Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts (II), Roxas, Olette, Seifer, etc.

Author's Note: Okay, whenever you see a little "!!!" sign, it means I'm skipping further ahead in time, like I did in my other story, but I used "111" instead. Okay, back to more important business…Welcome to the premiere of What If! I have been thinking about this story for sometime, and so…here it is! Enjoy! (I hope…)

Warning: Aw…Roxas… (Pouts pitifully)

Quick Author Babble: - d a y j u a n a, I made this for you. Sorry I had to deleteSay Those Words

What If

Chapter 1: Homesick

"Roxas, get up! You're going to miss your train! I said up, you lazy bum!"

Roxas Hera groaned and plunged his head under the pillow. He didn't wantto get up.

"Roxas, I said NOW!!!"

Roxas was literally knocked out of bed. Mrs. Hera's impatient yells echoed down the street. Grumbling none too happily, he sat up on his bed, thinking.

Today was the day he left the calm outskirts of Twilight Town and plunged right into downtown. He was going to leave all his friends, his parents, his home…and for what? To go to Twilight University.

It had been a couple of months since Roxas had been accepted. He had always thought it was his dream—to go there and get a comfy life, study hard, and get a good job, but he'd been wrong.

He lovedhis home. He wanted to stay. He didn't know how Hayner and Pence would get along without him—they always did something stupid that got them into loads of trouble. He'd miss the laughter of children in the streets and the quietness of obvious lack of traffic in the night.

Roxas even had a girlfriend he had to leave behind. How in the world was he going to say goodbye to Naminé?

Roxas sighed and tried to reason with himself. This was Twilight University. It was the best university in the country. He'd never get another chance like this again. He'd have a great future, and besides, he'd see his friends and family again.


His friends would move on. Naminé would move on. His family would remember him, but not care for him as much as they used to. And what if Roxas was too busy to return back to the quiet outskirts of Twilight Town?

No. Roxas didn't want this. He wanted a future, but he wanted friends…his old ones. Hayner and Pence would forget him. They'd make new friends with no problem.

Roxas sighed and slipped into his clothes. He looked at his room for one last time—it was so empty and clean. It already looked like he'd never lived in it.

He lugged his suitcase downstairs. Hayner, Pence, and Naminé were all waiting for him.

"He looks so mature!" Pence gasped.

"Our…little Roxas…is all grown up!" Hayner sobbed teasingly.

"Shut up!" Roxas snapped, even though he was laughing.

Mr. and Mrs. Hera entered the foyer, Mrs. Hera looking like she'd burst into tears at any moment.

"It seems like only yesterday when he was just a little baby!" she said. "And now look at him…heading off to university! Oh, where have all the years gone?"

She cried into her husband's shoulder. Mr. Hera patted her on the back.

"Now, dear, Roxas will come visit us, won't you, son?" he remarked, looking at the blond.

The very doubt had been nagging Roxas all day.

"Of course I will," he stated, trying to hide the guilt that was running through his body. "Don't cry, Mom."

"Not cry?" Mrs. Hera sobbed, looking at him with puffy, red eyes. "How can Inot cry? My son is leaving home forever! Oh, I knew I should've taken more baby pictures! Why did you always have to stop me, Booker?"

"Iowa, our bookcase is full of albums."

"Well, obviously not enough albums, because I can't stop crying about it!"

Mr. Hera took Mrs. Hera away to look at albums. Roxas turned to look at his friends.

"We'll miss you, man," Hayner said, patting Roxas on the back.

"Yeah, write to me," Pence remarked.

"I will," Roxas promised.

He turned to look at Naminé, who was looking down at the floor like she couldn't face him.

"Naminé…" he said softly.

She looked up, her pale blue eyes filled with tears.

"Oh, Roxas!" she cried suddenly, running up to him and hugging him.

Roxas took a deep breath in, thinking of all the memories he was going to leave behind, Naminé being the most important one of them all.

"I'll miss you," he said.

"Me too," Naminé remarked, tearing away from him. "But I know you'll do well in Twilight University. You'll make lots of friends too."

