Crystal Energy: A Mai-Otome/Lyrical Nanoha Crossover Fanfic

Author's Notes: So, here we are again. Another revision/editing pass. Frankly, you'll probably see one or two more, although I'm hoping to not have anything this extensive again. Two reasons: One, I'm working a chapter ahead of myself from now on, so I can go back and make plot corrections, additions, etc. as needed. Two, I've got a clearer idea of where each arc is headed now.

So, changes for this re-write: Grammar/spelling corrections (I really hope I get them all this time.) Plus a MINIMUM of one new scene per chapter. Anything significantly plot-altering will be noted in the A/N at the beginning of each revised chapter, so those of you who have been here before can skip the stuff that you've read before if you're not interested in a re-read now. If you are, or you were just confused the first time, read on.

Changes for this chapter: Added an additional training scene covering Nanoha and Fate learning the Ancient Childan language variant used on Earle, along with justifying why Nanoha (who's apparently so canonically bad at languages she can't possibly have learned a skill that would keep her from being killed suddenly by the very things she's supposed to be taking care of) can function without some kind of outside help. Also, clearing up the various age-related errors: Nanoha and Fate are 14.

And of course I own neither Lyrical Nanoha nor Mai-Otome.

Chapter One: Prelude to a New Dream

At night, the City of Windbloom could seem a little depressing. In contrast with the hustle and bustle of the days, at night most inhabitants surrendered their streets to the growing criminal element. Electric lighting glowed in every window, as families stayed indoors. Things had not progressed to frequent killings, but it was considered by most only a matter of time unless the Princess took better notice of her kingdom.

Windbloom was a city-state surrounded by a vast desert on all sides. With no apparent oasis, the vast greenery seemed to have no way to grow, but the true secret, the powerful technology that once brought people to the world of Earl, kept what water there was clean and fresh and recycled.

But Miyu didn't care about any of that.

Miyu was a short woman, with skin that was perfectly smooth and white. She wore a
corseted top, black leather pants, and a long black trench-coat and wide-brimmed hat. Her red eyes rarely reflected any emotion whatsoever, and her white hair would have been an oddity that invited comment if anyone dared to comment at all around her.

What had brought Miyu to the city of Windbloom was not anything particular to the city. She had been here many, many times over the years, there was nothing new to the city itself that she cared about. But she had sensed a very unusual energy signature, and within Windbloom that always meant trouble. So she had come, and her senses led her to an alleyway in the lowest parts of the city.

There she saw a man, laying dead behind a dumpster, in a strange uniform. Beside him, a long staff with an elegant, almost spear-like head, had been left discarded on the ground. She walked over and picked it up.

"Access Denied." The staff spoke to her. While this would startle most people, Miyu was unflappable. She cocked her head at the strange object, then carefully set it back down. Then her extensive senses picked up on an event that was quite far away. Arika needed her. There didn't seem to be anything more she could do here anyway. She had recorded all data on the unusual energy type, and with its' apparent wielder dead, no one would be able to break the access codes on that staff. She walked back off into the night.

Takamachi Nanoha had never been the best of students, but lately her grades had been slipping. It really wasn't her fault, she told herself constantly. Nobody else in school had a part time job hunting down dangerous relics in this section of the multiverse. Well, except Fate. And Hayate. And they still kept up better grades than she did. But still!

Nanoha sighed at the thought of her report card. Her mom was gonna be ticked. The history grades weren't that big a deal, even her father could admit that Earth history wasn't going to be high on the list of things she would need in her intended career. Math wasn't doing too bad, and English was excellent. Her Japanese and home-ec grades were abysmal, though, since this semester they hadn't been doing much cooking. In gym she was okay, but she kept holding back so they wouldn't pressure her to try out the sports teams. But all her grades were all lower than last semester, and those lower than the semester before that. If she didn't make up the time before the next school exams she might not even make it into high school.

Her mobile cut into her gloomy thoughts. A text message from Admiral Harlaown. That's her work phone, Nanoha thought to herself. It must mean a mission. The message was terse, just saying Please come to my office right away after school. Nanoha groaned, Maybe her grades wouldn't be good enough to go. Or if she was really lucky, Lindy would say that she didn't have to graduate high school.

Then she realized she was already home. Lindy was good at her job on the Asura, but now that she was working from her new home on Earth she could be a little scatterbrained. Nanoha realized she didn't have time to change, but quickly checked the mirror to be sure she wasn't too out of sorts.

Nanoha was average height. She had just recently started styling her brown hair into a single pigtail that came down to her waist, with feelers framing her purple eyes. The school uniform was an ugly brown color, with a skirt that was far too short. Her legs were slim and well-muscled, despite all the time she spent flying around. She noted with some pleasure that her figure was developing well. With a smile, she picked up the small red gemstone she'd put on her dresser and spoke to it. "Well, ready for another mission, Raising Heart?"

"Ready to start, Master!" The gem glowed softly as is spoke. Nanoha nodded, and walked out the door.

Fate Testarossa Harlaown sat next to her best friend, Nanoha, while her mother served tea. She smiled gently as Nanoha still couldn't quite suppress her disgust at the way her mother took the green tea (four sugars and milk), but in a moment the serious business began. Fate fiddled with one of her blonde ponytails as Lindy cut to the chase.

Lindy held up a copy of Nanoha's report card. "Nanoha, this is very disappointing..." Nanoha made a cute little 'Nyaha" noise and scratched the back of her head before looking into Fate's red eyes for help. Any help.

Fate sighed. "You've been keeping Nanoha busy, Mother." She tried, but Lindy cut them off.

"I didn't bring the two of you here to argue. With these grades, and her scores on the practice exams, Nanoha will not be allowed to attend school next year." Lindy's voice was soft, and sounded faintly disappointed. "So, if you'll agree, the Bureau has arranged an alternative."

Nanoha didn't seem to be taking the news well. "Eeehhhh! I'll be going to school on Mid-Childa?"

"No." Lindy sighed. "Unfortunately, we still need you in the field, so...your next assignment, both of you, will be a long-term undercover mission." The green-haired admiral tapped a button on her console. A hologram of a desert planet with several moons appeared over the table. "We believe we have discovered a pair of Lost Logia on the edges of TSA administered space." She pointed at the planet, and the moon. "Here, and here."

" that's where you believe the Logia are?" Fate asked in her quiet, slightly nervous voice.

"No." Admiral Harlaown stated. "We believe that the planet and the moon are the Logia in question."

