This chapter…well, I'm not quite sure where it would fit in with Breaking Dawn. It fits in shortly after the "Just Love" chapter, but before Jake returns. The idea for this chapter completely came from EbonyRose02 so kudos to her. Oh, and I just want to say that I really do appreciate all you awesome people who've given this story so much love. You guys are the only reason I wrote this chapter.

I awkwardly shifted, making room for Edward next to me on the couch. Wordlessly, he sat down and I took a hold of his hand, gently rubbing it with my thumb. I aimlessly stared at the wall in front of me, still working to wrap my head around the sudden mood change in the house.

Edward's acceptance of EJ was how it should have been all along, and I knew that. But somehow, even though I knew that the pieces had finally fallen into place, I was still slightly dumbfounded.

I hadn't even realized the full extent of what I'd been missing until I finally got it back. When was the last time that I'd sat next to Edward on the couch, simply holding his hand because I loved him? How much time had passed since I could turn and see an Edward at peace? How long had it been since the last time that I could just close my eyes and be?

I glanced back over at Edward and abruptly said, "I hope he gets your hair." Though I couldn't provide much of a reason why, something told me that EJ would. Motherly instincts, I guessed.

Edward chortled and I closed my eyes, feeling a lump rise in my throat. I'd forgotten what his laugh sounded like—how he gives that lopsided grin and his eyes light up, to the point that, for a few seconds, you even forget that you've ever been hurt or sad or lonely. He's there. Edward's there, and that's all that matters.

"Bella?" Edward began, a hint of concern touching his voice. I opened my eyes as he continued, "What's wrong?"

I gave him the best smile I could manage. "Nothing. There's absolutely nothing wrong." And it wasn't a lie either. This was the farthest from wrong things had been in quite a while.

Edward held my gaze unblinkingly. I swallowed. He eventually looked away, clearly upset. He took in a deep breath, looking down at his hands. He sat silently for a few seconds, thinking. Finally, he turned back to me. "I'm so sorry, Bella."

I blinked. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, I questioned, "Edward?"

"I shouldn't have…I should've been there," he mumbled. I couldn't tell if he was more so talking to me or himself.

"I don't understand."

"Bella. I should've been there," Edward repeated, standing up. He began pacing. "All this time. I should have—"

Understanding where he was going with that, I cut him off. "You were there, Edward. You never left my side. You know that."

Edward shook his head, almost impatiently. "I wasn't, Bella. Well, maybe I was always there, but my presence wasn't…" He struggled for a word. "You needed me. You needed me and I–"

"Please, don't," I pleaded quietly. It was over and done with. I didn't want the memory of those last few weeks to rear its ugly head ever again.

Edward fell silent and I was relieved. We'd come dangerously close to a conversation that I had no intention of having.

This was ruined as, a few minutes later, Rosalie commented, "It is true."

Edward and I both looked over at her. "What is?" I asked.

Though she was responding to my question, Rosalie looked directly at Edward. "He didn't listen to me. I explained everything clearly, and he didn't listen. I tried to tell him that the baby was a good thing before." She continued on, looking genuinely bothered. Her voice became more feverish. "We're so lucky to have a baby in this family. After years and years, I thought it wasn't going to happen."

"Rosalie…" I trailed off. With each word, the mood in the room seemed to deteriorate.

"Up until recently, I was the enemy. I save a baby's life and I'm the bad one." Her voice came out choked as she went off. "You think that I'm just trying to get a kid out of the deal, Edward? I was trying to fix everything. Keep it calm. Do you even realize what would've happened if Bella'd lost EJ? If you'd done that to her? How much it would have torn this family apart?"

"I know how much the baby means to Bella now," Edward told her, trying to keep a neutral expression on his face.

"You knew then, too! You just didn't care…I'm not the villain, Edward."

I could see that Rosalie was almost at a breaking point, while Edward now looked furious. "Keep things calm?" he repeated, seething. "I can't remember a single thought crossing your mind about fixing everything for the rest of us."

"Then your memory is pathetic, Edward. Or selective."

"Rosalie?" I began, stopping Edward's pacing as I clutched onto his hand. "Can I talk to Edward alone for a second please?"

She looked at me in bewilderment. Finally, after shooting Edward a dirty look, she headed upstairs.

"Edward, I never saw you as the bad guy," I told him. His eyebrows furrowed in either disbelief or confusion. I bit my lip, and then truthfully added, "I just…can't understand why you wouldn't give him a chance. Why you didn't trust me." It was then that I realized that, on top of everything else, it was pretty hurtful that my own husband didn't trust that I could take care of myself. After all, even when he and I'd had a real difference of opinions, I'd always trusted him. He could get me through anything; he'd proved that time and time again. I'd always had unwavering faith in him, and it hurt to know that he didn't have the same in me.

Edward looked like I'd slapped him. "I'd trust you with my life, Bella."

"But not my own?" I countered weakly.

"It wasn't you. I…believed that you didn't understand. That Rosalie was falsely encouraging you. I was sure that she was the sole person behind everything."

"No, Edward, I called her. I asked her for help. I planned everything. It was my choice."

He thought that over. "…Why Rosalie?"

"I knew she'd help me. She understands why I loved EJ so much," I explained, a tiny smile spreading across my lips as my free hand moved to my belly. Edward gracefully sat back down next to me.

"I should've—"

"Edward, I love you," I began, interrupting again. "Nothing you did could make me stop loving you and I forgive you for whatever you think you did wrong. I'm sure that you thought you had the right idea with EJ."

Edward looked at my stomach. "I love him now, Bella. I promise you."

I swallowed, taking his face in my hands. "I believe that you always loved him, Edward. Somewhere, even if it was deep down, you loved EJ. You just didn't quite…" I trailed off.

He shook his head sadly. "I'd like to think that, Bella."

"It's true. Trust me." I exhaled sharply and, trying to lighten the mood, said, "Well, you're ahead of most guys. I heard that they usually wait to see the baby before they fall in love with him."

Edward laughed weakly, kissing me gently on the forehead and cupping my chin. He leaned forward, close to my ear. I winced, expecting another apology that I'd have to cut off. Instead, giving me another gentle kiss, he simply murmured, "I love you."

I hope that wasn't too boring or lame sauce. I suppose that the goal was to give a little insight on the minds of Edward and Rosalie.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure that this is going to be my REAL last update on this story, as I can't really come up with anything else to add to it. But you never know. If you guys have any suggestions or ideas, I'd love to hear them. Please review if you want to, have got a second to spare, or just have some odd urge to click on something that says 'review'. Whatever floats your boat.

So, until next time,

Taylor ^_^