Jaypaw opened his jay feather colored eyes. His eyes can't just be described as blue, because in the future his name is Jayfeather, instead of something original like Jayfrost. Well anyway, he woke up and realized that he could see! This is because the authoress likes Jaypaw… and it would be easier to write this fanfiction using a cat that can see.

Jaypaw saw these weird… things. They were brown and had white things draped down on them. He also saw many other cats. But not all of them were normal. Some of them had purple eyes. Some of them were green. Some of them were rip-offs of cats Jaypaw already knew. Suddenly, Yellowfang popped out of nowhere in a poof of smoke.

"Jaypaw, these are the OCs, you must treat them with caution. Some of them are Mary-sues or Gary-stus, and they are the most deadly of them all."
"What are Mary-gues or Gaby-Poos or whatever you said?"

"Mary-sues and Gary-stus are perfect, they have no flaws!" Jaypaw shuddered as soon as Yellowfang said this. Then Yellowfang disappeared with a pop.

Jaypaw decided to carefully explore. But he heard shrieking noises from all around and he was scared. Then a cat approached him. Her fur was shimmering silver. Her eyes were hot pink orbs… wait… hot pink? Jaypaw almost yowled in fear. This was probably a Mary-sue like Yellowfang was talking about.

"Are you lost?" She questioned.

"No!" He shrieked.

"I'll help you! I'm CristalWing, and even though I'm a medicine cat, I've never lost a fight or have had a cat die under my watch!"

Jaypaw began to run away. He was scared of CristalWing. How the cat couldn't spell crystal right, and how they put a capital on the wing part of their name. But then, Jaypaw bumped into a bigger cat. She was white, with golden-colored markings on her head running down her back, like a cape. What's a cape? Jaypaw thought, as he described her in his mind. He shook his head, and was happy to see that her eyes were amber, and not Silvery-gold-pearl-diamond-and-any-other-random-jewel colored.

"Are you new here, runt?" The She-cat asked.

"I…I have no idea how I got here! And don't call me runt!" Jaypaw hissed.

"Oh well. I'm Ambereyes, what is your name?" She sighed

"Jaypaw… you mean the blind one? Or are you a rip-off OC?"

"I'm not an OC." Then it seemed as if Ambereyes transformed, she suddenly squealed loudly and looked insanely happy.

Jaypaw heard a poof and Yellowfang whispered into his ear again, "That is a fangirl, somebody who is obsessed with a character or pairing."
"What…" Jaypaw started to ask.

"It will all become clear to you in a second…" Yellowfang whispered again, and disappeared. She was starting to get on Jaypaw's nerves.

"Hey, Jaypaw, do you want to go to my ship." Ambereyes squealed, and didn't wait for a response, but just dragged the gray cat onto a ship, which Jaypaw read: S.S. SpottedFire!

Jaypaw noticed that the chip or whatever Ambereyes called it, was more empty than some of them he had seen. He could see in the distance, one that was packed with cats. Ambereyes was looking at the same ship, muttering something.
"Here!" She meowed roughly, handing Jaypaw a thin white sheet, "read my shippers card while I go do something."

Shipper name: Ambereyes

Shippings supported: SpottedXFire, JayXCinder, AshXSquirrel, AshXWhite, LionXHeather, GrayXSilver, DustXSand, SorrelXBracken, TigerXGolden, LeafXCrow, CrowXFeather, ThornXNight, SandXScourge, HollyXCinder, DarkXTiger.

Shipper's profile: Supports a lot of variety. Crack, Slash, Canon, and Fanon all found here.

Jaypaw had no idea what this all meant, and was going to ask Ambereyes about it, but he heard more shrieking.

"IT WAS JUST A CRUSH!" Something shrieked.


Jaypaw wasn't sure his ears could take it anymore. He ran up to Ambereyes, who was sending off the shrieking things.
"What is that?" Jaypaw meowed above the shrieks.

"Canon balls, we are having a war against the SandFire ship."

"Okay…" Jaypaw mewed, not understanding what the heck that meant. He then left to find someplace quiet to go.

Next part: Ashfur is captured!!!