Disclaimer: I do not own twilight and my friend doesn't mind being a character and is looking forward to what I write

Lost and Found

A Twilight crossover

Pairings usual except for Edward/my character Bella/Jacob

My character is based on my best friend, the only one that I ever trust. There are similarities between them, but this one has an ending. I'm trying to write it as if from her point of view. It will change POV sometimes.

Senior year, Edward and Bella have split for good, but the Cullens haven't left.


was going to post this for christmas then decided to wait for new years then i turn around and forgot lol.

Chapter 37 Epilogue: For All Eternity (originally part of chapter 36 and its original title)

The air was charged with excitement. Everywhere that I looked was a flurry of movement whether it is of people, fabric of dresses, flowers. People were going around trying to make final touches to things and trying to find the right dresses to wear. Everyone had bright smiles on their faces as they went about their business to get ready for everything. I myself could feel butterflies flying around in me. To calm myself I reach up and start to fiddle with the necklace that Edward had given me so long ago. The feeling of the cool metal against my skin helped me to calm down the butterflies just a little bit but a larger smile spreads across my face as I think about Edward. I was brought out of my thoughts though when a small table was knocked over near me.

I bent down and righted the table then put the things that were on the ground back on to the table. I brought my hand up to the object that I felt lightly bump against my skin and wrapped my fingers around it. In my hand was a small locket with the Cullen family crest on it. I smile as I was once again lost in my memories.


"Alright I'll try to keep this short seeing as we have been out here for two hours," the assistant principal joked. "I have just one last word of advice; take what you have learned in your four years here and never forget them. Never forget the experiences you shared during your time here at Forks High for they have shaped who you are now and has given you the tools in order to shape who you will be. Among you could be a future president or another important political leader, a doctor who saves hundreds of lives, an inventor who creates something to improve society. No matter where you go on the road of life never forget your roots here at Forks High. Now it's time for these students to finally receive their diplomas."

He then started to go through the list of students names alphabetically. We were seated outside on the football field, sitting in rows waiting for our turn to receive our diploma. It was a sunny day out but thanks to my gift none of my family was sparkling. "…Alice Cullen, Edward Cullen, Emmett Cullen…Carrie Hale, Jasper Hale, Rosalie Hale…" As our names were announced there were some cheers and polite clapping. I could hear Carlisle and Esme cheer and clap loudly as our names were called. What surprised me most though was that when my name was called the entire student body erupted in cheers. I was startled at the sudden noise that was directed to me. I was calmed though when I heard Edward explain to me through his gift that they were supporting me and cheering me on that I seem to defy all odds and that I have managed to graduate.

"May I present to you the Class of 2008," the principal said as he finished his final remarks. We all stood up and looped our arms around each other as we sang the school song. When we finished we tossed our caps high into the air with a loud cheer. After wards the new graduates split up and took pictures with their friends and families.

"Oh Carrie, we are so proud of you," Esme said as she gave me a hug.

"Thanks mom, thanks dad" I said as I pulled away from Esme and gave Carlisle a hug.

"Why don't you all stand together so that we can take a picture," Carlisle said as he held up a camera. We all stood under one of the many Forks High Class of 2008 banners that were hung up around the premises. I stood in the middle with Edward behind me with his hands on my shoulders. Alice was on my right with Jasper behind her and Rosalie was on my left with Emmett behind her. The girls and I had our hands clasped together and held between us. We took several pictures before we left.

Later that day we had a graduation party at a local park; we would have had it at our house but Bella wanted to come as well as Jacob and his friends and some people from school. Esme loved the idea because she decided to cater for the whole thing. She had spent the few days prior cooking up a storm. All of the werewolves showed up and completely devoured a good chunk of the food. Chief Swan, Billy Black, Mike, Eric, Tyler, Angela, Jessica and a few other people, some parents included, showed up. There was music playing and it was an overall party.

Before we opened some graduation presents we shared were we were all going to attend next fall. All of my family has accepted to going to actually attend nearby colleges since we have decided to stay in this area thanks to my gifts we don't have to move. Eric, Angela and Jessica were going to a school to study journalism and Tyler and Mike got accepted somewhere on a sports scholarship. We all got a gift from someone, which were mainly gift cards. From Charlie I got the deed to the house that Thom and Liz bought when we moved here. The mortgage had been taken care of so I didn't have to worry about it. I later gave the deed to Carlisle and Esme for I didn't want anything to do with that house at the moment. But what Carlisle and Esme gave me is one of the most precious of gifts.

When it came to their turn to give me a gift Carlisle pulled a rectangular box out from his jacket pocket. He held it out to me with a smile; Esme was standing on his right with a large smile as well. I hesitantly took the box from him and held it in my hands. I looked up at Carlisle who placed his arm around Esme shoulders and they were looking at me expectantly. I looked at my siblings and boyfriend and they too were looking at me expectantly. Alice made a go ahead motion with her hands, to urge me on to open it. I took the silver ribbon off of the black velvet box and held the bottom half in my left hand as I opened the box with shaky hands. I gasped and nearly dropped the box at what I saw.

There in the box was one of the Indian chokers that Bella and Jacob had gotten me for my birthday. The same set that I noticed that mysteriously disappeared for a few days a couple of weeks ago. It was three rows tall made out of black painted bone and silver beads between each piece of bone. There was a difference though; hanging in the middle of the necklace was a large pendant of the Cullen family crest. It was about the same size if not a little smaller than Rosalie's pendant, but didn't look ridiculously large. I looked at them shocked at what I was seeing. This gift was very important, it signified that I was a true member of the family and accepted as one of them.

