Do I know what's gonna happen? Yes.

Do I know how it's gonna end? Yes.

Is it easy to write how it's gonna happen? No.


I hope I still have readers…cuz I know that a lot of you've been dropping the story, but I don't blame you, might as well go with a steady writer…but to those of you who read, I'll try to make this chapter AWESOMENESS!

I also know the last two chapters were insanely CRAPPY! Please forgive me for them. I just didn't know what to write, but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting, I still can't believe I haven't updated this in over three months…again...I IS WAY MUCH SORRY! hides

And don't worry, this chapter is definitely a major part of the plotline.

I do not own Ghost Hunt, nor the short anime film Kakurenbo, which is talked about at the end note, that is created by Shuuhei Morita.

"Did you get that?" a middle aged man demands, slamming his hand expectantly on the counter table in the dark room.

"Yes, sir, we've recorded everything." his secretary replies, adjusting the glasses falling down his nose, a dull ominous glow reflecting from the lenses, partially lighting up his face.

"Great! With this our viewer numbers will skyrocket!"

"Of course, sir."

The two chatting men were standing in front of a large wall of monitors, watching every scene in every room throughout the castle.

"I still can't believe that no one has ever thought of this type of reality TV before!" the secretary says in awe.

"I know, and I still can't believe that they haven't figured it out. Psychics and ghost hunters from around the continent gathered together to 'exorcise' a historically haunted castle. Little do they know, we've planted video cameras all over the place and electronically control every room's temperature! Not to mention all the extra robotic movement sensors we've hidden to make doors slam shut and ghostly sounds to play!" the man squeals, barely holding in his excitement.

"Yes, sir, a genius plotline indeed! The show is already on the top ten most watched series after only two episodes!" the obedient secretary replies, not even a moment after his boss.

The boss sits down in a large black leather chair, a devious glint apparent in his eyes. "Now, how about we 'shake things up'?"

"I like the way you think, sir."


I must surely be in heaven!

Before me is the one reason I live…besides my love Naru and my lack of wanting to die…


French cuisines, Chinese delicacies, Italian breads and pastas, hamburgers, fries, hotdogs, apples cider, milkshakes!


I have to say, I thought I was going to be depressed all day because I started getting my period, but that works for me today because I always get so hungry! It couldn't have turned out better!

Bou-san stares at me with a bored expression. "Mai, you're drooling."

"Am I?" My hand goes up to my mouth to rub away any drool.

There was none.

"Hey, you liar!" I growl to the hysterically laughing monk.

"I'm sorry Mai!" he wheezes between gasps, holding him self up by the support of the dining table. "You were just so hypnotized by all the food I had to!"

"Please learn to restrain yourselves at the dinner table." Masako says coldly from her place at the table, across from us, dabbing at her mouth delicately with a white napkin.

"Sorry!" I say, sincerest apology I've ever made.

She sends me a full-of-herself glance before returning to her plate.

"Your group is always so lively, I'm jealous."

We turn toward the voice, which was seated right next to me.

"I-Is that so?" I ask, a bright blush making its way across my face. It's only after I've said it that I hate myself for stuttering. I don't usually stutter! Why did I stutter!

"So." the man says, a pleasantly teasing, but seductive, voice filling my ears.

"Haha…ha, are we always so…so…lively, Bou-san?" I stammer through feigned laughs, while jabbing my elbow into the monk's side.

Save me, Bou-san, I look like an idiot! Do something!

"Well, I guess so, but what do you expect when you have such a cute high school girl with us? Um…Mister…?"

"Daniel Mavis."

"Oh, right, sorry."

"That's okay. Has your group had any luck with the exorcisms?" he asks pleasantly, running his hand through his soft luscious red hair.

Soft? Luscious? What's happening to me!? I only feel that way for Naru! Even though he is totally stoic and emotionless…

"Not particularly. How about you? Pick up any good readings, Mr. Ghost Hunter?" Bou-san asks, a noticeable hiss to his voice.

"Not particularly." Daniel Mavis hisses back.

The two continue to stare at each other, slightly competitive, slightly businesslike.

"You're accent…are you American?" I ask for the sake of asking.


He brings his gentle gaze to me, blinking a few times with his long eyelashes.

Great, I got him and Bou-san apart but now his attention is on me! Crap!

"Um…well…you're accent sounds American…is all."

Yasuhara? Ayako? For God's sake Masako? Anyone? Help me!

"That's very well noticed. Not many people pick up on that little fact. Let's just keep it between you and me? 'Kay?" he brings his pointer finger to his lips to make the "silence" signal, while tilting his head to the side in an adorable way.

"S-Sure thing!" I stutter, again, trying furiously to hide my blush.

I don't get it! Before, when he caught me on the staircase, he was all businesslike and returned me to my group as soon as he saw me blush! Now it's like he's toying with me, trying to MAKE me blush!

