I don't own Naruto or Starwars.

Uzumaki Kushina layed her head back against a pillow as the nurse cleaned the blood off her new born son. Her husband Minato Namikaze was standing beside her bed holding her head and looking between her and their newborn while crying because of what is about to happen. She looked at the doctor and said "I understand doctor, could you leave us alone for a few minutes. I wish my final minutes to be private with my husband and son."

The doctor said "of coarse." as he quickly left to help with the wounded from the Kyuubi attack.

The nurse handed the baby boy to her and left also and Minato said "Its not right, why is this happening." as his heart was breaking.

Kushina sighed and said "We knew it was a risk Minato. My battles over the years of my life changed me and now my body is finally giving out. I can feel it already. I wish we could stay together forever but we both know that's impossible now. I have already accepted what must happen with our son." as she looked at the baby sadly.

Minato said "I love you Kushina."

Kushina smiled and said "Go ahead honey and get everything ready. I want to say something to our son alone before I go."

Minato nods and leaves the room and Kushina closed her eyes and thought "if you think I am leaving our son Naruto alone with this shit Minato, your fucked in the head. You never knew my true past before I came here. It's time I give our son a chance." as she placed Naruto on the palms of her head as she began to concentrate. She began to glow and as her life left her, her body faded away into nothing as Naruto fell from where her hand was under him onto the bed and he began to cry.

Minato heard Naruto cry from outside the hall and walked back into the room and went wide eyed seeing his wife gone and screamed "Nurse." as he ran over to Naruto and picked him up.

The nurse ran back in and gaped and said "Where did she go, she couldn't have gone very far since she was nearly dead." as she ran to check the window.

Minato thought "kushina, where are you."

He heard a voice say in the wind "go minato, do what you must, I have things taken care of. I love you my love."

He looked around and sighs and said "Your mother was always mysterious son. Well I guess its time to take care of this big bad demon." as he quickly left.

When Kushina opened her eyes she found herself in a sewer and thought "what the hell, did it work." as she began to look around.

A deep voice said "Who dares enter this place."

She looked around and heard a soft voice say "Whose there." and she went toward the voice and she finally found a large room with a cage in the middle of it and a small blond hair boy with whiskers and Kushina said as she looked at the cage "Hello."

The little boy turned and saw Kushina and stepped back and said in a scared voice "Who are you."

Kushina frowned and said "Its common curtosy to give your name first when you ask someone elses name."

The little boy seemed to think it over and said "Im Naruto Uzumaki."

Kushina eyes went wide and she fell to her knees and said "Im Kushina Uzumaki and I am your mother."

The little boys eyes went wide and said "Mommy." in a scared and hopeful voice.

Kushina nods and Naruto ran toward her and screamed "Mommy." as he hugged her.

Kushina held him as he cried out "mom." over and over again.

Finally after he calmed down she looked at him and asked "How old are you Naruto."

Naruto looked confused and said "Im 4, why don't you know that mommy."

Kushina sighed and said "I been gone for a long time son. I thought I would have been with you sooner." as she held him.

A deep voice said "Its you, your the one who was like my masters."

Kushina looked at the cage and saw the shadowy figure of Kyuubi appear and said "What do you want Kyuubi. Haven't you caused enough trouble."

Naruto looked at his mom and then at what she called Kyuubi and said "Mom, whose the big kitty."

Kyuubi sweatdropped and Kushina had to use all her years of training from bursting out laughing and Kyuubi said "Watch you mouth boy. I have you know I am one of the Gaurdians of this world created by the Ancients. I can destroy you if I cho guggggguggg" as his eyes went wide as his throwt was being crushed by something.

Kushina turned her head to Kyuubi and said "First, never threaten my son again Kyuubi. If I had not been weakened from childbirth and also dying I would have slaughtered you. Second, the Ancients you spoke of just now, would they happen to be the same Ancients who created the Star Map and the Star Forge. If you do not answer me I will kill you now." as the force crushing Kyuubi neck cease

Kyuubi was breathing heavy gasping for breath looking at Kushina in fear and said "Forgive me for not realising you were one of the Ancients master." as Kyuubi bowed.

Naruto pulled at the hem of Kushina pants and said "mom, what are you talking about and where are we."