"Open the locket," Esme urged lightly. I looked at her questionably before I looked to examine the necklace again. The pendant was in fact a locket. I gently took the choker out of the box and held it in my hand as I set the box down on the table. I held on to the pendant and opened it with my left hand. I gasped and brought my hand up to cover my mouth in shock. In the locket there were two pictures; on the back (right) side was a picture of Edward and me standing together in our Halloween costumes. Edward and I were standing close, our hands clasped between us looking at the camera. On the front door (left) side was a picture of all of us together that was taken during our Thanksgiving camping trip. Alice and I were sitting in the front with Jasper and Rosalie kneeling behind us. Behind them were Esme and Carlisle who were leaning down with their hands on their knees with Edward and Emmett standing behind them. All of us had bright smiles on our faces.

I looked up at Carlisle and Esme in disbelief. Their response was wider smiles and a nod of the head. I smile broke out across my face as I threw myself at them, wrapping my arms around them in an embrace. I felt them wrap their arms around me as well as a single tear of pure happiness and joy slipped down my cheek. I pulled away and they both placed a kiss on the middle of my forehead. Carlisle took the necklace from my hands as Esme turned me around and held my hair out of the way so Carlisle could easily fasten the claps. I felt the necklace against my skin of my throat and I felt the locket settle over the hollow of my throat and between the nubs of my collar bone. I brought my hand up and felt the locket that hung from the choker. I moved my hand down a couple of inches and felt the dolphin pendant. I looked up and saw that my siblings were smiling at me and a smile appeared on my face as well before I launched myself at them as well. Emmett was the closest one so I landed in his arms and he held me in one of his famous bear hugs. He gave me a spin before he set me down and I hugged the others.

End Flashback

"Hello Earth to Carrie is anyone there," I heard someone say. I blinked my eyes and shook my head slightly. In front of me stood Bella who I had noted changed into her dress.

"Yeah what is it Bella," I asked her in slight apology for spacing out.

"You need to get into your dress so that we can do your hair and makeup," she said as Alice held a large garment bag out to me,

"Oh sorry," I said in apology as I took the bag from Alice and headed to the designated changing room. Esme came in with me so that she could help me get it on and zipping me up. After I was done I went over to the vanity and took a seat so that Alice and Rosalie could do my hair and makeup. Rosalie did my hair in a very similar way as I did hers for Halloween. She made my natural curls more pronounced and she lightly pulled the top half of my hair back and clipped it in place with a white flower clip. She also made a flower crown out of daisies around my head. Alice put a shade of eye shadow that she thought brought out my eyes the best, she added some blush to my cheeks and some lip gloss to my lips.

"Oh Carrie you look so gorgeous," Esme said as she gave me a hug.

"Thanks mom. Is everyone ready," I asked as I looked around the room.

"Just a few finishing touches and we'll be done," Alice said. I felt Rosalie pinning something to my hair and messed with something at the top of my head. Then there came a knocking from the door and Esme went to answer it.

Carlisle came through the door, he wearing a dark suit with a white rose pinned to the left side of the jacket. "Is everyone ready, it is about time for the ceremony to start," he said as he came into the room.

Before anyone could answer though we were interrupted by, "Mama," the shout of a cute little dark hair girl wearing a white dress and carrying a small basket. "Mama, mama," the girl called out happily as she ran into Bella's arms, "look at what I was given," she was given as she held the basket above her head.

"That's nice sweetie, but be careful so that you don't spill the petals everywhere," Bella said softly. The little girl, Jasmine, is hers and Jacob's first child; she is about seven years of age. Her skin is a shade in between her parents, with dark brown eyes and hair. She is a cute inquisitive little child who tends to be on the clumsy side like her mother. They also have one other child, a baby boy named Weston, who is not quite a year old. By the looks of it so far, he is going to be the spitting image of his dad.

"Okay before we go out there let's take some pictures of everyone here," the photographer said. The ladies and I gathered around while the photographer took a bunch of photos. Then Carlisle and I got together for a few pictures along with Esme and I, then the three of us together.

"Alright, everyone get in your positions," Esme said after she clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. Alice, Rosalie, Bella, Emily and Chika, a young, intellegent and wonderful woman whom was imprinted on by Embry a few years ago, all left the small room that we were in. Before Esme left she handed me a bouquet of white tulips, roses and lilies and placed one last kiss upon my brow. Her departure left only Carlisle and me in the room.

"Are you ready for this Carrie," Carlisle asked me softly as he held one of my hands in his.

"As ready as I'll ever be after seven years I guess," I told him sheepishly.

"Don't worry everything will be fine," he said reassuringly. Our heads picked up as the church organ began to play.

"I guess there's no turning back now is there," I joked with a small laugh.

"I guess there isn't," he said with a laugh as well as we walked out of the room. We stood near the back of the larger room and watched as the others slowly made their way out and into the main chamber of the church. First was little Jasmine as the flower girl, then there Alice as the maid of honor was escorted out by Emmett the best man. They were followed shortly after Rosalie and Jasper, Bella and Jacob, Emily and Sam then finally Chika and Embry. They left so that there was around twelve feet between each group. As the last couple left, the door closed and we were left alone again.

If you haven't figured it out yet we are at a wedding. Not just any wedding though, it was my wedding. That's right today I was going to get married to the man of my dreams. A smile spreads across my face as I think about this. I had never dreamed in all my life that I would ever find and fall in love, get married and other things like this, but here I am waiting for Carlisle to walk me down the aisle.


It was the night of senior prom and my sisters and I were in Rosalie's room getting ready. For the past two weeks Alice, Rosalie and Esme have taken me to what seemed like every dress store in the tri-state area, looking for the perfect prom dress. At first I was in my disguise but they wanted to dress me in my now normal form. I would just have to use my ability to be overlooked. We went store to store looking for the perfect dress. I would pick out one but my sisters would say that it simply wouldn't do. I was just about to give up until they decided that they had found the perfect dress for me. It was a gold sleeveless ball gown that reached all the way to the floor. It was tight across the bodice and accentuated my bust and cleavage. It puffed out at the hips with about ten layers of fabric and 'petticoats'. I made it so that my skin was lightly tanned which made it look absolutely perfect. I would have worn one of the dresses that I got for my birthday but they were made for my old form and they wanted to me to go with my new form. Alice had a dark purple dress that came to her knees in an uneven way and had two sections of fabric that came over the breasts and tied behind the neck, and the back was open down to the waist. There was a silver belt with a 'diamond accented' buckle in the middle right underneath her breasts to make sure that the dress stayed closed. Rosalie had a white dress that was very similar to the dress that Marilyn Monroe was famous for.