"But don't forget us!" Hayner shouted. "If you do, we'll come back and kill you, got it?"

Roxas laughed, a bit relieved that Hayner understood his feelings.

"Yeah, I get it."

Mr. and Mrs. Hera came back from the living room, Mrs. Hera looking like she was going to have a big, long cry as soon as everyone left.

Naminé kissed Roxas for a long moment, until Roxas once again picked up his luggage and looked at everyone.

"Bye," he said, and shut the door behind him.

Roxas's gaze couldn't leave the ground as he walked to the train station. He seemed to be walking in slow motion, and all around him it seemed to be completely quiet, as if Roxas had gone deaf.

It was only when Roxas reached the ticket counter did he look up.

"One ticket to downtown please," he said, fighting back tears. "One way."

"Here you go," said the man behind the counter, passing him a ticket. "The train will arrive in five minutes."

Roxas sat down on a bench. Not many people seemed to be using the train today. The station was quiet and empty. Roxas sighed and closed his eyes.

"Ollie, wait!" a high-pitched voice suddenly cried, echoing through the nearly empty building.

Roxas's eyes snapped open. The glass doors swung open to reveal a girl with long, messy, brown hair tied into two braids, her jade eyes twinkling with anticipation.

"Ican't, Selph!" she said. "I don't want to be late! If I miss the train, I'll be in big trouble!"

She raced up to the ticket counter. The door was about to shut behind her when someone stopped it. A smaller girl with short, chestnut hair and lime eyes raced through it.

"One ticket please," the taller girl said politely. "One way."

"Ollie!" the other girl cried angrily, running up behind her friend. "You've got loads of time! I can't believe you're leaving and you're not even saving time for your best friend!"

"Oh, yeah, three minutes will make a huge difference," the taller girl remarked, rolling her eyes and taking a ticket from the man. "Thanks!"

The two girls sat down beside Roxas.

"It's not funny, Ole," the shorter girl commented, crossing her arms. "I'm going to miss you, and before you know it you're going to have a new best friend, a boyfriend, an apartment, a job…I'll hardly be able to see you anymore."

She pouted.

"You're going to completely abandon me."

The taller girl crossed her arms and looked stubbornly at her best friend.

"You know that's not true!" she said. "I'll write! I'll visit! And I promise that if I ever meet any cute guys at TU, I'll tell you…"

This seemed to lift the shorter girl's spirit. She squealed happily.

"Okay, okay!" she cried. "But remember to keep all those promises. And give me a call, if you can deal with long distance charges. And if you make any boyfriends…"

"I promise I will tell you with full details," the other girl said as if it was an oath she'd learned by heart.

The train suddenly pulled up in front of them. Roxas stood up, and so did the girl and her friend. They hugged.

"I'll miss you, Ollie," the girl with chestnut hair said.

"Me too," said the other girl.

Roxas and the taller girl got onto the train. It was decidedly small, and no one was on it besides him and the girl. It was obvious not many people from the outskirts plunged into the city. The train waited a moment before moving again. The girl ran to the open door and waved to her friend.

"BYE, SELPHIE!!!" she yelled over the loud noise of the train.

Selphie's voice was drowned out and her figure slowly disappeared from sight. The girl turned back around and sat down in a chair, a couple of glistening tears sliding down her face.

"Hey…are you okay?" Roxas asked uncertainly, looking at her.

"Oh…I'm fine," the girl replied quickly, wiping the tears away. "I'll just…miss everyone…"

"Yeah, me too," Roxas said quietly.

The girl looked up at him, emerald eyes filled with curiosity.

"You're going to Twilight University too?" she asked.

Roxas nodded.

"Oh, cool, so am I!" she chirped. "Hi! I'm Olette Boone."

"Roxas Hera," Roxas said, shaking her hand.

"I've never lived anywhere other than Market Street before," Olette said. "It's going to be…strange."

"Same with me," Roxas remarked, "but…I don't know…It might be exciting."

Olette nodded.

"You're right, Roxas. I should be looking forward to it, not dreading it. Thanks so much."

