A/N 11/18/2017 – Finally, we move on to Chapter 201 with the New Year (it was 2009!) I've long ago given up on Grey's Anatomy's version of Meredith and Derek, and no longer watch the show. Life's real merry-go-round hasn't stopped, and I give thanks for the blessings in my life, especially my almost six year old god-daughter that came to bring joy to our life long after the characters of Kelly, Meggie and Brianna were created and so often and delightfully brings the three of them to life. Who was to know!

I'm going to attempt to have another short chapter before November ends. Wishing you and your loved ones many magical moments, and memories to cherish for a lifetime. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Jasmin.

Ch 201 – Finally, New Year's!

"Granma," the always inquiring tone of Meredith's beautiful angel made the older woman and Brianna's entire familial souls smile. "Granpa, remember the day we got to send shooting stars…can we do that again?"

"Brianna, you we were allowed to do that only that night," her grandfather answered.

"I know Granpa," her grandfather sensed his angel's twinkling eyes, "but, you remember Granma Irish and Mommy and Daddy were so happy and it be so much fun…and look they got lots of pretty lights exploding in the sky everywhere… cause why Granpa? See how beautiful they look and the water has all those colors…and my friend Kelly said they be called fire…something…but cause why?"

"It's a celebration for the New Year," he explained patiently, "it's fireworks."

"What be the New Year?" Brianna questioned, and rambled on before her grandfather answered. "Granpa, I remember Kelly tolds me it's special ccassion with lots of fire lights in the sky…and everybody cebebrating and she gets to stay up real late…and I know Mommy and Daddy are happy… right Granma, right Granpa… cause I bets they love fireworks…even if it's a really silly name cause I don't see fire."

"I'm sure they love fireworks," her grandfather met Ellis' smile, both adults recalling memories of time spent creating their own version of fireworks with their soulmates.

"Soon Granpa," Brianna asked hopefully, "we gets a special ccasion?"

"Yes," both grandparents reassured. "Soon you'll have a special occasion. Now, go and enjoy all the fireworks from earth."

"You realize," Ellis reminded him, "Brianna is too young to understand soon may not be as fast as she expects."

"Perfect timing, Ellis," Derek's dad smiled. "God's timing is always perfect."

"I'm not so sure," Ellis life-long doubts surfaced momentarily.

"Look at your extraordinary daughter," the older Shepherd reprimanded slightly, "just as I look at my son, and the family I miss so dearly. But, they are happy, and they remember us," he paused. "We're more fortunate than many Ellis. He is allowing us to share in their happiness…"

"Yes," Ellis Grey met the older Shepherd's heavenly gaze, "and the joy of Brianna."

"You're smiling," Meredith snuggled closer as they lay in a favorite spooning position.

"I thought," Derek teased as he kissed the top of her head, "Bailey was the only one with eyes in the back of her head."

"That's reserved for stupid brainless comments," Meredith teased.


"I don't think you have anything to complain about. Mark and George and Alex are her favorite victims."

"She's made fun of my hair," Derek teased.

"A mortal sin," Meredith teased back, "or is that venial," she said as their carefree laughter added to the warmth of the room that overlooked the same view of the night when destiny smiled in the knowledge that theirs was not a one night stand.

"You haven't stopped smiling," Meredith repeated as she turned to face him, "and you haven't told me why."

"You're happy," he said as he caressed her check with the back of his hand.

"I am," she wrapped her hands around him. "That makes you smile?"

"You being happy," he paused as he took a deep breath and pursed his lips, "is all that matters to me."

"We have lots to celebrate," she got closer still, "married and happy…and our family…how can I not be happy…I'm managing family and not freaking out."

"You're wonderful with family," he gently cupper her face and kissed her tenderly.

"You gave me that," she kissed him back softly. "I never knew what it meant…"

"We gave each other that," he said quietly. "I had forgotten."

"No more brooding," she smiled, "no more dark and twisty…"

"Maybe," he teased light heartedly, "a little brooding…"

"As long," she smiled, "as it's not at the same time I may be a little dark and twisty."

"We'll remind each other," he agreed.

"Yes," she told him, "of our all our blessings… or we can call Kelly and Meggie or anyone in our family to remind us." Meredith and Derek smiled; their hearts and souls accepting that their life in the future was meant to be filled with an abundance of blessings and gave in to the exhaustion of satisfied and sated lovers.

God smiled, pleased with his creation and their spiritual growth. The night's celebrations were indeed a reflection of the many more to come; the Shepherd, Maloney and Grey families and many of their extended family would have a very happy new year indeed.

Derek wrapped his arms around Meredith, his chin resting on her shoulder. "You've become quite a cook Mrs. Shepherd."

"It's Dr. Shepherd to you," Meredith teased as she continued to scramble the eggs.

"Really," he nuzzled her neck as his hands reached for the silk belt of her robe.

"Really," she playfully slapped his hand away, "you're lucky I didn't find that hussy Grey intern was involved with all those phone calls."

"I adore," he expertly took the pan off the stove and turned her to face him, "that hussy Grey intern. She saved me."

"We saved each other."

"I love you Meredith Grey," he said reverently.

"I love you Derek," Meredith said as their eyes met; the unspoken words of their souls witnessing their commitment for a lifetime and beyond.

The New Year was but a few hours old as lovers destined to become the legend of Meredith and Derek enjoyed the spectacular view before them.

"Do you have any idea how much it means to me," Meredith paused as her voice caught.

"As much," he told her as they stood in each other's arms in the warmth of the cabin overlooking Elliot Bay, "as it means to me."

"Derek, I can't believe how you pulled this off in so little time."

"It was a challenge while building the house. But, when we were here the last time, I knew it was meant to be our place."

"The last time," Meredith interrupted as she realized the moment he'd made up his mind. "I told you I hoped nobody found it and try to develop this land," she looked at him, "you already knew… you knew…on our six month anniversary."

"I didn't know until that moment," he smiled, his head leaning in the way she so loved, "that it had to be ours. I wanted to do this as soon as possible…and not take any risks…"

"Where it all began," she reminisced and he saw the sentimental tears in her eyes, "the night we truly began to fall in love…"

"It was, and I had that feeling, without any doubts, that this place was meant to be ours. This place, with an amazing view of sunrise over the ferryboats," he whispered and as before felt her tremble slightly in his arms before his lips met hers.

"Derek," she said breathlessly, "take me for another ride…"