Esme pulled my hair back, separated it into two parts (top and bottom) and rolled them up and pinned it in a giant serpentine shape with a few wisps of hair framing my face and hanging along my hair line to give it a more delicate look to it. Rosalie did my make up with light brown/gold eye shadow with a dark pink/ light red lip gloss with a tiny bit of eye liner and mascara. They took their time doing all of this for as they said they wanted everything to be perfect for my first prom.

After I was ready we all went down stairs to meet the guys who were waiting in the living room. I hesitantly made my way down the stairs behind Alice and Rosalie. When we entered the living room I saw what the boys were wearing. Emmett had on a black tux with a black bow tie and a tailed jacket. Jasper was also wearing a black tux but his vest and tie were a dark purple to match Alice's dress. Edward was wearing an all white tux. The pants, jacket, vest and bow tie, everything was white. The only color was a yellow rose pinned to his lapel.

I looked up to Edward's eyes and saw that he was staring at me with a smoldering gaze. I could feel 'the ghost' a blush spread across my cheeks and my ears felt a little warmer than usual as they turned red as well. I held his gaze as he slowly walked toward me. When I was right in front of me he brought his hands up to my cheeks, caressing them softly before he moved them to my shoulders and slowly dragged them down my arms as he looked me over. When he came to my hands he held them in his as he brought them up between us and placed a kiss upon them. "I do believe that I have been sent an angel this night. You look absolutely radiant," Edward said his voice slightly husky.

"You don't look half bad yourself," I told him with a grin. He let go of my left hand as he led me over to one of the coffee tables. He let go of my other hand so that he could pick up a small box that had an all white corsage. He gently removed it from the box and carefully placed it around my right wrist. He then brought the same hand up and placed another kiss upon it.

"Alright time for pictures," Esme said excitedly as she came into the living room camera in hand with Carlisle behind her. We spent about an hour striking various poses before Esme was reminded that we had to go by Carlisle. Edward walked me to his Volvo and made sure that my dress was all tucked in before he closed the door and got in the driver's side. Rosalie and Emmett took her car while Esme allowed Jasper and Alice borrow her vehicle. We drove to the outskirts of town to a large hall that was being used for this year's prom and post prom festivities.

We made our way to the line to get our pictures taken under the large entrance banner. This year's theme is 'A Night in Hollywood'. I heard that last years prom was such a success that they went with roughly the same thing again this year, which Alice was slightly bummed about but quickly got over it. There were some classic cars parked here and there that were donated for the night to add to the decorations. Since we participate didn't in Grand March none of us had a chance to be voted prom king and queen. That honor went to Eric and Angela. We even spotted Bella and Jacob who decided to crash the party, if only for a short while. They waved hi to us but they didn't come over.

Prom was a blast. The music was terrific, the decor fabulous and the atmosphere was lively. Edward held me close the entire time and danced every song with me. We disappeared for a short while to the lush garden in the back and danced slowly next to the reflecting pool. The lights tinkling in the water was similar to the stars in the sky. It just felt so magical and the way that Edward held me ... ah heaven.

We were currently walking hand and hand through the garden. We could still hear the music playing softly in the background. We eventually came to a small bench were we sat down to watch as the fireflies flew by with the full moon looking down on us. My attention was down to Edward when he moved so that he was facing me more and held both of my hands in his. He seemed to struggle to say something so I gave him an encouraging smile. He let out a sigh and said, "Carrie, we need to talk."

I immediately felt my happiness shatter and my heart drop down to my toes. Nothing good ever came from hearing those words from the person that you are involved with. "About what," I asked with a shaky voice.

Edward gave my hands a light squeeze before he continued. "Do you remember when you said that if a vampiress caught my attention and if I felt that I might like her that I should feel free to pursue her?" I nodded for I didn't think that I would be able to speak. 'Why is he bringing this up now? Couldn't he at least wait until tomorrow to tell me this?' "Well I think that you should know that I have met a woman, a vampiress, and I have developed a strong interest in her. She is smart, she's funny, and she is very caring. She has completely enraptured me that I find myself constantly thinking about her. I have a hard time not picturing the rest of eternity without her," he said as he looked into my eyes. I could tell by the way that his eyes shined that what he spoke was true, he has found someone else. Sure I'm a vampire now but he said that he met one, he knew me before I was a vampire, so it couldn't be me.

"Does she make you happy," as I looked away down at the ground in front of us.

"Yes very much so," he replied honestly.

I looked at him and studied his face, searching for answers. His eyes were shinning with the love and devotion and he was sporting that cute little crooked grin of his. I could tell that he was in love and it was directed toward the woman whom he was talking about. As much as I didn't want to see him go to someone else, I did make a promise and I will keep my word. I will let him go so that he can be happy with her. I was secretly hoping that this day wouldn't come. I was hoping that I could keep Edward to myself. It was tearing me up inside to know that he was interested in another. But as the saying goes, 'if you love them, let them go.' I will just have to be happy and content with what time he has given me and to wish him the best of luck. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy," I told him softly as I slowly stood up and made my way back to the party.

"Where are you going," he asked with confusion clear in his voice.

"I'm going back to the party; we have been out here for a while. I'm sure the others are getting worried," I said trying to keep my voice calm. I have never felt like crying more in my entire life as I walked away from him, not even the pain of being beaten repeatedly, raped and left for dead could compare to the heartbreak I was feeling at this moment. I knew that I shouldn't have opened my heart to him or anyone else. I should have left my heart and emotions buried deep in stone and encased in ice.

