Hello, reader!

I have Good news and Bad News for Blood Lust.

I've always been the type of person to want to hear the Bad News before the good news, so I hope you do not mind.

The Bad News is that I am discontinuing Blood Lust.

There is no love here anymore. Just like any bad relationship, I need to acknowledge that dragging this out anymore is both bad for the story, and for me. I'm no longer excited to update a chapter of this story, because every time I read previous chapters, I cringe with the magnitude of a thousand suns and my intelligence suffers bursts of shame and regret.


Needless to say, I'm a lot older now, and I've grown a lot as both a person… and hopefully, as a writer too! I don't have as much time as I used to, so I think it's important to use the time I have wisely. Unfortunately, writing this story no longer proves valuable of my time. I've rewritten chapters of Blood Lust before, but alas, so much time has passed that I am at another blockage.

Except it's not a writer's block. I know how Blood Lust would have ended. I know how I would've written it. The problem is that I don't want to, because it's not up to my standards, and I'm not keen on forcing myself to finish a story for the sole sake of finishing it. You guys deserve more than that, and maybe it's selfish, but I feel like I do too.

The Good News is that I'm writing a new story for Vampire Knight: How the Heart Races

I'm not giving up on Blood Lust completely. I'm taking everything that I deem worthy of 'Blood Lust' with me. Which means it is more or less, a rewritten version of Blood Lust… A Drastically rewritten version, as there will be some similar elements as well as very different elements. I've put more thought into the new story, and it's still a little cliche, but I feel like cliche is okay if it's done originally or executed well.

If you haven't already read the first chapter of How the Heart Races, then here are some changes I'm going to tell you right away about changes to our heroine, Aya Makino.

- She is no longer a childhood friend of the two. In fact, she barely even knows Yuuki or Zero.
- She is no longer a Prefect.
- She is no longer a Demon.
- And she does (kind of) have a living family.

AKA TAKING THESE THINGS OUT MAKE ME CRY TEARS OF JOY AS FIREWORKS EXPLODE IN THE DISTANCE. Childhood friend is cliche. She can't be a prefect, because there's only one girl and on boy from each year, and changing her species to something endangered is like the most unrealistic mary-sue thing I have ever done, what was my grade 5 self thinking...

Some elements that will stay, though (without giving too many spoilers away!). Basically key component of her personality. She's still the same character, after all.

- She is still fairly close to Kaien Cross.
- She still hates (most) teachers.
- She's still the same outgoing tomboy she was.
- And she still has really bad grades.

How the Heart Races is basically the new and improved Blood Lust. Treat Blood Lust like a really bad and rough (grade 5, cough) draft.

Lastly, Blood Lust will stay here. I won't be removing it because I know how much this story may mean to some of you, but it won't be updated anymore. How the Heart Races will probably eventually catch up to a similar Blood Lust, which means that those of you who have read Blood Lust MIGHT have spoilers. Just maybe.

That is to say, there are still major, MAJOR plot pieces that have had yet to happen in Blood Lust, and I'm looking forward to showing you in How the Heart Races. If you're going to be one of the lucky few who get to make a mental comparison between the two stories, just remember to not be surprised when things begin to diverge and take a different route from Blood Lust. In the end, these are still two different stories. Similar, and coming from the same author, but different.

The first chapter is already posted. HHR opens and throws you into Aya's childhood, and Chapter One jumps to 'current day'. It's 9500 words long. As I write more chapters for you, the plot holes that you find will fill up, and things will begin making sense, as stories usually go.

I hope you look forward to How the Heart Races.Thank you all for supporting me so much. I have read every single review ever given, and I can't thank you guys enough for putting up with me. If you will not be following me to How the Heart Races, then I'd like to apologize for possibly getting your hopes up for this chapter, and thank you for staying with me through this story's Journey. I love you all to shreds, regardless. If you will be following me to How the Heart Races, then I guess...

See you soon?
