Disclaimer: I do not own Camp Rock.

A/N: I thought that Jason could use a chapter that reflected his own love language. Beware, this is SUPER fluffy. Cotton candy and down pillow fluffy. Thank you so much to MissNata13 for telling me to post this story and encouraging me to continue it. Also thank you to faerietaleredux (for writing reviews that are continually better than my chapters even though she hates when I say that) and Loved-Invention (for all her support on this story).

Caitlyn sat in the main living area of the bus working on her laptop while trying to ignore her friends so she could finish her e-mail to her parents. She was almost done, when she heard Nate mention Jason's name.

"Have any of you noticed that Jason's been different lately?"

Caitlyn's fingers stopped moving on her keyboard as she waited to hear Mitchie and Shane's response.

"What do you mean?" Mitchie asked.

"I don't know exactly," Nate said sounding frustrated. "But think about it. When was the last time he gave us a group hug?"

"You're right," Shane responded slowly. "It must have been weeks ago."

"And he isn't blurting out that he loves us anymore," Nate added.

"Maybe he doesn't feel the need to anymore because he has Caitlyn," Mitchie suggested, glancing over at her best friend.

Nate shrugged. "Maybe."

Caitlyn finally spoke up. "Nope. It has nothing to do with me."

All eyes turned towards her as she continued to focus on her computer.

"Do you know why he stopped?" Nate asked.

Caitlyn nodded without looking up. "He made a conscious decision to stop the hugging and stuff because he thought it made you uncomfortable."

Nate, Mitchie and Shane all looked at each other guiltily. Even though they knew how much Jason loved the hugs, they had all given him a hard time about them. But they had never expected him to stop – it was part of what made him Jason.

"I guess it did at first, but I got used to them." Shane admitted.

"Yeah, I sort of miss it," Nate said. He winced before adding, "I can't believe I just said that."

Caitlyn pressed send on her message, closed her laptop and stood up. "You know, Jason isn't the only one who can instigate a hug. I bet it would mean a lot to him if one of you did it for once."

With that, she headed to the back of the bus where Jason was taking a nap. She pulled back the curtain on his bunk and smiled at the sight of him sleeping peacefully. He stirred as she climbed up next to him.

"Is it time to get up?" He asked sounding groggy.

She shook her head. "I'm a little tired too. Can I join you?"

He scooted against the wall to make room for her. As she snuggled next to him, he kissed her forehead before drifting back to sleep.

An hour later, Jason and Caitlyn emerged from the back of the bus to find Mitchie, Nate and Shane in front of the television. Caitlyn watched with amusement as the two boys made eye contact and nodded at each other. They both got up and walked towards Jason.

"Hey guys," Jason said. "Anyone up for some Guitar Hero?"

"Nah," Nate said. "Do you know what I want?"

Jason shook his head.

"I don't know about you Shane, but I could really use a group hug," Nate replied.

Jason looked at his friends in confusion.

"Me too, Nate," Shane added before engulfing Jason in a huge hug. Caitlyn noticed Jason's eyes start to get misty as his two best friends held onto him.

"Hey, I want in," Mitchie said. She crossed the bus and wiggled in between Jason and Shane. Caitlyn grabbed her camera to capture the moment for Jason.

"We love you, man." Nate said gruffly right as she snapped a picture that in her mind would always represent love.