Roxas bit his lip. He didn't exactly practice what he preached, but if it made Olette feel better…

The train came to a stop, and two young adults walked into the train. One was a girl, the other a boy. The girl had long, red hair and violet eyes. The boy had unruly, spiky, brown hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. The girl immediately sat down beside Olette, as if they'd known each other for years.

"Hi!" she chirped. "Are you guys going to TU?"

"TU?" repeated Roxas, a look of confusion passing over his face.

"Yeah," the boy said, nodding. "TU…you know, Twilight University?"

"Oh," Roxas remarked.

"We are!" Olette chirped.

The redheaded girl smiled.

"Great!" she chirped. "I guess we should get to know each other a little better. I'm Kairi May, and this is my best friend, Sora Ivo. We've known each other since we were four. We have another friend, Riku Addison, but instead of going to university he's traveling the world."

"I would've gone too, if Kairi hadn't made me come here…" Sora muttered.

"Sora!" shouted Kairi. "It's better for your future, and besides, you got accepted! I wanted someoneto go with me."

Sora grumbled in response. It was clear he'd wanted to travel. It was strange, because Roxas wanted to anything but.

"I'm Olette Boone, and this is my new friend, Roxas Hera," Olette said. "We just met on the train, actually. We're from the outskirts of Twilight Town."

"We're in the heart of Twilight Town," Sora said. "You should go there sometime. That's where all the fun is."

Roxas turned to look out the window. It was funny—he already missed home, and yet everyone else here couldn't care less.

The four teenagers sat at the back of the train, talking as if they'd known each other all their lives. But as soon as he came in, everyone fell silent.

His aura alone demanded silence. He winked at Olette and Kairi, making them turn bright red. His blond hair almost completely covered his blue eyes, his black hat covering the whole of his forehead. His long, white, trench coat drifted behind him, giving his appearance a mysterious sort of air.

"Humph," Roxas heard Sora mutter. "Looks like we've got jerks coming along for the ride as well."

"What makes you think he's a…?" Kairi began, when the very boy approached them.

The boy paid no attention to Sora and Roxas. In fact, he used Sora's head as an armrest.

"Oh, I don't know…" Sora said through gritted teeth as he looked up at the boy's arm on his head. "I just have this feeling."

"Hello, girls," the boy said with a flirty smile. "I'm Seifer…Seifer Almasy. Are you heading to TU?"

"Yes, we are," Olette remarked. "You're coming too?"

"Indeed," Seifer replied. "After all, I am quite a genius."

Sora stood up suddenly, swatting Seifer's arm off his head.

"I'm sorry, but I don't let blowhards lean on my head!" he shouted.

"Sora!" cried Kairi, flabbergasted.

She pulled him back down into his seat. Sora crossed his arms and glared at Seifer, his piercing blue eyes stabbing right into him.

"Hmm…" Seifer said, looking at the brunet. "You've got some nerve, Shorty."

"Shorty?!" yelled Sora, lunging at him. "Let's see how tall youare when I'm finished with you…"

"Sora!" cried Kairi again, pulling him back down.

Roxas didn't blame Sora. Seifer was the kind that got on your nerves. He too glared at Seifer. Seifer turned and sat at the front of the train.

"Sora, what was that all about?!" Kairi asked, her voice high-pitched.

"Calls me short, does he?" Sora grumbled. "Flirting with you is the last thing he's going to do…"

"You…you can't murder him!" Olette gasped.

"I'll help him with the murdering part," Roxas said.

Kairi and Olette continued to look horrified. Sora turned to Roxas.

"Remember that name…" he said.

Roxas nodded.

"Seifer Almasy."

What if I hated someone you liked?

Okay, I guess you all noticed my extreme overuse of Seifer, and most people think this will lead to Yaoi…ah, no, it won't. Sorry if you like it (I know there are lots of people who do), but I don't.


That's all I'm going to say.

Well, I hope you liked it. It's kind of depressing, and I felt it was my duty to put Sora and Kairi in there (I'm crazy and addicted, if you must know), but overall, the three characters I needed are in there, so that's good enough for me.

Read and review!