Hi people. Just dropping in to say that I'm still alive. I'm currently buried in work and a serious lack of ideas, but it'll get better eventually.


Mav's voice-in-the-head

Mav's thoughts OR Narration


Hope you like it.

Class had just dismissed and Maverick was headed for the parking lot when Ice stopped him.

"Hey, that was a good call. The move was a little aggressive, but when you're in a dogfight, the niceties kinda go out the window, don't they?" Ice grinned and cocked his head to the side as if asking for affirmation.

"Yeah. I mean, I know Charlie's certified and everything, but you can't know unless you've been there." Maverick matched Ice's smile with one of his own, hoping that Ice hadn't noticed him sneaking a peek at him in locker room.

"Exactly. Hey, I was wondering if…." Ice's next words were drowned out by another voice Maverick's head.

Well, he certainly looks better in person than in your imagination. Less glowy, of course.

Oh dear God, not now.

Why don't you just tell him how you feel?

Can we please do this later?

.nope. Though I do note you've grown more polite since our last talk.

Shut up.

It seems I've spoken too soon. So, have you admitted that you love Mr. Kazansky yet?

One, bite me. Two, I do not love him. Three, STOP FUCKING CALLING HIM MR. KAZANSKY!

So touchy. It's because you love him, you know.

Go die.

That's entirely uncalled for, I'm only trying to help. Besides, I can't die, I'm a voice in your head.

Would "Thomas" suffice?


You told me, rather rudely, to stop calling him "Mr. Kazansky." Will my calling him Thomas keep you from screeching?

Damn it. He looks like he just asked me something. What did he say?

I'm not sure. I was listening to you blather on.


No need to shout, Peter.

I hate you, you know that?

Don't take your frustration out on me, Mr. "I'm in love with my fellow pilot but refuse to admit it."

I swear, one of these days--


"Oh, sorry. I spaced out a for a minute. Could you say that again?"

"No problem. I've had those days. I was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink or something?"

I told you he was interested.

When did you say that? Ever?

I implied it.

You did not "imply" it.

I think Thomas is expecting an answer, Peter.

We never agreed on--oh crap.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Ice. Yeah, yeah, I could definitely use a drink."

"Great. See you at the bar in twenty?"


Oh God. Did you see his smile?

It's very nice.

Nice? I don't think I'll ever have an innocent night's sleep again. My sheets will never recover.

Must you be so vulgar?

That was hardly vulgar. Now, if I'd said--

Oh, look, he's turning. You have an unobstructed view of his posterior.

…I take it back. I can't hate anyone who points out such prime merchandise, even if you were just trying to distract me.

You talk about him like he's a commodity.

He is. One with an extremely limited clientele. Me.

You think Thomas has never been with anyone else?

Of course he has. That doesn't mean he has to be with anyone else from now on.

That sort of possessiveness indicates something, don't you think?

What do you want me to do about it?

What do you want to do about it?

What do you want me to do about it?

Don't start that again. You love him.

No, don't YOU start THAT again. I do not.

Have we not been through this?

I take back taking it back.

Now, Peter--

Is "Maverick" so hard to say?

Is "I love you" so hard to say?

…Touché, voice, touché.

Since I'm not planning on leaving you alone anytime soon, you ought to find something better to call me.

How 'bout "Pain In My Ass?"

I walked into that one, didn't I?

Yeah, you did. As much as you can walk into things, anyway.

Must you be so literal?

Must you be so annoying?

Yes, actually, I must. You see, you need to admit--car.

Car? I need to admit ca--WHOA!

I tried to warn you.

I almost got killed!

It's not my fault you're not paying attention. You are driving this death machine, after all.

For the last time, I do not love Ice. Now shut up so I can get myself to the bar alive.

All right, I'll leave you alone for the moment, but the time will come when--




"Iceman, I love you." I'm telling you, it's not that hard.

Will you EVER shut the fuck up?

Why do you say it like that?

What do you mean?

One word: "shutthefuckup." That's how you say it.

I do not. Now, shutthefuckup. He's right there.

Yes, Peter, your eyes are my eyes, so I see him quite clearly. Blonde hair, white teeth, leaning on the bar, smiling at you.

He is smiling at me, isn't he?

Oh dear Lord, now you're swooning over him.


You had "he's so dreamy" voice going on.

Hey, you know what?

I know I'll regret this. What?

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Oh, that was original.

I'm ignoring you now.

You can't ignore me. I'm in your head.

"What're you drinking?"

You love him, you love him, you love him, you love him.

"Water, at the moment. I think I'll have a 7 and 7. You?"

You love him. Peter. Peter. Peter. Peter. Peeeeeeeteeeeeer.

"A rum and coke, thanks. And by the way, thank you for that image. I'm picturing you dancing to disco now."

God, his laugh is incredible.

I thought you were ignoring me.

I am. It's not my fault you invade my every thought.

"Invade" is such a negative word, Peter. I prefer…


If I am not mistaken, Thomas is staring quite openly at you.

Crap. Did he ask me something?

No, you were waiting for your drinks and you both lapsed into silence. And now he's…studying you. Intently.

What do I do? Don't answer that. I'm pretty sure I know what you'll say.

Smart move. Though I'll tell you again anyway. Tell him--

I love him, yes, yes, I know, thank you.

You are most welcome. And see? You DO love him.

That's not what I meant and you know it, you pest.

Aw, you've devolved to "pest." It's so much nicer than your other names for me.

I don't care that you are inanimate. I will find a way to kill you.

Nice feeling's gone. Are you happy now?

NO! I still have no idea what to do about Ice. He's just looking at me.

He's probably thinking much the same thing, Peter.

Shit! I am staring at him. Well, I can't look away now. If you could give some real advice, it'd be fantastic right now.

Say something, you dolt.

"How 'bout them Yankees?"

Okay, not what I had in mind, but okay.

"What?" Ice chuckled and it sent a shiver down Maverick's spine. "Mav, we live in California. And I wasn't aware you were into baseball." Ice's face betrayed his considerable amusement at Maverick's flustered countenance.

"It's the first thing that popped in my head."

Was not. "Let's have sex!" was the first thing that--


The bartender showed up with their drinks and Maverick would have kissed him for his excellent timing.

"Oh, thank God, alcohol." Maverick reached for his drink desperately and Ice laughed that wonderful laugh.

"I see, you need alcohol to be comfortable near me?"

"No, I need loose pants to be comfortable near you." Maverick responded automatically, and his hand paused halfway to his mouth.

Did I just say that out loud?

*lips pressed tightly together in an attempt not to laugh*

Oh God.

Ice's mouth twitched, definitely amused. His eyes flashed at Maverick and his voice was a little lower when he asked, "Is that so?" Maverick nearly jumped out of his skin when Ice's leg rubbed against his. "Because I think it'd be easier if you were wearing nothing at all."

Maverick met Ice's eyes and both refused to look away.

Holy shit. He's dead serious.

Well, yes, Peter, he is. As were you, I believe.

Right. Here goes.

Here goes what, Peter? Peter? PETER?!

Maverick's arm shot forward and he fisted Ice's uniform, pulling him into a bruising kiss. Ice returned it with equal fervor and before too long, they were in Ice's car, headed for Ice's place as fast as Ice could coax the car to go.

Reviews are ALWAYS appreciated.