Standard disclaimer applies

We apologized for making you wait this long. Things are crazy in reality which was the reason for this long silence. Anyway, please enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 11: Con Dolore

Sasuke let out a low hiss of breath before he gazed at a pair of tear-stained, blue eyes in front of him. He smirked, "My win."

Their hearts thumped wildly. His elemental chakra hummed quietly while Sasuke's chirp noisily. The wind was against their body as they threw themselves forward to deliver a blow that would end their fight that had started a long time ago.

They each pulled back their arm to increase the force of the blow, lips in a snarl, eyes glistened in determination and teeth bared. They angled their bodies and thrust their arms forward, penetrating flesh once then twice. All movements ceased and the dust settled on the battleground. Once cleared, there was a gruesome sight. Both opponents' had their chests pierced by the other's hand.

This was what Naruto had imagined. This was what Sasuke had imagined for a worst case scenario. However, the outcome of their battle was different, too different.

Naruto forced his mouth to move so he could ask one question that echoed in his mind. "Why?" He lowered his gaze to look at the hand that never penetrated his chest. "Why?" He repeated again. He wanted nothing more than to pull away his hand that pierced through Sasuke's chest as if to hide the proof of his cruelty... of his betrayal, but he knew that doing so would hasten Sasuke's death.

Sasuke's smirk widened, causing another trickle of blood to slid from the side of his mouth. He finally understood why his brother chose the village over their clan and why his brother chose him over the village and it was that understanding that made him release his chakra a hairsbreadth from its target. It was a last minute change of heart. Looking at those hurting blue eyes, he simply answered with sincerity, "I can't destroy Konoha with you in it."

At that confession, Naruto's tears started falling gently. He wrapped an arm around Sasuke for an embrace, as if that would keep death from snatching his friend or stop the latter from slipping. He slowly lowered himself and Sasuke onto the ground. "Release the barrier, Sasuke," he commanded, his voice trembling with hysteria. "Sakura-chan is nearby. She can-" He stopped at the feel of one sticky hand on his cheek and gazed down to half-empty obsidian eyes.

Sasuke shook his head. "Let my madness end here," he said. He knew he wouldn't stop. Just because he couldn't kill Naruto didn't mean he wouldn't stop seeking vengeance. He would draw Naruto out... keep him away from the village. Keep him by his side where he should be.


There was so much grief on that face that even though, it hurt to speak, he whispered, "You said you wouldn't cry if I died."

Let me die by your hand, Naruto.

"You said you'd kill me!"

"Hn." Sasuke closed his eyes. However, the insistent, but gentle shake of his shoulder made him open them.

"Look at me."

Sasuke quietly snorted. Colors and figures melted together, and amongst the blurry abyss, the only thing he saw with sharp clarity was Naruto. While his body was numb, either because of pain or to herald Death's coming, he could still vividly feel Naruto's heat... his warmth that made him oblivious to the crawling coldness. It was a good way to die.


There was so much to say, so many things left unsaid, but he didn't have much time left to say them. It hurt to speak, let alone, breathe. All he could say while he was cradled by Naruto's trembling arms was, "Only you." He slid a hand to settle on tanned nape. "Only you." He pulled Naruto down. "Only you." He pressed his lips against the blond's.

It was their last deep kiss and it tasted of blood and was bittersweet. It was laden with unsaid words and of unexpressed feelings. During the kiss, Naruto's body hummed with a sensation that was so novel that he blamed it on the situation they were in.

Sasuke pulled away. Even though he hadn't exacted vengeance, he felt strangely accomplished.

"Na..." He blindly looked at the blue sky. "" He felt the wind. "" He smiled and let the wind carry him.

I loved you more than I did my brother.

-SasuNaru is love-

Feeling the shift of the wind, Juugo stopped moving and let the weapons of sand pierced through him. With his cage gone, there was no one to hold him back. There would be nothing but a sense of inhumanity, monstrosity and bloodthirstiness for him and he refused to walk to that path. Death was a haven for him.

Although victorious, Gaara didn't feel satisfied the slightest bit.

-SasuNaru is love-

Sai and Suigetsu had their weapons crossed when the barrier that surrounded Naruto and Sasuke had splintered into faintly glowing dust. Both of them saw the tiny particles being lifted to the sky before fading. The two men pulled away and smiled at each other as they relaxed their bodies.

"Good-bye ," Sai said.

Suigetsu snorted and rolled his eyes. "See you," he replied before disappearing.

The dark-haired lad tilted his head to the left in contemplation. What were the chances of them meeting again?

