Last Chapter:

Neither Lord said a word. They were of course quite powerful beings; however Sesshoumaru had lived up to his name. No other creature had ever perfected the art of killing as the Lord who stood before them threatening their very existence. That is no creature other than his mate, and from their experience Sesshoumaru never made idle threats. Without another word both of the Lords stood and began to leave; their challenge was a dead issue. Before they could make it through a door though Kagome spoke again. "By the way," she said. "We have made some additions to our pack. We now have a fox kit and a human girl in our charge. In the future they will be in attendance at all public functions."

"This is an outrage," Lord Kochi cried.

"Outrage or not it is simply the way that things are. If you do not like it then do not return to the west, but you can consider your treaty with the west void. If you do decide to return hen you had better insure that nothing happens to either of my children. Because, if it does I will personally track you to the ends of the earth."

Backed into another corner the only options that the Lords had left was to accept the terms of the demands of the west, or risk it all. They did the only thing that either of them could think to do. They made a hasty retreat before their situations became more precarious than they already were.

Chapter 30

"You my dear are going to make a most excellent mother," Sesshoumaru told her as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"You really think so," she asked?

"We could always hurry up and find out," he responded as he nibbled on her ear.

"Bad dog," Kagome laughed. "We still have work to finish before we can play."

"Fine you barbarian," Sesshoumaru joked as he settled back behind his desk. As he watched his beautiful mate set beside him a thought crossed his mind. "Do you think that we have defeated the evil enemy whom my father trained you to help me destroy?"

"I do not think that he was evil," Kagome stated. Seeing Sesshoumaru's confused look she went on. "I think that the enemy was you; or at least your former cold demeanor. In hindsight I think that we just got off track with Naraku."

"Knowing my father," Sesshoumaru said "You may just be right."

"See I just knew she was a smart girl," Inunotashio bragged.

"Yes well given your history with women it is not that far fetched of a scenario," Midoriko joked.

"Do you think they need any further assistance," Inunotashio seriously asked?

"Of course not," Midoriko replied. "I believe all they ever really needed was a little push in the right direction. Fear not the safety of your lands and your lineage are insured."

"Well, not quite," Inunotashio said. "My younger son may still need a little assistance."

"Oh no," Midoriko argued. "You are not going todrag me through this again. Besides I am sure that given time Kagome will find someone and she is much better equipped to deal with him than we are."

Over all Inunotashio was pleased. He felt a certain amount of guilt that things had taken such a wrong turn initially. He had never meant to cause Kagome any pain. But he took comfort in the fact that his son would do his best to ensure the girls happiness for as long as they lived. One thing that his son would never accept was failure. He was sure that as in all relationships they would have their ups and downs, but as stubborn as they both were he knew that they would make it. His son now had a wife that while capable of great kindness and gentleness was also just as fierce a warrior as he. She would not allow the west or Sesshoumaru to fall. She in return had gained the happiness that had been denied to her in the past. She had managed to earn not only Sesshoumaru's respect, which was a difficult enough task, but also his heart. Now Inunotashio felt truly content to just sit back and enjoy watching what he was sure would be the long entertaining future of his children.

Well that is it. Thank you all so much for reading my story. To all of you who left reviews or favorited my story it meant a lot to me, and was my fuel to finally finish this piece. I hope that maybe soon I will be able to entertain you with another story.