I don't understand men!

"Oh…?" he leans in closer and examines my beat red face. "You're really cute, you know that?"


We both turn to Bou-san who just cleared his throat in a loud manner.

Thank you Bou-san! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

"Is there a reason you're flirting with our little princess?"

Princess? Me?

"I'm terribly sorry, I had thought you two were brother and sister, I did not realize you liked her."

"That's not-" Bou-san blushes, both from anger and embarrassment.

Daniel Mavis leans in closer toward him, ignoring the awkward position that places me in.

A cunning glint shines in his eyes, and his expression turns dark. "You know, love between siblings…isn't that called incest?"

"Actually Bou-san and I aren't related." I try to say, Daniel's shoulder making me have to lean back uncomfortably.

Of course, I could have let him lean on me, but then his chest would be pressed to mine, and I would most certainly blush greater than before! I don't think my brain cells can take this much longer!

Thankfully, Daniel stops leaning forward, and returns himself to slouching in his chair.

His red bangs hang in front of his deep green eyes, while his hand hangs nonchalantly off the armrest of his chair.

"Really, that's quite unexpected. You two look so much alike it's almost a supernatural phenomenon. Of course I don't know what happened to the monk, but Mai, you are absolutely adorable!" he laughs slightly, giving me the full blast of his beautiful eyes.

That little! Stop staring at me! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

I'm going to faint…

What about Naru? I can't shake this agonizing feeling that I'm being disloyal to him.

"You're a terrible flirt, aren't you?" Bou-san growls toward the man.

At first he's taken back, which he expresses with rapid blinking and slightly sitting up strait. But theses movements are soon drown out be the teasing grin and narcissistic eyes I've grown to recognize in him. "You think so?" he replies playfully, to which, I notice, Bou-san snorts.

"You two are quite the rivals, aren't you?"

That voice, that…that's… Yasuhara!

"Oh, did we disturb you, Shibuya?" I say, trying incredibly hard to hide my relief, which I try to bestow upon him through my eyes.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Yasuhara! You're a life saver! You're…

"Ah? No, you can return to what you were doing, I was just stating the obvious?"

…the devil himself.

"Mai, you okay?"

"Wha-?" I look to see Bou-san staring at me with a thick layer of concern on his face.

"You look rather depressed."

"I-Is that so? No-no I was just…"

I might as well just wear a sing saying "Insert awkward laugh here."

Someone here's got to have a marker…

"Are you sure you're feeling alright, you look kind of pale?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Of course I'm pale, I have my period…but no way can I tell him that…

Before I could protest Bou-san has his hand to my forehead.

He whips it back, a look of seriousness on his face. "Mai! You have an incredible fever! You need to go lie down now!" he orders.

"What!? I feel fine!"

Our bickering is interrupted by the incredibly smooth voice of Naru. "Bou-san, is something wrong?"

"No, Naru, I feel fine!"

"Yes, Naru, Mai has a fever, and a high one at that."

"Mai, return to the room and lie down."

"NO! I FEEL FINE!" I nearly scream.

I freeze.

I have this odd sensation that I'm being watched…

I turn around.


Everyone that is seated at the table, which is everyone I've met or been introduced to at this castle, is staring at me.

"Um…hi…sorry to interrupt dinner…"

Why do I always end up in these awkward situations?

Was it not enough that I'm a klutz with a stoic boss, and happen to be a supernaturally psychic jackpot? No, obviously not! I had to be a klutz with a stoic boss, and happen to be a supernaturally psychic jackpot AND am always in the center of attention in my most embarrassing moments!

Bou-san rests his hands on my shoulders. "Mai, you really need to lie down. If you over exert yourself with a fever you could pass out or something. We don't have the luxury of calling a doctor out here, so we need to take precautions. Do you understand?"

"Yes I do, but I don't feel sick. I'm not dizzy or anything." I protest.

What is it with him! Yes I may be a little warm…but that's probably because I was blushing so much around Daniel Mavis! He should have realized that!

"Oh for God's sake, just let me take a look." an annoyed voice screeches, shoving herself away from the table.

"Ayako! You really don't! I'm fine!" My protesting wasn't working, so I decided to wave my hands in front of me.

Sure, waving your hands in front of you never really does anything, and I know that, but to me it feels like I'm putting up a wall. And imaginary walls are a lot better than nothing.

Ayako storms her way over to me, sending Bou-san an annoyed glare as she passes him. She was obviously embarrassed as well, even though she wasn't the one under observation. She was, however, part of the group we belonged to, which could be seen just as shameful.

"Now, let's see just how sick you are." she presses her cold hand against my forehead.

"Ayako, you're hands really cold!" I slightly recoil at her touch.

"Mai, Bou-san is right, you do have a really high fever." she announces, with added concern in her voice, just like Bou-san.