Nanoha and Fate didn't make a sound. The room was dead quiet for several seconds, then... "EEEEHHHHHH!"

"Mother..." Fate was reserved, but still questioning. "How do you expect the two of us to deal with Lost Logia of that...size?"

"Oh, Fate, you misunderstand." Lindy smiled. "You see, 'dealing' with these Logia would be simple, if we could. If I could, I would just order Crono to take the Asura in and destroy them...but you see, the larger planet is inhabited." That caused the two girls to go very quiet and listen. "We've had operatives on the planet for some time, but we haven't been able to discover much."

"What we have found is that these Logia provide the power for a very different type of local magic user. They call these girls, and only girls, 'Otome'. While we don't know very much about their actual capabilities, the reconnaissance we have so far suggests they are quite powerful.

"Now, we have made arrangements, through local contacts, for two young girls to be sent to the only school which can train these "Otome." They call it 'Garderobe.' And this is where you two come in." Lindy's smile only grew wider. "Nanoha, your parents agree that this would be a good experience for you. They teach only at the highest levels, but we believe you can handle it. And the Bureau has agreed to accept Garderobe's accreditation on your file..."

Nanoha scratched her head. "So if I graduate from Garderobe...I won't have to finish high school here?"

Lindy smiled and nodded. "And, because you'll be undercover, you won't be called away on other missions, so you can concentrate on your studies. And you'll have Fate along too."

Fate smiled. "That's wonderful, Nanoha..."

Nanoha nodded, then looked down. "But if we do this, I won't see my parents for three years..."

"Two years, and perhaps less. We do have a small, covert presence in a kingdom called 'Artai.' That's in addition to Sinueiju. A young man in Sinueiju is your sponsor. You'll be able to send post back and forth, from either Artai or through your sponsor. But neither place has real-time communications, so you won't be able to talk to your family. And it's longer than the school's breaks away, so you won't be able to see them, either." Lindy placed a pair of file-folders in front of Fate and Nanoha. "Everything you'll need to know is in those packets. Study hard, you won't be allowed to keep them." She sighed. "I can't force you to do this, it has to be by your choice. I really don't want to give my girls up for two years, but this may be the only way to give you a chance to stay with the TSA, Nanoha."

Nanoha and Fate looked at each other, purple eyes to red. Then, as one, they nodded. "We'll do it."

Lindy smiled at the pair. "All right. I'll call your school and tell them you've been accepted to an exchange program, effective immediately. You've kept your passports up to date, right?"

Nanoha blinked. "Ehhh? I mean, I have, but why?"

Lindy's smile could almost be termed 'sadistic.' "Because you'll be spending the next month working with Yuuno before we let you go."

Nanoha yawned loudly, half slumped over a large, ancient-looking book and several datapads. She checked the clock and realized she had only been sitting in the Infinite Library for two hours this morning. Another three to go before Yuuno would let her go for lunch.

The room was huge, a single vertical column, one of several dozen, that seemed to literally extend for miles straight up. The whole room was lined with books, real old-fashioned books, set evenly on the shelves as if by a careful hand. Nanoha knew that that wasn't strictly accurate, instead the Library was a construct, magically adding new data to the books as it was created. It had originally been designed to be run by one archivist, a man who had shortly died after its' completion.

Which brought her attention to one of her best and oldest friends. Yuuno Scrya, in his tweed suits and hideous ties, was the young boy she had first come to know as her friend/pet ferret. His blond hair was in a short, thin ponytail and his green eyes were closed. He sat cross-legged, floating in mid-air while surrounded by books. Each one was open, facing him, but he didn't seem to be looking at them. Nanoha could tell he was working hard, as his wristband Devices stopped glowing softly and all the books returned to their places on the nearby shelves.

Wait, that wasn't a sign that he was working. That was a sign he had noticed she wasn't paying attention and was coming down to scold her. Nanoha sighed, then glared at Fate, who was next to her, when she giggled. Yuuno shook his head at her gently. "Nanoha, I know this isn't easy for you, but you're going to have to work harder at this if you want to go on this assignment."

Nanoha whimpered. "I know that, but this is so hard. I hate English too."

Yuuno shook his head. "Nanoha, really. It's not like this is all that different from what you've had to learn for your job."

"It's not?" Nanoha blinked and looked confused while Fate slapped her forehead.

Yuuno looked at her. "Nanoha, how many times did your atrocious language skills get you in trouble?"

Nanoha winced as the memories came back to her. The loud sirens as ancient alarm systems that had no right to still work after thousands of years. The passwords, puzzles, and traps that all relied on being able to read simple warning signs to avoid. The hideous monsters that came to life at the drop of a hat. Finally, she just said "But I always had you there to help me out with that stuff."

Fate shook her head. "How did that work? It's hard getting real-time video communications to non-Administered planets set up, so I know you didn't have that if we weren't planning on staying for some time, so..."

Nanoha laughed, embarrassed. "Uhm...I usually read the signs out loud to Yuuno to translate."

Yuuno chuckled. "Really, Nanoha, you're better at reading and speaking Ancient Childan than this, and where you're going that's mostly what they speak, just a few linguistic shifts. We just need to work on your vocabulary, and that won't happen unless you keep studying."

Fate smiled, and shifted her language to the Ancient Childan they were learning. "I have an idea. From now on, why don't the three of us only speak in this language."

Yuuno smiled and switched himself. "That's an excellent suggestion, Fate. I'll reconfigure the computers in your quarters to only respond to it too, so Nanoha will have to learn it to get food at night."

Nanoha blinked at the pair of them, then groaned.

In an office overlooking Garderobe Academy, and the city of Windbloom beyond, a woman with straight black hair sat at her desk. Natsuki Kruger sighed. "Only a few more to go." A woman with honey-blonde hair set a cup of tea down next to her. "Thank you Shizuru. I don't know how I'd get through the days without you sometimes."

"It's hardly any trouble." Shizuru said. "Only four files left, it looks like."

"Right," Natsuki picked up the first and opened it, looking at the girl with pigtails inside. "Nina Wong....she kind of looks familiar. Eh, probably just imagining things." She read down. "Artai sponsoring her...very quiet, serious...she looks like a good candidate. Still, Artai's being aggressive. Two Otome....what's that Nagi up to?"

Shizuru smiled. "Well, Nao is likely to disappoint them. They may have wanted a backup."

"True enough." Natsuki set the folder aside, then picked up another one. This time a girl with dark green hair was looking back. "Tomoe Marguerite..."