"Carrie, Carrie, Carrie," I heard him say as he caught up with me. 'What does he want now? Hasn't he done enough?' He gently grasped my arm and slowly turned me around so that we were face to face. I kept my head down and refused to look at him so he placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head up so that we were eye to eye and I begrudgingly made eye contact with him. "I don't think that you really heard what I said so you do not fully understand what has been said," Edward grinned at his choice of words.

"I heard and understood what you said. I have given you my blessing, isn't that enough? What more do you want from me," I demanded with a slight touch of hysterics and anger in my voice.

"Again I do not think that you were listening to the entirety of what I said. I am glad that you have given me your blessing, that means that I can do this," he said.

I had turned and looked away when he was speaking so I turned back now for I was confused at his words. What I saw though had me shocked. Edward was down on one knee looking at me expectantly. I knew I had a look of confusion on my face at his actions for he gave me one of his smiles that he gives me whenever I am confused. He slowly reached forward and grabbed the hand that was the furthest away from him and gently pulled causing me to fully face him. 'What is he doing? Why is he doing this?'

"Carrie, babes, the vampiress that I was talking about is you. You are the love of my life, you make me happy, and you are the one that I want to spend all eternity with. I guess what I am asking is this: will you, Carrie Hale, marry me? Will you be my wife," he asked with a voice full of hope as he withdrew a small velvet box from his pocket. He opened the box and I gasped and covered my mouth at what I saw. Inside the box on thin silver band had to be three of the biggest diamonds I have ever seen, they were large but not overly so. All of the diamonds were a beautiful princess cut and had to be around three karats. I bet that I must have been a perfectly good impression of a fish with my eyes wide and my mouth opening and closing with no sound coming out. Edward was watching me with amusement shinning in his eyes as I struggled to say something. My eyes began moving back and forth between him and the ring as I processed what he said. 'Did he...did he just...propose? Did he just ask for my hand in marriage?'

"I did," was his response to my thoughts. I looked deep into his eyes and saw the honest truth; I could see it in what he called his nonexistent soul. A smile started to spread across my face and before he could blink I let out a sound of happiness as I tackled him to the ground with my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. "Is this a yes," he asked with a laugh.

"Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes," I said with so much happiness exuding from me that I was sure that Jasper could feel it from where we were at. I pulled back so that I could see his face and saw that he had a look of pure happiness and contentment on his face. He pulled my left arm from around his neck and held my hand in front of him. He took the ring from the box and slowly slipped it on my finger. When the ring was in place he looked at it as it sparkled in the moon light before he placed a kiss against it. He then looked me in the eyes and I felt his hand move to the back of my neck then he pulled me down for one of the most toe curling kisses that we have ever shared. I happily returned the kiss putting all of my happiness into it.

We eventually pulled away and we were practically beaming at each other. We rolled over so that I was on my back and him on top of me. He placed another kiss upon my lips before he stood up and pulled me up on my feet as well. I looked at the ring as I wiggled my fingers, watching as the moonlight caused the diamonds to sparkle. Edward was watching me in amusement and I let out a small laugh before I kissed him again. Edward wrapped his arms around me, picked me up a couple of inches then proceeded to spin around in a circle as he kissed me. He eventually set me down and we made our way back to the party.

End Flashback

I remember when the others found out that I accepted Edward's proposal. I was immediately tackled by Alice and Rosalie and the boys clapped Edward on the back then they gave me a hug. The rest of the night Edward held me even closer and we kept gazing at the ring on my finger. The only time when we were apart was when the girls dragged me away so that we could change into something else for post prom. They of course picked out my outfit which resulted in them having to drag me out of the bathroom because of what they had me wearing.

The outfit consisted of the tube top that Rosalie gave me for Christmas so therefore it didn't fit on me the same. The top came up low on my chest so that the bat shaped scar could be clearly seen, for some reason that was the only scar that remained after my transformation, all the others disappeared, along with a modest amount of cleavage and came down to the dip if my waist. The bottom was a black leather skirt that was riding dangerously low on my hips and came down to about mid thigh with a couple of chains looping around on it. Alice gently took the bottom half of my hair down to let to hang freely and Rosalie did new, darker makeup to go with the darker outfit. My sisters wore skirts and nice tops but they were showing less skin than I was. They eventually got me out of the bathroom and I tried to cover myself up. Edward seemed really pleased with the outfit though for he couldn't keep his eyes off of me, along with his hands and lips. We even spent some time in a dark corner making out for a while.

End Flashbacks

"What are you thinking about," I heard Carlisle ask me as we waited for the doors to open.

I turned to look at him and gave him a brilliant smile. "I'm just thinking about how glad I am that you guys found me and didn't lose hope for me."

Carlisle smiled at my words and gave me a fatherly hug which I happily returned. As we pulled away an all too familiar march began to play. "I guess that means that it's time," Carlisle said softly. I simply nodded in response. We both straightened our appearance and posture as the doors slowly opened. I could hear the soft rumble caused as everyone stood and turned to face us. We only planned to have a small wedding, family and friends but being in this small town everyone knew about the wedding so practically everyone came. I felt a bit self conscience with so many pairs of eyes on me so I looked straight ahead. There were flowers everywhere with some soft white lights mixed in with the décor.

I saw my mother, Esme standing in the front wearing a pale rose dress and jacket customary to many mothers of the brides. She had a Kleenex clenched in her hands and she looked so happy yet on the verge of crying as she gave me a smile of reassurance which I tried to return. I saw my bride's maids wearing their sleeveless full length robin egg blue dresses holding a small bouquet of mixed flowers. My dress was the classic white with a wide scoop neck with off of the shoulder full length flowing bell sleeves. The bodice was form fitting and the skirt flowed out from the hips and was full cut with a four foot long train following behind me. On the other side were the guys with their tuxes with bow ties and vests the same color as the bride maids dresses. My attention was drawn to the center as the cleric took his position on the top of the steps and next to him was Edward. He was wearing a classic tux with black vest and tie with a white rose pinned to his jacket. He had an illusion on him, as well as the rest of our family, to make him appear a few years older. They still looked to be much the same that they were, but they appeared to be more mature in their looks. I didn't have to hide my features so my looks were thought to me being a late bloomer and having my final growth spurt in the last few years.

