Title: Desires

Chapter 1

By: fer3333

Warnings; NO BETA grammar, yaoi= boyXboy, and many things that innocent kids shouldn't read.


Summary: When you think you accomplish everything and have everything you wanted. What will happen when a stranger comes along and you can't have him, no matter how hard you try to get him? Well, that's what happens to Uchiha sasuke when he meet Uzumaki Naruto.

Coal-black eyes looked outside of the window, thinking about tomorrow's duties; even if tomorrow will be another day, still he felt like relaxing.

A deep sigh came from the man sitting on the chair, who was too distracted to pick up his cell phone.

A knock interrupted his thoughts; he waited for his secretary to come in,

"Excuse me Sasuke-kun, just to remind you that tomorrow you have a meeting with the Hyuuga's at nine o clock am."

"hn. Thanks Ino, you can leave now."

"Thank you sasuke, goodnight!" she smiled and left without making any noise.

'Same old shit, meetings after meetings… why did I ever agree to do this???'

Uchiha sasuke at his twenty-two years old he was declared to be the richest man and most wanted (by his fans who were both women and men) in all Asia.

Sasuke is the president of Sharingan Incorporation that his beloved mother left him to lead. After both of his parents decide to take a break, days later she named him president.

Now the young raven had everything that a man will kill to have; Sasuke had raven hair, spiked in the back but straight in the front, onyx eyes that showed little emotion, compact build covered with pale skin, the guy was a fucking raven-haired Adonis!.

He was the perfect package, a sexy one. Everyone knew him, fear him and others were fans (after all... he was sexy). He had the power over everything, if he wanted something he'll get it. But to his luck there was someone else who also had everything or even more; Sasuke's older brother, Uchiha Itachi, president of Mangekyo Inc. He's in charge after his dear father it was time for Itachi to be a business man. It was clear from the start that Fugaku's favorite son was Itachi; it wasn't a big deal when he found out that Itachi took over his dad's company. He did feel sad knowing that after all he did to please his father, he was still a shadow in his father's eyes. During his absence everything was better than before and it's (the truth was Fugaku was testing Itachi's skills and without a doubt he passed) the most successful from the two companies that the Uchihas owned.

Mangekyo Inc. is in North America; there Itachi could control most of North and South America. And to make it better, Itachi was really good dealing with all the meetings and making good deals; it wasn't a surprise when his dad told him that Itachi had done it again. In less than a year, Itachi already spread over Central America taking the Uchiha name into a higher level.

It's not that he was jealous or anything, he also increased Sharingan Inc. in Europe and Canada. Everything was perfect, even if he wasn't the genius or the one who make his dad proud, he knows he's doing everything he can to surpass his older brother. Well, there's one thing that Itachi would never do or try; marrying and making little Uchihas.

It sounds stupid but even if it takes his freedom he'll do whatever it takes to beat Itachi (didn't he say he'll give up on Itachi lol). He knows it's a dangerous mission, but he wants it, he needs to please his father at least once; this will make his father very proud. Plus his mom would definitely will love been called 'grandma'. She said it herself after a family dinner that both Uchihas were forced to come. Since then he has been practicing every night, until his 'beloved' wife could get pregnant. Yup, Uchiha sasuke was married with none other than Haruno Sakura.

After the 'peaceful' dinner, she told her sons that she was planning a surprise party, for the wonderful job that his sons were doing with the companies (her true intentions were to get them laid and then force them into marrying that poor 'innocent' girl). After days had passed both Uchihas thought that the party was cancelled or that his mother forgot about the party.

That day they learned a lesson that they will never forget; Uchihas always remember everything even stupid parties. (Specially mom's who really wanted her sons to create Uchihas babies)'.

At the day of the party, sasuke and Itachi were surrounded by women who happen to be single or came from a prestigious family in order to meet the Uchihas brothers.

There intentions were cleared from the beginning; giving their bodies in exchange for the Uchiha name along with the money. Every single one of them only wanted money, not even one caught his eye until he came across with the pink-haired girl named Haruno Sakura.

He recognized her right away; she was in every important event or party. But the real reason she went was because of him; sakura was in love with him.

He knew this because his best friend Neji, who happens to be friends with her, told him about her little crush. Sasuke was surprise to meet her again, but he expected a different

reaction; since Neji told her that her crush (sasuke) knew so it was better to come out and say it herself. He was expecting a love confession or like in the movies "oh sasuke–kun!! I love you, merry me!!" instead she will only stared at him from far away until both would make contact, and she'll blushed cutely after been caught (eewww don't make vomit, please) peeping.

After getting impatient with the girl attitude, he went and asked her to dance. Let's just say that she was okay to be with, she wasn't like the others girls he had met. She was smart, honest, calm, she came from a high family (he didn't need a partner, who only see him for his money) and she was beautiful, just like her name…sakura.

Sakura had the perfect body, her breast were just the right size, her beautiful pink hair and the most amazing eyes he had seen in his life, green. She had everything he wanted in a girl. Since he knew she love him; next thing he knows he's asking her on a date. Of course the girl almost passed out, who wouldn't? I mean the world's hottest guy asking you on a date?? He knew she was the perfect one, he knew that he needed a woman to make his plan worked. He didn't feel love towards her, he needed a baby carrier and he got it. Maybe in the future he'll start to feel love for her; maybe while taking care of their babies. It'll increase his love, since he'll know that she's the mother of his children.