-SasuNaru is love-

A grimacing Pein gasped from where he had slumped from the latest hit Tsunade managed to land on him. "I'm immortal," he said it again in the umpteenth time as if Tsunade wasn't convinced yet.

The hokage stared down at him. "You're immobile," she stated haughtily and with certainty because she wasn't just hitting random parts of his body, as much as it appeared. "And that's all I need."

She started making hand seals — hand seals that Madara saw once performed by Konoha's hero and hand seals performed by two of Tsunade's predecessors to save and protect the villagers.

Tsunade had no qualms doing the hand seals. She was a kunoichi, one of the legendary sannin and a hokage. She was bound to give her life to the village she had lived for and sworn to protect. She had no regrets in dying like this.

Shizune just watched from the sidelines. She didn't bother stopping Tsunade, she knew what her superior was doing and the consequence that went with it. While she was sad that she would lose her dearest friend, she understood everything too well, so she just watched. She could only watch.

Madara mentally smiled. Things were going according to his plans and smoother than he expected. He wasn't exactly immobile. In fact, Tsunade's attacks never made contact with any part of his body, but to ensure his victory, he faked his injuries and even danced to his opponent's tune. In the end, it would only be Tsunade who would perish and be trapped in that world.

Tsunade's lips twisted in a snarl as she completed the seal. She could see death-apathetic and arrogant, waiting to take Madara's life along with hers.

Madara smirked at the glowing hands that were moving towards him when he heard Zetsu's voice.

"Sasuke-kun is dead."

Madara wouldn't have given a damn if his descendant's death didn't mean his failure. With a growl and a fierce glare, he disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving a surprised Tsunade and a relieved Shizune.

-SasuNaru is love-

Naruto bit his trembling lower lip, pressed his forehead against Sasuke's and clenched his eyes shut, teardrops falling slowly as he grappled with the fact that Sasuke was already dead; that he killed him. Was an apology enough? Would an honest confession make a difference?

Madara and Zetsu appeared behind Naruto, who in his emotional state, didn't notice their sudden appearance, let alone their presence.

Madara snorted at the pathetic scene. Just when Sasuke was so close to reinstating their clan to glory, the lad threw it in the wind for the jinchuuriki. Useless descendants, all of them! He smiled. No, Sasuke wasn't useless; foolish, yes, but not useless. After all, the jinchuuriki before him was already battle weary. He took a step forward.

"You'll be with him soon."

Naruto stiffened at the dangerous tone that voice held. He looked over his shoulder and recognized them for the coats they were wearing.

Akatsuki bastards.

From somewhere deep within him, something rose and flowed throughout his system and left his body to manifest as black flame. Those black flames lashed out to where his would-be captors were. Recognizing the flames for what they were, Madara, caught off guard, looked astounded.

-SasuNaru is love-

Hiashi gracefully slid a foot on the ground as he took position for his final blow, his purple eyes never leaving Kabuto once.

"Hakke Rokujuuyonshou," he said moving forward. In a snap, Kabuto disappeared and materialized in the area where Madara used to stand. Even before the medic-nin could register what was going on and how he ended up in that place, the black flames had engulfed him hungrily. Few steps away, Madara and Zetsu watched, completely indifferent and deaf to the cries of Orochimaru's right-hand man.

"How is that possible?" Zetsu asked, completely baffled and yet awed. No one could produce that black flame aside from an Uchiha and yet-

"Sasuke-kun had placed a seal on him," a seething Madara spat. He couldn't get his hands on Sasuke because Itachi had placed a seal to protect his younger brother from his clutches and now, the said younger brother had done the same to the blond nuisance, "Sasuke-kun transferred his memories of the Akatsuki members into the jinchuuriki."

"If that is the case, then no one from our group can get near him," Zetsu said. "Capturing him is impossible."

Madara gritted his teeth. The Uchiha clan was really cursed with foolishness. His descendants were useless to his plans. Looking at his subordinate with his eyes flashing with cold anger, he answered, "For the moment, yes. Tell everyone to withdraw immediately." Having given his absolute order, Madara vanished with one thought on his mind — a recruitment for new members was in order.

Naruto owlishly blinked at the burnt corpse that was Kabuto's. What happened? Wasn't it Madara who was standing there a few seconds ago? What were those black flames that emitted from his body? He knew it wasn't Kyuubi's because the sensation that hummed within him was different whenever Kyuubi's chakra flowed through him, but it was almost similar to what he felt during his last kiss with Sasuke.


