Desert Fox Redux

A story by Zaion Indulias

Chapter 3: The Month That Simply Was

When Temari awoke the following morning to find her self lying on a couch in the Hokage's office she stretched and yawned, looking around her. In one corner of the room she saw Jiraiya the pervy sage looking out of a window with a telescope giggling periodically. She could see that he had a notebook open in his lap and that his free hand wrote in it while he looked through the telescope. Remembering everything that Naruto had once told her about him, and all the stories of his perverted habits, she assumed that he must have been spying on one of the many hot springs and bathhouses that were scattered around Konoha. She was just about to fling a nearby vase at his head when the doors of the office slowly opened.

Temari turned her head and watched as the Hokage entered while drinking deeply from a steaming mug of coffee. He was followed by a yawning Naruto who was still wearing that garish orange jacket of his, a grumpy Anko who was chewing on some dango while carrying her own steaming mug of the thick brew, Inoichi who had bags under his eyes and a third cup of coffee, and one of the Hokage's aides. The aide had a tray with a pot of coffee and several more mugs on it, as well as several plates of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. The aid silently put the tray down on the desk and then bowed politely before exiting. Naruto yawned and then noticed that Temari was awake and looking at him with a faint smile.

"Um…good morning, Temari-chan…" Naruto said quietly.

Temari's smile widened and she sat up a little more, motioning for Naruto to join her on the couch. Still yawning, Naruto quickly poured two cups of the strong brew and then carried them and a large plate of food over to her. Carefully he sat down and handed her one of the mugs, which she gratefully accepted as she let the warmth of the cup fill her hands and the delicious aroma fill her nostrils. Silently she took a sip, letting out a sigh of contentment. Seeing that she liked the drink Naruto tentatively took a sip him self as Temari smiled at him.

Whatever else you might say about the old man, he has good taste in coffee.

"I'm sure you are wondering why I still have everyone gathered here." The Hokage asked, clearly addressing everyone present.

Anko and Inoichi both grunted as they continued to drain their large mugs of coffee, while Naruto and Temari nodded and Jiraiya put the telescope away, his face suddenly serious.

"Since it has been determined that the seals which Jiraiya must learn from Temari will take a while for him to properly memorize, I have decided to make arrangements for both this transferal and for the training of both Uzumaki Naruto and Sabaku no Temari." The Hokage began. "That is why I have gathered all of you here."

Everyone was attentive, while Anko wondered what this had to do with her. The situation had been explained to her the night before, and like the others she had been sworn to secrecy on the matter. She just didn't understand why the training of Naruto or the transferal of memories from the Suna kunoichi needed her involved.

"Because Temari-san has informed us that Naruto was trained by Jiraiya in the original timeline, I have arranged for him to train Naruto and Temari during the next month. In order to keep what he learns a secret from our enemies, I have also arranged for this training to be done in and around the tower in the center of Training Area 44."

The Hokage paused for a moment so this could sink in. Anko's eyes widened as she suddenly got an inkling of why she had been brought in on all this.

"Officially, I will be assigning both Anko and Inoichi on a long term mission to the Wave country, to interrogate the remainder of Gatou's criminal organization. This will be a cover for their actual assignment, however. They will in fact be assigned with a team of ANBU to keep watch over Naruto's training, and to ensure that no spies discover what is going on."

Sarutobi paused for a moment to take a sip of his coffee.

"During the day Jiraiya will train the pair while the ANBU take shifts patrolling around the tower to look for spies, and in the evenings Inoichi will mindwalk Jiraiya and Temari to transfer the memories. Anko, I have chosen you to lead the ANBU in their duties as no one knows the Forest of Death better than you do, and because your understanding of Orochimaru's habits puts you in the special position of being most suited for this job."

Anko practically growled at the mention of her old sensei.

"Does anyone have any questions?"

Everyone but Temari shook their heads no. Said blond girl raised her hand tentatively.

"Um…Hokage-sama? If I'm to be trained along with Naruto, how will we keep Orochimaru from discovering that I have disappeared?"

Sarutobi smiled reassuringly at the blond girl.

"Do not worry yourself with that. Your sensei said that he would take are of covering your absence."


Elsewhere, Baki's team was walking through Konoha on their way to the training ground that had been assigned to them. Kankuro was munching on a stick of dango while Baki drank slowly from a mug of coffee he had gotten at the dango stand they had just had a quick breakfast at. Behind them Gaara walked with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed. And beside him walked Temari, the blond girl looking around and smirking, looking very much the way she would have if she had not spent the past year reabsorbing memories of a future that she was now working to change.

As they passed uneventfully through the village, none of the people they passed noticed that Gaara's gourd was currently hollow.


Three hours later Naruto and Temari met up with Anko and an eight man ANBU squad at the entrance to the Forest of Death. As per the Hokage's orders they had used henge while they shopped for the necessary supplies, anything else they required being gathered by the ANBU assigned to the mission. Thus they were currently disguised as a nondescript pair of brown haired genin a few years older than they actually were.

"Jiraiya-sama and Inoichi-san have already entered with the final four members of the ANBU squad in order to prepare the tower. We will be heading straight there to meet up with them. The rest of today will be spent on preparing our quarters and the facilities that we will be using. Any questions?" Anko said, looking over the two disguised blonds.

They both shook their heads.

"Very well." Anko said as she placed a Snake ANBU mask over her face. "Team Serpent, move out."

All eleven shinobi leapt forward into the massive forest, their entrance unseen by anyone.