Shizuru actually frowned. "I saw her at the examinations...she seems possessive." Natsuki was startled. To anyone else, Shizuru would have sounded only faintly disapproving, but Natsuki knew her better than that. This was almost like screaming in frustration. "Should I call her and tell her her acceptance has been denied? I have a few other borderline candidates."

"No, it'd be awkward for you, her test scores were too good. I'll see what I can do with her." Shizuru smiled calmly. Natsuki nodded and set Tomoe's file on top of Nina's. Then she opened the last two and set them out.

"This is what I wanted you to see." Natsuki said, frowning a little more. Shizuru picked up the two files and read.

"Their scores are excellent...not spectacular, except in...oh my. Their combat potential is..." Shizuru's eyes actually widened slightly, then she smiled. "These two should be fun."

"Look at where they're from." Natsuki said.

"....Sinueiju? I've heard of it...further south than Zipang. What do they want Otome for?"

"It's a mystery. They're not signatories to the Otome treaty, although they could choose to sign on before these two graduate. Perhaps it's a warning to their neighbors, or maybe they just want to have the prestige of sponsoring a candidate, even if their girls go elsewhere." Natsuki was looking pensive.

"You were going to reject them?" Shizuru's pleasant demeanor didn't change. "I don't think you should. This school is getting a little too complacent. It might be nice to have a change."

"'re asking me to do this as a favor?" Natsuki sighed. "All right, Shizuru, I hope you know what you're doing." The folders for Nanoha Takamachi and Fate Testarossa Harlaown were put on top of the pile, and Garderobe's 50 Coral candidates for the year were finalized.

"Just set them there, Sergei." The young man of 17 years, Archduke Nagi, told his subordinate as the man entered the office. His pale blue hair offset blood-red eyes that almost seemed to sparkle in the dark room. Nagi didn't even bother to look up for a moment, but then he noticed Sergei hadn't left. When he did, he eyed the older man speculatively. The scar on his forehead always seemed to attract attention first, especially since he highlighted it with stray strands of blond hair, but it was barely worth the time after all these years they'd worked together. Nagi met Sergei's eyes after a moment. "They're the Otome exam announcements, right?"

"Yes, sir." Sergei coughed a bit. "You might want to look at the last two names on the list." Nagi eyed the man, for a moment, then opened up the file.

"Takamachi...Harlaown...Sergei, remind me. Were these two on any of the exam lists?" Sergei shook his head. How the Archduke could remember thousands of names well enough to notice two people who weren't supposed to be there, he could never know. Sergei wouldn't have known himself, except that Nagi had told him to keep people watching the Otome selection process this year just in case something had gone wrong.

"I see. No special dispensations or anything, I would have been informed." Nagi's lips quirked up into a smirk. "Ah, things are getting so interesting, and the game hasn't even begun yet!"

Sergei was speechless. "Sir, you don't want me to..."

"No, of course not." Nagi grinned. "If Sinueiju wants to cheat, let them. They must be desperate...maybe desperate enough that they'll lend us support when it comes time to act. I assume none of the others have these files."

Sergei nodded. "We're not supposed to either, of course, but we could put someone on tracking down what's going on from other sources."

"Do that," Nagi said, narrowing his red eyes. "We won't do anything just yet, but it's best to be prepared."

The Asura floated in orbit behind the moon of Earl, the planet that was also a Lost Logia. Being this close to the two things made the whole crew nervous, but two in particular were very on edge. They stood in the Captain's office, at attention, a few minutes before their mission was to begin.

"All right you two. One last time, let's go over this. It's your first assignment of this nature, and with no training...honestly, if it was anyone but you girls, I'd probably say it can't be done." Crono Harlaown said, still his always-serious self.

"Nyahaha. Crono, you worry too much." Nanoha laughed nervously. But he was right. This wasn't going to be easy or simple. Fate just nodded at him and began.

"The parameters of the mission are simple. In attending Garderobe Academy, and attempt to learn any and all secrets of creating an Otome."

Nanoha sighed. "In the meantime, we attend all classes and act as normally as possible. Do our best to fit in and not cause too many disruptions."

Fate quietly continued. "We don't know how much they know about magic for sure, but it appears to be nothing."

Crono nodded. "And I must stress that you are to keep it that way. Your sponsor from Sinueiju is aware of the existence of magic, and to our knowledge he is the only person who knows of it. In exchange for acting as your sponsor, he has agreed to extradition and a chance to live on a TSAB-controlled world. Apparently his family has committed some crimes that he will be blamed for if this ever comes to light. Your sponsor's protection has already been arranged for."

Fate frowned. "Are you sure this is a person we should be working with, Crono?"

Crono shook his head. "No, we're not, but at this phase we don't have many options." He opened his desk and pulled out Raising Heart and Bardiche. "Your devices have been modified with a Magic Limiter. While in this state, they will not have any of their normal functions. Instead, they've been re-tuned to serve as powerful scanning devices. Hopefully, even if you can't find anything useful they can analyze any situation you come across and extract useful data for the science teams."

Nanoha frowned more deeply. "What if we get into trouble."

"You have a few options." Crono said. "One, you will, yourselves, hopefully be able to obtain an Otome Device. I know close combat isn't your specialty, but if you have an Otome Device we would prefer if you used that.

"If you really get into trouble, however," Crono continued "You have two options. First, one time only, if you are in a hurry and need a quick activation, you can use the words "Limiter Release." This will allow you to fully access the powers of your Device for a period of no more than four minutes. After that, you'll have to return to our home base in Artai to get your permission to use this restored. If you do this, try to make sure you are in an isolated area where your magic won't be detected. If you must use it in public, consider your cover to be blown. In this event, use the four minute time limit to escape."

Fate frowned. "Four minutes isn't very long, Crono. What's our second option."

Crono nodded. "The second option will require you to use the full password to your Devices. If you use the full password, the limiter will be destroyed. Remember, this will return your Device completely to normal, so only use it if there's no other option. Once you've done this, Artai Base won't be able to create a new limiter, so you'll have to keep your Device hidden at all times.

"Nanoha, this isn't like dealing with your family. High technology is not available on Earl in most places. A Device, in any form, speaking would raise far too many eyebrows. Don't assume you can keep Raising Heart a secret when it's unlocked. No one is to know of your mission."

Nanoha still looked nervous. "Crono, without our Devices, we really won't have much magic. Fate and I can use telepathy with each other, but that's about it."

