A/N: It is extremely imperativethat you read the prequel to this story first! If you don't, I can't force you, so continue reading. But I will tell you this, King Vegeta in this story is actually the Prince Vegeta from the original DBZ series. This is not a King Vegeta (his father) and Bulma pairing...Trunks is not his brother...he is still his son. Bulma is his queen he chose in the prequel,Wise King Vegeta. So that's why I was warning readers that it would be confusing if they didn't read that particular fic first. I think I scared away potential readers as well as reviews, but thanks to all who heeded my warning in the first place. I'm not bitter about this whole issue because it's my own fault for not clarifying it better. Thanks everyone!

Don't Own DBZ or characters.

The Good Son

Chapter 1

The young prince retreated to the other side gravity chamber from the one who had the upper hand in the sparring match, his king and father. Much to his disgust, he could not continue. His once clenched fists were now relaxed. "Father is still much stronger than I am." He thought as he treaded to retrieve a towel.

Seeing that the prince had somewhat raised a white flag, his father looked upon him with saddened eyes. He was sure his son would be more persistent in his advances today, but he was clearly distracted for some reason. "Computer, return to normal gravity." the king called, folding his arms in disappointment. They had been sparring at 300 times gravity ever since the prince could handle it, but when the king is by himself or with Kakarrot, it is much more intense. This level was to assist the prince with his goal of super saiyan, or so his father thought. He was so close, and yet, his determination had seemed to fade.

"I take it we are through for today." King Vegeta said, joining his son for a towel.

"Yes… father." Prince Vegeta quietly replied.

"Well, this does give us some more time to go over those plans before dinner." The King positively stated. He dared not to discourage his son even further. "Maybe we can complete that task earlier than planned."

"That would be good." The prince agreed, detecting his father's efforts.

"Then I shall see you in my conference room in about 30 minutes." The king said. Placing the towel around his neck, he proceeded to exit the double doors.

"Yes father." The prince stated, watching the doors close. He began to impatiently pace back and forth with an unsightly scowl upon his face. "Why! Why! Why!" He thought aloud. "I should be stronger!" He stopped in his tracks when felt an all too familiar power approach the Gravity Chambers. This power was not alone; there was another recognizable power accompanying.

"No way, Trunks!" Goten laughed as he closely followed the other prince through the doors.

"I'm serious Goten." Prince Trunks boldly stated. He then stopped abruptly as the older twin shot him a glare.

"Then I can do anything you ca….Ow!" Goten cried, rubbing his nose that had just smacked into the back of Trunks. "Why did you…" He paused when he looked up to see Prince Vegeta's face.

"Well if it isn't Dumb and Dumber!" Prince Vegeta taunted. He regularly teased his younger brother and his best friend Goten.

He is the crown prince that would replace his father, so he figured he was far more superior to his younger brother or his dorky sidekick. They played well together when they were babies, but as they got older, Prince Vegeta's obligations increased. This would often leave him out of whatever fun Trunks and Goten were having. He became a bit more mature than those two, but also he became bitter.

Now at twelve years of age, the crown prince somewhat despises his brother.

"What do you want in here?" he continued. "You know father and I have this time alone, and I know you felt my presence."

"I apologize, o most distinguished prince, if my internal gauge is set too high not to be alerted by your mere presence." Trunks replied, bowing his head slightly. By now Trunks was used to his brother's condescending tone, and he was always prepared to give him a seasoned reply, which always humbled the older prince. "But I met father on the way here, and he said you were done already. So I figured Goten and I could do some sparring, if that is okay with you." He then said now looking into his brother's eyes.

"Fine by me." Prince Vegeta answered, now heading towards the exit. "However, this is not a play room. It is only for serious training; the jungle gym is located in the royal courtyard." He ended as he looked over his shoulder at them.

"Thank you for the information, most omniscient one. I'll be sure to pass that on to sister when she is born." Trunks smirked, causing his brother gnash his teeth. The older prince then vacated the room.

"Good one Trunks!" Goten laughed. "Um…What does omniscient mean?"

"Come on let's get started." Trunks sighed.

He was totally aware of his brother's frustration, but that is no reason for him to take it out on anyone. The younger prince was also under a great amount of pressure. While his brother is training to be king some day, he was also performing his mother's duties in the science department. Not just because of the difficult pregnancy that she is suffering, but also for preparation of his future position. If he could not succeed his father, why not take after his mother.

"Computer, increase gravity by 400." He ordered, shutting his eyes to wait for the slight change in pressure. He could increase it by more if he wanted, but he knew that would trigger unwanted attention to Goten and himself. They have a super secret that he does not want anyone to know, especially his brother. Even so, three other people already know.

