Author's Note : finally chapter's 2 ready

Author's Note : finally chapter's 2 ready. It's been such a long time since I've updated…something like 3 months horror stuck look I can't believe I've been that lazy. I'm sorry to all those that reviewed and wanted it updated, I'll try never to take so long again. Thanks to all those that reviewed

Disclaimer : all DN characters in this story belong to Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata.


Chapter 2 : Hot Chocolate

"It just came to my mind Mr Yagami, have you any idea where Light could be at this moment?"

"No, why Ryu…HEY WAIT A MINUTE! Are you suggesting that Light could be out there killing more criminals? For the last time Ryuzaki, Light is not Kira!"

Soichiro Yagami jumped out of his chair faster then the speed of light, and stood up to face L, who was standing in front of him, with another carton of strawberry ice-cream in his arms and a spoon in mouth. He was suddenly red in the face, and L could see his bared teeth which looked to say the least disgusting. They were a nasty yellowish colour! L shivered at the thought. Watari always warned him that too many sugary sweets would cause his teeth to turn yellow but he had never believed him…that is until now.

"Yes Mr Yagami, you are right. I do think that there is a slight percentage that the cause of Light being absent and also quite late to work is because he might be killing off more criminals just as we are speaking."

"That's just ridiculous Ryuzaki!" said Mr Yagami. There are a thousand reasons to explain why Light is so late today. He is still a teenager after all! He might be with a girl…"

L smirked. Mr Yagami had suddenly realised what he was insinuating. Light was probably with a girl, having some fun.

"Ryuzaki, I'm going out. Please excuse me." said Soichiro as he picked up his keys from his desk and flew out of the door.

L went back to his armchair, and dipped his spoon in the pink, creamy, sugary substance. As he put the ice-cream in his mouth he whispered to himself :

"Oh yeah, Light is in for some very serious trouble."


Soichiro Yagami got out of his car and slammed the door with a loud BANG. He should have known this was going to happen. His wife and Sayu had gone shopping early in the morning, and probably still hadn't returned yet. Just as they had left the house, Light's new girlfriend had arrived at the door and Light had invited her in. Soichiro had been in a hurry and didn't consider the fact why a girl was in the house so early in the morning. Just as he had been getting into the car, Light had yelled to him that he was going to be a bit late for work because he had some stuff related to school to finish off. Soichiro had just waved to him to show that he had understood and had been off in an instant.

Now he was regretting it.

Ryuzaki had been right! (a/n : well L didn't exactly say anything did he?) How could Light do this…to his beloved daddy? He could still remember to that day Light as a little kid. The first time he used a potty, when he ran around naked at the beach…ah such wonderful memories.

"Snap out of it Soichiro! This isn't the time to start day dreaming" he thought to himself. "Light is at this very moment having sex! SEX! Dear God in heaven, SEX!!"

He quietly slid through the front door trying to be as silent as possible. Just as he expected, he could hear a series of moans and gasps from upstairs. Soichiro felt his insides boil with anger at the very thought of what Light and his girlfriend were doing in his house. He crept up the stairs and soon enough came in front of Light's room.

The moans were coming from inside. Being only a few feet away, he could also hear the bed creaking under them. He wanted to throw up right there and then.

Just as Soichiro decided to burst into the room and start shouting like a madman, Light started speaking.

"Misa…ah ah…Misa, we've been going on for hours now, I'm tired. OH MY GOD MISA!"

"Aww come on Light, I know you're enjoying this, why do you want to stop?"

"Misa, I am…ahhhh…late for work. My dad will get suspicious if I show up this late."

"Ok, Misa understands. Let me just finish here, please?"

"As you wish. But please hurry…AHHHHH! Yes there, there Misa!"

Soichiro couldn't take it any longer. He grabbed the doorknob and nearly crashed the door against the wall.


"OH SHIT!!" shouted Light as he fell out of the bed.

"AHHHHHHHHH PAPARAZZI!!" screamed Misa as she grabbed the bed sheet and covered her naked body.