The young Captain of the Asura nodded. "That's part of the nature of an undercover mission. Nanoha, please understand that this is one time you can't simply level the countryside and expect everything to be okay." Nanoha laughed in embarrassment at that.

Crono stood up. "If there are no further questions, we're ready to teleport you to the surface."

One week later, they gathered. From all over the planet Earl, the fifty lucky candidates. The lawns of Garderobe Academy, as always, were green and manicured. The main building, shaped like a marble fan, was in front of them, and a platform had been set up. Standing in ten rows of five, flanked by eleven girls in white uniforms on each side, they stood at attention. Nanoha felt overwhelmed by it all.

*'s worse than those two weeks in boot camp.* Thank god for telepathy.

*Nanoha, you have to be quiet...we don't know anything about these people,* Fate scolded Nanoha gently, amused that her companion could still get flustered by these formal situations.

Nanoha didn't move, but she responded telepathically anyway. *Oh relax, nothing we've seen shows they can use telepathy at all, and Raising Heart hasn't picked up a single mage, even in this city. It's looking like this may have been a false alarm.* Fate suppressed the urge to sigh, but Nanoha had a point.

When they'd set out, Raising Heart and Bardiche had had special limiters put on them, so they couldn't respond vocally anymore and possibly trigger their discovery by accident. Without her device, a Midchildan mage like they were couldn't use magic at all. She felt naked. If they were caught now, before their assignment had even really begun, it would have been embarrassing and they'd likely never be trusted with undercover work again. She wanted to be an Agent a little later on, so they couldn't screw this up.

*Please just be patient, Nanoha.* Fate 'said' in her gentlest voice. Nanoha smiled.

*All right.* Just then, Nanoha noticed one of the women on stage look directly at her and wink. Nanoha gulped and wondered if the woman could hear their telepathy after all. But there wasn't any further chance for debate. The school's chief administrator stepped up to the podium.

"This will be a very busy day, so I will keep this short." Natsuki began her speech, aware that she wasn't exaggerating. "The uniform each of you wears is proof of your dedication to your new path, but you must understand what that means.

"An Otome may not come into contact with the opposite sex. The nanomachines that grant her her powers are vulnerable to the Y chromosome and a specific type of antigen. If you should fall in love and marry a man, you will lose your right to be Otome forever." Nanoha and Fate glanced at each other and smiled slightly at that. But Natsuki continued.

"One day, the lucky few of you will become Meisters. On that day, you will forswear love and dedicate your lives solely to your Master. You will serve and obey him in all things." Fate blanched visibly, and Nanoha gave her a glance. The others around them noticed this interplay, including a green-haired girl, but no one spoke.

"If you accept this commitment, then Garderobe Academy welcomes you!" Natsuki smiled, having finished the ritual speech. "Please remain in the courtyard until your name is called. Your bags have been moved to your dormitories. When your name is called, you will follow the Pearl you are assigned to to your dormitory, then to receive your nanomachine implant. Because this process can take some time, Coral classes won't begin until next week. That is all." Natsuki stepped away from the podium and glanced at Shizuru. In a normal voice, she asked "Shizuru? Why did you wink at our outsider girls?"

Shizuru smiled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh, I just thought they make a cute couple."

"Nanoha! Nanoha Takamachi of Sinueiju!" A voice called out of the chaos. Fate couldn't believe that seventy five people in such a big lawn could cause so many problems. A Pearl otome, wearing the white uniform and a brown bob-cut, taller than both Nanoha and Fate by a bit, pushed towards the two of them. "I'm Akane Soir. You can call me oneesama, though. That's what you're supposed to do." Akane stopped and looked at Fate. "Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to borrow your friend here."

Fate blinked, and said shyly "I thought we were supposed to be sharing a room." Nanoha made an 'eeeehh?' noise as she realized they were about to be separated.

"Oh, you will be." Akane said. "Your friend has been assigned to be my helper. You're Fate, right? What an interesting name." She smiled indulgently at the pair's sudden confused looks. "You see, every Coral is assigned to one of their upperclassmen. You'll be tasked to clean our rooms, cook food, assist in the baths, and do all the other things that an Otome would be expected to do for her Master. In exchange, we're responsible for teaching our helpers the basics, and with studying, and so on." Akane missed the rage that flickered in Fate's eyes at this because she was paying more attention to Nanoha. "Nanoha, your performance at this school will reflect on mine, so I ask you to do a good job this year even if you don't intend to become a Meister, okay?"

Nanoha just made another cute little noise and let Akane lead her off. Fate fumed for several moments, but she didn't have too long to stew before another voice called out her name. Fate turned towards the source, and her eyes widened. That was the Garderobe dress uniform, no question, but the . . . person wearing it.

Tall, very tall. Taller even than most of the other Pearls, with . . her. . . hair cut boyishly short. Actually Fate wasn't really sure...she quietly fingered Bardiche. No buzz. Either this person wasn't a mage, or was very good at faking. Since Bardiche couldn't seem to pick up an Otome who wasn't using her powers, that meant this. . . girl was probably the real deal. But she was so handsome Fate was still having trouble believing it. I guess doing everything she wants won't be too bad. Not that she was planning to be unfaithful to Nanoha, no, just...

"That's good." A girl with green hair stepped out a little. "I see you do understand how it is after all. I was worried you might not fit in here with the way you were acting during the opening ceremonies." The new girl smiled and curtsied. "My name is Tomoe Marguerite. You are Fate Harlaown, yes?" Fate nodded.

"I'm Chie." The Pearl introduced herself. "Chie Hallard, from Aires. Actually, we're both from there." She grinned. "Come on, I'll show you your rooms." Fate nodded and tried to follow quietly, taking in the architecture. It all looked like something out of those pictures of Ancient Greece from the history book, maybe mixed in with the postcards from England. It was weird, but her thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Fate?" Tomoe said. "I noticed Shizuru-oneesama winked at you."

Fate blushed and choked. "I didn't really notice," she lied. She couldn't quite place it, but something about Tomoe's tone made her nervous.

"Oh, don't be silly." Tomoe smiled pleasantly. "Everyone notices Shizuru-Oneesama at their exams...of course, Sinueiju is quite far away. Where did you take your examination then?"

"...Artai." Fate said, remembering her briefing. She just hoped that Nanoha would remember and didn't pull a name out of a hat. The way everybody was making sure to include their home country suggested that this place was a lot more than just a boarding school with lost technology. Internally she cursed, of course they should have figured that it would be important politically.