* 2 years ago*

"Hey uncle!" Goten shouted to Radditz. He was on Akron visiting with Queen Bulma and Prince Trunks. Kakarrot had transported them there and left with the intention to be back in another week or so.

"Yes Goten." Radditz sighed. He was a little annoyed with Goten's sudden inquires all the time. "What is it now?"

"Can Trunks and I train in your gravity room?" Goten asked. He and Trunks were bored at the small cottage, and they decided to fly over to the embassy for more fun.

"Sure." Radditz quickly answered. This would be a good way to slow down such a hyperactive child. "But be careful! Do not go beyond 100 times! I don't want you guys to become pancakes!" He joked. But then seriously thought, "If that happens who knows what my little brother and the king will do to me."

Unattended, the two boys enter the room and began to experiment with the controls. "Increase by 100.'' Trunks called to the computer.

"Hey! I don't feel anything Trunks!" Goten pouted a second later.

"Neither do I." said Trunks. "Hey, let's try the level that our dads spar at!"

"Yeah! That sounds like fun!" Goten agreed, rubbing his hands together mischievously.

"Okay, here we go!" Trunks laughed then straighten his composure, mimicking his father. "Computer, increase gravity by 800."

Within a second, Trunks and Goten were both knocked down to the floor struggling to move.

"Trunks!" Goten hollered. "This isn't fun!"

"I know Goten!" Trunks cried. "Com…computer, re…return to normal!"

The computer did not respond to Trunks' command. It was only used to the 200 times that Radditz trained at, and went mad as a result of the 800 times intensity. Trunks and Goten were now experiencing everything from 0 to 800 times gravity, all levels within seconds of each other. They went from floating back to slapping the floor in the same speed. They tried crying for help, but the room was sound proof.

"Okay Goten! We just have to get out of this ourselves!" Trunks cried as sweat dripped from every part of his body. "See that big red button over there…" he pointed. "We just have reach for that and push it!"

They continued to withstand the abrupt gravity changes, struggling with all their might to reach the emergency shut off switch. Then the frustration took over them, and both boys began to radiate electricity. Before they knew it, they were standing with no problem as if it was normal gravity, but Trunks turned to see the gauge was now at a steady reading of 750.

"Um, Trunks!" Goten cried. "Your hair!"

"Huh?" Trunks said turning to face the younger saiyan which gave him a great shock. "Whoa Goten! You look like a Super Saiyan!"

"I do? Cool! Let me see!" Goten said and ran to the shiniest piece of metal using it as a mirror. "Wow!"

Trunks was amazed to see that his own reflection was that of a super saiyan as well. He then quickly proceeded to push the shut off button, which returned the gravity to normal. Suddenly his eyes widened with fear.

"Goten!" Trunks panicked. He realized power levels this high could draw attention if they were not their fathers' or Gohan, the Super Saiyan Trio. He did not wish to surpass his older brother, for the crown prince would surely hate Trunks even more. He should be the stronger one because he would be king someday. "We have to turn these things off now!"

"No way! We look so cool!" Goten pouted. "Wait until Big brother sees this! Ha! Bet even you your brother will be so jealous!

"That's why we have to power down!" Trunks cried. "I don't want brother to hate me!"


"Is something wrong Dad?" Gohan asked his father. They were in the middle of lunch with the king when Kakarrot begin to choke, and he never choked on anything before.

"Ahem! No, uh, no son." Kakarrot said clearing his throat. "…something is right…very…right."

"Well I'm glad you like the food Kakarrot, but we have to get going! You have to take me to Namek remember!" King Vegeta said. "I know they don't have good food there, but you can return as soon as you get me there. King Piccolo is waiting."

"Yes my king." Kakarrot said cleaning his face. "Gohan, come with us!"

"Aw, Dad! Why do I have to come?" Gohan said, dropping his fork.

"I'll take you to see Videl." Kakarrot sang. "Or I can tell your grandpa you skipped work today!"

"Alright, already! I'll go!" Gohan said, putting a hand on his father's shoulder, and all three transmitted to Namek.


"Boy, those two sure look exhausted!" Radditz laughed, looking down at Trunks and Goten, who were now sound asleep. "That Gravity Room should be used to pacify all hyperactive saiyan children."

Radditz then turned to leave them when his brother suddenly appeared before him. "Hey! I told you not to do that again!" He shouted at Kakarrot, and then cuffed a hand over his mouth remembering the kids were sleeping. "Shhh! They're sleeping."

"Wow Dad! This is the first time I ever saw those two sleeping together!" Gohan whispered. "They usually just keep going nonstop until you separate them!"

