
Clearer at Night


Legolas woke with a start. Panting, he looked around and instantly remembered; he was in Lórien, and there was no reason for him to be this agitated.

He knew it were the events of the last few days who had unfolded in his dreams once more, despite the peaceful surroundings.

Gandalf´s fall lingered in his mind, leaving him restless.


It was not only the loss of a friend, but the realization that even the wizard´s power could not save him that unsettled the elf.

Frowning, he made to settle down again but was startled when the back of his head collided with someone, for it was unmistakably another person.

He sat up and discovered that it was Aragorn.


The Ranger was sleeping next to him and had rolled over in his sleep, now occupying most of Legolas´pillow.

The elf had not witnessed him to be sound asleep like this once since they had set out from Rivendell; being in Lórien calmed the man immensely.

Nevertheless, Legolas gently pushed Aragorn back onto his own pallet.


The elf then laid back but found it hard to relax now that he was wide awake. After a while, he realized something and turned his head to find Aragorn watching him.

"Why do you not sleep?", the elf whispered.

Aragorn smiled: "I woke up because my pillow felt cold all of a sudden", he said in a very low voice, grinning.

Legolas grinned as well: "You invaded mine, my dear Aragorn."

They laughed silently, and it felt like a long awaited relief, taking all their sorrow with them for a while.


Aragorn did not ask Legolas why he had been awake; he did not need to.

He knew that the concept of death was very strange for the elf, and that it was hard on him to see a friend die, much harder even than for the others.

The Ranger´s heart was heavy with grief as well, but he had grieved a lot of times already, too many times in fact.


He looked at Legolas now, and his eyes were smiling: "Good night", he whispered. "I will try not to invade again..."

Chuckling, Legolas made himself comfortable.


It was good to have someone close nearby in times like these.


The End
