TLA: True Love Always.

An- Hey! I'm Aundrea and right now this is a twist of how season 5 should have gone. I think this story will turn out very good and even though I have two other stories to complete this idea sort of hit me across the head and i just couldn't pass this idea up, so here I am writing it for those of you who should enjoy. Please review! I really need to know if this is good or not and tell me what you think and any ideas on how they should meet. Yes, this is a Lucas and Peyton story so tell me what you think. Alright, I'll stop rambling before you people attack me so hear goes nothing.

Chapter 1- My dirty little Secret.

She could feel the tears slip down her face and her lip quiver more like tremble violently. She bit her lip trying so hard to stop the sob that was deep down inside her throat. It's been three year's, three years since she had done a stupid mistake out of fear and four year's since she had been in Tree Hill. She missed the petite town of never ending drama; It held so much memories, some Good: like the friendships that she built, the day she had gotten together with Lucas Scott; she had met her birth mother and her half-brother there too and had held the love of her life's sister and also met her guy best friend's son. There were also bad memories from Tree hill; the day Anna Sawyer died, the day she got shot, the day Ellie Harp died (Her birth mother) and the day her psycho-stalker tried to rape her posing as her brother. All in all Tree Hill held many things for her but one she would never forget was Lucas Scott; The guy that had her heart and the guy that she had driven away.

"Momma?" She looked down at the three year old girl that held a stuffed teddy in one arm and a book of memories she had seen many times.

"What you got there Bumblebee," The kid smiled at the nickname. She had gotten that name recently after she had gone through that stage that kids went through and proceeded to jump on the bed and believe she could fly. She crawled into her mother's arms and laid her head on her lap.

"A book. I can't tweep." The mother smiled, running her hand through her long straight blonde hair.

"Why?" The little kid shrugged.

"Funder and I no find my Ramones t-shirt." The woman smiled, her daughter was exactly like her, an exact copy of her. She was a little mini-me in everyway; the only thing that separated the mother from daughter was the piercing blue eyes that could read emotions like a book which lead to the girl's love of books at her small age. The girl was in love with her Ramones t-shirt and when thunder came around that was the first thing she grabbed to go to sleep.

"Momma, you otay?" I nodded, happy that she was 100 percent sweet instead of inheriting my genes of being a crude bitch. The little girl turned to me, her serious blue eyes piercing into my green ones.

"Momma, are we ever gon' see daddy?" That question made me freeze all questions fleeting into my mind and I could feel the tears burning in my eyes and hoped to god that she didn't notice. Sadly, my daughter being the observant and good emotion reader that she is noticed all too well.

"I sowwy momma," she said softly, I shook my head kissing her forehead.

" don't be baby," and I watched as her breathing evened and I knew, just knew she had fallen asleep, and as I ran a hand through her straight blonde hair, I felt my eyes close shut and my breathing become even as I fell asleep... the question still running through my mind.

"Mama Sawyer, get your skinny ass up right now!" I groaned as I opened my eyes.

"Brooke-" Brooke rolled her eyes.

"Nuh-uh! I thought it was cute when i walked in here to see mother and daughter sleeping comfortably on the couch but today is moving day!" I sighed.

"Can't we just you know, ditch moving day and stay in L.A" Brooke scoffed and gave me a disbelieving stare.

"Peyton, do you hear yourself! All you ever do is complaining about this Godforsaken city and now that we're calling it outs you wanna stay!" Her angry voice rasped out.

"It's not that bad-"

"Peyton! You work in a mailbox... you're boss is a bitch that keeps you around for your body and Kaylee deserves the right to see L-" I sprang up faster than a cheetah looking for prey.

"Do not mention his name to me!" She sighed.

"Fine, Kaylee deserves to see her father... he who shall not be named." I sighed.

"Why are you even coming Brooke?" She smiled.

"Because I'm Brooke Davis and you two love me to death, besides I miss Tree Hill and yes I'm successful but no place beats home." I smirked.

"Victoria's gonna kill you." She laughed.

"Then wake the sleeping body up and let's get going before she finds out and hunts me down." I laughed and pressed a kiss to my baby girl's forehead and watched as she fluttered her eyes open.

I smiled as she grinned at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning Momma," I smiled giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Morning Bumblebee." she giggled as I gave her a tap on the nose.

"You have a visitor." Her eyes widened and her face beamed.

"Weally!? Who!?" Brooke grinned.

"Me you little monster!" I watched as Kaylee grinned and instantly tackled Brooke to the floor in a bear hug.

"Aunt B!"

"Hey! How's my favorite God-daughter doing today?"

Kaylee giggled her long blonde hair swishing lightly.

"Better, now dat your here!" I looked at her in mock-hurt.

"Are you saying I'm bad company?" She smirked at me.

"Sowwy Momma, But I see you everyday and Aunt B's cool." Brooke shot me a dimpled grin and smirked at me.

"You hear that Mama Sawyer, I'm cool." I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, well I guess a certain Scott won't be able to eat chocolate chip pancakes today." I laughed as Kaylee pushed Brooke to the floor and ran up to me.

"Oof!" Grunted Brooke as she fell to the floor and I laughed, that is till she glared at me. Kaylee wrapped her little arms around my waist.