Kushina frowned and said "Just a moment son, I need to find something out and then I will tell you everything. Now I am not one of the Ancients. Its obvious that we are both talking about the same people though. Tell me, why do you believe that I was one of them."

Kyuubi said "Your power, its just like theirs was. It was why I came to this village in the first place. I felt what felt like my masters in pain and I came to aid them. I destroyed the humans that got in my way. If you are not one of the Ancients how do you have their power."

Kushina was shocked and she whispered "its all my fault, it all happened because of me." as she fell back down again.

Naruto seeing his mom shocked said "Mom, your scaring me."

Kushina blinked and looked at her son and pulled him into a hug and said "I am so sorry son. It's all my fault. I never should have come here and none of this would have happened." as she started to cry.

Naruto seeing his mom crying and heard her saying she should never have come said in a pleading voice "mom, don't say that, please don't leave me again, please don't leave me to the bad people. Please, I will do anything you want but please..." as he cried.

Kushina came out of her shock hearing her son words and she pulled him into a hug and said "Shh, its alright son, the bad people won't get you. I am not leaving you son." as she rocked him in her arms.

Naruto when he finally calmed down she put her hand on his head and he fell asleep and Kushina held him and finally looked at Kyuubi and said "You will answer my questions or I will destroy you. I am known as Kushina Uzumaki from whirlpool country to those of this world but I am also known as Revan, former lord of the Sith and Jedi Master. I will torture you and make you beg for your death if you do not answer me quickly because I am losing my temper. Now tell me, where exactly we are, what has happened while I was away and what did my son mean when he said bad people."

Kyuubi looked at her and felt his throwt begining to close again said "Alright, I will answer but what may I call you so I don't upset you."

Kushina said "Call me Lord Revan. Now talk."

Kyuubi nods quickly and said "We are currently in his mind. This world is a link between where I am actually sealed and his mind so I can hear him should he require my power. As for what has happened to him I am not for sure but I do know that his body has had to draw on my power several times when he has been in pain. I can't see whats going on outside of him and this is the first time he ever actually appeared here Lord Revan."

Kushina frowned and said "Tell me about the ancients and what exactly are you."

Kyuubi said "As I said before, I am one of the guardians of this world. When the Ancients were here before this world was plagued by massive natural disasters so the ancients created me and the other Bijuus to go around the planet stopping the disasters and over all the milliniums they stopped and the other Bijuus and I have been waiting for the Ancients to return and if anything threatened the planet of our masters then we have protected it by destroying whatever was threatening the planet."

Kushina said "What exactly are you."

Kyuubi said "I am an organic, self sustaining guardian of the planet."

Kushina closed her eyes and thought "great, hes just like those damn droids back when I was looking for the star map." and said "What effect will you being in my son cause on him."

Kyuubi was quite a few moments and said "My body that was sealed in him is designed to adapt and sustain myself to ensure my survival. When I was first sealed into him my body began to alter his body to make it self sustaining as it originally was."

Kushina blinked and said "To what end."

Kyuubi said "Endefinately."

Kushina went wide eyed and looked at her son and said "So your saying that his body is immortal now."

Kyuubi was quite a moment and said "no, what I am saying is that his body will repair all damage and maintain top performance however it is possible to kill him by either removing his secondary power soarce in other words me or by severe bodily destruction beyond its healing capabilities."

Kushina asked "Is there any way you can free yourself."

Kyuubi said "No, I am designed to adapt to changes and can not break free unless it is directly ordered by my masters or in the interest of my orders."

Kushina said "Very well, from this moment forward I am your new master. You will follow my orders and my first order is to never risk the life of my son. Should you fail there won't be enough of you left to repair yourself. I will call you should I need you now go."

Kyuubi faded away as did his cell and Kushina sighed and said "Now let's see if I can find his memories." as she began walking toward the tunnels.

When Naruto opened his eyes he heard the sound of destruction and he looked around and saw his mother beating the hell out of what appeared to be villagers but she was not just beating them, she was literally blowing thier limbs off and tearing their head off and shoving them down their throwts.

Naruto was scared and said quitely "mom."

Kushina was panting and she turned her eyes toward Naruto and he flinched and she closed her eyes and slowed her breathing and said "Sorry about that. How do you feel son." as she waved her hand and all the people disappeared.

