Harley drove straight past her apartment that night and continued on to the nearby shopping center…the first place she had really seen her Mister.J. She sighed at the memory and pushed her foot down harder on the pedal, speeding forward. Harleen Quinzel was gone completely – she knew now that her life previously had been a lie and thanks to Mister J, she knew the truth. She knew who she really was. Harley Quinn…it had a nice ring to it. Harley swerved dangerously around the corner and parked illegally on the side of the road, not bothering to lock the car as she darted out and into the center hurriedly. She walked briskly, people watching her as she did. She smiled sadly at them…poor things. They didn't know how wrong they all were, how wrong and meaningless their lives were! She laughed to herself and shook her head. But she knew better. Again, because of Mister.J. He'd shown her the real path…the right one! She was no longer a prisoner. Harley stretched, as if iron cuffs had been removed and her arms were now so much lighter. She felt better knowing that she no longer had to listen to anyone. She wouldn't be ridiculed at Arkham, wouldn't have the embarrassing memories of her parents to haunt her and would never be afraid of being bullied again! No. Starting from tonight Harley Quinn was a brand new woman. And she WOULD show them. Harley smiled and ran through the doors of a costume shop, searching through everything until she found what she needed. She grabbed a couple of spare items, chattering teeth and a mask, just incase. She walked straight past the cashier and rather then throwing money on the table she threw a card…one which she had prepared earlier.

On the top left hand corner of the Joker card was a black kiss mark. She would be like her pudd'n! She wasn't going to keep living in fear because of society! Who cared anyway? They were all victims of their own laws. Harley laughed and heard the manager run after her as she stepped through the doors. His hand was on her shoulder and then one smooth kick later he was flying through the air and into the shelves behind him. Harley closed the door behind her and shoved the items into her bag before kicking off her shoes and running through the crowd. No-one seemed to have noticed what she had done and she got to the arms store without any suspicion. She ruffled her hair and undid one of the buttons on her blouse, pouting out her lips and walking more sensually then necessary. She strode into the store and felt the eyes of the workers on her. Perfect. She went to the counter and innocently stared at the guns on display.

"C-Can I help you miss?" The man who spoke was rather young, had brown hair and freckles, he looked at the three other workers nearby and Harley could practically hear them all cheering in their heads. She sighed and looked at him.

"I'm looking for a gun." She said in a dumb, innocent voice.

He chuckled.

"You came to the right place."

He pulled down a rather small and weak looking weapon. Harley fought back the urge to hit him.

"Well this little pistol is rather cheap and perfect for a lady such as yourself. It had a safe lock so there's no chance you'll hurt yourself with it."

Harley's fists clenched but she didn't lash out.

"I was actually looking for something with a little more power…"

He nodded and turned around reaching for another, only slightly larger, gun.

"Wait – what about that one!" Harley pointed to a dangerous and powerful looking weapon. The man looked nervous but pulled it down and began describing it. Harley nodded.

"That's perfect!" she said and he grimaced.

"I don't think…"

Harley leant forward over the counter, batting her eyelids and smiling kindly at him.

"You don't think?" she began and he gulped.


Her smiled widened…she could play men so easily. She began twirling her hair around her finger.

"So I can buy it today? No problems?"

He gestured for the other men to leave and they went into the back room before he shook his head.

"I'm afraid without a license I can't give it to you…you can get one but there's a thirty day waiting period."

Harley stuck out her bottom lip.

"I really need it today…" she whined. "You see I recently broke up with my boyfriend and since I'm living by myself now I really need something to protect myself. You know…living in Gotham and everything."

She was winning and she knew it…the look on his face was all to plain. She'd seen it a million times before when she had convinced her professors in college to give her the marks she needed…

"I only want it for protection." She said kindly, leaning forward even more.

"What if you give me the gun today…and I give you my number? Then you can contact me whenever you need to…to help me get a permit and everything."

His eyes lit up.

"Your number?"

