Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original characters or storylines.




It was early morning in Minas Tirith. The watchmen who stood guard at the stables had become accustomed to their king sneaking in at this time of day on a regular basis, thus avoiding the day´s trouble; he liked to visit his horse and just spend some time with it alone, completely undisturbed by anyone.

He had much less time to himself since he had become king, and he was determined not to neglect Brego, who had gone through so much with him.

As the stallion gently nuzzled his hand, Aragorn marvelled at how soft a horse´s nose was, and suddenly thought of Turin, his first own horse ever. Elrond had given it to him when he had turned five years old, and the little pony had proven to be the perfect companion, being sturdy and brave, but also soft and comforting if need be.


"Estel!", a voice called out, "Estel, where are you? I know you are hiding in here..."

The little boy stifled a giggle by pressing his hands over his face; Elladan, who was the one looking for him, heard it nevertheless, and soon afterwards he peered into Turin´s box. He did not immediately see his younger brother, as he was hiding behind his pony.

"Here you are!", Elladan exclaimed finally, "you little squirrel; I already had looked in here but did not see you!"

Estel giggled again, as he left his hiding-place: "We tricked you!" "We?" "Turin and me! He helped me by looking bigger!" "And how does he do that?" "He draws in breath and acts important."

Elladan tried not to laugh at this; Estel often came up with explanations like that, and the twins could not but marvel at it. "There definitely is some potential in him", Elrohir used to say.

"Okay, so now that I have found you: it is time for you to go to bed." "I know, that is why I was hiding", Estel replied cheekily. "Elladan, can I sleep here tonight? Turin would like it so much, and me, too", he added. "Please, Elladan?"

The elf smiled: "I think you should ask Ada about it; if he does not mind, you may."


Elrond wrinkled his forehead: "You wish to sleep in the stables?" "Yes, Ada. So I can tell Turin a bedtime story and he will not be afraid."

Elrond took Estel and put him on his lap: "Why do you think Turin is afraid at night, little one?", he asked.

"Because he is alone in his box", came the swift reply. "And when I wake up at night and am afraid, I can call you, but Turin cannot."

Elrond stroked his son´s hair: "But Turin is not alone, Estel. All the other horses are there, and the stablehand´s accomodations are right next to them; if Turin is afraid for some reason, all he has to do is whinny, and then someone will hear him, too."

"Does he have bad dreams like I do sometimes?", Estel asked, considering this.

Elrond smiled: "I do not think so, so you do not have to worry. And I would rather you sleep in your own bed. Your pony needs its space, and you do not want it to accidently step on you, do you?"

Estel sighed: "No, Ada. But I think he would have liked it very much."

"I am sure he would have", Elrond agreed, and with a twinkle in his eyes, added: "except that you snore." "I do not!" "Yes, you do." "I do not, Ada!" "Yes, you do."...


Aragorn laid his hand on Brego´s neck and stroked him; he had loved him from the first moment he had laid eyes on him, but he would not forget Turin or any other horse he had had as long as he would live.


The End