No one took any notice of Misa as father and son stared at each other. One petrified with horror and the other furious as a herd of untamed bulls.

"D…dad, what are you doing h…here?" stuttered Light.

"You have the nerve to ask? I am utterly repulsed Light. I would never have thought that you of all people would do such a thing…in my house! What were you thinking? Oh what am I saying? You were not thinking at all!

"But dad listen. We weren't…."

"Silence boy! You were having sex in your bed room. I'm not a fool, I heard you and your friend perfectly well. And in any case I heard you moaning like a girl from downstairs! You have no idea how loud you were being for god's sake."

"Dad we…well…we weren't having sex exactly…ummm…she was…giving me a massage. Yeah a massage!" said Light hopeful that his father would believe him.

"Light Yagami don't try to make a fool out of me! I have seen you two clearly having oral sex! A massage, honestly not even a blind person would believe that."

Light decided to try pleading instead.

"I'm so sorry dad. Please forgive me. Believe me I will never to such a thing again…I promise."

But Soichiro wouldn't have it. "No Light stop saying that you sound like a baby." You will receive the punishment you deserve!" As for you young lady, pick up your clothes and get out of here…NOW!"

Misa did as Soichiro told her and with one last sad glance directed towards Light she left, certain that she wouldn't see Light for a long while.

Light stood there, afraid of what his father would do next. He was a monster when he was angry as he remembered once when he was only a little kid when he had stolen one of his dad's many ties and had wrapped it around his dick and had paraded all around the house wearing only that. That was one event that he sincerely wanted to forget.

Silence reigned between them as father and son kept on staring at each other, one dressed in a Hawaiian t-shirt and the other stark naked.

"Dad?" asked Light quietly.

"Get dressed and come with me. We're going back to work" said Soichiro and without another word, he left the room.

Light quickly got dressed and went downstairs. His father was already outside and was glaring at him from beside the car. Light didn't look at him, ashamed that he had caught him during the act. He dreaded the punishment that he would receive from his father. He was sure it would be a terrible one.


After fifteen long minutes in whish neither Light nor his father had spoken a single word to each other, they arrived at the hotel were the investigation team were currently staying at. They both got out of the car and went inside. Light had a feeling that he would soon find out what his punishment would be.

As they arrived to their rooms, Soichiro knocked twice and immediately Watari opened the door for them. As they stepped inside, Light was greeted by Ryuzaki who he noticed seemed strangely happy when he had glanced at him from his armchair.

"Hey Light, what took you so long? You know, this could have raised the percentage of you being Kira."

"Damn Ryuzaki and his stupid reasoning." thought Light angrily.

"But I have a feeling that you were doing something else, something which concerns…hmm…maybe a bed and a girl?"

Light blushed beet red at L's words. He glanced at the rest of the team who looked as if they weren't paying any attention to them but Light was sure that they were listening intently to their every word…especially Matsuda. He noticed that all the team were wearing Hawaiian t-shirts and there were fans spread throughout the entire room.

"Must be because of the heat" he thought since he seriously doubted that the colourful t-shirts were a kind of uniform they had to wear.

"Light have you heard me or no? I asked you if you were having you know what with a girl?" said L out loudly.

Matsuda burst out laughing at his words and L smiled a little at the older detective's reaction, though only a little bit.


"So I am right aren't I?" asked L.

Light blushed even more at this.

"Please Ryuzaki, could we continue to discuss this privately. I would like to ask you a favour as well."

"Of course Mr Yagami. Follow me." answered L.

Light had a really bad feeling about this.

As they made their way to another room, L suddenly called out to Watari.

"Watari, do you have some chocolate ice-cream hidden somewhere?"

"Yes Ryuzaki, I have some in my private fridge."

"Could you please bring some for Light? He seems to be hungry."

"Of course Ryuzaki."

Light was surprised. He actually felt quite hungry now that he thought of it, and he hadn't eaten any breakfast that morning due to…cough cough…his and Misa's previous activities.