"Ah, then you must have seen her there." Tomoe grinned and pressed, but luckily, Chie stepped in.

"Fate, this is your dorm room, 2-4. Tomoe, yours is across the hall, 2-3." The suave young woman smirked at them. "I'll trust that you can find your way back? Oh, and Fate, I noticed you're on kitchen duty first day. I look forward to your efforts."

To say that Nanoha was getting antsy about her predicament would be a severe understatement.

To understand why she was so nervous, one would need to understand three things that Nanoha does not like. Her father had been injured at his old job, requiring a long hospital stay. Plus, being a combat specialist at the age of 14, she had been in a few scrapes requiring serious medical attention herself. So when you get right down to it, three of the very few things Nanoha could be said to dislike were needles, hospitals, and doctors.

So being told for the first time that, as part of being enrolled at the school, she would have her ear pierced by one needle, a much larger transfusion needle was going to be jabbed into her arm for almost an hour, while being told to lay in a hospital bed by a woman who was wearing a cleavage-baring blouse under her open doctor's coat wasn't exactly the happiest news she had ever gotten.

"NO NO NO! I absolutely refuse!" Nanoha crossed her arms and tried to cover both her earlobes at once.

Yohko, for her part, was floored. It wasn't unusual for some of the new Corals recruited from less advanced nations to get nervous once they see what this process entailed, but that didn't seem to be Nanoha's problem. Most of the other girls, the ones who hadn't been knocked out, were propping up on one elbow to stare at Nanoha.

"Miss Takamachi, please calm down. I already explained to you..." Yohko began.

"You're going to put that needle in my arm and then I'll sleep for weeks!" Nanoha replied hotly. "I heard you just fine!" After that she took a deep breath. "...can't I just..drink them or something?" She asked hopefully. "Build them up slowly?"

"I'm afraid that it won't work that way," Yohko said, trying to get her Patience back after that outburst. "The Nanomachines need to form a connection with your earring." She held up the tiny stud.

"And why does it have to be an earring? Why not a bracelet?" Nanoha asked again....

"..." Yohko couldn't actually come up with a coherent answer for that one. Theoretically, just like the control gem, the Otome gem could be mounted in anything, so after a moment she just said "It's part of your uniform. Even if you had your Otome gem put somewhere unusual, you'd still need the ear-stud with a coral in it." Nanoha stared hard at Yohko for almost a minute, then slowly nodded. If she were to be honest with herself, Nanoha would probably have just turned around and gone home right then had it not been for Fate. This was part of what Fate wanted to do when she grew up, and Nanoha didn't want to ruin that for her. Nor did Nanoha want to be apart from her best friend of five years for any longer than necessary.

Nanoha slowly lowered her arms to her sides. Yohko sighed in relief. "If you want, I could give you a mild sedative. You don't actually need to be conscious for this to work..."

Nanoha shook her head. "No...I'm sorry for the way I acted just now. I just. . . wasn't told to expect this, that's all." Nanoha was startled when someone grabbed her hand and squeezed. "Fate!" she cried softly, smiling as she recognized her companion.

"Don't worry Nanoha. I'll stand right next to you, if you're scared." Fate smiled encouragingly.

Yohko quickly interjected. "It really doesn't hurt that much. You'll be sleepy for a few hours. A few girls need to sleep it off for a day or two. They really only give a week for you to get adjusted to the after-effects." She smiled. "Even without an Otome Gem, the nanomachines are quite a thing. You'll be nearly immune to disease, and they'll enhance your strength, speed, and stamina. You'll need a few days to get used to the changes, but after that they'll be permanent as long as you are still qualified to be an Otome." Fate listened carefully to this explanation. Luckily she knew what a 'nanomachine' was, but that didn't really help much. The nanomachines here were obviously just a focus for the Logia she was currently standing on.

Nanoha bit her lip. "All right, Fate. But I'll stand with you the whole time you're doing this." Fate chuckled softly at Nanoha's antics, but gently forced her to lay down on the bed. "It's all right doctor. She won't make a scene now that I'm here."

"Ohhh...what's that supposed to mean?" Nanoha actually whined slightly, although she wasn't serious.

"It means," Fate said with the same smile on her face "That you are a lousy patient at the best of times."

Nanoha winced, then sighed. Then she winced again as the transfusion needle entered her arm, and squeezed Fate's hand more tightly. Yohko grinned. "It's okay to feel nervous. You'll be a little feverish and very drowsy in a bit, but then you'll be good as new."

Nanoha silently vowed to somehow make Fate's adoptive mother pay for this..

It was three in the morning when Shizuru came down the stairs to the hospital under Garderobe. During the day it had been brightly lit, cheerful with girl's laughter even if the decor was harsh compared to the rest of the campus. Now, most of the new Corals who couldn't move under their own power had been transferred gently to their new rooms. The lights had been dimmed, since no one was supposed to be here now, but the moons shone in through windows near the ceiling, casting two girls in an eerie light. Yohko had had to call for help with these two in particular. Just as Nanoha had promised, she was standing next to Fate's bed. The brunette looked almost none the worse for wear, even though Shizuru knew the girl had to be feeling exhausted from her fever. She just...stood there, daring anyone to interrupt Fate's slumber.

"She's been like that for hours." Yohko said, before glancing over at just who had come down to help. "Shizuru? I sent for Miss Maria..."

Shizuru silenced the protest with a smile. "I've taken a . . . personal interest in these two. Don't worry, I'll let Miss Maria have them tomorrow." And with that, the Otome sometimes known as the Bewitching Smile Amethyst walked into the hospital and shut the door behind her, locking Yohko out of her own hospital. She glanced over, but Nanoha hadn't made any move to acknowledge her presence. *Oh yes,* Shizuru thought to herself. *This one has the makings of an excellent Otome.*

She moved, quiet as a mouse, towards the pair. She was just about to try to surprise them, when Nanoha said "Yes?" in such a conversational tone Shizuru was surprised. She could usually surprise most Meisters with that one still. For this girl to have been aware of her...well, the combat scores certainly weren't a lie. She wasn't going to let this Coral know she had gotten to her though.

"Nanoha," Shizuru tried to begin, but Nanoha interrupted.

"I won't leave her alone." Again it was a statement of fact, and Shizuru noted with some more surprise the absolute certainty behind it. The Bewitching Smile Amethyst was quite sure this girl felt that she could make sure that happened in the face of anything Shizuru tried to do. Time to talk about something other than going to her room, then.