"Fine then, so what? Even if I do have a little fever we still need to work, and we need all the hands we can get to cover everything, right? I don't have time to be sick! I'll just suck it up and do my job!"

"That's absurd." Masako snorts, well, you couldn't really call it snorting. She's to proper to snort…though being Masako, that was about the closest thing to snort she would ever voice.

"Is not! It's logic!" I return to her.

Jeez, they all know as well as I how slow we'll move if I'm out of service.

Naru puts his fork down on the table, using this freedom to interlock his fingers. "Lin."

Lin stands up now, respectfully making his way over to where the three of us stood.

Good, Lin will show these two how idiotic it is to send me to bed. Even he knows the logic of keeping me awake and able.

"Mai." he voices in his regular, monotonous tone.

"Yes?" Did I sound to expectant? I bet I did. Oh well.

Lin walks up right next to me, a little too close for my liking, considering he's not a close contact kind of person, and places his hand on my forehead as well.

He shows no emotion, no change in expression, but moves his hand toward my cheek, and then my neck, making sure I was the same temperature everywhere and not just blushing.

"See, I'm not sick! Tell them Lin-san."

I can't help but have a smile on my face. I'm not usually one to like to prove others wrong, but they had it coming…sorta…

I blink. Why wasn't he telling them? "Tell them Lin!"

Next thing I know his hand slips under my knees and the other onto my back…and then…

"Lin! What are you doing!?" I yelp, a furious blush painting my skin as the Chinese man picks me up bridal style.

"Make sure she stays in bed, Lin. Knowing her she'll try something." Naru orders him.

"You can't be serious! This is…this is! John!"

Please John, convince them! This is embarrassing! You know I can handle a little fever! Don't you, John!?

"Forgive me, Mai," My heart sinks. "but Bou-san is right. Since we don't have a doctor out here, it would be for the best if you just went to sleep. You can also collect information that way…remember?" the Australian mumbles.

Lin starts walking toward the staircase, still holding me in that embarrassing way, without even changing his expression.

Does this man even blush? Does he even get scared?

Is he a robot?

That would explain a lot…

Man, I didn't even get to have dinner.

Lin…can't tell that I have my period…right? Thank God I wore shorts today! I would die if I had worn a skirt!

We're on the stairs now, and it feels awkward with Lin walking up them while holding me. It feels like he's jumping.

"Lin, I can walk you know."

"You have a very high fever, since we are on the stairs it would be much safer if I carried you than if you walked on your own."

"You're underestimating me, Lin."

"You're underestimating your fever."

"I-" I can't think of a comeback for that. What he's saying is completely logical…

I freeze, sweat dripping down my face.

Someone…is watching me…

Do the maids know too? This is so embarrassing.

Why do I always show my klutziness when people are watching…

I bury my face into Lin's shoulder, trying to cover my face from their eyes.

"Are you feeling dizzy?"

Ah! I forgot! Lin's not a touchy person! Crap!

"Um…hahaha…ha…ha…haha… Sorry, I'm just a little…"

There I go again, fake nervous laughter. I really need to break out of that habit.

"We're here."

Even while holding me, Lin manages to open the door to the sleeping room with ease, glides in as though I weighed the same as a feather, and closes the door once again.

"I have a few pills in my suitcase that would help bring down your fever, but sleep will help you the most." he informs as he carries me to one of the eight beds in the room. "I'll stay here in case something were to happen." He bends to lay me down gently on the bed, causing him to lean in over me, insanely close, rips the covers open, lays me on the mattress, brings the blankets over me, then pulls away.

"You mean there might be spirits?" I ask, still slightly blushing at the close contact we had.

I know Lin would never do anything and all, but it's just uncomfortable, not to mention I'm self conscious because it's that time of the month… I feel so embarrassed about blushing!

"Though there may be spirits, I'm more concerned about the side affects of your fever. It is possible that you could seizure, as well as hallucinate. I have an ice pack prepared, please keep it on your forehead." he instructs, placing the freezing object onto my feverish forehead.

"That's cold!"

He leaves me, momentarily, returning only a minute later with a glass of water and a palm containing two pills.

I take them, knowing they'll bring down my fever, as well as the glass of water. Plopping the two small things into my mouth I chug down the water faster than I usually wouldd. Lin takes the glass and refills it in the other room, returning once again, only to leave the water on the nightstand next to my bed. "For later" he tells me.

The stoic man gives me one last look, before walking over toward the desk located at the other end of the room, sits down in the leather chair in front of it, and begins typing away on the computer located there.

"Sorry about this, Lin-san."

Following the orders given to me, I close my eyes, soon finding sleep drowning me…




I open my eyes slightly.

Gray? Everything is…gray…

I'm fully awake now, forcing my torso up with my elbows.


Where is that voice coming from? Why is it crying?

