(A/N) An angst filled fic about Rukia's thoughts of her sister, Hisana (hence the title). I really believe this is how Rukia feels about her sister. R&R.

Disclaimer: Do you really think I own Bleach? Cause I don't, and, unfortunately, never will.



I know nothing about her, and yet she was my sister. It was when we lived back in Rukongai when she left because she couldn't take care of a child in a place like that. I had never even known about her before my brother told me.

I had always thought that my brother was a cold-hearted ass. But after he had told me the story of how he and Hisana had married and how five years later, she died, I started to feel pity towards him, and resentment towards Hisana.

She had left me in that cold and lonely place. I had no one to care for me no one to love me. I was only a small child, after all. But then I came to realize her situation and I hated myself for resenting her.

I'm sure she didn't want to leave me, but she had no other choice. She had to in order to survive. And I admit, even though I was stuck in Inuzuri, I was happy because I met Renji and the others. I wasn't sure why Hisana married Byakuya, but I hope she was happy, too. Because if she wasn't, then it was all a waste.

The fact that she had died and I didn't even know her hit hard. I started to wonder if you can miss someone you didn't even know. Because I did.

I wanted to know everything about Hisana. I wanted to know her favorite color, what she liked to eat, what her favorite flower was. Simple things. I wanted to know everything little about her. But now I can't. And I'll never be able to.

And yet I go through life, wondering what could've been. What if she lived? What if she stayed? Would we be happy because we were together? Or upset because that's all we had? The questions that haunt me can never be answered.


I know nothing about her. But I'll learn. Someday…

(A/N) Angsty, huh? Well, hope you like it. I might write a sequel about her Nii-sama. So R&R, pretty plez.