"That loyalty is just what is expected of an Otome. I hope you change your mind...or maybe that you won't." Shizuru smiled. That might do it.

"Change my mind about what?" Nanoha said, finally looking up from her companion's moonlit face.

"Being an Otome." Shizuru said. "Sinueiju was really desperate to get you in, you realize."

Nanoha tried very hard not to panic. Okay, she knows about the tests, but either she can't confirm it or she doesn't care. While Nanoha considered her response, Shizuru actually continued. "I know the committee makes a big deal about everything being just so, but I saw your scores. I knew that they wouldn't just make up a performance like that. And what I saw just now confirms it. I think you'll go far whatever you try to do." Shizuru smiled. "It will be a hard road for you, though. You may have to learn to let go of some things."

Nanoha blinked, but then looked back to Fate. The way Shizuru was talking, it was hard not to trust her, but there were still problems. She knew she would have to phrase this carefully. "Fate's...not a normal girl."

"Oh, I know she's special too. You two are very suited to each other." Shizuru was rewarded with Nanoha's blush, but Nanoha continued.

"It's not that...her biology may not be normal...I mean, we're pretty sure, but..."

Shizuru stopped her. "And you want her watched, just in case something goes wrong. Is there anything..not normal about you as well?" she asked gently. That would explain why Sinueiju didn't do things the right way, they wouldn't have passed the medical exam.

"No, no. Just Fate."

Drat, Shizuru thought. And now she's on guard, so she won't say anything more tonight. But that's so strange. Shizuru's smile didn't waver, though, and she said "All right. I won't make you break your promise, either. At least not yet. If she's still asleep when it's time for classes to start, you'll have to go." She grinned. "Don't worry about the Administrator or the teachers, I'll smooth things over."

Nanoha looked up at her and smiled. "Thank you Ma'am."

"Oh, please, call me Shizuru, or Shizuru-oneesama. Ma'am makes me feel so old." Shizuru blushed slightly.

"Thank you...Shizuru-oneesama."

Tomoe Marguerite looked over looked over at her new roommate. "Did you see the /scene/ they made?" Miya Chocolat looked at the girl sitting across from her and smiled shyly. Tomoe all but purred. "To think that a pair of girls like that were accepted into this school, and that we're being forced to share a room with one."

"Oh, I agree." Miya's response was exactly what Tomoe predicted, completely charmed. Oh well. If the girl couldn't control herself in the face of one little smile, she deserved what she got.

"Just remember," Tomoe said. "We must keep this between us. It would be neither graceful nor proper to let them know our opinions yet. Don't worry Miya. We'll be rid of them soon enough."

"You want me to do what, Shizuru?" Natsuki Kruger looked at her lifelong friend, fellow Column, and partner like the woman had asked her to eat a cactus, including spines.

"Please just overlook Nanoha's behavior towards Fate." Shizuru said, getting a little exasperated.

"Shizuru, she got you up in the middle of the night and you just want me to let this slide?"

"Natsuki, term hasn't even started yet." Shizuru tried to explain. "She'll learn...and Nanoha isn't like I was. She really is concerned about Fate's health, that's all."

"And why is that?" Natsuki said, narrowing her eyes. It really wasn't like Shizuru to be this coy.

"...I don't know." Shizuru said, reluctantly. "She just said there was something different about her girlfriend."

Natsuki Kruger held the bridge of her nose. "So, on the basis of your say-so, you want me to overlook two probable threats to this school?"

"Nanoha isn't a threat to the school," Shizuru said, raising her voice just the slightest. "I get the sense that she would never hurt anyone who didn't stand in her way. And Fate, you may have noticed, is still sleeping the sleep of the dead."

Natsuki looked at Shizuru for a moment. "You really think they'd make more trouble over this than letting it slide invites." It wasn't a question. "All right...but let me know if Fate's health deteriorates. The last thing we need is for a death by nanomachine rejection, if what you say is true." She sighed and shook her head. "Shizuru, I swear you're going to be the death of me."

Shizuru just smiled and kissed Natsuki's ear. "I haven't led you astray so far, have I?"

Nanoha reflected that Shizuru had been true to her word. While she had seen the other instructors come down to talk with the doctor, none of them had bothered her. Except Shizuru, who had gone out of her way to find a comfortable chair and bring it down for her to sit in. Nanoha had eventually had to leave for meals, but she always improvised the gourmet meals into a sandwich and rushed back with a glass of fruit juice, much to the surprised looks of her classmates. Finally, on the fourth day, two girls in the Pearl uniform came down. The first she recognized as Akane, and the other one she had thought was Chie, the one Fate had been assigned to 'help.'

Chie spoke first, trying her usual tactic to win over all the girls in the school. "Well, looks like the rumors about my cute little underclassman coming with an even cuter bodyguard really were true."

Nanoha blushed, but quickly composed herself. "I'm sorry I haven't been more friendly," she said, mostly to Akane and sounding genuinely contrite.

"Oh, don't worry about it," Akane said with a gentle smile. "But you should be made aware of something. You seem a little ignorant of how the school works..."

"So we thought we'd enlighten you." Chie finished, her tone changed to a much more serious one. "You know that only fifty Corals are selected every year, yes?" Nanoha nodded. "Well, there are only twenty-five Pearls. So, how do you think those Pearls are selected?" Nanoha blinked. "It's no easy thing," Chie clarified. "The teachers will be constantly rating your grades and progress, and you'll be assigned a number. After the first semester..."

"Corals with numbers above 45 are asked to leave." Akane said. "It gets worse. After the second semester, they'll kick out anyone who falls below 35 after the exams and wilderness hike." Akane shuddered, apparently reliving some horrible memory about that hike.

Chie picked up again from there. "Then, at the end of the year, anyone left above twenty-five is gone. They eliminate less Pearls, but there are only a handful of Meister positions open every year, so most girls don't graduate even if they finish the full two years."

By this point Nanoha was staring, but not in confusion or fear, just...questioning. "So? Fate and I will definitely make it."

Chie and Akane both returned her stare with disbelief. They had just told her that she and her friend were going to a school where more than half the candidates are kicked out by the end, and the silly girl's reaction was 'so?' The same thought was running through both their heads. *Either she has what it takes, or she's completely mad.* Of course, they could be forgiven for thinking this.

No one on Earl had yet had the displeasure of being on the wrong end of Raising Heart when Nanoha was angry or determined.

