Ghost Hunt: House of Monsters

In the Beginning

Lighting flashed.

"Why?" cracked the young boy's voice. His face was soaked in wet salty tears. "Mother…?" his raw voice croaked. His terrified eyes were locked on her figure lying in the middle of the floor. All of that blood couldn't have come from one body… perhaps his tears had run together with a small amount of blood and turned red? He didn't know. All he knew was he was standing and his mother was on the floor, blood pooling from a wound he couldn't see.

Another flash of lightning lit up her cold, pale, frozen in horror, face. Her soft autumn hair fell in tresses around her head before being dyed red from her own crimson liquid.


Why was there so much blood?

His childish form began to shake, was he even breathing? He looked in to her dead honey eyes.




She was…

His mouth burst open unleashing a terrified scream.

"Father! Father! Mother…she…she's…" he wailed bursting through the Study's doors to the dark hallway.

Where are you?



Don't leave me alone!

Halls, doors, rooms, this place was never ending. There! Father's library was at the far corridor ahead of him. A new hope burst from somewhere within him. Father! He would be there. He always was! He'd tell me him that this is all just a bad nightmare, that everything was going to be okay.

His short legs moved faster than possible at this new hope.


It's so far away!


It feels like I'm not moving!




His form slammed chest first into the room's hard olive wood door. He fumbled with the glass doorknob until he heard it click open.

His lungs took in large gasps.

Calm down!

It's going to be all right now.

He bit down on his lip causing a small trickle of liquid to drip. Sure the salt from his tears stung horribly, but he was calming down. His breathing was deeper than normal, but at least his heart had slowed down at least a little.

Taking one last deep breath he burst through the door.


This isn't real.


It's…this is…just a dream.


It's just a bad dream!

Thu-thump, Thu-thump

A nightmare! It's just horrible nightmare!

Thu-thump, Thu-thump, Thu-thump

This is…

Thu-thump, Thu-thump, Thu-thump, Thu-thump, Thu-thump, Thu-thump, Thu-thump

"F…a…ther…" he breathed.

Another flash of light burst through the large window revealing the hanging corpse. All of its limbs were torn off.

"This…can't be happening." he cried backing up to get as far from the gruesome scene as possible. His hot, clammy hands met the cold stone wall. His legs gave way and he fell to his knees. Such trivial things don't matter, not the cold stone sliding up his back, nor the fact that his hands were covering his ears. Scared eyes stared at the gray marble floor.

Something caught the corner of his vision, something that shouldn't be there. What was it? He slowly shifted his eyes to get a better look.

This isn't…

Focus came to his mind and his eyes widened with realization and terror. Sick. He felt sick.

He vomited.

"This can't be happening." He whimpered. Try as he might, he couldn't tear his gaze away from the object.

An arm.

His father's severed arm.

He slammed his eyes shut and snapped his head back to the direction of the floor.

"This is just a really bad dream!" he yelled out to no one. Maybe if he spoke it out loud he would be able to convince this dream to change. His hands clenched his ears tighter.

This isn't real.

I don't want to die.


When will it end?



I'm so scared.

Let me wake up.

I don't want to be alone.

Wake up!


I don't want to die.

This isn't happening.

Wake up!

I don't wan to die.

I don't want to die.

The door creaked open.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

Please, don't let me die.


A horrible smell filled the air.

His eyes snapped open.

Slowly he looked up.

A silhouette stood ten feet away from him. His head was down and his long dark bangs covered his face. His arms were at his sides. This man was…

"Brother!" the young boy gasped with relief. He started running toward his only remaining family left in this terrifying dream. He knew it was wrong, but he felt happy, or maybe what he thought as happy was just an incredibly high level of relief.

"Brother, I was so scared!" he cried as he was about to jump into his older brother's arms.

"I'm so glad you're ali-" Blood sprayed out in the distance between them.


Was brother hurt?


It was me.


Unbearable pain swept through his entire body. He stared down at his chest in disbelief.

A dagger?

"B…brother?" he asked horrified.

This is just a dream.

Wake up!

He stumbled and tried to run away from the newest edition to his worst nightmare.

Please, I want to wake up.

If only he could see his brothers face. See the warm understanding baby blues he envied so much. That wish was left empty, hidden by the shadows.

I really want to wake up.

He tripped over his almost useless legs. It was useless. He could no longer run. Slowly, his consciousness started to slip away and his vision became hazy. He used to last of his strength to stand and face his brother.

"Brother, my brother. Why?" was all he could mumble as he stared at his figure. The unknown brother started making his way to his traumatized sibling.

He gasped.

Why didn't he see it before?

In the right hand of the deranged man was a blood stained dagger, while in the left…his father's other severed arm.