Edward looked so handsome standing there with that crooked grin of his. I just couldn't take my eyes off of him and I could feel my smile getting larger. All that I was aware of was me and him. I didn't even notice as Carlisle and I came to the end of our walk and we stood there at the base of the stairs a couple of feet away from him. My sole attention of him was broken when the cleric spoke.

"Who here is to give this woman to the man," he said loud enough to be heard throughout the church.

"Her mother and I do," was Carlisle's reply. The cleric made a gesture with his hand and Carlisle placed a kiss on my cheek before he placed my hand in Edward's. Together Edward and I slowly climbed the six steps so that we were closer to the cleric. After we reached our positions Edward and I stood so that we could see each other but were still facing the cleric. I heard as everyone took their seats.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony," the cleric began. I just happened to look out of the corner of my eye at Edward just to see that he had his head turned in my direction looking at me. I turned my head as well so that I could face him. He just looked so charming and perfect; I just couldn't help but smile even wider. When he winked at me I let out a silent laugh at his actions. I only had eyes for him and he only had eyes for me.

"Now for the rings," was what brought me back to reality. Both Edward and I moved so that we were facing each other then we turned to get the rings from our person of honor, Edward from his best man Emmett and me from my maid of honor Alice whom I handed my bouquet. We faced each other again and held on to each others hands between us.

"I, Edward Cullen, take you, Carrie Hale, for my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part," Edward repeated after the cleric while he looked deeply into my eyes as he slowly slipped the wedding band onto my finger in front of the engagement ring. The band was silver as well with one karat diamonds around the entire thing. On the inside was inscribed, 'Forever my queen.'

"I, Carrie Hale, take you, Edward Cullen, for my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part," I repeated as I looked into Edward's eyes as well as I slipped on his wedding band. His band was silver of a medium width with a vine like design carved into it. On the inside was inscribed, 'Forever my king.'

We had our hands gently clasped together between us. Edward's thumbs were gently rubbing across my knuckles. Again we weren't paying much attention to the cleric as he finished his part of the deal. "You may now kiss the bride," he said. Edward and I slowly leaned closer to each other and our lips met in a kiss to seal the deal. I felt one of Edward's hands come up along the left side of my head and neck while the other wrapped around my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck as we kissed. I faintly heard as the church erupted into cheers at our union. We pulled away and leaned our foreheads against each others with a large smile on our faces. "My I present to you for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Cullen." We turned to face the cheering audience and I took my flowers back from Alice then we made our way down the aisle and out the church with the others following.

Edward's POV

I was so nervous that I couldn't keep still. I was pacing back and forth wearing my tux minus the jacket. I think that the last time that I was this nervous was prom night when I asked Carrie to marry me. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Calm down Edward, everything will be fine and it will be over with before you know it," Carlisle said reassuringly as he put on his jacket.

"Yeah and you'll be on your honeymoon. Maybe you'll lose some of that tenseness of yours," Emmett joked with a laugh from where he sat on one of the spare benches in the room. I let out a growl at his words, but he just laughed at me some more. And I made him my best man. The guys and I were in our designated changing room while the girls were in another one down the hall on the other side.

"You shouldn't joke about something like that. Besides I think that his actions of being celibate for seven years with her are quite commendable," Jasper said quietly from where he stood in a dark corner of the room. He was in the corner to hide from the sunlight that was streaming in from the window. Even though he had an illusion on him that prevented him from sparkling, and being around Carrie's gift for the all of this time he still takes precautions such as this. It's just Jasper being Jasper. Just then there was a knocking at the door. Carlisle went over and opened it to reveal a smiling Esme.

"Edward dear, you really ought to finish getting ready its almost time for things to start," Esme said as she came over to me and started straightening out my clothes and finger combed my hair.

"Gees Edward, I never pictured you as such a mama's boy. You're over a hundred years old, when are you going to act your age," Jacob said in a teasing way with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Watch it flea bag," I lightly snarled. Sometimes I wonder what Carrie sees in him. Sam I could understand and maybe even Embry, but Jacob?

"Whatever blood sucker," he said with another small laugh while crossing his arms.

"Enough you two now is not the time for one of your petty little arguments," Carlisle said slightly disapprovingly yet with humor evident in his tone.

"Well since you all seem ready I am going to go check on the girls," Esme said. She then placed a kiss on my cheek then left the room to do as she said.

"Since you are all ready I guess we just have to wait on the girls. Edward you should go out and greet some of your guests and wait up by the alter," Carlisle said as he held my jacket up for me. I put my jacket on and buttoned it up. As he pinned on the rose he said to me, "I'm proud of you Edward always remember that." He finished what he said with a fatherly pat on the cheek and then the shoulder. He took one last look around before he turned and exited with all of us following him.

I headed to the front of the church while the others waited in the hall and Carlisle went in the direction of the girl's room. Little Jasmine passed me on the way out and I watched as she caught up with Carlisle at the door at the end of the hall. I stood up at the front of the church while trying my best to not fidget too bad in front of all these people. While standing up there I saw Billy and Charlie talking and I received a wave from the Denali's whom Carlisle invited and I listened to what the guests were saying. There were the usual comments on our good looks and there were various comments of how well Carrie has grown and how she has grown into a beautiful young woman. I scoff a little bit at this. I always thought that Carrie was a beautiful person. They just didn't take the time or effort to really look, to look past her protective shell and her scars to see the real her that was buried deep within; the person that I fell in love with.

I saw Esme walk up and speak briefly with the organ player then to the cleric and then took her seat in the front after she gave me one last encouraging smile. Everyone was directed to take their seats and after a few announcements were made the organ began to play. 'There's no turning back now, not that I want to.' The doors at the back of the hall slowly opened revealing little Jasmine who dropped small handfuls of rose petal of various colors as she walked. She had such a cute look of concentration on her face as she tried to make a continuous path down the aisle. When she got to the end she went over to sit with her grandfathers Billy and Charlie, the former holding her little brother Weston. Charlie wrapped his arm around her and praised her about how she looked so cute and what such a good job she did which had her beaming with pride. She sure has Jacob's ego alright.