Well, almost no one, and the only person who had groaned softly. Nanoha gently reached out her hand and squeezed Fate's. "Welcome back, Fate." Nanoha said gently. Fate smiled and opened her eyes slightly.

"Nanoha...Chie...uhm...who are you?" Fate asked of the last person.

"Akane Soir...Nanoha's oneesama." The Pearl introduced herself. "You were starting to really worry everyone, you know?"

"Oh. I'm sorry about that." Fate yawned and stretched. "How long was I out?"

"Four days." Chie said, returning to her usual, more cocky attitude. "Everyone else is up and about already. There were rumors that the Headmaster was going to order the doctor to purge your nanos. It would have been the fastest wash-out in Garderobe history." She smirked a little more widely. "Losing a cute little underclassman before the first term wouldn't have looked good for me, so I'm glad you're awake."

"Do you have to keep making me blush?" Fate asked, her cheeks red.

"No." Chie admitted without sounding the least bit contrite. "But it makes her look jealous, and that just makes you both even cuter."

Nanoha stammered "I-I'm not jealous!" She was also red. Chie just grinned and turned around. "I'm still looking forward to your first meal, Fate."

"So am I." Akane said. "Oh! Chie, we'll be late! It wouldn't do for Pearl numbers one and two to be late to the first meeting of the Torias!"

Chie grinned. "That's sort of like a Student Council. We take care of most of the minor discipline be good."

"Chie!" Akane grabbed her fellow Pearl's wrist and dragged her to the stairs.

"Okay, okay...see you later you two." Chie was dragged off out of earshot. After a few moments, Nanoha realized something.

"Fate? What did she mean about your 'first meal?'"

Nanoha had always been an early riser. Once she knew Fate was okay, she saw no real reason not to continue the practice. It would be a bit of a problem for Fate, who it seemed couldn't get up until the sun had been in the sky for an hour, but everyone has to have their indulgences. Nanoha's was running in the morning.

Which was why she was surprised to get back to her room shortly before sunrise to see Fate out of bed. Normally it took several wild horses to manage that this early in the morning. Even with their added strength, two girls in the Coral uniform dragging both her best friend and the bunk bed they had chosen to share towards the dorm room door...

...well, it rated only slightly more surreal than the fact that the bed was actually being dragged.

"What are you guys doing to her?!" Nanoha shouted at the two. "It's five in the morning!"

"Exactly!" one of the girls shouted back. "She's supposed to be on the roster to make the meals today, but she's loafing about!"

Nanoha questioned the idea that clinging desperately to the bedpost while stubbornly keeping her head against the pillow really counted as 'loafing' but didn't argue the point. "I know it's the first day of classes, but..." She sighed. "It's Irina and Erstin, right?" They both dropped Fate with a loud thud. The first mentioned, a girl with short red hair and glasses, nodded and blushed.

Fate snored.

Nanoha sighed. Erstin, a shorter blonde girl who filled out the Garderobe uniform very well, blinked her green eyes at Nanoha. "It's been like this since we came in. How do you plan to get her up?"

"Like this." Nanoha said, then she knelt down next to Fate's comatose body and leaned over her, obscuring what, exactly, she was doing to the other girl. Irina and Erstin both slowly turned redder and redder as this went on. First ten seconds, then twenty, with no real sign that it was helping...then, before either of them could blink, Fate was on her feet.

"....Nanoha, no fair!" Fate complained, apparently wide awake and taking in that there were people in the room.

"I promised I'd do it." Nanoha grinned maniacally. "Not that I'd do it right now." She glanced at the others. "She's all yours. Just let me take a shower first and I'll join you." Irina could only nod, too stunned by what she saw, if only in her own imagination.

Erstin was a little more puzzled. "But Nanoha, you're not on the schedule until tomorrow."

"Oh, shush, I promised and a promise is a promise. Don't worry, I'll help out both days." Nanoha smiled and walked out the door. Fate just sighed and headed out wordlessly.

Thirty minutes later, Nanoha had pulled on the Coral uniform, a coral-colored mini-dress with a frilly apron that seemed to mirror the Otome's role as servants. A pair of stockings and comfortable flats finished it. She put her pigtail up and walked towards the kitchens.

Even before she got there, Nanoha realized her mistake in letting them take Fate down to the kitchens alone. First of all, as has already been mentioned, Fate was Not A Morning Person. The second was that Nanoha realized Fate hadn't fully adjusted to her nanomachines yet. Everyone else had had a week, while it was only Fate's third day. And last...well, Fate had always done pretty well in Home Ec, but she was slow and too careful. She wasn't really prepared to handle cooking for almost a hundred people. Nanoha's family owned a bakery, so she could manage.

So when she heard a crash, Nanoha immediately leaped to conclusions and into action, charging around the corner and into the kitchen's entrance. What greeted her had the feel of barely controlled panic teetering on the edge of pandemonium.

Nanoha was familiar with the basics of how you run a large kitchen. Everyone has their jobs. Some people chop up the fruits and vegetables, some people sort other ingredients, some stand at the stoves and make sure that nothing burns. There's a few cooks who supervise everything and put it all together at the end, too. This is because there's truth in the old saying, 'too many cooks spoil the broth.' Nanoha thought this looked more like a home ec class trying to be done in half the time. Everyone was just trying to make their favorite dish, and they were tripping over each other. There hadn't been enough ingredients provided either.

One girl clumsily dropped a tray behind another. Nanoha's eyes widened as the girl in front shrieked and slipped on the remains of some kind of pastry, sending her own shining...something...flying into a boiling pot across the room. Fate, at least, was wide awake, and staring in shock. Nanoha lost track of the scene as she realized a large knife was flying at her head. She ducked out of the way just in time to have it stick out of the door-frame where she had been standing

Nanoha shrieked "QUIET!" She looked around. "Hasn't anyone here cooked for more than their family before?" she asked, as if this was a common thing. No one answered. "...all right. How long have we got?"

Erstin, one of the girls, said "We'll have until 7 when the first Pearls come down..." Nanoha nodded. "All right, we'll have to keep this as simple as we can. You four, try to get up all the vegetables you can. Chop up everything and put it in a big bowl, but don't use anything that's gone bad or been cooked already. You two, get every egg that hasn't been smashed yet. Start cracking them all into a big bowl and scrambling them." She took a breath. "Fate? Can you start cleaning this mess up?" Nanoha sniffed. "Someone made breakfast pastries, then? Good, try to save them, whoever you are. I'll get started on the coffee." Nanoha realized everyone was just staring at her. "Kyehe...I worked in my mom's bakery all the time back home, we always had to make a lot of stuff every day."