"You…you killed them!" he wailed in realization.

The man just smirked and got closer to his brother.

"Why? Brother?" he demanded now that his enemy was right in front of him. The man lifted his head to reveal two solid black eyes. The child screamed out once again from absolute terror.

"Sorry." the man said. The arm holding the dagger slashed the boy through his shoulder and sliced its way though his stomach. "Brother isn't at home right now."

He gave one last blood curling scream.

It hurts so much.

Please, wake up!

This isn't real.

Blood, stop pouring.

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.


It hurts so much.






His mind went blank and he fell to the ground.

Why won't I…

Thu-thump, Thu-thump, Thu-thump

His breathing became shallower and he gave one last look to his brother.

Black eyes.

This man had no soul.

A face covered in blood. A demonic smile plastered to that wretched face. He watched in disgust and horror as the man put the arm to his lips…and tore away the flesh before swallowing.

Everything's blurry.

Thu-thump, Thu-thump

My pain is gone.

I feel numb.


What is all this liquid?

Is it blood?



My blood.

I'm going to die.


Why won't I…


The light started to fade from his eyes and his body turned cold.

Why can't I…




The black eyed man finished gnawing on the bones and tossed the clean eaten ones to the big pile with the rest.

A demonic laugh filled the empty walls of the castle.

Black eyes scanned what was left of the bodies.

A mocking grin smeared his lips.

"Don't worry little boy…" he sang in a haunting voice. "You'll always be together for eternity…" His grin grew even bigger.

"In Hell."

Day 1

"Mai! Be careful with that TV monitor!" the hansom, dark haired young teenager barked.

"Of course I'm careful…you meanie." I snapped back, mumbling the last part to myself. That man can be so mean sometimes! He doesn't even appreciate the fact that I'm the only one actually helping him with all of the heavy stuff! I stop my struggled walking/carrying of the insanely heavy TV to look at his back as he walks away. I stick my tongue out at him. Childish, yes, but affective…for me at least.

Let me explain.

My name is Taniyama, Mai. I'm a first year high school student with a rather unusual part time job. I work as an assistant ghost hunter for Shibuya Psychic Research.

"Lin, were you able to get any information on blueprints?" he asked.

The hansom man in black would be Shibuya, Kazuya…but I call him Naru because he's a narcissist. Even though he's only seventeen, he's my superior at work. In fact, he's the president of Shibuya Psychic Research.

"No, there were no such papers documented, all there is, is a rough outline of the outside." replied the dark haired man sitting at the computer screen.

This is Lin-san. He doesn't talk a lot and usually keeps to himself. He's Naru's assistant, and what people call a Diviner. I find him a little scary, and we usually don't make much contact or conversation with each other.

"It can't be helped. Mai, you'll be making the blueprints when John, Hara-san, Ayako-san, and Bou-san get here. They'll be arriving tomorrow."

"What? Fine, then. What are you going to be doing Naru? It's a little obvious who's who when only one person isn't working the-woah!" I stumbled and started to fall. Oh no! This is bad!

"Are you alright, Taniyama-san?" came the voice of my rescuer.

"Uh, yes. Thank you, Yasuhara-san. I'm steady now." He had caught my back before I fell too far. Luckily I was still able to maintain the TV monitor in my arms. He smiled at me and let go. After he adjusted his glasses he went back over to our supplies to grab a video camera and started to set it up.

Osamu, Yasuhara is the one who saved my fall. When we first met him he was the Student Council President of Ryokuryou High School. He has since then graduated and sometimes helps out in our investigations. He is very useful when Naru needs to hide his identity form the press and public.

I finished my long treacherous walk over to the counter and put down the heavy monitor. Really, Naru always says I'm such a klutz, so why does he always make me carry the big heavy stuff? Wait, never mind, it's Naru. What other explanation do I need? He's just a big mean narcissist that overworks his assistants, and treats his friends like workers…okay, we are his workers, but still. Why did he have to be such a mean jerk, with such a rotten personality, bad sense of clothes, hansom face, mysterious eyes, perfect…WAIT! What am I thinking! This is Naru I'm talking about! Then again, one of the reasons I work here is to see him. So, all of the bad things that go with it are definitely worth it.

"Mai, hurry up and finish setting up so you can sort out the paperwork from yesterday that you didn't finish. I don't pay you to stand there and do nothing. Get to work. Oh, and make me some tea while your at it." he barked.

It's not worth it.

End of Chapter

So, what do you think of my Ghost Hunt story? It really is quite sad that there's not more fan-fictions of this anime. It's amazing.

Read and review!

If you don't review than fear my almighty Kitty Powers nya!