Emmett and Alice were next in line. I had a hard time deciding which of my brothers I should make my best man. In the end though I decided with Emmett because he was the first member of my family besides Alice that became friends with Bella when I was in a relationship with her. I mentally laugh as I remember the slight competition that Alice and Rosalie had on which one of them was going to be Carrie's maid of honor. Carrie joked with them by say who said that it had to be one of them when she could possibly choose Bella or Angela or someone from La Push. They didn't really like that idea and punished her by tickling her until she could no longer stand. Eventually Carrie chose Alice to be her maid of honor because she said that Alice was the first in the family who tried to befriend her. Alice was ecstatic with the decision and Rosalie found it understandable.

After them came Jasper and Rosalie, then Bella and Jacob, Emily and Sam, and finally Chika and Embry. The last two couples are some, besides Jacob, from La Push that Carrie gets along with the most. As I watched them walk slowly down the aisle and absentmindedly noted that Carrie did a good job of picking a style and color of dress that complimented the girls nicely. Once everyone was in their place the music continued playing for a while then it stopped. When it started again the wedding march began to play. Everyone stood and turned to the doors which were slowly opening so as to pay their respects to the bride. My breath caught in my throat at what I saw. Carrie was a vision of beauty and again I thought that she was an angel created just for me. A smile spread across my face as she looked up and made eye contact with me; a larger smile appeared on her face as well. I just couldn't keep my eyes off of her; the only thing I was aware of was her. Everything was a blur and what registered in my mind was, "You my now kiss the bride," and kiss her I did.

"May I present to you for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Cullen," the cleric said as we pulled away and faced the audience. This has got to be the happiest day of my life was both Carrie's and mine thoughts as we exited the church into the limo that was to take us to the reception which was held in the same hall that prom and post prom was held all those years ago.

The reception was really fun. We waited until everyone had arrived before we made our appearance into the cheering hall. We all sat down for dinner, we of course didn't eat anything, and then we sat and listened as various people made speeches of well wishes and congratulations. Then it was time to cut the cake. The cake itself was huge, more than enough to feed everyone present; it was made of five thick layers with frosting flowers and ribbons decorating it. Carrie held on to the knife and I wrapped my hand around hers while I stood slightly to her side with my hand on her waist. We cut a couple of pieces of cake, one for each of us. Carrie picked up her piece with her hands and I followed suit. She held her piece up to my mouth with her vixen smirk in place as I held mine to her. I opened my mouth to take a bite, but she ended up smashing her whole piece in my face. I retaliated my doing the same to her. Carrie backed up about half a step and brought her hand up to clear the cake out of her eyes. Everyone was laughing of course at our antics. I reached forward, grabbed on to her waist and pulled her flush against me. I leaned down and caught her frosting covered lips in a passionate kiss. I would have kept on going if I didn't hear someone thoughts about how we should save some for the honeymoon.

After we cleaned up we shared our first dance as husband and wife. I lead her over to the dance floor and stood right in the middle. She seemed to be a little nervous so I pulled her close, wrapped one arm around her and held her hand with the other. "Don't worry Carrie, it's just you and me and no one else," I reassured her softly, just like I did that Halloween when she was crowned my queen. She looked up at me with a smile and we were lost in each others gaze.

'Our love is unconditional

We knew it from the start

I can see it in your eyes

You can feel it from my heart,

from here on after

Lets stay the way we are right now

And share all the love and laughter

That a lifetime will allow'

A large smile spreads across Carrie's face as she hears the song. I picked the song out myself without any of her help for I wanted it to be a surprise. I wanted a song that would have a special meaning for us, for the way that I feel about her and hopefully what she felt about me. I wanted a song that spoke about our relationship, for the past, present and future. I listened as Carrie sang along with the chorus.

'I cross my heart

And promise to

Give all I've got to give

To make all your dreams come true

In all the world

You'll never find

A love as true as mine'

I shocked Carrie slightly when I started to lightly sing along with the next part to her.

'You will always be the miracle

That makes my life complete

And as long as there's still breath in me

I'll make yours just as sweet

As we look into the future

Its as far as we can see

So let's make each tomorrow

Be the best that it can be'

I leaned my forehead against hers while I let go of her hand so that I could wrap that arm around her as well. Carrie brought her hands up around my neck and we lightly sang the rest together to each other with bright loving smiles on our face and stars in our eyes.

'I cross my heart

And promise to

Give all I've got to give

To make all your dreams come true

In all the world

You'll never find

A love as true as mine

I watched as she closed her eyes and basked in the experience that we were sharing. I soon followed her example and just let the love that we felt for each other wrap aound us. I felt as though I was floating on clouds, dancing on the wind, in awe of how right if felt and knowing that I can have this feeling for the rest of my days.

'And if along the way we find a day

It starts to storm

You've got the promise of my love

To keep you warm'

(George Strait's I Cross My Heart)

We kiss as we continued to lightly sway side to side, sometime we stopped our little waltz, as the last of the song continued to play. I tightened my arms around her so that I could pick her up slightly off of the floor. Carrie's arms tightened around my neck in response to her feet leaving the floor. We were brought out of our little world by the applause and cheers of our guests. Carrie let out a small laugh and placed a quick peck on my lips before I sat her down. The next song began and more people came out onto the dance floor. Carlisle came and asked Carrie for a dance so I danced with Esme. I recognized Bucky Covington's I'll Walk begin to play.

"I really am proud of you Edward dear," Esme said in her caring tone as we danced.

"For what," I asked more out of courtesy since I knew what she was thinking.

"Well for not giving up hope for both her surviving and coping and eventually coming around and finally marrying you. I'm proud that you decided to help her when she first moved here. She could be dead now if you didn't try to get to know her. The others may not have tried anything if you weren't curious about her," Esme told me.

