting thing for the families.

Once in a while, on some rare occasions people would gather on the main village square to listen to the most fascinating fairy tales that were told by the elder people. The square looked nothing like the ones the new generation was used to. It was like one of those infamous squares one could find in Medieval cities- with a small church that made you feel taken back in time-it's round columns and a gargoyle above the entrance, with the market place where in the daytime mothers would buy vegetables and children beg for candies and with a small town hall. Old stone blokes were still there, no new roads were built for a long time. It seemed like the village was frozen in time.

Today was one of those days that the whole population of Blueberry anticipated for a long time.

It was a fairytale evening. Today one of the eldest women would tell them all a magical story, or better to say- retell, since every single soul in Blueberry already knew it by heart. The storyteller, a very old lady around 90 years old, once again would share the story with them.

Everybody liked her fairy tales. You ask why? Because they contained things that didn't exist. Things like Magic, Dragons, Ghosts and Vampires. Yes, people of Blueberry loved fairy tales, but this one was their favorite. Why?

Well, because there was nothing unusual in their pretty village, nothing weird, dark or dangerous. Except for one thing.

The castle on the cliff some miles away from the Blueberry village. Everybody wanted to know more about this strange and creepy place, but they didn't dare to ask or , God help them, go and explore it. It was cursed, no one knew or remembered when it was built. It was located on the cliff above the dark, unruly sea, waves attacking the rocks like a serpent would attack it's pray. The abandoned castle with it's high and mighty walls , blacked by time and lack of care, with dusty, broken windows. The house with it's huge iron gates was sure to intimidate any who dared come near it. On the side of the gates there was a huge stone snake with it's mouth opened and fangs revealed, guarding the entrance to the mansion.

Curiosity killed the cat, so no one dared to go closer to the castle and so, the only source of information was the elders. Everyone though the elder madam, Ms. Lilian, was crazy for she believed that her fairytale was true.

So, as the evening came, Blueberry citizens made themselves comfortable on the Main Square benches and Ms. Lilian began her story. Small children would stay quite and listen, their parents would imagine the fairytale and the square itself would listen to story that, Ms. Lilian claimed to have seen. The story about the owners of the castle.

"I still remember how they looked like- so young, beautiful and full of energy. The young man was extremely handsome, let me tell you" began Ms. Lilian smiling. " He had dark hair that lay in waves and shined in the sun. You really couldn't find any flaw in him- very tall, slender but strong, he had that air around him that made you want to drop to your knees and beg for mercy.", Ms. Lilian closed her eyes to bring back the memory. " His eyes though were the most interesting, but dangerous thing- they were like ice crystals, cold, unforgiving, and commanding. When I once met his gaze I felt like he could see straight through me. Yes, he was a very dangerous man. Do not ask me why, I just knew it. I could see nothing in his eyes, his gorgeous face was unreadable. I really couldn't imagine anybody who could stay calm and feel safe around him. That was until I saw her." Ms. Lilian took a sip of tea before continuing with the story. Every time she retold the story, she felt as if happened just yesterday and not over 40 years ago. Ms. Lilian could see that everybody remained quiet so that the magic of the story would not disappear. And so she went on." I was going to the market place on that day, I really didn't want to, since it was raining, but my sister was ill and I needed honey to cure her. So, I was on my way to the Main Square when I saw her. She was different from what I was used to seeing in our village- her hair was long, curly and wet, so I really couldn't tell what color it was. But I think it was honey-brown with some blond strikes. 'Who would dye their hair like that?' I remember thinking. She was muttering something under her breath which sounded very strange. I still think that I misheard because who in their right mind would be saying something like 'Why didn't the basilisk or gasilisk, I'm not sure, swallow your Slytherin ass'."

The people on the square laughed with Ms. Lilian. Really, who would say something like that?" Alright, alright, let me continue", pleaded Ms. Lilian and everyone went silent.

"The girl, no... young woman, made me wonder about her. It is not every day that you meet strange young ladies in strange clothing muttering nonsense. Yes, her clothing was very strange. It looked like ah...",she said slightly pondering, "cloak or something. Green with silver linings. And, let me tell you, she was holding a strange looking stick in her hand. I really though that she was insane and ran away from some kind of a psychiatric hospital. She wasn't homeless, believe me. Her clothing looked very expensive, you could see that even though it was wet, but what really caught my attention was the ring. As I said, it was raining heavily that day, but just for a second a sun peeked out from the heavy dark clouds. The sun threw it's shiny rays on the strange young woman and I thought I might go blind. There was a gorgeous ring on her wedding finger with a huge, trust me, huge diamond which was held by two snakes. I must have really been blinded for a second because I thought I had seen those snakes on the ring move. Can you believe that? The woman looked up and I saw her eyes. She wore make up and it didn't melt from the rain. Perhaps it was bought in the 'new world', but it really didn't matter. What mattered- was her eyes. Eyes of the color of honey mixed with gold. The strange girl was beautiful and had a very nice figure. I think I would have stared at the girl for a long time, but I was disrupted. It seemed like it was a very strange day all in all, because I could swear that out of nowhere came He.

Now, when I think about, it seems completely right that they were together because it felt as if they were one soul. Complicated, I know but when I saw her eyes light up and smile at him… I just knew he was her husband and when the said husband who looked like ice smiled and whispered something to her, I knew they belonged together." Ms. Lilian stopped for a second and looked at the awed public. They have heard the story many times, but it always felt like the first time to hear about those two strangers who lived in the castle, or so Ms. Lilian used to claim.

"I have seen them many times after that. They were either walking and whispering to each other, or I could see them standing on the cliff above the sea. The man also wore strange clothing. A midnight black cloak that swirled behind him making him look like a devil. They were mysterious, but you could feel that it was better not to approach them, as many wanted. They reamed of evil."

"They had lived in the castle for 2 or 3 years before that night. It was Halloween and all of Blueberry was preparing to celebrate. When it happened. Something extremely strange and creepy. As you know, I am the eldest citizen of Blueberry and I was the only one to witness what that cursed night brought upon Earth. I was on my way to the home of Eldbridges, an old family that disappeared that night. I was on my way to give them good greetings.

Everything happened so suddenly that I still wonder if I was hit by the lightning.

I looked up at the castle and saw that there were flashing lights in the windows- green, white, red. A scream could be heard in a couple of seconds. I don't know why, but I am sure, that the voice belonged to the strange woman had I met earlier. She was running from the castle and you know what?" She asked the anxious crowd who was clinging to her every word. "I could have sworn I saw a very old man with long white beard shout something at her. The old man also had a stick in his had that kept shooting some bright rays of light from it's tip.

I think I heard him scream at her something like ' It is for the greater good, Harmony or something or other', I didn't quite get the name of the young woman. She kept running towards the village, screaming a name. I am sure it was 'Tom'.

I really thought that I was going crazy when the next second something happened that made me feel confident that I was not going crazy. A handsome man, Harmony's or something's husband, the one I told you before just appeared out of nowhere with a soft pop.

I don't really remember what happened next, I just remember flashes of light between this Man, Tom, and the old man with the long white beard.

The last thing that was imprinted in my mind was this strange young woman screaming while she was consumed by thick pink fog. I remember how her husband ran towards her while she kept disappearing and one could clearly see panic and fear on his gorgeous face. The next second she was gone. I was hiding behind a bush so they couldn't really see me, but I could see and hear them quite well. The last thing before both the old man and Tom both disappeared; I heard Tom speak, no hiss at the old man."

"This is only the beginning Dumbledore."