Three days later found Naruto running frantically through the forest near the tower. His directional sense told him that he was about twenty minutes away at a dead run, but the tower was not his goal.


Naruto was sent tumbling as a massive serpent struck up from the forest floor, shattering the branch he had just landed on. The blond boy immediately made a Kage bunshin and used it to toss him self out of the way as the snake curved and dropped back towards the ground. As Naruto landed and stuck to the bole of a nearby tree he saw the telltale puff of smoke come from the snake's mouth as it dispelled the umpteenth clone Naruto had used to distract it that day.

"Damn you Anko!!" Naruto yelled out in annoyance as he turned and ran up the tree trunk, hoping to gain enough height to have the advantage when the giant snake came after him again.

Damn her and her sadistic ways, this isn't training. This is a fight to the death!

The day after they had arrived at the tower Naruto had awoken to a bucket of water being splashed on his face. He had sputtered and sat up, shouting obscenities at whoever his attacker was. As soon as he was fully conscious he found Anko standing over him.

"Come on, gaki. It's time to begin your training. By the end of this month you're going to curse the day you were born, but you'll be stronger than any other genin in the world." Anko said with a grin as she dragged the sputtering boy out of his bed. "Get dressed and meet us in the library in five minutes."

Five minutes later the blond boy stumbled into the library to find Anko leaning back in a chair while Jiraiya sat nearby, giggling as he tried to catch a glimpse of Anko's breasts. However, as soon as Naruto entered Jiraiya looked away from Anko and his expression turned serious.

"Ok, kid. The old man told me has informed me of your particular ability with using the Kage Bunshin technique. Tell me though, do you know the real reason that technique is so valuable, and why it is such a protected technique in Konoha?" Jiraiya asked as he got up.

Naruto shook his head in confusion. He had always thought it was because it made a solid clone without needing material nearby.

"I just thought it was because it created a solid clone that was indistinguishable from the user unless it's dispelled." He replied.

Jiraiya shook his head and crossed his arms, going into lecture mode.

"The real reason is because when Kage Bunshin are dispelled you receive all of their memories." Jiraiya said.

"Um, Jiraiya-san? I thought all elemental clones did that as well."

Jiraiya blinked in confusion.

What have they been teaching this boy?

"That…someone has been teaching you wrong if you thought that, intentionally so."

Naruto looked at him in surprise.

"Elemental clones do not send their memories or experiences back to their creator. This makes them far less useful than a Kage Bunshin, which can be used to gather information or infiltrate an enemy facility and then dispel them selves to return the gathered intelligence to their creator." Jiraiya said, correcting Naruto's knowledge on the subject of clones. "This ability is key to why the Kage Bunshin are so valuable, and why they are considered a Kinjutsu."

Jiraiya leant forward towards Naruto conspiratorially.

"Tell me, Naruto, how much can one person learn in a day? A week? A year?"

Naruto thought for a moment as Jiraiya continued on, not waiting for an answer to the question.

"Now imagine if someone had the ability to relive a day, over and over again a thousand times. How much more could he learn?"

Naruto looked confused for a moment before understanding suddenly dawned in his eyes. Jiraiya leaned back in his chair, a triumphant smile on his face.

"I can use my Kage Bunshin to learn and train faster! And since I can use so many more than anyone else, it will have a noticeable effect in a short period of time!!"

Jiraiya's grin widened as Anko smirked. The gaki certainly was perceptive when he wanted to be.

"That is exactly right Naruto. So, we will use this aspect of your clones in order to speed up your training. While Anko is overseeing your physical training in the forest each day, I will be overseeing your mental training here in the library. With your Kage Bunshin, and a teacher actually willing to listen, maybe we can turn that crafty mind of yours into a finely honed weapon. Just remember, never dispel them all at once, or else the sudden influx of knowledge could knock you unconscious. Dispel them in groups of ten to twenty and you should be ok."

Naruto nodded, silent because he was so excited about what he had just learned that he could do. The grin on his face however could have lit up the entire world in the middle darkest night.


"Damn you Anko!!" Naruto's voice rang out through the forest, scattering a few birds.

Anko looked up from where she was lounging on the head of a large purple snake, chewing lightly on a stick of dango she had pilfered from the kitchen. After seeing no signs of explosions or hearing any further outbursts from her charge she looked back down at the issue of Playninja she had been reading and flipped the page. Beside her lay a pile of other issues of said magazine, as well as several volumes of Icha Icha.


When Naruto's training finally ended for the day he practically collapsed as he entered the tower again. The exhausted look on his face turned into a faint smile as he caught sight of Temari sitting at a table in the dining hall as he entered, and the blond boy staggered over and plopped down beside her. Without missing a beat the blond girl, who never stopped reading the scroll on Futon jutsu that she had open before her, reached a hand out and slid a bowl of ramen over in front of Naruto. The blond boy smiled in thanks and dug in as Anko took a seat at another table beside one of the masked ANBU.

"So, how did your day go?" Naruto asked her as he finished his first bowl and prepared to dispel the first batch of his clones. He had discovered after the first day that he felt better if he ate between each batch and gave his mind time to assimilate the memories so now he dispelled a group or two between every part of his meal.

"It was alright." Temari said as she rolled the scroll up and put it aside. "I did convince Ero-sennin to teach you one of your father's techniques."

"You know who my father was?!" Naruto asked suddenly rounding on Temari, a look of surprise and intense interest apparent on his face.

The blond girl blanched as she had never realized that Naruto hadn't known who his parents were at this point.