"It has only been seven years since we met and I proposed. I would have waited seventy years until she was ready to do this. I wasn't going to break off the engagement because I got tired of waiting," I told her honestly.

"I know that you wouldn't have, I would be disappointed if you did. But now all my children are married and you could go off still yet and try to start your own coven," Esme said in a wistful yet depressed sort of way.

"I don't think that I could handle having my own coven, that's more of Jasper's area than mine," I said as I made eye contact with said vampire who was dancing with Alice close to the stage.

"I know but it's my place as your mother to worry about things such of this, especially since you are married now. Not to mention that you're my youngest, in way," Esme added with a small laugh. I danced with the rest of my female family members and even little Jasmine once before it was time for another wedding tradition, the tossing of the bouquet and garter.

Carrie's POV

"Alright, it's time for the bouquet toss. So all of you unmarried ladies front and center," I heard someone announce over the sound system. I went to get my bouquet but when I turned around there was Rosalie holding it out to me with a smile. I gently took the flowers from her and gave her a hug. We walked to the dance floor together; I stayed at one end and she went to stand at the back of the group with Alice. I looked at all who were gathered and I recognized some of the eager faces who had their eyes on the bouquet. I turned so that my back was to them, with one final look over my shoulder I tossed the bouquet over my head.

I turned around so that I could watch the squabble. As predicted they all jumped up to get the bouquet what landed around the middle of the group of savage beasts. I watched as it bounced around as everyone tried but failed to grab it. Someone hit the bouquet away from the main part of the group and I watched as it flew through the air … and landed in the open arms of little Jasmine. The other women who were trying to get the bouquet looked at her in disbelief and some in anger. I heard some laughter, looked and saw that Bella who was holding baby Weston was laughing lightly at the result while Jacob had a look of uneasiness on his face. The overprotective father mode was kicking in.

I was caught off guard when I was suddenly swept off of my feet. Out of reflex I wrapped my arms around the neck of the person who picked me up. I looked and noticed that the person who held me was none other than my new husband Edward Cullen.

"How's that for sweeping you off your feet," he asked in a teasing sort of way.

I knew what he was referring to, our second snow fight where he tackled me into the snow. "I say that it's smoother, but I liked the results of the last one better," I said with a smirk as I lightly tapped the end of his nose with my finger.

"I'll remember that you said that later," he said with his sexy smile. His attention was taken from me as Emmett approached us carrying a chair which he set down next to us. He left after he sent me a wink and went over to where there was a crowd of young men gathering. They must be the eligible bachelors ready to take their turn at the souvenir (garter) toss. Already some cat calls could be heard as Edward gently placed me in the chair. I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment as the illusion of a blush appeared.

Edward leaned down and kissed me deeply as a way to slightly distract me as he slowly kneeled down by my feet. He continued to kiss me so that I wasn't aware that he was slowly hiking my dress up to my knees. I pulled away from the kiss when I felt his hands run up from my ankles to my knees. It was then that I noticed that I was holding my dress in my lap so that it would be out of the way. 'That sneaky little devil.' Edward leaned down and placed soft kisses against my knees as he hands farther up my legs and under my dress. There were more cat calls and hoots and hollers at his actions and I brought my hands up to cover my face in embarrassment. Edward gently caressed my legs as his hands move higher and higher. "It's on the right," I lightly chided him as I squirmed under his teasing fingers. I felt both of his hands continue up, pass the garter and to my hips and he continued to tease the skin under his fingers. He seemed to decide that he had enough fun so he slowly dragged his right hand across my upper thigh over to my right leg. He then slowly ran his finger along my skin, grasped the lace of the garter and removed it from my leg in a tantalizing sort of way with one last kiss to my knees.

The guys who were waiting were all in a riot now at the little 'show' that they had just seen. Edward stood up with a wink before he shot the garter over his shoulder like a sling shot. It just happened to smack a newer wolf Nick, an awkward, shy and bashful cousin of Quil's, in the face as he was walking across the dance floor; he wasn't standing with the other eligible men even though he was one. He looked at it in confusion as he picked it off of his form, then he looked to both of his side. On his left were some angry men hoping for some of my intimate apparel on his right were Edward in I who was suppressing our laughter at is predicament but amused none the less. I glanced over at Jacob and saw that he wasn't quite pleased the results being the type of father that he is. Bella seemed to notice as well for she loaded his arms up with their children.

The rest of the reception was more dancing and speeches and some presents that people just absolutely had to give us then and there. Before I knew it I was changing into something to wear on the plane. As a gift Carlisle and Esme bought us a small island of our own in the middle of the Bermuda triangle and it was all set for us to use for two months and we would have it all to ourselves. After we changed we ran out of the building to the limo that would take us to the airport while passing through our guests who threw rice on our forms.

I cuddled against Edward in the back of the limo as we rode to the air port. I smile comes to my face as I think about the events of the day. I'm finally married, a day that I thought for the longest time wouldn't come, but it has and I'm thankful for it. Over the past few years my siblings and now husband went to school and are working jobs related to their degrees. I decided to wait on going to college until the next time around. For my part in contributing to the house hold and made paintings, drawings and other forms of art work and had them sold at the Newton's store in town. My art work had been a big hit when they first hit the shelves, and they still are to some extent. I remember that I went door to door to each business in town asking if they would be willing to sell any of my work. All of them turned me down; the Newton's store was my last chance. When Mrs. Newton saw some of the works that I brought with me she immediately fell in love with them and bought them herself. She said that she would be willing to hang my work up in part of the store. I will go in every so often and pick up any money made with the purchase of my work, she keeps a small amount as a fee but I still get the majority.