Only then did he notice that Ryuzaki was carrying a strawberry ice-cream carton and a spoon in his arms and that he was wearing different clothes from the usual ones he wore daily. He was wearing a t-shirt and three quarter jeans which showed how pale Ryuzaki really was. Light blushed as he thought about this though he had no idea why we was doing so.

"Why are you blushing Light?" asked L suddenly.

He had been watching Light out of the corner of his eye.

"Uh…I'm not blushing. It's just that it's quite hot today isn't it?" he said with a smile.

"Yes it is isn't it? Do you want one of Watari's Hawaiian t-shirts? He has too many.

"No, but thanks just the same Ryuzaki."

"As you wish" answered the pale detective.

Once they got inside the room, L quickly found another armchair and sat on it whilst eating away at his ice-cream. Before Soichiro could start speaking, Watari had come inside the room and had handed Light his chocolate ice-cream and a spoon.

"Thanks" said Light.

Watari just smiled and left the room.

"So Mr Yagami, what is it that you wish to speak about in private?" asked L.

Soichiro didn't waste any time and got straight to the point.

"I caught Light having sex with Misa Amane in his bed room."

"DAD!" shouted Light with indignation.

Soichiro didn't take any notice of Light's embarrassment.

"I see, Misa Amane…interesting. I thought you had no feelings for that girl Light."

"That is none of your concern Ryuzaki." answered Light angrily.

"You are right of course Light. I'm sorry. But if you must know I already suspected that you were doing something like this. You see, you are never late for whatever reasons." said L, as he dipped some more strawberry ice-cream in his mouth.

"Damn you Ryuzaki." thought Light once again.

"Please eat your ice-cream Light or it will melt." pointed out Ryuzaki.


Light opened the carton and started eating away at the ice-cream hungrily. He loved chocolate ice-cream dearly but he would never admit it to anyone. He didn't want to look like a sugar addicted freak like Ryuzaki.

"The point is" said Mr Yagami, "that Light must get a proper punishment for such behaviour, and I think I know just the right punishment for him. That is if you are ready to co-operate Ryuzaki."

"Ok I'm scared now" thought Light as he gulped down some ice-cream.

"Please go on Mr Yagami, you have my full attention." said L.

"Right. I ask you to chain yourself to Light for this following week. 24/7. Do you agree?"

Chocolate ice-cream could be seen spraying out of Light's mouth after Soichiro had spoken those horrible words.

Light…chained to Ryuzaki…24/7…for an entire week?!" Hell the fuck no!


"No, I'm serious."

"No way I'm going to be chained to…him!"

Soichiro ignored Light and turned towards Ryuzaki, who was still sitting as impassive as always.

"Do you agree Ryuzaki?"


"Dad no!" said Light.

"Yes, why not? It will be interesting and in any case it will contribute to the investigation. I can watch over Light 24/7 and so will help me to decide if he is Kira or not."

"Ryuzaki no…please no!" pleaded Light.

"It's settled then!" announced Soichiro. "Light you will be chained to Ryuzaki starting from tomorrow. No objections."

Light looked at L, trying to make him change his decision but L just gave him a cute smile and poked another spoonful of strawberry ice-cream in his mouth.

"This is a nightmare!"


Author's Note : man I couldn't help but keep smiling as I wrote this chapter. It took about 2 hours but I'm satisfied with it. Light's a bit OOC but I don't think it's that important cuz it's humour right? Just so you know the story takes place when Light loses his memories of being Kira because it would be stupid otherwise. I've called the chapter Hot Chocolate because : 1) Light is chocolate (though Mello is too) whilst L is strawberry…yummy. 2) it's hot because of the sex. You know Light and sex : Hot Chocolate!

Anyway pls R&R as well as my other stories : The Other Side of Me (Bleach) and Cursed Hero (DBZ/Naruto crossover). I would also be pleased if you guys review Reaper's Detective, a bleach/DN crossover by daxterandboxer as well as all her other stories cuz they rock!