He still remembers when he asked her to meet his parents. She stood there gaping at him in disbelief. His parents were surprise that he chose her, over millions of fans who looked much better than her. Unlike his father, mikoto fell in love with her saying "she's so cute" and stuff like that. His dad was a different story, he only open his mouth to say "I don't want my grand children to have pink hair, sasuke." and left without saying goodbye. Months passed and his relationship was going great. She was indeed the one; he proposes her after making a year. The wedding was simple, she wanted big party and expensive stuff; while he wanted just plain simple.

At the end he got away with it, she only pouted (eewww lol) and say "Everything you said it's fine. As long that I'm with you nothing matters, sasuke-kun!!" So, that brings us to the present.

Where sasuke keeps trying to get her pregnant, and making Sharingan Inc more successful each day.


A pale hand grabbed the phone that was on the desk.

"This is Uchiha sasuke, what can I do for you today?" sasuke answer.

"Hi sasu-chan, it's me Sakura-Chan. You know what I want honey, its right between your legs-"


"-Giggles- fine... What time are you coming home? I feel soo lonely without you, my love." she chirped, she sounded so happy but to sasuke she was getting annoying.

She had called twenty times today asking the same thing.

"Sakura, I'm going to stay a little bit more. I'm working on a project that it's due Monday morning, I'll call when I'm done, okay" he said it in his calm voice that he could master.

"Fine, don't stay too late ok. See you later" and with that she hang up.

'She must be horny' he thought.

He was not complaining about their sex life, it was great but... Sex was no longer at the top list to do in his relation (well, he was fine without sex, but unlike him sakura
needed to be fuck every single night). When people fuck like bunnies in heat (three rounds each night) with the same person, they tend to get bored. That's what happen to sasuke, he was bored of her. Yes, he needs to fuck her every night to get his goal; but it's not the same as before. Sometimes he wonders why she hasn't got pregnant already.

They do it every single night, almost a year, hell, since the first time they meet and that was two fuckin years ago.

'I hope she's not taking pills, or I might as well kill her for lying to me' he thought.

He stop thinking about the pass, since he knew it was to late to fixed it.

He look up at the night sky filled with stars and the beautiful moon that just appeared. "'beautiful... I wish... I could be like this forever." he said, it was almost a whisper. He knew he was the only one in the building, so he didn't mind at all.


Thinking that it was sakura he yelled, "What?" he spat, he knew that maybe someone had call him to make a deal with him call, or sakura making stupid calls. But he was in his rare moments that he called it peace. Where nobody could bother him about meetings, and stuff that he needed to do each day.

'Could a man have some peace once in while? Who would call at midnight??'

He waited for the demon to answer,

"Uh... Mmm. Sasuke-kun it's me Ino." upon hearing the girls name, he growled and said

"INO, what do you want NOW?!" he shout,

"Hai, I forgot to tell you that tomorrow morning, you'll have your new assistant in your office. That's it... I'm off now. Take care sasuke."
Without hearing a response back, she hang up and left a speechless raven on the other line.

A small smile appeared at sasuke's face, making him look ever hotter. It was a good thing that no one was watching or they might have fainted.

'She must have notice; I'm too busy to take care everything at once... Thanks Ino' looking at his clock, it was pass midnight. Closing his computer, and others stuff he had in
his desk. Sasuke stood up from his leather chair, and went to his personal closet.

After getting everything he needed, he exited his office and lock the door. Walking through the empty halls at night is one of sasuke's favorite's things to do. In his way to his car, he felt something that he never experience before. He felt like tomorrow was going to be an exciting day for him; even if he didn't know why. Clicking the button, to get his alarm off from his car. He opened the door and got inside the vehicle.

'Well, here I come... hell...' he thought, before driving to his home, where his lovely wife was waiting for him with open arms.


Fer: Tada, here's my new fic. I know I haven't finish MPF chapter 3 but I have this idea and I couldn't help it.

Sakura: omg!!! I'm in your fic I can't believe it. -Smiles like a crazy bitch-

Fer: I just needed you for the 3 chapters, so don't get used to it. Plus I wouldn't even dare to put you with sasuke NEVER!!
Sakura: -fake sobs- b-but I thought you like me. And you know that sasuke loves me.

Sasuke: -glares- I DONT LOVE YOU!!! I love naru-chan. -pulls naruto close and attempts to kiss him-

Naruto: teme!! Stop...not now... -struggles to get free-

Naruto: fer what the hell did you think bringing up sakura?? –Trying to glare but it came into a cute pout-

Fer: awww so cute…

Sasuke: back off he's mine MINE!! –Stands in front of Naru, to protect him from the evil fer-

Fer: -sighed- I already say it I only need her for 3 & 4 chaps. And after that I'll kick her out, don't worry.

Naruto: ok...

Fer: anyways please vote on my channel who will take naru-chan virginity?? Go on
and vote now!!!

Sasuke: yes vote for me -jumps high so you can see him-

Fer: if you see mistakes I'm sorry. I asked so many people to be my beta, and not even a "sorry I have lots of work to do" nothing… so I quit… I won't asked anymore... if you'll like to be my beta tell me... in my other fic someone say something that it's kind true.. "If I can read everything you're trying to say, than you don't need someone to be your beta!" So with this I'm done… PLEASE VOTE IN MY CHANNEL...ON MPF … LEMON COMING SOON…