He looked at his friend who would never be able to explain to him what he did.

"Sasuke," he mumbled softly.

"Naruto," came a soft whisper. He looked up and saw emerald eyes, looking at him sorrowfully.

"Sakura-chan..." He paused, his throat tightened painfully, choking him because the guilt that washed over him was ten times heavier than before, now that his female teammate was with him.

Sakura placed a dainty hand on his left arm, reminding him that the hand connected to that arm was still buried deep into Sasuke's chest. He stiffened.

"Take your hand out so I can close his wound," Sakura told him quietly. She didn't flinch at the sound that came with the withdrawal of Naruto's hand or at the blood or at the gaping wound. She looked at Sasuke and her chest constricted at the peaceful look her former teammate had. Her facial muscles which were taut, loosened as affection made its way on her visage and her eyes softened while she slowly healed not only his wounds but all of his bruises. Despite all the things Sasuke did; despite the detestation she had towards him, Sasuke was still her teammate and she felt grief settling heavily in her. Before she knew it, tears had blurred her vision before they slowly fell to the ground.

"Sakura-chan," Naruto started again, but the pink-haired kunoichi shook her head, because she knew there was something more important than this conversation, more than hearing Naruto's unneeded apology. "Naruto, they'll want his body for investigation." That statement alone made the Naruto's back stiffen, his body tense. Both of them, especially Naruto refused to have Sasuke's body cut open.

"Go before they know... before they arrive. I'll buy you time."

"But you can't. If they know, you'll be punished," Naruto said as he secured Sasuke's corpse before standing.

"It doesn't matter. I'm part of Team Seven."


"Go," Sakura commanded harshly. Protecting Sasuke in his death was the only thing she could do for him; for her; for Naruto... for the team seven that they were. She gave him a teary smile before he disappeared to bury Sasuke.

-SasuNaru is love-

Good night, Sasuke.

At the training grounds of the Uchiha compound, just a few steps from the Lake Sasuke used to practice his Fire techniques during his childhood, Naruto stood and watched while flames rose up to claim Sasuke. His eyes were transfixed as those burning fringes seemed to bow before wrapping themselves around the flame master, drawing him into their protective embrace, partaking on his flesh so he- Sasuke would return to where he came from; so he would live eternally.

Naruto looked at Sasuke's broken sword. He tenderly rubbed a thumb on the hilt before tossing it to the lake, letting it sink where it would have its eternal slumber on the lake bed. He tilted his head to sky, tears still streaming down his cheeks.

-SasuNaru is love-

The injured were given medical attention. Corpses were gathered and separated. Those that belonged to the village were given a proper burial and the rest were handed over to the investigation department to be examined and later on, disposed. Damaged and destroyed establishments were reconstructed or renovated. Konoha was once more full of activities as its villagers went about their lives.

Punishments- immediately effective once the village would completely settle down were handed down on those who had disobeyed Tsunade's orders. As expected, Neji and Shikamaru remained quiet while their hokage read their punishment. However, it was a surprise that Naruto, instead of complaining, just remained quiet while his crimes- breaking the chain of command and disposing of Sasuke's body were being read followed by the corresponding disciplinary actions. When everything was said, he just nodded and disappeared, leaving a torn Tsunade with a headache.

For five days, Naruto just remained in his apartment, quietly grieving, brooding and staring at his arm that was tainted with Sasuke's blood. Although he had washed it countless times, he still saw Sasuke's blood on his skin. In the silence of the night, the sound of his arm piercing Sasuke's chest echoed. It haunted him and his guilt manifested into nightmares that seemed to drive him crazy.

For five days, his friends came to visit him. All of them would, more out of respect to Naruto, say a little prayer to the tiny shrine the blond had for Sasuke. They would talk with Naruto who seemed more and more repressed as each day passed, hoping it would give a handle that would stop him from completely slipping away.

Naruto knew everybody meant well, but they never understood, even Sakura who knew too much about what happened between him and Sasuke. He hadn't lost a friend, a comrade, a teammate, a brother or a lover. He lost Sasuke.

After five days of just staying at his apartment, he was summoned to stand in front of the council.

The atmosphere of the room was neutral and the look the councillors and Tsunade gave him was unreadable. Instead of being bothered about it, he couldn't bring himself to. He stood in their midst, infuriatingly apathetic as he had been since Sasuke's death. He heard the words of the head councillor, but his brain didn't register them. Nothing mattered anymore, not even accusations or punishment. He wouldn't give a damn if the punishment given to him was changed into execution. In fact, execution would be a perfect punishment for a man who killed his best friend.