"You mean, you don't know?" She asked in surprise. "Oh my, Naruto."

Temari wrapped him in her arms and buried her head against his neck, completely ignoring the grime and dried blood that coated his clothing.

"I'm so sorry my foxy ninja. I never realized you didn't know. If I had I'd have told you as soon as I saw you again."

Naruto just wrapped his arms around her, still in shock.

"Wh-who was he, Temari? Who was my father? Why did he leave me all alone?" He asked, stuttering from the emotion building in him.

"Oh Naruto." Temari said as she sat back slightly and gazed into his eyes.

Around the young couple several of the ANBU had gathered, all interested in knowing as well. Many of them had been assigned to look over the troublesome teenager when he had been younger, or had been involved in attempts to catch him after one of his numerous pranks. All of them were curious as to who had let this hell spawn loose on Konoha, so that they could curse his name for the trouble he had caused, and praise him for the entertainment he had provided.

"Naruto…" Temari said softly as she leant her forehead against his, tears glistening in her eyes. "Your father…your father was Namikaze Minato…"

Naruto showed no signs of recognition upon hearing the name, merely confusion as Temari had said it in a manner that implied she expected a reaction and understanding of who the name was. However, all around her the ANBU's eyes were widening. They all recognized the name, and as they looked at Naruto once more they wondered how they had missed it all those years. After all, it was just SOOO obvious.

"…the Yondaime Hokage." Temari finished softly.

This time Naruto did recognize the name. His eyes widened as he sat back down in his seat, hard.

"T-the Yondaime was my father?" He asked in a soft voice. Naruto was completely shocked by what he had just been told. "If…if he was my father, then why did he seal the Kyuubi inside of me? And why did my mother abandon me after he did it?"

Temari merely wrapped Naruto in a hug, fighting to stop her own tears as she tried to be a support for her love. Behind her Jiraiya approached with a sad smile on his face.

"My student sealed the Kyuubi within you because he knew that only an innocent, newborn child could contain the Kyuubi's essence, and because he could not ask anyone to make a sacrifice that he wasn't willing to make him self." Jiraiya said, drawing the boy's tear stained eyes to his own. "And your mother…she loved you very much, Naruto, you must understand that. But, Minato's death broke her heart, and she was already extremely weak from giving birth to you. Our best healers tried their hardest, but despite all their attempts they couldn't stop death from claiming her. Maybe if Tsunade had still been in Konoha something might have been done, but as it stands there just wasn't anything anybody could do."

Jiraiya smiled faintly down at the blond boy.

"But I'm sure, that wherever they are, that both of them are very proud of you. As am I. That is why I have decided to teach you the first of your father's original jutsu. It is your birthright, and I feel that you are finally ready for it."

Naruto sniffled a little and then sucked it up. He took a deep breath and let it out, his eyes closed as he did so. When he opened them those watching could only read determination in his eyes.

"Then I am going to keep making them proud."


That evening, rather than staying with Temari while Inoichi performed the mindwalk, Naruto was standing in one of the indoor training grounds of the tower. Anko and one of the ANBU who identified him self only by his codename Yamato, sat off to one side enjoying plates of dango and a large pot of tea as they watched Naruto begin the first part of his training. All around the room stood over a hundred copies of Naruto, each one holding a large blue water balloon in their open right palms.

Jiraiya and Temari had both explained that the technique was called Rasengan, and that it created a swirling sphere of chakra that could grind through a target. It was a powerful and dangerous technique that was made using nothing but chakra control, something that Naruto bemoaned his poor abilities with, rather than the use of seals. Jiraiya had led them to this training ground and had demonstrated the technique to him by destroying one of the wooden targets that had been made for him by Yamato. Naruto's jaw had dropped before he began to leap around, excited that he would be learning something so cool.

Temari had then smirked and stepped forward, holding her hand out before her as well. She had then proceeded to, with a bit more difficulty than Jiraiya had, form a Rasengan as well. Hers did not create nearly as big a hole in the target when she slammed the ball of swirling chakra into it, but it was still impressive. The blond kunoichi had smiled happily when Naruto had tackled her in a big hug and kissed her hard, begging her to teach him how to do that as well.

This is what led to Naruto standing here with his hundred clones, all trying to figure out how to burst the water balloons by doing nothing more than spinning the chakra inside the water. When he had asked why they wouldn't just tell him the secret both Jiraiya and Temari had smirked and shared a knowing smile. Then as one they had told him one thing.

"To master the Rasengan you must come to understand every aspect of the technique on your own."

After four hours of training, when Temari finally came to find him after her session with Inoichi, Naruto had still failed to pop a single one of the balloons.


The following month passed for the pair of blonds in a predictable pattern. Naruto would be awoken by a bucket of water, create a thousand clones to study in the library, and train until the early evening in the forest. Then he would return for dinner and spend the evening working on trying to master the Rasengan while Temari would have her session with Inoichi and Jiraiya.

Some days Jiraiya would oversee Naruto's studies in the library while others he would watch as Naruto either fought with his clones or attempted to fight off some of Anko's giant summon snakes. As he watched the boy train he began to get thoughtful.

Minato, he is amazing. He pushes him self harder than even you ever did, and yet he gets up the next day and does it all over again. I think, if he can master your Rasengan, I will allow him to sign the Toad contract. I'm sure Gamabunta will approve of him, just like he did you.

Near the end of the month he made up his mind. There were only three days left until the finals, and he was going to give Naruto a gift.


The next day Jiraiya told Naruto to not bother making any clones and instead lead him to a very large clearing in the forest near the tower.

