Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor


Aragorn bridled his horse. With the evening, darkness was approaching fast, and he decided to stop for the night. He had found a clearing with a small stream where he would be able to water his steed.

After he had removed saddle and harness, he laid one hand on the animal´s neck and led it to the water. His horse, Ragnar, nuzzled him affectionately before starting to drink. Aragorn smiled and turned to set up his camp.

He had made good progress and would meet his friend Legolas the following day, if the elf had not been delayed. They had agreed to spend some time together, as they had not seen each other for quite some time now.

Aragorn wrapped his cloak around himself, as it grew cold once night had come, and laid down next to the fire. He could see Ragnar´s outline, who was still grazing. The steady sound of grass being plucked out finally lulled the man and he fell asleep.


The night had grown old when he awoke with a start. For a few seconds, he wondered what had happened, but then he felt a horse´s nose nudging him. "Ragnar", he exclaimed, "what-" But then he saw Ragnar standing a few feet away. Looking up, he realized that it was a white horse who had woken him. Aragorn sprang to his feet at once and assessed the animal. With a sinking feeling he recognized Alba, Legolas´ white mare, Ragnar´s mother.

And Alba seemed distressed, for she nudged Aragorn again and whinnied, stamping her hooves impatiently.

Something must have happened to Legolas, otherwise Alba would not have come alone, not like this.

Aragorn felt a shiver running down his spine, but he did not hesitate. Alba did not seem hurt, but she had an air of urgency about her.

"It will be alright", the man said, not only in order to reassure Alba but himself as well, and quickly broke up his camp.

When he was ready, he told Ragnar to follow him and went after Alba. The first light of dawn began to show, but under the dense foliage of the trees it was still dark, though the white mare seemed to glow faintly. Aragorn had not lit a torch but trusted the horse to find its way back to wherever it had come from. As silently as possible they walked through the night.


At midday Alba finally stopped. She lifted her head, her ears playing nervously, and snored quietly.

Aragorn marvelled at her time and again; without hesitating, she had led him on, seemingly very sure of her way, and had not stopped once.

He listened as well; at first, he heard nothing apart from the usual sounds of the forest, but then there seemed to be something else: a faint noise, not belonging there.

It did not seem to come nearer but was headed eastwards. Aragorn motioned for the horses to stay, then he went in the direction of the noise. When he approached it, he could discern many heavy footfalls, and he did not like the sound of that.

The ground was sloping, which proved to be an advantage for the ranger, as he soon could see some motion further down. Careful not to be detected, he drew nearer and caught his breath when he finally recognized who was marching there: Orcs.

A band of Orcs, and one of them seemed to be carrying a large, inanimate bundle. Aragorn´s heart sank when he saw the strands of blond hair trailing down from it. They had gotten Legolas. For a few seconds, he did not breathe at all. He could not see if the elf was still alive, or what they had done to him, but the situation was bad enough anyway. He counted a total of thirty Orcs, far too many to fight against on his own.

He would have to follow them, maybe there would be an opportunity to strike later. Just as he was debating if he should go back to get the horses, who would slow him down and increase the risk of being detected on the one hand, but might prove useful on the other, Alba breathed down his neck. Aragorn jumped: "Sweet Valar!", he whispered.

Alba eyed him intently.He stroked her soft muzzle: "I will have to pursue them", he said very softly, "which will take a lot of patience and sneaking about."

He was reluctant of sending her away, but she might be of more use if she went to get help. And the elven mare seemed to understand his thoughts, because she gently laid her nose against his chest for a while, just like she had done all those years before, and then turned back as if to leave.

"Good girl", Aragorn murmured and went to say goodbye to Ragnar as well. "Stay with your mother", he said, briefly leaning his forehead against the horse´s,"she will take care of you." He took his pack off the saddle, shouldered his bow and quiver, patted Ragnar and turned to follow the Orcs.


His worry for Legolas increased with every passing hour, since whenever the ranger got close enough to catch a glimpse on how the elf fared, he did not seem to have moved once. Aragorn prayed that he was still alive, that he was not beyond aid already.