However, contrary to what Naruto thought, the council had another reason why they had him summoned and the blond realized that when he heard the words he longed to hear.

"... With these in consideration, you are hereby given the title of Rokudaime."

Blue eyes widened.

"In a condition that you'll under training under Tsunade-hime for a year or until we deem you to be ready to take the mantle of leadership."

The room was silent once more while the council waited for Naruto's reply. It took a while, but when Naruto looked at them to speak, there was a small smile on his face and his blue eyes gleamed with conviction.

-SasuNaru is love-

That evening, Sakura dropped by Naruto's place. Her visit didn't surprise the blond shinobi who expected her, certain that word had gotten around.

"You got promoted," she said quietly as she took a seat across her friend.


She lifted her gaze to his and added, "But you refused."

The blond looked away.

"Why, Naruto? Isn't it your dream to be a Hokage?"

Sighing, Naruto carded a hand through his hair. "I'm not cut out for the job, Sakura," he answered plainly. His eyebrows creased together and his eyes darkened before he continued, "A person who can't save someone important to him; a person who couldn't keep his promise; a person who killed his best friend can never be a hokage." He placed his arms on the table. "These arms which I wanted to save Sasuke killed him instead."

Sakura placed her hands on Naruto's and when the blond tried to pull away, she gripped them. "Don't," she said harshly. "If only it was possible, I wanted both of you alive, but I was aware of the situation. At worst, both of you would die and at best, one of you. Between the two of you, I wanted you to live..." She briefly casted her eyes down in guilt before she continued, "I was relieved that it was him who died. As insensitive as it sounds, as long as you survive, I don't care what happened to Sasuke-kun."

Naruto gave her a small smile. "Thanks, Sakura, for everything." He slipped his hands away because he didn't want to stain her with the crime he committed.

"Naruto, I don't know about Sasuke-kun, but I think, he wanted you to stop him." She remembered the smile on Sasuke's face. "He wanted you and no one else." Naruto shook his head, but Sakura proceeded. "You saved him and just as you promised, you brought him home." Smoothly, she stood up and went to give him a hug. "You kept your promise. No matter what you said, to me, you kept your promise. Thank you."

Naruto hung his head, but remained quiet.

Sakura's gaze drifted forward and because the door to Naruto's room was ajar, she saw something that made her heart clenched painfully.

Naruto inhaled deeply. "S-Sakura..." he trailed off because the words got caught in his throat. It was hard for him to say them that he ended up saying, "I want to eat ramen."

Sakura closed her eyes for few seconds, made sure her voice wouldn't tremble before she offered, "I'll buy you some from Ichiraku."

"That would be great."

The kunoichi slowly slid her arms and stepped away from her friend. On her way to the door, Naruto's voice stopped her.

"Thanks, Sakura-chan." He gave her a sincere boyish smile that broke her heart.

However, she managed to return him a beautiful smile. "You owe me one."

Naruto remained in his seat for quite awhile, making sure that Sakura had really left before he stood up and went to his room. He picked up his bag which he had packed the night before and opened the window of his room.

Without sparing a glance at what he would leave behind, he slipped outside and jumped from one rooftop to another, determined to leave Konoha without breaking his affiliation with it.

Unbeknownst to Naruto, Sakura never went to Ichiraku. The pink-haired kunoichi was standing at his rooftop. Tears were cascading down her cheeks while she watched him, knowing she couldn't stop him and understanding that his stay in the village might end up killing him or drive him crazy. As Naruto grew farther and farther away, she wished nothing, but for his safety and happiness.

Iruka was walking along an alley when Naruto passed over him. For a moment, he blinked owlishly before he resumed walking, as if nothing had happened. However, if one would look closely, one would notice how his shoulders dropped. Inwardly, he grieved for what Team Seven had become and wondered if Kakashi could have done something to prevent his team from being completely broken.

Tsunade swiveled her chair around after Naruto was completely swallowed by the darkness. She knew this was bound to happen especially when the blond had refused the position he coveted since childhood. She thought it was best for Naruto to leave after everything he went through, but she only came up with that opinion after she learned what Sasuke did. Until there was no new member within Akatsuki, Naruto was safe and she had Sasuke to thank for that.

Her honey-brown eyes drifted to a photo of her team and zeroed on Jiraiya.

He's taking after you.


Hakke Rokujuuyonshou - Eight Divination Signs, Sixty-Four Palms of the Hand