"Ok Ero-sennin, why did you bring me out here? Are you going to teach me some new technique or something?"

Jiraiya grinned wider.

"Something better, brat. I'm going to let you sign the Toad contract."

Naruto blinked.

"The Toad Contract? You mean the same Toad Contract that allowed my father to summon the toads? THAT Toad Contract?" He asked.

Jiraiya nodded and grinned as he bit his thumb and spread a line of blood across the palm of his left hand. He then performed a quick series of hand seals before slamming his palm into the ground.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" He cried as a network of black lines and symbols spread out across the ground before a massive puff of white smoke enveloped him.

Instantly a large orange-red toad with dark purple markings appeared out of the smoke with Jiraiya standing upon its head proudly. The toad had a large scroll held in its tongue that it slowly lowered before the shocked Naruto as Jiraiya watched on with a smile.

"Open that scroll." He began as Naruto gingerly received the scroll from the toad. "That is the contract with toads for summoning, that was handed down to me from generation to generation. Write your name with blood, and put blood finger prints of all your fingers of one of your hands, underneath."

Naruto turned and unrolled the scroll, marveling at the names that were written upon it. He saw Jiraiya's, and next to it was his father's. Next to that was an empty slot, just awaiting the next summoner to sign the contract.

"Then, channel the chakra to where you want to summon, and put down the hand you made the contract with." Jiraiya continued as he sat down on the toad's head. "The hand seals are inu, i, tori, saru, and hitsugi."

Narrowing his eyes in concentration Naruto bit his thumb before reaching his hand out gingerly to the top of the empty slot on the contract. Quietly he spoke to him self as he wrote out the characters for his name.


When he had finished the last character he quickly spread the blood to all his fingers of his right hand to the contract below his name, finishing the signing.

"Alright Ero-sennin, its done."

"Alright. Now, I want you to focus your energy. Channel as much as you can into your right hand, since you will use it for summoning from now on. Then make the hand seals and place your hand on the ground and release the energy. Try to summon the largest toad you can." Jiraiya replied.

The Ero-sennin smirked as Naruto bit his thumb again and spread the blood across his right palm and began performing the seals.

Lets see how much the gaki can do, Minato.

Naruto began to focus all the chakra he could muster into his arm…


Deep within Naruto the Kyuubi writhed in pain, anxious for the pact to be completed. When he felt Naruto attempting to draw upon a huge amount of chakra he found a chance to relieve the burning of the unfulfilled pact, at least for the moment.

With a grin on his face Kyuubi pushed, letting his chakra flow forth into his host, letting his power enrich the boy.


…and as he did so he felt a sudden rush of power, great power just like that time against Haku on the bridge in Nami no Kuni. As Naruto completed the seals and slammed his hand into the ground he yelled out loudly.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!!!"

Jiraiya felt the immense pulse of chakra that flooded out of Naruto's hand as the black lines of the summoning seals appeared. Jiraiya really wasn't expecting Naruto to manage much more than a younger toad, so what happened next caused him to fall off his own toad in surprise.

The puff of smoke that appeared was so great it covered the entire clearing. When it cleared a few seconds later Naruto was revealed sitting high in the air on top of one of the largest of all the toads. Somehow, against all odds, Naruto had summoned Gamabunta on his first try. Carefully Naruto got to his feet, looking around in confusion before finally realizing what had happened.

He had summoned a damn fucking huge toad.

Oh shit! I didn't expect the kid to summon HIM on his first try. This isn't good.

As Naruto stepped forward to look down the toad's face he saw a massive pipe sticking out of the toad's mouth.

"Hehe, I did it!" He cheered.

"You little punk!" A deep rough voice echoed around Naruto as the toad's head below him shook, causing him to fall off and bounce down the toad's face. He landed on the toad's pipe and used all his control to stick to it with both his hands and his feet. "On whose head do you think you're standing?! This is the head of Gamabunta-sama, AKA Gama Oyabun! You fool! Be quiet!!"

Gamabunta opened his mouth and began to blow in an attempt to force Naruto off of his pipe. Naruto however just focused even harder on sticking to the pipe, ducking under most of the wind as Gamabunta continued to attempt to knock him off, ranting about strange annoying kids and Jiraiya. Finally, as Jiraiya dismissed his own toad and grabbed the scroll as he disappeared into the forest, Gamabunta closed his mouth. Naruto ensured his grip was stable and then stood upright on Gamabunta's pipe.

"It's been a long time and I want to enjoy the fresh air of the outside world, but a weird kid is making noise on my head. Hey Jiraiya! Where the hell is Jiraiya! What the fuck do you want from me?!" Gamabunta yelled.

Further in the forest Jiraiya began to run for it, keeping his chakra dampened so Gamabunta couldn't sense him.


Back at the Tower Temari and Anko, who were enjoying a pleasant midmorning snack of dango and tea, looked up as they heard a deep echoing voice coming through the forest demanding to see Jiraiya. Temari blinked for a moment before finally chuckling. Anko looked at her questioningly as Temari's face split into a massive grin.

"Why do I get the feeling that you know what is going on?" She asked slowly, not entirely sure that she wanted to know the answer.

Temari smirked before replying.

"I think my foxy ninja just summoned Gamabunta."

Temari went back to her dango and her reading while Anko just stared at her in surprise and confusion.

That little gaki just summoned Gamabunta!? At his age!?

Anko's look became thoughtful and annoyed.

Why is it all the good ones are always taken-


-too young-


-or gay?



