
A/N: It's been a while since I've worked on this story. Just today in fact I went back to start working on it again. In order to get back in the right mood-set I started to reread the first chapters and by all that is fluffy I found errors. Many many errors. So I decided to rewrite the earlier chapters. Don't worry loyal, and not so loyal, fans! Another chapter should be coming within the next month. Hopefully.


Uzumaki Naruto was a shinobi from Konohagakaru. As such he was doing a mission with his team. Much to his dismay however this particular mission was just to retrieve laundry for a client who had sent their laundry to another small town in order to avoid the prices. His sensei Hatake Kakashi was nowhere to be found. He claimed he was scouting the area for enemies but Naruto knew a lie when he saw it. Haruno Sakura had won a coin flip earlier and as such was out enjoying herself shopping while Naruto was forced to watch over the infernal machines.

After returning from his three-year training trip with the Toad Sage Jiraiya the 15 year old blond had been literally jumping with joy at the thought of a mission. His enthusiasm dampened when he was informed as to what mission his jounin sensei had accepted. However he needed the funds so he tolerated the idea.

"This mission is so boooring." The young man sighed to himself "All I do is just sit here for twenty minutes until the laundry dries. Why did they need a ninja for that! I mean anyone could do it! I should be out fighting bad guys and… Hold on a second… Was it twenty and forty? Maybe sixty?" just to make sure the young man decided that he would check back every five or so seconds to ensure that the laundry didn't catch fire. After around ten seconds he grew even more bored. He hated waiting more than almost anything.

A short distance away from the blond sat a little girl no older than seven. She was wearing a dirty purple kimono that looked as though it had been thrown out before reaching its current owner. The kimono was very simple and appeared to have lilies on it. It's former beauty was obvious to any who looked. The girl wore a small flower in her hair which complimented her pale skin and large blue eyes. The flower was nestled between her left ear and her long dark brown hair. One couldn't be sure of her natural hair color however as it appeared as though it hadn't been washed in a few years. This girl seemed utterly transfixed on the blond. She had never seen someone get so impatient with an inanimate object. "What's he doing?" She asked herself as she watched him make a weird symbol with his hands.

"Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!" Naruto exclaimed loudly, which unknown to him caused the girl to jump, as three clones popped into existence with only a light smoke screen to mask their entrance. "Alright you two I need you to go and find the following things." He started marking off what he wanted as the two clones nodded.

The little girl stood wide eyed as she stared at the sight before her 'How did he make himself into more people?' Her mind whirled with activity as she considered every possibility 'He could be a magician. But then why isn't he wearing a hat and why didn't he use a wand? Okay so maybe he's a fairy? Wait no…. He's too big for that. Is he a god? No… He's too young for that… Maybe… no… he couldn't be a… ninja… could he? No of course not!' the little girl chuckled to herself a little 'Ninjas are just myths. Just jokes that people tell each other about.' Still the longer she considered the possibility of him being a ninja was oddly tempting. 'If he's a ninja he'll have money… right?'

"Naruto-Baka!" A voice screamed from outside the building. The girl quickly turned to face the newcomer to the Laundromat. What she saw scared her. A large menacing ogress that stood two hundred feet tall. She possessed three eyes situated below her bloody white hair.

In reality it was just Haruno Sakura yelling at Naruto however to the young girls mind she was every bit as fearsome as the most powerful demon. "We told you not to use jutsu didn't we!" The ogress bellowed to the heaven sending three of the four into oblivion before flinging the other to the gates of hell. What actually happened was Sakura destroyed the clones before knocking Naruto into one of the machines. "We don't need to draw any attention to ourselves! You heard what Kakashi-sensei said!"

"Sorry Sakura-Chan." Naruto said rubbing a bump that had formed on his head from hitting the machine.

"Whatever baka. We should get out of here. The laundry's done. I still can't believe we got stuck with this mission." Sakura mumbled to herself as she prepared the clothes for travel.

The little girl stood and followed them at a distance, ducking behind trees and other obstructions to avoid being seen, until they met up with a third man. 'He must be at least three hundred years old!' the girl thought to herself observing the man 'He could be a god.' She considered 'He even has a book. Maybe that's where he keeps the names of those he steals from the earth?' her imagination kicked into overdrive as she easily confirmed her theory 'Yeah! That makes sense! Those two are probably Death's assistants!'

"Ready to leave Naruto?" Hatake Kakashi asked his pupil as he pocketed his Icha Icha Paradise book into his shuriken holder. He was staring past Naruto and Sakura directly at the little girl. 'She's well hidden for a civilian. An academy student could have done better. But for someone so young and with so little experience she certainly picked a good location.' He thought to himself as Naruto answered him.

"Yeah I can't wait!" The blond bellowed. His eagerness to finish this mission could practically be physically felt.

"Alright, we'll leave as soon as we finish up one more lose end." The cycloptic ninja replied.

"Loose end?" Sakura asked curiously knowing that they had fulfilled all mission requirements.

"You can come out now little girl." Was all he said as he pointed to the bush that housed the young girl. His action caused the two others to look over to the bush and finally notice the little girl.

'It's now or never.' She said as she stumbled from the bush to stand before the divine creatures in front of her putting on the most determined face she could muster. "You!" she shouted pointing at Naruto "My name is Hana… and you are… my new daddy!"


A/N: This is the new and improved [hopefully] prologue chapter to "Daddy!" I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to leave any criticism or compliments you want. I can take harsh criticism. Just try to make it constructive. See you next time.