Hi I'm Yautja117 and this is my first Fanfic. It's a Naruto/AVP crossover. Strange, I know.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Alien or Predator. If I did Sasuke would be dead.

Chapter 1: Two Worlds

"When I was a kid, I used to wake up, screaming, with nightmares about monsters, suffocating in my own blood, about the things that wanted to hurt me. Then my mother would come in, rock me to sleep and tell me it was all a dream. She lied." Predator: Concrete Jungle

Naruto sat on the Hokage monument, watching the beautiful, starlight sky with his girlfriend, Sakura Haruno. She thought the stars were so beautiful. He thought something else was.

It was strange. After all the years he chased her, it was Sakura who had finally initiated everything. They were at the ramen shop after a mission and she 'accidently' kissed him. After that she refused to leave her house for about two weeks and Ino had to bring Sakura food. When all was said and done, Sakura asked Naruto out but he had to pay for it.

After that the two became inseparable. Although she had not "officially" moved in with him but Sakura spent about the same (if not more) time at his house. Even most of her stuff was at his place.

The house was bought after many missions. For awhile, almost nobody saw Naruto because of the constant, back to back missions. He had finally gotten sick of the land lord's assholishness and decided to get the hell outta Dodge.

This was the perfect night.

Unbeknownst to them, a War was raging in the heavens. Light flashed through the scout ship, the bellows of the lead hunter to his pack echoed. The Predator leader stalked down the hall way. How could this happen? A contaminate on his ship! There were the sounds of battle in the corridor ahead. A corpse of a warrior, mangled and mutilated, lay in the middle of the hall way. There were holes where the Xenomorph's acid blood had melted through the deck.

Down the hall a warrior fired his last salvo, before the alien monsters consumed him.

He entered the cockpit.

"We're losing power in our main engines, commander." He barked.

"Damn. How many warriors have we lost?"

"Six. Should I awaken the ones still in cryo?"

There was an explosion. The ship trembled and sprouted blue flames. This ship was heading down, down to the blue and green planet below.

The commander was thrown violently to the metal floor. The fog swirled.

"Send a message to the Elder. Scout ship containing Xenomorphs down in the Sol sector. Send help." The Predator said in its guttural language.

The pilot quickly sent the voice message to the Elder of the clan.

The metal door behind the two warriors thudded and bent. The bright, orange, alien walls cast an eerie glow as the bugs pounded their way in. But leading them was the Predator commander's worst nightmare: A hybrid of the two species. The being was larger and more powerful and sided with the hunters prey. The thing tore the door free and advanced.

Then the Commander did the most honorable thing he could do: stand, fight and die with Honor.

Naruto and Sakura sat, side by side, watching the night sky.

"Naruto! Look! A shooting star!" said Sakura, pointing.

Was the beginning good? Bad? Ugly? Any feedback much appreciated.