"Momma, I was just kidding, you know I woves you." I grinned, I never got tired of her saying that to me.

"I love you too, Bumblebee." Brooke pouted.

"Save some love for me, I feel left out." We laughed and spread our arms out to her and she jumped in glee running into our arms.

Kaylee rolled her eyes after the moment we shared.

"Huwwy Momma, I'm hungwy!" said the girl as she walked into the kitchen and sat on her place at the table. I was just about to walk into the kitchen when somebody pulled me back in.

"Hold up Blondie, I'm not done with you." I sighed and looked at Brooke.

"What B?" She sighed.

"You gonna be okay, You know seeing He who shall not be named in a few hours?" I sighed.

"I'm gonna have to face him sooner or later." She smiled sympathetically at me.

"I know, I just- you'll be fine right?"

I grinned at her; Brooke Davis was the Bestestfriend I could ever ask for. When she found out about me being pregnant with Kaylee Anne Scott three year's ago she dropped everything she was studying at the fashion institute and flew to my arms vowing that she wouldn't leave me at my time of need. She stayed with me through the hardships of being a mother. She was like a second mother to the little girl in fact her first word was the short brunette's name therefore the never ending gloat I had gotten for years. After all the drama that had occurred between us, all the problem's we've been through, the fight's and the insecurities our friendship had held , we had made it through and conquered it all and after four years of High school , had still managed to make our friendship stronger and continue battling the world on our own. I realized then and there with Brooke by my side I would be able to go back to Tree Hill today and face my fears.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." and with that Brooke and I grinned meeting each other in a tight hug.

"Momma! Aunt B! Huwwy My tummy's growlin'!" We turned to each other and laughed at the ever so patient little girl that was sticking her finger out warningly and hooked hands.

"Let's go feed the little Terror Mama Sawyer," I grinned.

" Right behind you, ." and with that we entered the kitchen all the while thoughts running into my head but one sticking out the most, I had just realized that I , Peyton Sawyer would be ensuing Drama around the small town of Tree Hill and as usual Lucas freaking Scott was involved.

Lucas Scott entered his best friend's house and grinned at the sight of his four year old nephew running around with his mother and father at his side. He held a lot of happiness for his best friend; she was living the life that she had wanted. Nathan, surprisingly had come to the fact that he wouldn't 't be able to play basketball anymore rather quickly and had finally come to terms that his wife and son needed him; things were going good for their little Scott family and for that he couldn't be any prouder. Haley grinned as she saw her brother in law slash best friend and grinned at Nathan before crouching down to her son's size who was an exact copy of Nathan except for the blonde hair he had. She sniffed the air.

"Jim Jam, do you smell that?" The little boy looked on confused.

"Smell what?"

"I smell- I smell a big Monster!" Lucas Grinned.

"Rawr!" He yelled as he attacked the small boy into a bone-crushing hug. He smiled as he heard the laugh that emitted from the handsome little boy. The boy turned around in his arms and shrieked happily.

"Uncle Luke!"

"Hey, !" Jamie smiled.

"Hi Uncle Lucas,"

"So what'd my favorite nephew do yesterday?" Jamie grinned.

"I fed Chester and I went to school with Momma! You know it's my birthday in three days!" Nathan laughed.

"I don't think Lucas is gonna forget that Jamie, you remind him everyday." He teased.

"I know!" Lucas laughed as he ruffled the small kid's hair.

"Don't worry Jamie, I'll be there, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Jamie grinned hugging his uncle once again. Haley cleared her throat.

"Jamie why don't you go play with Chester?" Jamie nodded.

"Okay!" and with that the little boy ran off to his room as Lucas took a seat in the kitchen beside his brother and sister-in-law. Lucas noticed the way Nathan and Haley shared a look as if trying to talk to each other without saying it aloud. Lucas sighed.

"Okay guys spit it out." Haley sighed; she had forgotten how her best friend could read her like a book.

"Well, Lucas, you know we love you right?" Lucas nodded, His eyes squinting, trying to find where this was going.


"And you know Jamie's fourth birthday is coming up, right?" Lucas laughed.

"Hales, the kid hasn't let me forget it; I think I get the picture" Nathan sighed.

"Haley invited Peyton and Brooke to the party." Haley instantly glared at her husband as he put his hands up in defense and Lucas choked on his own spit. His two Ex-girlfriends were coming back to tree hill. The fact that Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer- the girl who had broken his heart in pieces were coming back registered mixed emotions in his system. It had taken him a long time to get over the blonde itself and the thought of her alone, the thought of her in living distance of him brewed lingering feelings in him that he wouldn't dare to admit. He sank into the kitchen chair, hands on his head which Haley could only frown at as she placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.

"Lucas-"" Lucas cut her off, the urge to know if they were coming hitting him upside the head.

"Are they coming?" He hoped, hoped to God that Haley would say no and cameras would come out, telling him he had just been punked and all of this was just a sick joke.

"I talked to Brooke this morning, there's no easy way to say this, Lucas. They're coming back, for good." And that's how Lucas Scott found himself in a downward spiral of blurred emotions, He'd have to confront the girl that had shattered his heart, stomped all over it and left him to drown in sorrow, all because she had refused his proposal.