"Jiraiya just ran. But why do you want to talk to Ero-sennin? I'm the one who summoned you!" Naruto yelled back

"Bah! There's no way a little whelp like you could summon me. You haven't even signed the contract!" Gamabunta said back.

"But I did sign it, Gama Oyabun." Naruto replied as he stood and saluted on the massive toad boss' nose.

Gamabunta narrowed his eyes and then opened his mouth to laugh.

"I wondered when you were going to start talking, you little punk. But it's impossible for a little kid like you to summon me."

"It's true! It's really true that I summoned you!" Naruto replied, earning another laugh from Gamabunta that caused him to growl. Finally he had had enough.

"This fucking frog!! Just because I've been modest to you, you're saying whatever you feel like! Because I summoned you, I'm your master! Got it?!"

At this point it should be noted that Jiraiya, great genius that he was, neglected to fully explain the relationships between summons and summoner, as he did not expect Naruto to be capable of summoning anything other than a young frog.

"What? Who do you think you're talking to huh?! A kid who can't drink a cup with sake is telling Gamabunta-sama you're his master?!! You! Shut the fuck up!!"

Gamabunta opened his mouth and used his tongue to toss Naruto onto his back before crouching and leaping upwards with all his might. Any one in Konoha who happened to be looking in the right direction would have seen the largest Toad many of them had ever seen flying several hundred feet into the air over the Forest of Death before landing on the ground again. Naruto barely managed to hold on using all of his chakra control, but hold on he did. If it hadn't been for the intense training he had been undergoing for the past month he likely would not have even managed that.

When the wind and dust from Gamabunta's landing settled the toad looked around, watching for where the gaki had landed. After a few seconds he finally realized that Naruto had not been thrown loose. Rather, the blond boy was slowly getting to his feet on top of Gamabunta's head, a triumphant smirk on his head.

"I already told you, Gama Oyabun, I really did summon you!"

Gamabunta looked up and was surprised to see Naruto standing on his forehead. His eyes widened slightly as Naruto continued speaking.

"I am Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto, son of Namikaze Minato, and I will gladly show a friend of my father's the respect they deserve when they show me the respect I deserve!"

Gamabunta began to chuckle.

"And what makes you worthy of respect brat?! Just because you are the son of Minato you think I'm supposed to respect a brat who isn't even old enough to drink with me?!"

Naruto growled and leapt down onto Gamabunta's nose, turning so he could face the boss toad and looked him straight in the eye.

"I am worthy of the same respect as any other being. I am Namikaze Naruto, and I will be a Hokage like my father, for the same reason he was: to protect everyone. I expect you to show me the respect I deserve because I-" Naruto suddenly quieted and kneeled, bowing his head. "-will show the proper respect to one who I know was a close friend of my father's. For all the help you have provided him and Konoha through the years, you and your clan, I thank you, Gama Oyabun."

Naruto's brash and often arrogant personality, a side-effect of his desire for attention and recognition, was something that had been partially dampened by Temari's efforts. She knew that it was mostly an affectation by her foxy ninja, a defensive measure to keep out the pain and loneliness, and she knew that he was better than that. So even though it would be at least a month until she truly got her husband back, at least she could help his younger self begin to break out of that shell…just like he had once helped her brother do the same.

Gamabunta blinked at Naruto several times before he started laughing again. He was pleased to note that this time Naruto didn't even seem to budge form his back, the blond boy holding on through the soles of his feet alone. Finally he stopped laughing and even smirked, although the only clue Naruto had that he was doing so was the way the edges of his eyes crinkled.

"Hahahahaha, I like you kid. You have fire, but you know when to show proper respect. Fine, I will acknowledge you as my master, but only once you can demonstrate the Rasengan to me. It was a technique of your father's, and good luck getting anyone to teach you it. He only ever taught it to three other people, and only two of them are still alive."

Gamabunta began to laugh again as Naruto himself just chuckled and looked down at his clenched right fist.

"Rasengan, huh?" He asked softly as he slowly opened his fist.

Naruto narrowed his eyes and focused on his palm. At first nothing happened, but then blue energy began to slowly condense and spiral in the center of his palm. As the wind began to swirl and the ball began to grow denser and denser and Gamabunta's laughter ceased. Naruto began to sweat as he concentrated hard, focusing and spiraling the chakra with one hand. Finally, after several long tense moments, the ball fully formed and he let out a cheer as he raised his hand high, a perfectly formed Rasengan held in his palms.

"Here you go, Gama Oyabun! The proof of my worth!"

Gamabunta blinked several times in surprise before smiling and beginning to laugh again, this time dislodging Naruto and causing the surprised blond to release the Rasengan in a burst of wind and dissipating blue chakra.

"Bwahahahahha. So it is, gaki, so it is!" Gamabunta caught Naruto with his tongue and returned the blond boy to his nose. "Very well, I Gamabunta hereby recognize you as my subordinate. You may summon me and my clan whenever you should require assistance. Now, get on my back Naruto. I have a bone to pick with Jiraiya for this little stunt of his."

Naruto grinned widely and leapt onto Gamabunta's head, securing him self with chakra just moments before Gamabunta leapt into the air, heading towards the tower where he could sense Jiraiya's chakra radiating from.

This boy summoned me with his own power, and he has mastered his father's technique. He is the first to sit on my head since his father, and he is truly worthy. Minato, you would be proud.

Moments later Gamabunta dropped out of the sky in front of the tower, startling the trio of ANBU who were on guard duty. On top of his head Naruto stood with his arms crossed and a massive grin on his face.