The rest of the limo ride was a blur and so was the plane ride. Edward and I were currently sitting at the front of a boat as we traveled to the island that would be our home for the next two months. Esme had the idea of us going on a cruise after wards but we both declined saying that the being on the island would be enough. I was wearing a white tank top with blue jean shorts with white flip flops and my hair pulled up in a ponytail. Edward had beige cotton pants on, with a white button up shirt which was unbuttoned and flapping in the wind. When we reached the shore Edward hopped of onto the sand. He reached toward me and grabbed hold of me around my waist picked me up out of the boat then gently placed me on my feet.

"Home sweet home," Edward whispered to me after he lightly kissed my lips. We walked hand in hand up the beach and to the cabin after the people who were carrying our luggage into the cabin. We waited on the porch so that we wouldn't be in the way while they brought in our bags. When they were finished Edward tipped them then we watched as they sailed away out of sight. "About time they got out of here," I barely heard Edward whisper. Before I could ask him what he meant he swept me up into his arms and carried me over the threshold…and right to the bedroom. I guess it's a good thing that I put on the 'special garment' that Rosalie gave me on under my clothes. We didn't leave the bedroom much for the first two weeks let alone each other arms.

Well there you have it, my story of being lost and found. I'm still in a cage sort of to speak but it is a lot less constrictive cage. I'm not sure if it's necessarily a good or bad thing yet but you won't find me complaining any.

"What are you up to babes," Edward asked me as he came up behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders and placing kisses against my neck.

"Nothing much, just looking through the photo albums," I told him breathlessly as I tilted my head to the right to allow him more room. The one I was looking at was one that the family was working on around the time that we graduated. I shivered with pleasure each time he touched the area where he bit me at so long ago and began to lose myself to the sensations he was causing.

"I think you ought to go to bed and rest, Carlisle said to make sure that you get plenty of rest," Edward said as he gently picked me up out of the chair that I was sitting at next to my desk. He then carried me over to our bed with his nose buried in my hair taking in my scent. After our honeymoon we came home and found that Edward's things had been moved into my room. Since mine was the bigger of the two it became our room. We weren't complaining any though we were wondering why they have us sharing a room when the only other ones who do are Carlisle and Esme.

Edward gently placed me on the bed and tucked me in. He went and turned off all of the lights and closed up the curtains. When he was satisfied with everything he crawled into bed behind me and wrapped his arm around me with his hand slowly rubbing against my swollen abdomen. Yes you read that right, I am pregnant. I'm not sure how but I think that it has to do with the finally gift Broken Wing had given me after my final awakening. I felt when Edward lightly tugged my shirt up a little bit then reach his hand under my shirt and felt as his hand gently rubbed the bare skin of my abdomen. He stayed his hand when he felt a kick. I could tell that he was smiling for he had his face buried in the hair at the back of my head, his lips brushing my neck. I placed my hands and gave it a light squeeze. I then cast the sleep spell on everyone in the house and I fell asleep with him rubbing small circles on my stomach.

A few months later I give birth to twins, a boy and a girl. The girl, Sasha, was born first; she has her father's hair, my eyes, originally, and her gift is that of a skilled huntress. She even looks the part when she is older with a long lithe body and angular features with narrow, piercing eyes. Her skills rival and are greater than that of James from what the others have told me. The boy Jackson has my hair and his father's eyes, originally, and he takes strongly after his father in looks. His gift is that of Mind Control, or to say that he is able to influence people with his thoughts. They took Edward's old room; Alice told us that she had a vision of them so told the family to move Edward's things, but she didn't tell them why. Sasha is a quiet girl much like Jasper and I, in fact they get along the best and he is her favorite uncle. Jackson is quiet around people that he doesn't know or trust but at times he can act like Alice or Emmett. Over all they are both a nice mix of both Edward and me. However they can be just as bad as Emmett and I when we get into one of our payback games when they bicker. I noticed that after I gave birth to them, the last bit of warm in my body, that I wasn't aware of before, left me. I guess that I won't be having anymore kids. I remember Rosalie was mad at me when we all discovered I was pregnant about a year or so after our marriage, but she soon got over it as she the excitement of being an aunt consumed her.

Looking back on my life as a whole, even though it was harsh and not ideal, I wouldn't change a thing for that is what got me here to begin with.


total words: 229,147. total pages: 416 yay go me!

(Should I really try to write a lemon for at least an extra epilogue?)

lets see other things to address, this is my longest chapter by far, twice over twenty pages and over 12,000 words.

chika1345 got an in story and story add on cameo for beign totaly awesome and reading and reviewing every single chapter. love ya girl. i gave ya your fav wolf to have for all your own. both embry and kouga, who is baking you some cookies for guessing right on the kids!

howard and the rest got what was coming to them, sentenced to life without the chance of parole (one night they all mysteriously dissappeared from their jail cells the night before that they were to be transferred to prison. some of their blood was found in there rooms, they are missing, and wanted (though presumed dead lol) no one took responsibility though there are a quite a few people willing to be the ones who did it, not just vampires and wolves but townspeople included.)

carlisle and esme had carrie's old place torn down and the surrounding areas completely redone and a new house set up that edward and carrie and the children lived in to keep up appearances of a 'separate' family.

jasmine and sam and emily's oldest son, jr. fell in love and were together, but both dread the day when he imprints.

things were hectic between the wolf and vampires there for a few years when weston got a strong crush on sasha, believing her his imprint. it was funny watching him interact with her. he chased her every where acting like a total player.

jake and bella had four kids, one girl and three boys

carrie found out that she was slightly attracted more toward wolf blood but the thought disgusted her so much that she never drinks it. sasha was the same when she relized hers was tiger blood. jackson was easily deer blood, for they were fast and swift like he was.

carrie used her powers to have the family age and live a long life, and eventually carlisle and esme went back to school themselves with some of their children acting like thier parents lol

i'm still working on the drawings and as they are finished and posted i'll have links to them on my profile.

nick was going to be quil but then i remembered he imprinted, then it was jared but someone pointed out that he imprinted. i gave embry to chika so i just made a new one lol

even though this is complete i still want reviews from people!

Thank you all that have read and reviewed. i have other fic ideas buncing around in my head so be on the look out.