Naruto looked around and said "Alright I guess, what happened."

Kushina wrapped him in a hug and said "I am so sorry son, I never wanted any of that to happed to you. Neither did your father."

Naruto looked at her and asked "Whose my father."

Kushina bit her lip and said "Tell you what, let me tell you a little story and then I will tell you about your father ok."

Naruto nod and Kushina said "The story begins a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away." as she began to explain about jedis, the mandalorian war, her leading jedi to battle and then becoming a sith to prepare the republic.

After that she said "After the star forge was destroyed I left the republic again because I had found proof that another enemy was waiting for the time to strike. I wound up in a battle with them in space and escaped on a wild jump to light speed and I crashed on this planet in the ocean. I don't know how long I floated in the ocean but eventually I was picked up by a boat and they gave me food and water and saved my life. When I reached land again I had acted like I had no memories and then I was attacked by a ninja with a whirlpool hiate on his head. I defended myself and killed him and took his hiate as well as cloths and other things to survive. I found that he was actually on his way here to Konoha to request aid for his country and thought I was a thief or enemy ninja trying to stop his request. I decided to repay him by continuing his mission but by the time I got here word had spread how Whirlpool had actually been destroyed already so the Yondaime allowed me to stay here as a refugee. I hid my past as a jedi and sith and from being from another galaxy he let me join as a ninja of here but since I couldn't use ninjutsu I told him I had a condition preventing me from using chakra thanks to an attack. He accepted me and thats how I officially joined Konoha."

Naruto was wide eyed and shocked and said "That is so cool."

Kushina smiled and Naruto said "So whats dad like, I mean is he a jedi also or one of those Mandalorian guys, huh, huh, is he a wookie, those guys sound awesome." as he ranted on and on.

Kushina sweatdropped and thought "there were times I thought I would rather kiss a wookie then your father, especially after I found out about his sensei books but no, not this woman, never kissed a wookie."

Kushina saw Naruto eyes glossed over with excitement and said "Woah, slow down, I think your about to have a head explosion if you don't stop. Now as for your father Naruto, he was a kind and brave man, he went out of his way to protect those that were precious to him and he was a great warrior and leader. In fact I am sure you know of him."

Naruto said "Really, who is he." excited.

Kushina eyes glossed over a moment and said "You remember seeing Kyuubi Naruto."

Naruto nods and Kushina said "The Kyuubi was not killed like you were told, he was to powerful so the Yondaime could not kill him so he sealed the Kyuubi into his newborn son."

Naruto looked at her and then asked "But then why did I see the Kyuubi in my head."

Kushina said "Because the newborn was you."

Naruto thought a moment and his eyes went wide and said "my father was the Yondaime."

Kushina nods and Naruto asked "Mom, where have you been all these years."

Kushina said "After I gave birth to you my body began to give out so I used a special power I learned in the force to bind myself to you so when I die I would still be with you and I thought it would be instant but it did not happen until today."

Naruto nods and said "This is alot to take in mom but I am happy your back. I don't understand alot of this though so it must not be a dream." as he looked around.

Kushina slapped her head and said "of coarse it don't make since. Your still a little boy but son, you can't tell anyone about anything you saw or heard today. I don't want people hurting you anymore so you got to listen to me ok."

Naruto said "ok mom." smiling wanting to make his mom happy.

Kushina said "good, now I figured out how to make it where you can hear me and for me to be able to see what you do so when you wake up I can help you get stronger. I am going to train you in the force and also in a few things from your father. When you wake up tomorrow I want you to follow my directions ok, I will take care of everything."

Naruto said "Ok mom, believe it."

Kushina frowned and thought "kids got a photographic memory and can understand better then he lets on but he acts like his father, an idiot, may the force help me." as she hugged her son and said "its time for you to wake up son."

Naruto asked "How."

Kushina said "Just think about yourself waking up, that should work."

Naruto nods and closed his eyes and he faded away.

As he did Kushina smile slipped and she said "Konoha, prepare yourself because I will deliver upon you your salvation and destruction. I will train my son to be a jedi to his allies and a sith to his enemies and pray I never figure out how to get out of here because if I do, I will make malicor looked like a picnic." as she waved her hand and the white room she was in changed to a full battle command room from the republic.