"Jiraiya! Get out here now!" Gamabunta thundered gruffly, earning a chuckle from his passenger.

When there was no sign of Jiraiya Naruto chuckled and then used a jutsu he had copied from Iruka-sensei almost a year ago. His head suddenly enlarged and his voice became massively amplified.

"Get your ass out here Ero-sennin, or else Gama Oyabun will send me in after you!! And Kakashi taught me the Sennen Goroshi!!"

There was a burst of dust and suddenly Jiraiya was kneeling on the roof before Gamabunta. Naruto continued to laugh his ass off as Gamabunta gave Jiraiya the verbal equivalent of the Sennen Goroshi.


The day of the Chunin Exam Finals finally dawned, and as the first rays of dawn settled upon Konoha an odd assortment of figures entered through the North Gate of the village, the Chunin gate guards recognizing two of the figures and waving them on through. The twelve masked ANBU and their five charges proceeded directly along the main street entering from that direction to the Hokage's tower. As they walked they noticed the dirty looks many of the early risers were shooting Naruto and Temari, but they kept quiet. It was only looks after all. What possible harm could they do?

When they arrived at the Hokage's office the twelve ANBU all bowed to Naruto and Temari and wished them the best of luck before dispersing. They had their own reports to hand in. Swallowing, Naruto stepped forward and pushed open the door. Inside the Hokage looked up at the sound of the door opening and smiled.

"Ah, Naruto. Come in, come in."

Naruto smiled faintly and stepped in followed closely by Temari, who had her hand on his shoulder, and the three adults. Inoichi looked ready to go home after the tedious assignment, while Anko just looked cranky and Jiraiya was smirking.

"So Naruto, how was your training?" Sarutobi asked as he stepped around his desk. He noted that Naruto seemed oddly subdued, and that the blond boy was looking at his feet.

"Jiji…why didn't you ever tell me who my father was?" Naruto finally asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Sarutobi's heart caught in his throat as Naruto spoke. He looked to Jiraiya in surprise, but the Ero-sennin merely nodded in confirmation of his worries.

"I-I'm sorry, Naruto." Sarutobi began, not sure how to explain things in a way that didn't drive Naruto away. "It was for your own safety. Your father had a lot of enemies, both inside and outside of Konoha. I decided to keep it a secret until you attained the rank of Jounin, at which point I could be sure that you would be capable of defending your self should anyone seek revenge against him by killing his son."

Sarutobi waited, tense for several long moments before Naruto finally looked up, a very faint smile on his face.

"Thanks…for telling me the truth."

To Sarutobi's surprise and pleasure Naruto darted forward, embracing the old man in a hug. Sarutobi looked up and saw that Temari had an approving smile on her face; clearly indicating to the old man that she harbored not anger towards him for his actions. Perhaps if his reasons had been different she might not have been so forgiving however. Silently the old man was thankful that he was not facing angry yells for his actions.

As Naruto stepped back from Sarutobi the three adult shinobi stepped forward and began to inform the Hokage of the results of the month's activities.


By the time the sun was fully up and the exams themselves were nearing Naruto and Temari had long since left the Hokage's office. The pair had stopped by Naruto's apartment, surprised to see that it hadn't been vandalized since they had been gone, and dropped off their stuff before grabbing a quick breakfast and heading to the stadium. As they walked they noticed that the flow of the crowd around them was mostly to the stadium, and that those around them were giving them a wide birth. This caused Temari to growl and glare at the stupid villagers around them, which merely caused the gap to widen further.

"Ne, Temari-chan." Naruto said, snapping her out of her glares. "Don't worry about them. They are just idiots, isn't that right?"

The blond boy looked up at her as if asking for support for his claims. Temari smiled and pulled him closer against her.

"Ne, that's right my foxy ninja. They are indeed."

Naruto's smile brightened and then suddenly he took off, dragging Temari by her hand.

"Come on, we don't want to be late!!"

Temari chuckled and began running her self, easily catching up to the shorter boy.

When they finally reached the stadium they entered through the examinee's gate to find several of their opponents already standing in a line before a tall Jounin with a dark bandana wrapped around his head and a senbon needle sticking out of his mouth. Temari easily recognized Kankuro and Gaara, both of who looked relieved to see her safe and sound, though you wouldn't have known it from looking at the frown on Gaara's face. She also saw Shikamaru-

What did I ever see in that lazy ass anyways?

-Shino, who she had respected but never really gotten to know too well in her original life. She just knew that he had never once looked down on Naruto once he had learned what he carried. And she saw Hyuuga Neji, who while he had been friends with her Naru-kun in the future;, she knew had been a complete ass at this point in his life. She just hoped whatever Naruto had planned for him would work as well this time as his actions had the first time.

"Ne, where's Sasuke and that mummy-guy?" Naruto asked as he looked around, noting the absence of the final two competitors.

The sound of cheers ringing from above as he and Temari stepped forward into the line drew his attention upward, causing his face to be bathed in sunlight as Naruto looked up at the people in the cheering stands, his new clothes displayed for the first time since he had bought them nearly a month before.

Temari still wore her purple outfit with the red sash wrapped around her waist, but she had added a pair of small orange spirals on the shoulders. Naruto on the other hand had completely changed his outfit. There was barely any orange left in it at all. His pants were dark black and shortened to end a couple of inches above the black wrappings of his shinobi sandals. He had a kunai holster strapped to his right thigh and several more kunai tucked into pouches on his hips. Above that he wore a tight form-fitting black shirt with long sleeves and a bright orange spiral on the center of the chest, and over that he wore a long coat that stretched almost to the ground.

