The Ersatz Elevator

(Scene: Dark Avenue.)

(Mr. Poe, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny are flying on a magic cloud of fairy dust down Dark Avenue.)

Mr. Poe: Stop! This is it.

Violet: (looking at doors)Wow! Look how big those are!

Klaus: (looking at random girl) Tell me about it!

Sunny: (looking at her Taco Bell Quesidillas) They sure are a whopping good size!

(The doors turn into a man.)

Man: Hello.

Mr. Poe: You must be the doorman.

Man: No, I'm the mandoor. Gosh! (He runs away flashing Mr. Poe.)

Mr. Poe: Ok, you people have got to stop that!

(Another man appears in the doorway.)

Man: (in Donald Duck voice) I'm the doorman.

Mr. Poe …

Violet: …

Klaus: …

Charles Dickens: …

Albert Einstein: …

Sunny: (eating quesidilla) Darn! I just got cheese on my new bra!

Mr. Poe: …

Violet: …

Klaus: …

Sunny: What?

( … )

Sunny: Ok, you guys are freaking me out here.

(Scene: The Stairs.)

Violet: Ouch, my feet hurt from walking so far.

Klaus: Hey, anybody have any idea how we transitioned into this scene?

Sunny: Darn cheesy bra!

(Scene: The Top Floor.)

(Violet knocks on the door.)

Door: …

(Violet knocks rings the doorbell.)

Door: …

(Violet pulls out a hammer and breaks down the door.)

Door: Ouch.

(Scene: The Penthouse Apartment.)

Violet: Hello! I just broke your door! I hope you're not mad!

Jerome: Oh, that's ok, honey! We'll just sue you for trespassing that's all! Now I'll offer you a martini and wait for you to be confused until telling you its non-alcoholic.

(Esme enters.)

Esme: Oh that's ok, Jerome! It happens with elk all the time!

Klaus: Elk? How could elk get up here?

Jerome: She's pretending to be Sarah Palin.

Violet: Why?

Esme: Because female governors are in!

(Violet, Klaus and Sunny smack their hands to their foreheads.)

(Olaf enters enters in furry pink suit.)

Olaf: Oh, hello, I'm the Pink Panther.


(Esme starts weirdly humping Olaf.)

Esme: Go eat at a crappy fish restaurant, kids!

Sunny: Anything besides Taco Bell! Darn cheesy bra!

(Scene: Fish da Bomb, a crappy fish restaurant.)

Violet: This food sucks.

Klaus: It is so digusting!

Sunny: Ugh! There's a fish in a bra!

Jerome: This food tastes like blood!

Violet: …

Klaus: …

Waiter: …

Sunny: Darn fishy bra!

(Scene: The Penthouse.)

Violet: Alright, here's the deal, Olaf has got to have the Queermires hogged up here somewhere.

Klaus: I like how you used 'hog' in a verb tense.

Violet: Thank you. Now we're going to use this toilet paper roll to climb down to the bottom of the second elevator shaft to see if they're there.

Toilet Paper Roll: Glad to be of service.

(Scene: Elevator Shaft.)

Violet: Ugh! Why does this toilet paper feel weird?

Klaus: It's used! We climbing used toilet paper!

Sunny: Darn! I got used toilet paper stuck in my bra!

Toilet Paper Roll: Glad to be of service.

Violet: …

Klaus: …

Sunny: Darn poopy bra!

(Scene: The Bottom of the Elevator Shaft.)

Violet: Look! It's the Queermires!

Isadora: Oh Hello Klaus! You iz coot!

Klaus: Trust me, I know.

Duncan: Um, guys, if you haven't noticed, we're in a cage.

Sunny: Ah, screw it all. Let's get the heck outta here.

(Scene: The Penthouse.)

Violet: We need to get them out of that cage.

Klaus: Here! We can use these plungers to suck up the cage.

Sunny: You've got to be kidding me. That thing doesn't even fit in my bra!

Klaus: Sure it does!

(Klaus sticks the plunger in Sunny's bra.)

Sunny: Darn plunger bra!

(Scene: The Bottom of the Elevator Shaft.)

Violet: They're gone.

Klaus: Oh no!

Sunny: Aw, screw it.

(Sunny drops the plunger and starts climbing the used toilet paper roll.)

(Scene: The Penthouse.)

Klaus: Let's look in the catalog at the In Auction to see if they might be there.

(Klaus reads the In Auction catalog.)

Klaus: Look! It says V.F.D.!

Esme: Yes, it does! Um…(looks through script) sugar bowl….Beatrice….aw forget it. Just go jump down the elevator shaft kiddos. Then there's two pages of black.

Sunny: That's racist.

(Scene: The Bottom of the Elevator Shaft.)

Violet: Look! A not-so-secret trapdoor!

(Scene: The Not-So-Secret Passageway.)

Violet: What's on the floor?

Klaus: Ew! There are rats on the floor!

Sunny: Ugh! There's a rat in my bra!

Violet: …

Klaus: …

Sunny: Darn ratty bra!

(Scene: The Baudelaire Mansion.)

Violet: It's our house.

Klaus: It's in ashes.

Sunny: Darn ashy bra!

(Scene: Velban Hall.)

(The Baudelaires run up to Mr. Poe and Jerome.)

Violet: Jerome! We want lot #50 really bad! Can you buy it?

Jerome: Sure.

Olaf: And lot #50 is twin prostitutes!

Jerome: …

Mr. Poe: …

Esme: …

Violet: Oh no! He's selling them as prostitutes!

Klaus: We have to save them!

Sunny: Ugh! You can't be serious! There's a prostitute in my bra!

Jerome: …

Mr. Poe: …

Esme: …

Violet: …

Klaus: …

(Olaf and Esme take the Queermires and run.)

Violet & Klaus: Oh no!

Jerome: Sorry kids, you're on your own.

Mr. Poe: Hmm… I feel like some Japanese. I think I'll pretend to call the police and order some.

Violet: Now what will we do?

Klaus: Look! There's a crow foreshadowing the next book!

Sunny: Darn cheesy fishy poopy ratty ashy crowy plunger prostitute bra!