Yeah. Another one-shot. Another short one-shot. I was going to continue it, but the last line seemed so appropriate. Plus, SOMEONE came in and talked to me while I was writing. And I lost the thought. So sorry. And um, sorry about the shortness again.

Disclaimer: I own only what you don't recognize.


One is a very powerful number. It's also very important.

World leaders, who are both powerful and important, call themselves number one. But what happens when a bunch of ones meet up to discuss important, powerful number one things?

They're a group of ones, is the logical answer. But no. Logic isn't always right.

When a bunch of ones meet up to discuss important, powerful number one things, the factor that makes them a one is lost. They become a group, because when ones meet up, the most important factor of a one has disappeared, gone when the first two ones greet each other.

Because, as well as being powerful and important, a one is lonely. A one is forever alone, the only person to deal with these powerful and important things. These powerful and important things that oftentimes spiral into powerful and important problems.

Alex Rider was a one. And he'd had enough of it.


Yeah, shortness. Reviews, as usual, make the microwave go ding. And ding-ness equals joy. Especially for me.