The coat was almost entirely a deep, dark red with black flames running along the bottom of it. The inner lining was completely black and the torso region of the coat was fitted to Naruto's body, Naruto's black sleeves sticking out past the short sleeves of the coat, while the bottom half flared out around him. To top it all off Naruto had his hitai-ate attached to a new black headband and his sun-kissed blond hair was even longer than usual, making a wild untamed spiky crown at the top of his head. To many of those watching he could almost have been mistaken as a young Yondaime.

As the crowd above cheered Naruto grinned and crossed his arms, determination in his eyes. As his eyes traced across the crowd he caught sight of the Kazekage approaching the Hokage and his eyes narrowed further. Temari had told him that that man, her father, had already been replaced by Orochimaru, that snake-pervert who had bit Sasuke on the neck. He knew that the Sandaime had a plan, but he was still worried. Temari had said that he had lost the fight originally in the future.

As Naruto continued to stare up at the Kage's box many others had their eyes on him. The first was Gaara, who was wondering just who Naruto was, to hold so much of his sister's love. It could be said that after having received the first genuine kindness he had ever had in his life from her that he was afraid of losing that. The poor boy didn't quite understand the difference between filial affection and romantic love yet, or else he might not have worried.

The second was Hyuuga Hinata, whose eyes were steeled in determination. She was angry with her self for failing against her cousin, and as she watched the way Naruto and Temari interacted she almost started growling.

That Suna bitch, how dare she try to steal what should be mine by right! I'll make her pay, and I'll make Naruto recognize me as his destined one!

Does insanity about fate and destiny run in the Hyuuga line or something?

The third was Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino, both of who had to do a double-take to be sure that they were really seeing what they thought they were seeing.

"I-is that Naruto?!" Ino exclaimed as she leant forward in her seat, amazed at the change in the blond boy.

"No way that's Naruto!" Sakura cried out, staring down at her blond teammate in shock. "I mean, he's, he's-"

"He's hot!" Ino exclaimed for her poor pink-haired friend.

Truly, the Naruto who stood before them was not the same annoying Naruto they had grown up with. No, what they could see of his body under the tight formfitting black shirt was hard chiseled muscle, and his face even seemed a bit leaner than it had been before. The pair of shallow kunoichi could have sworn he looked a little bit taller as well.

As Sakura watched Naruto's grinning smile, and the way he interacted with that blond girl from Sunagakure she felt a sharp pang in her chest.

Why is seeing him with another girl making me feel like this? I've never felt this way about Naruto before. He's always been loud, and annoying…and there for me.

Slowly Sakura began to wonder if she was losing the best thing that might have happened to her all because she had been so obsessed about her other teammate. Sakura was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice her best friend start to drool at the sight of her fellow blond looking so hot.

Back on the arena floor the exam proctor was showing the gathered examinees a sheet of paper with the new order of the match ups. Temari smirked when her Naru-kun didn't ask about where Sasuke was. She had explained to him what had happened in the original timeline, and sure enough things appeared to still be on course; even the absence of that Dosu shinobi. But he was one of Orochimaru's lackeys, so she didn't begrudge her brother killing one enemy shinobi early. After all, he had spared Rock Lee any permanently crippling injuries at her request.

As Genma finished explaining the rules, every one of the gathered examinees showed determination on their faces.

"Well, the first match is Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuuga Neji." Genma said, causing the pair to glare at one another out of the sides of their eyes. "Other than those two, go back to the waiting room."

Temari walked over and kissed Naruto lightly on the cheek before ruffling his hair and walking off to follow the rest of the examinees out of the arena.

As Naruto and Neji faced off many of the people in the stands began to prophesize Naruto's defeat. However, the dynamic duo (aka Izumo and Kotetsu) were sitting next to Hinata and Kiba, and they were both sure for different reasons that Naruto was going to win.

"You seem like you want to say something." Neji taunted.

Naruto glared and held his hand out before him, trembling with barely suppressed emotion.

"I told you before…" Naruto growled. "I'm gonna win no matter what."

Neji smirked and triggered his Byakugan before moving into his Jyuken stance.

"It's more worthwhile fighting against you. When you face the true reality, those eyes will show disappointment. I'm looking forward to seeing those eyes."

"Stop talking so much…" Naruto said as he moved into a ready stance of his own, a sudden release of chakra causing the wind to swirl around him and Neji and kick up dust. "Let's begin already."

Even as he spoke Naruto's mind was already calculating the amount of space available in the arena, and the easiest method of defeating Neji while using the least amount of chakra. After all, he had an invasion to prepare for.

"Very well," Genma said around the senbon needle in his mouth. "Let the first match…Begin!"

Naruto narrowed his eyes as he analyzed Neji, remembering everything that he knew about the dark-haired boy. According to Temari the reason he was an arrogant jerk was because of a fucked up home life. Naruto had replied to her at the time that that was no excuse, and she had just smiled sadly and kissed him on the forehead, calling him naïve. Naruto just hoped that she was right that defeating him would help change things.

As people in the stands began to get restless at the lack of action Naruto smirked and brought his hands together in a very familiar and comfortable cross-shaped seal.

"Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" He cried out.

Those who had seen him fight using Kage Bunshin had expected four, maybe five tops. Twenty if he were really pushing it. But when the entire battlefield became momentarily blanketed in chakra smoke everyone in the crowd gasped in surprise. As the smoke cleared, over a thousand copies of Naruto stood surrounding Neji.