"I know son." Kakarrot said, as he stared at the two boys.

"What did you do to them uncle?" Gohan asked.

"Well…uh…I let them play around in the Gravity Room for a while." Radditz responded scratching his head. "I just left the embassy to oversee some things, and they were like this when I returned. This reminds me…I have to go sign some more papers. Excuse me, brother…Gohan." Radditz then eased his way out of the royal guest room that was specially prepared for Prince Trunks.

"Okay dad, is this why we rushed over here?" Gohan questioned his father. "They look fine to me. I'm going to Videl's. When you get ready to leave, you know where to find me."

"Wait Gohan!" Kakarrot said, starling his older son. "There's something different! I felt it!"

At that moment, Goten began to squirm in his sleep, and Trunks began to reach for something. They then began to glow and their hair turned golden, causing Gohan to widen his eyes with shock. His father remained calm, only bringing his smile to a smirk. They both powered down simultaneously a second later.

"Just as I figured." Kakarrot stated. "Gohan."

"Yyyess Dad?" Gohan answered, still in awe.

"They've broken your record, huh?" Kakarrot asked.

"Yeah." Gohan replied. "Hmm…well…Goten still is a little younger than Trunks, but still…unbelievable. It's like they were the ones born twins...like they're really brothers.

"Gohan… keep this to yourself." Kakarrot seriously stated. "In fact, I think the boys will want to keep this a secret too."

*Present Time*

Prince Vegeta stared out the largest window of the conference room, while his father rambled on about treaties. He could not get the goal he set to reach super saiyan out of his head. He longed to be the strongest of all Saiyans, including his own father.

Recently, he began to wonder if only his mother wouldn't have talked the king into ending the tradition he would be soon ready to challenge his father. Instead, his father would now hand the throne to him when he felt the prince was ready, and no telling when that would be.

"Are you listening to me, Vegeta?" the king questioned his heir who seemed to be daydreaming.

Zarbon was already on the planet and they hoped to renew their treaty within the next few days. This time the king figured he would let his successor handle the bulk of the work to get the necessary experience. "This is not the time to be staring into space!"

"Yes Father!" The young prince replied, dismissing his thoughts.

"This clause was added to ensure peace with Zaranium after I'm no longer king and you take over." The king begins again. "And these parts…make sure you accurately explain this to Emperor Zarbon; it is very important."

"Yes Father." The prince stated reading over the papers passed to him.

"And these amendments here…" King Vegeta paused, seeing the frustration in his son.

"Yes Father?" the boy asked, looking up from the papers to see his father's eyes set on him.

"Look…" His father started. "…I know these things can be overwhelming. I was already king and handling these things on my own when I was just eight, so I know…Do not fret or be overly anxious…My father was not by my side, but I will be at yours. Do you understand?"

"I understand father. I will do my best."


I'm sorry Emperor Zarbon! But the queen cannot see anyone today!" A nursemaid proclaimed. "She is due to give birth any day now, and she is on bed rest for the time being."

"Is that so?" He replied, receiving a bold nod from the nursemaid. "Well, do I look like just anyone?" He then shouted, shattering her confidence. All the commotion was taking place outside the corridor that leads to the queen's resting place during the day. She was there to be closer to the throne room and therefore, her husband or a doctor if need be. At night she was transported back to her main quarters on the highest level of the palace.

"What's the problem here?" another woman asked coming down the long hall. "Her Majesty is able hear this disturbance all the way in her chambers."

"Lady Shondra! I'm terribly sorry, but Emperor Zarbon insists on seeing her majesty." She said bowing her head.

"That's right!" Zarbon boldly stated. "I came all this way just to see her!" Because of their radiance, pregnant women are his favorite, next to virgins, even so he has never ceased desiring the most beautiful of them all, the Queen of Vegetasei.

"Oh, Emperor Zarbon. Why…I was under the impression that you have come to seek an audience with HISmajesty. Is this not correct?" Shondra cunningly asked, causing Zarbon to flinch at the very mention of his majesty.

"Very well."He said, then gesturing to his servants behind him who were carrying many gifts for the queen, of course. "Come along." He then exited out the doors to the main hall.

"That's how you handle Emperor Zarbon." Shondra said to the young nursemaid. As the head lady in waiting to the queen, she had been trained to attain such situations before taking the position. And not to mention, she had also witnessed Zarbon's defeat after challenging the king for her majesty's hand. "If you mention the king, he will surely retreat! "

Now a very disappointed Zarbon headed to the conference room, where his actual meeting would occur, after dismissing his servants. Being that he had the intention of seeing the queen first, he was quite early. He muttered a few curses and entered the Royal conference room. Upon entering, he looked up to see he was not the only one ahead of time. At first, he thought he was seeing a shrunken king, but dismissed the absurd thought when the boy spoke.

