Part Four: Embraces

Elladan leaned against the railing at the bow of the ship, watching their ship cut through the waves, sending a soft, cool spray up to him. Land had been sighted that morning, and he had not left the bow since, watching the white shores slowly grow larger and larger. Now he could see green hills behind them, dotted with houses, and he could hear the fair voices of Elves drifting on the breeze.

As they drew closer, Elrohir joined Elladan, and together they scanned the beaches and quays, searching for their parents. "There are too many," Elrohir said finally, shaking his head. "We are too far out yet."

"If I thought it would be faster, I would leap into the Sea and swim," Elladan said, only half jokingly. Elrohir laughed. "However, I do not think Ada or Naneth would thank us for such an entrance to Valinor."

"Indeed," Elrohir agreed, "it would hardly be dignified for the sons of Elrond to set foot on the shores of Valinor dripping with seawater."

"Much less the grandsons of Galadriel and Celeborn," Elladan replied with a grin, glancing over his shoulder to see their grandfather speaking with the helmsman. Even the ancient lord was having trouble disguising his excitement.

They did not have much longer to wait, for the wind and waves were with them. Soon enough, the ship pulled up alongside a dock, and ropes were thrown to Elves on the shore, who greeted the newcomers with wide smiles and fair voices. Elladan waved to them, but his gaze traveled swiftly over the crowd of friends and relations there to greet the ship. He recognized several friends, some of whom had sailed hundreds of years before. Legolas and Gimli were also among the crowd – Gimli visible only for the berth many of the Elves gave him.

Unable to wait any longer, Elladan slung his pack over his shoulder and vaulted over the side of the ship, landing lightly on the dock. Elrohir followed a moment later, and the twins strode forward into the crowd. Elladan returned greetings and welcomes with a smile, but he still craned his neck to try to catch a glimpse of Elrond or Celebrían.

They reached Legolas and Gimli, who grasped their arms with wide grins. "Mae govannen," Legolas said. "It seems you took your time."

"We wished to say farewell to Eriador properly," Elrohir replied lightly before turning to Gimli. "Well met, son of Glóin."

"Indeed," Gimli grunted, stroking his beard.

While his brother conversed with their friends, Elladan continued to search the crowd. A flash of gold and silver caught his eye, and he turned to see Celebrían making her way through the crowd towards them. "Naneth!" he cried. Elves moved aside to make a path for the twins to rush to greet their mother.

"My sons!" Celebrían exclaimed, laughing joyfully as she embraced them both at once. Her eyes had regained their sparkle, and her smile was real – not forced or sad as it had been when they had parted. "It has been far too long! I have missed you both so much!"

Elladan held her tightly, remembering all too well when it had felt as though he would never be able to do so again. "We have missed you too, Naneth," he said.

"Celebrían!" Lord Celeborn joined them, and the twins moved aside to let their mother greet her father. Lady Galadriel appeared at their sides, smiling at Elladan and Elrohir before moving in to greet Celeborn as well, who all but disappeared in their embrace.

Then Elrohir touched Elladan's arm, and they turned to find their father coming through the crowd. "Ada!" they shouted, nearly tripping over each other in their haste to meet him. Like Celebrían, Elrond wrapped his arms around both of them at once.

There was so much to say, so much to tell both Elrond and Celebrían, and Elladan knew that they would speak for hours later. But for the moment they needed no words. Celebrían rejoined them as the crowd around the docks began to thin. Elrond slipped an arm around her, and the four began to walk away from the ships. Elladan shared a smile with Elrohir; promises made had been kept, and now, while Men rose in power in Middle-earth, the Elves could rest in peace. Somewhere nearby, a voice raised in cheerful song, singing tra la la lally

Here Elf and Elf-maiden
Now welcome the weary
With Tra la la lally!