She nodded.


He frantically began looking for a pen and as he did Harley smiled triumphantly…men were all too easy. She could control and understand any of them! Well all but one. She sighed deeply. Her pudd'n was different…unique! Not like the rest. She pulled out a joker card and wrote down the first lot of numbers that popped into her head on the back. Signing the name Jacinta beside the kiss…a few more flicks of the hair and she landed herself a couple of small bombs along with it.

"Thanks…" Harley cooed as she gathered the weapons and left the store. The man saw her to the door.

"Bye Jacinta…so I'll call you?"

She turned around and nodded with a smile and then turned around the corner, taking off back to the car. She sped off again, headed for home.

Harley stayed up well into the night, adjusting the costume here and there…adding and getting rid of certain parts. When it was finished she squeezed into it, pulled on the mask and slicked her lips with black lipstick.

"Perfect!" she cheered happily, running from the bathroom and easily flipping over the couch. She landed gracefully and reached for the gun, aiming and taking shot. She was off my only a few millimeters. She frowned, drew a target on the apartment wall and began practicing…refusing to stop until she had got her aim perfect. Harley checked the time when her shooting was as close to perfect as she could get it. 5 am. She drew open the curtains and it was still dark, the sun would be rising soon and Doctor Arkham would arrive to work in around two hours. If she was going to do it…it would have to be now. Harley gathered her things and was back in the car, shooting down the streets and yelling loudly, her window open and the wind whipping at her jester- style hat.

"I'm comin Pudd'n!" she cried, winding up the long Arkham drive. She left the car around the back and snuck past a pair of guards, shooting off two of the bars and breaking in through one of the windows which had been left open. She found herself in the cell of Pamela…the female patient which was known for her obsession with plants over humans. Harley crept past her quietly and with one of the two bombs blew the door clear off the hinges. Pamela woke with a start and she heard the alarm go off…the guards would come running within seconds. She took off in the direction of the Joker, knowing that the distraction she had made would only last so long. Harley shot around the corner and stopped outside Mister J's cell. She peered through the glass and her heart melted. He was sleeping. Harley smiled at him affectionately and put a hand on the glass, staring at him…he looked so peaceful. She shook her head and stepped back, forgetting what she had come to do. With a quick re-coating of lipstick, Harley took the other bomb and threw it clear through the glass.

Joker woke the moment the explosion went off and the force sent him flying into the wall. He jumped up with shock.

"What the-" he started, only to stop mid sentence. As the smoke cleared he saw the silhouetted figure standing in the now blown apart wall.

"Hey there pudd'n!" the figure said in a high, bubbly voice. The Joker jumped to his feet and his mouth fell open as the smoke cleared completely. Black mask, red and black cat-suit in the style of a jester, jet black lipstick and a gun in hand. She looked like the jester on the card he had given her.

"Harleen?!" Joker said with shock, unable to take in the sight before him.

"Call me Harley Quinn!" she cooed, running forward and wrapping her arms around him.

"Whaddya think Mistah J!?"

She spun on the spot and Joker watched, awed.

"I – what are you doing Harley?"

"I'm here to break ya out!" she reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper, holding it up. It was Joker's notes from their earlier session… the drawing and words 'partners' had been circled in what looked like Harley's black lipstick and the sections had been messily sticky taped back together. Joker laughed loudly and threw his arms up in delight. Was she kidding? He knew he had gotten through to her…but this?! He didn't think Harley would go this far this fast! He laughed again – even louder. There was hope for the kid yet!

"Baby, you're the greatest!" he cried, opening his arms wide for her. Harley ran into his embrace and hugged him tightly before following him out of the wreckage.

"Let's get out of here pudd'n."

"Wait – first I have some stuff I need to take care of. Follow me."

The Joker ran off down the corridor and Harley followed him willingly – she didn't care what he was going to do…she only cared that she was finally together with her pudd'n. No more judging. They could do whatever they wanted...