"Good Day, Emperor Zarbon." Prince Vegeta said politely. Of course, this was an act that Zarbon could see through with little effort. "My father is attending other duties at the moment, but he will arrive shortly. Actually, we were not expecting you this early."

"There is no need to talk to me in that spurious tone, boy." Zarbon simply stated as he took a seat. "We both know why I'm here, so you don't need to pretend that we all are good friends."

"As you wish." The prince replied in his regular cold voice. "But that goes for my mother as well…I know all too well that you fancy her very much so. You know…it's a shame that you failed to acquire her…Then I, perhaps, would have been your son...We most certainly could have been good friends that way." He taunted causing Zarbon to rise from his chair. He could learn a little from his brother Trunks after all.

"Why you little!" Zarbon started to charge when a hand sat him back down in his seat.

"Woah! Hold on there!" Kakarrot laughed. "That miniature King Vegeta is as exactly as you see him-- a miniature King Vegeta. He's just as strong as his father was at his age. Do I have to remind you?"

"Let's not go there, Kakarrot." Zarbon sighed, massaging his temples as he thought of why the particular treaty was made in the first place. Prince Vegeta smirked and returned to his view out the window. "Is there any way we can get on with this, I'm suffering from a terrible migraine." Of course, the migraine was a result of not meeting the queen and quarreling with her eldest son.

"Aw…I'm sorry to hear that." King Vegeta said with a little sarcasm as he shut the doors behind him. "Let's get started, shall we? And as soon as we're done, I get someone to escort you back to the superior guest suite." That suite would be an upgrade from his last one.

"Very well." Zarbon submitted then taking a sip of fresh water that was provided in front of him.

They then began the negotiations. It went fairly quick as Zarbon hoped. The treaty had very few amendments, and he was willing to agree with everything. "Are we done now?" He sighed.

"Yes, Emperor Zarbon." Prince Vegeta answered, gathering the bulk of papers. His father did oversee everything right to the very last page, and then he and Kakarrot excused themselves attending to other matters concerning the Namekians. The king was comfortable enough to leave the young prince to handle the rest. "My attendant shall have copies for you by tomorrow… also…my father has called for your escort already; they will be here momentarily… Well--" Prince Vegeta was cut off before saying his goodbyes.

"Really, kid, I've grown tired of the sarcasm." Zarbon said, getting up from his seat. "You have already proven your worth to me. In fact, I am intrigued by you." He said closing in on the boy. "I am quite adept at reading personalities, and you have hatred written all over you face... I noticed how you eyed your father every once in a while, particularly when he chastised you in my presence… You believe you are ready to be king, do you not?" The prince was taken back at the last remark. He didn't know how to reply. It was true. He did want to challenge his father, but how could this man know it.

"Say what you will." Prince Vegeta began. "But I know I cannot defeat my father as of yet. I am not so imprudent to challenge him. Besides that tradition has been annulled."

"So I was right. You better be careful. There are many vicious people out there who hate your father with a passion. Just be glad it's me and not them who discovered this." Zarbon stated, headed towards the doors, but then stopped looking up to the ceiling. "We're just alike in a way… we both have ambitions and…desires…Hmph… even after all these years, my aspirations for this…uh… certain woman has not ceased even though she is married to the most powerful one in the universe and produced nearly three brats with him. Some may even find my goal unattainable, but I will not stop my advances until I have her. And I will not get her by backhanded ways either…I learned my lesson."

"You are referring to my mother, aren't you?" The prince chuckled. "You are a really sick individual."

"That's not the point!" Zarbon hissed. "The point is…I know just how powerful your father is, so you just watch yourself." Zarbon headed out the exit quickly pulling out his pocket mirror to check his everlasting beauty. "Oh why am I advising you anyway! There is no benefit to me…"

"Who am I to be careful of? There is none more powerful than the Super Sayain Trio, and I will soon acquire a power beyond even those three." The young prince thought to himself as he began to stare out his favorite window once again as he heard the door close.

Prince Vegeta is a little too arrogant, isn't he? I tried developing his character after the real Vegeta in the DBZ series…did I do a pretty decent job? What vicious people should the prince be aware of? And who's the third person that has knowledge of the two newest super saiyans? For one thing, it is not King Vegeta or Bardock. Oh…and shouldn't Zarbon be a dirty old man by now?

As always, please review...whether good or bad, I accept all forms...thanks for reading!