I look around frantically, searching for its source.

"Where are you…Mother?"

I gasp.

Before me is a crying transparent child, consisting of the colors gray, black, and white.

Am I watching a movie screen?

"Mother? Where are you? Brother…he…he…"

"Is something wrong?" I call to the poor kid.

He doesn't seem to notice me, his clenched hand trying to wipe away his falling tears.

"Why…Why…?" he hiccups from crying, "Why did you…brother?"

"Are you hurt?" I beg. "What's wrong?"


What's going on! Usually in these dreams I can talk to the spirits or at least Naru…so why…

Is this like the case from Ayumi? Am I seeing the past?

"Mother? Where are you? Mother!?"

How sad. Looking for his mother…all this time…

I walk closer to the child and a strange feeling comes over me.

A boy, this child is a boy, around five or six. He's in black and white…yet I can't shake the feeling that he has golden hair…

Why is that?

His hand retreats from his crying eyes and he screams out to the darkness.

"Where are you, Mother!? Don't leave me all alone!"


This kid…I've seen him before…

Just who…?

"What's your name? Please tell me! I want to help you!" I beg again, placing my hand on his expensively clothed shoulder.

He cringes under my touch, moving his fearful face slowly to look at me.

His eyes widen in absolute terror.

His form shakes beneath my hand.

His breathing becomes scarce.

His lips mouth a single word.


My eyes groggily start to open.

I hate waking up.

Whenever I do my nose burns and my eyes burn, all thanks to a source of light…

Guess there's no avoiding it though.

I open my eyes a little more.


That's strange…it can't be that late already…

Where's Lin-san?

My eyes start coming into focus.

I black blob is right above my bed, floating around the ceiling.

Is it a spider?

Ah! I hate spiders!

As I look closer the form starts to shift and change, a white spot in the dead center of it all.

Is it floating in water?

That doesn't make sense.

I try to focus on the white dot in the center of the black mass.

It's oval shaped…I think… and there's indents in it and…

There's cheekbones, and a nose, and deep sockets for eyes…two demonic horns…

…and a screaming mouth…

A mask.

What is a mask doing…

A low grumble shakes me to my core, burning my skin with fear, as the sound becomes deeper, and more haunting, covered by a small child's voice. "A child's mother is draped in crimson. A child's father is only bones."

It…it's talking!?

"One is a lie. Which one"

"One is a lie?"

"One releases a demon, two releases death. Which will you choose?"

"Wh-What if I say I choose neither…?"

The masks features turn angry, the mouth extending, releasing a large stream of fire.

"Then I will eat you!"

"St-Stay away!"

The mask and black sweep down to me, its cold, terrifying face only inches away from my own.

A bead of sweat escapes down my throat.

"Which do you choose?"

I-I'm scared.

Someone…save me…


You're there right?


…help me…

The thing suddenly disappears.

I look around quickly, making sure it is indeed gone.

Did you do that Lin-san?

My chest is rising and falling at an incredible pace as I hyperventilate from the sudden relief.

I feel clammy all over, and I'm covered in sweat.

I hope Lin allows me to take a shower…

Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong.

A clock chime?

I hear a faint click, and a small tinkling music starts to fill the room.

I didn't know there was a musical clock in this room…

"Father wants his arms back, mother wants her blood back."

Who's singing…it's such a creepy voice… It sounds like a little girl…

"Which are you going to choose? Which one? Which one?"

My eyes widen.


Shut up!

"Their little boy was crying. Help me! Help me!"

I try to go under the covers.


I can't…move…

"I don't want to die…Save me! Save me!"

The voice…it's coming closer…

"We have to save the child. Help us! Help us!


The voice is closer still, and I can hear the carpet being pressed down as the invisible figure gets closer.

"Come now, come and die with me!"

I don't want this…I don't want.


My eyes wander against my will to see the singing thing…

A mask…a different mask.

Is it…happy?

Yes, the figure is a little kimonoed girl wearing a happy mask, and in her hand is…

"Die now."

She brings the gleaming knife down toward my paralyzed body.


With the last of my strength, and the last of my breath, I open my mouth and push all of the terrors away…

...letting out the loudest scream I've ever made.

Once again, I have a stupid pitiful excuse of a cliff hanger.

When you think of the voice for the masked black "blob" think of the voice for the demon at the end of Kakurenbo, that is EXACTLY how I wish for readers to think of the mask's voice.

So sorry it took so long for me to update this, I'm going to update this again soon, promise!

I would have updated this earlier today, but we had a tornado warning, so I had to get off the computer.

Hope that you readers, who are still reading, enjoyed this.

I might have made Mai way out of character, but it's been a while since I've written from her point of view…three months… So it might just take a while for me to get me "oomph" back.

Read and Review please! I really want to hear your comments, complaints…etc. They really help me write more often.