In the stands the dynamic duo were rephrasing their estimates as to Naruto's chances, completely surprised by his use of such a jutsu. Neither of them had even been aware that he knew the Kage Bunshin technique, much less the seriously Kinjutsu Tajuu Kage Bunshin technique.

"Give up now, Neji!" One clone cried out.

"You'll only bring more pain upon yourself if you don't." Another in the vast crowd cried out.

"You don't understand, you don't have a chance to win." Neji replied, unworried about the clones. They could throw themselves at him, and his defense would deal with them all.

Every single Naruto clone on the field chuckled and then lowered their right hands open to their sides, palm facing upwards. Suddenly the air in the arena became a massive flow of turbulent air as blue chakra began to spiral and condense over the palms of each of the thousand clones.

"Come on then Neji!" The clones shouted in unison. "Show us this destiny of yours. Show us how fate expects you to win against overwhelming force."

The people in the stands above who were old enough to have heard about it, or who had seen it used on the battlefield, marveled in awe at the technique that was now revealed to them. Many of the older Konoha shinobi in attendance began to mutter about how much Naruto resembled the Yondaime right now. Just replace the red on his coat with white and the black flames with orangey red ones and he'd almost be the spitting image of the man.

As the spiraling spheres of the thousand Rasengan finally took form the audience became completely silent. Even those with no shinobi training knew that something big was about to happen.

"This is your last chance Neji." One clone said as it stepped up before him, the sphere held in his hand glowing and whirling, the sound of a thousand of them echoing around the arena almost deafening Neji, the chakra exuded by the spheres disrupting his Byakugan's ability to see. "Give up now and save yourself from a world of hurt."

Neji smirked again and adjusted his stance, ready to release chakra and enter the Kaiten before any of the clones could get close to him.

"Fate has decreed that you will lose."

The clone who was apparently the spokesman just sighed and shook his head.

"Apparently you just aren't going to get it unless I beat it into you. Oh well."

Naruto's grin grew feral before he and a thousand other clones crouched and then charged. Neji began to spin, releasing chakra as his rotation caused it to form a rapidly spiraling shield protecting him from whatever sort of attack Naruto was about to use.

In the back of the clones, obscured from Neji's vision by the chakra being radiated by the mass of Rasengans, the original Naruto smirked and bit his thumb. As a cry of "Rasengan!" went up from his clones and a massive cloud of smoke and detonating Rasengans appeared in the center of the arena Naruto swiped the blood across the palm of his hand. As the last of the clones made their attack upon Neji, Naruto sped through five hand seals and slammed his hand onto the ground. As Neji's spin finally stopped, the older boy looking exhausted and taking a moment to catch his breath as the clones were finally done with, Naruto let out a cry.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!!"

The entire audience watched in surprise as there was a sudden massive cloud of smoke that enveloped the entire arena and the stands. It passed within seconds, and everyone stared in amazement as the largest toad that most of them had ever seen stood there smoking a massive pipe.

"Eh!? Naruto, why have you summoned me to such a place?!" Gamabunta asked loudly, the force of his voice causing many in the stands to duck.

"Sorry Gama Oyabun, but I couldn't think of any other way to end my match quickly, and I don't know the measurements of any of the other Toads yet. I hope you aren't mad with me." Naruto replied as he leapt down from Gamabunta's back to land on his nose, turning and kneeling with his head bowed.

Gamabunta chuckled at Naruto's show of respect.

"Stand up gaki, you've earned my respect. I'm just a bit annoyed that you summoned me for something so trivial, that's all. Just remember, when you are old enough, you come have your first drink of sake with your Oyabun."

Naruto grinned and stood up.

"Hai Gama Oyabun!"

Naruto saluted and then leapt into the air in a flip, dropping towards the ground rapidly as Gamabunta vanished in another cloud of smoke. As the smoke cleared Naruto was revealed to be standing on the ground below and walking towards one of the large frog footprints that now sat as massive craters on the arena floor. Everyone gasped as they realized what was in one of the footprints.

Hyuuga Neji lay flattened on his back, out cold. Genma approached quickly to confirm it, but he shook his head as he stood back up.

"Winner, Uzumaki Naruto!" He announced as he motioned for medic nins to pick up the unconscious boy.

The crowd was silent for a moment before a slow clap began in one corner. The momentum built until the entire crowd was clapping and cheering with enthusiasm. Naruto grinned and pumps his arms in the air as he waved to the cheering fans before he remembered something. Spinning he turned and ran straight towards the wall under the competitors' balcony. Without missing a beat the blond whirlwind leapt and stuck to the wall using chakra, continuing to run up the wall until he reached the balcony and could grab the railing and use it to flip him self next to his lady.

Naruto landed beside Temari with a thud and then stood up grinning. He was immediately enveloped in a hug and found his lips locked with Temari's as his blond love gave him a reward for his performance.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the arena, a dark-haired lavender-eyed girl clenched her fists in fury as she watched the Suna-whore make out with HER Naruto-kun.

AN: And here you have it folks, another chapter of Desert Fox Redux. It had been a while since I actually watched/read Naruto's training during the month between the exam segments, so part of why it took so long from when I started work on this chapter and I finished it was simply trying to find the time to rewatch those episodes. But, here it is, in all its Neji-squashing glory. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Once again, please thank my wonderful beta I.E.T.S. for the amazing job she did assisting me with this chapter.

Also, do people prefer when I do the horizontal lines across the screen for breaks, or use the centered XXs?