The small crowd seemed to accept this and everyone started moving to their assigned tasks. Nanoha was true to her word, getting enough coffee made to get everyone going. Then she startled bustling between the stations, making sure everyone was doing their jobs. Before too long, the Corals were flipping omelets made with the random assortment of vegetables that had survived the pandemonium. Soon seven o'clock was approaching, but it looked like they were home clear. Nanoha sighed and sipped at her own mug of coffee, before realizing everything around her had stopped and everyone had come to attention.

An old woman who still maintained the grace and pose of a young lady had stopped in the doorway. She looked at the chef's knife, embedded in the frame, and gave everyone a look that somehow managed to imply she really didn't want to know even as she asked "What is the meaning of this...scene? Although I suppose omelets are a good first attempt, you should know they will never please the palette of a proper Master. I expect more of the students here...and I see you even had extra help. Who is it? I know there's only supposed to be nine girls down here, and I count ten..."

Nanoha 'Nyahad' again and shyly raised her hand. "Sorry...I promised to make someone coffee, Miss Maria. I just thought I'd make enough for everyone..."

Miss Maria raised an eyebrow at this. The way everybody was edging protectively around Nanoha.... "Well, see that you don't interfere in another student's assignment again, Miss Takamachi. They were told to make their best meal, so that we could gauge where they might be. Still, I suppose that this...comes close to qualifying. Pass, for today. Someone please remove...this..." Miss Maria indicated the knife without even moving her eyes, somehow "from the wall post haste." And with that, the matronly old woman turned on her heels and walked out.

After a few moments, Irina turned and looked at Nanoha. " how you woke Fate up..."

"Nyaha." Nanoha blushed and scratched the back of her head. "I promised to make her coffee instead of making her drink whatever they serve here..."

Fate had the good grace to look sheepish.

Fifty Corals stood lined up in formation once again, but this time on the athletic field. The Headmaster always taught the first part of this class personally. "Listen well, students. Today you will learn the proper method to activate your contract with your future Master. In the future we'll authorize you remotely, but we want you to experience it the right way this one time. Observe...Shizuru?"

The woman grinned. "Natsuki Kruger, Otome of the Ice Silver Crystal, do you hereby swear to uphold your contract and your duty to the Shinso?"

Natsuki was startled, having expected to be the one giving the speech, but oh well. "I do."

"Then accept the power of the Otome." Shizuru leaned in and kissed Natsuki's earring. It wasn't strictly necessary, since as Columns they could activate their powers whenever they wanted. But it was fun, especially when several of the girls in the crowd swooned.

Natsuki stood up. "MATERIALIZE!" There was a bright flash of light, and suddenly instead of smart business suit she was wearing a skin-tight bodysuit made of a material Fate and Nanoha couldn't identify. In her hands was a canon that no one in any way could possibly lift, even with the strength enhancements Nanoha and Fate had experienced with the nanomachines alone. "Load Silver Cartridge!" Natsuki let the artillery shell lock into place, then fired it above the Coral's heads, creating a shower of sparks. "This is what every one of you is here for. One day, a few of you will become Meister Otome, and will have powers of your own."

Nanoha and Fate looked between each other. *Nanoha? Did Raising Heart get that?*

*I'm pretty sure, but I can't just ask in front of everyone.* Nanoha said back telepathically.

"Now....line up in rows of ten. Once you get your authorization, go " The girls did so, and Nanoha noticed that Shizuru, for some reason, picked her and Fate's line to move in front of.

*That woman's really getting on my nerves...* Nanoha sent the thought to Fate, but Fate's attention was on the combat rings...Nanoha sighed, and stepped up to the front...where Shizuru suddenly dipped her down.

"I want to see what you can really do..." Shizuru whispered in Nanoha's ear before kissing her stud, and Nanoha's eyes widened. Fate got a similar treatment, and then she realized they were supposed to do something Nanoha smiled and held up her hand. "SET UP!"

You could hear a pin drop in the courtyard. Shizuru stared in astonishment, Fate held the bridge of her nose, and even the normally unflappable Miss Maria seemed to be seriously contemplating a drink. Nanoha laughed. "Oh...yeah, I remember...MATERIALIZE!"

Nanoha could feel the difference. The nanomachines alone were a rush, but this was just...incredible. She felt her clothing dissolve in slow motion, then the energy that her GEM emitted replaced it with a hard shell. The outfit looked a little like the Coral uniform, but skin-tight, with a pattern suggesting black pants. A simple staff seemed to serve as her weapon...not the big gun the Headmaster got, but that made sense, and it would do for practice.

Nanoha was quickly put opposite of a girl with black hair that she recognized as the current Coral Number One. "Nina." She smiled. Nina just stared at her evenly. Nanoha tried again. "Let's have a fun match, okay? I'll go easy on you...." Nina didn't say a word, just narrowed her eyes. Okayama, doesn't seem to want to talk much. Nanoha didn't even consider that she might have come off as condescending, until the whistle blew and Nina charged at her with a scream of defiance. Nanoha found herself quickly, but calmly, dodging amateurish strikes. This is too easy. Any TSA recruit would beat her, nanomachines or no. Nanoha's pride in her organization might have been a little ill-founded, but not too far off the mark. Nanoha took another step back, feinting overextending herself, then quickly brought her own training stick up to give Nina a quick swipe across the face.

And was surprised when a ribbon snaked out from Nina's back and blocked the weapon's strike. Nanoha wasn't quite so shocked that she let Nina's follow-up attack get through to her, but she did smile. "Oh ho, looks like you're not too bad after all." Nanoha quickly split her concentration, trying to gain a handle on how the ribbons worked without letting Nina know she was doing it, and at the same time blocked all the incoming strikes. Then, after a moment, she glanced over and saw a lamp post. "So, Nina, do you want to take this into the air?"

Without another word, Nanoha jumped with all her might. I hope she follows me...if this doesn't work... Luckily for Nanoha, Nina took the bait, jumping up after her. Then Nanoha closed the trap. First, she sent one of her waist ribbons out to grab the lamp post and pull taut, changing her trajectory and causing her to swing around. Then she pointed directly at Nina's surprised face. "STRUGGLE BIND!" The words really weren't necessary, but it felt right. Just as with her spell, the other waist-ribbon she controlled shot out and extended until it wrapped itself around Nina's waist and yanked her towards Nanoha like a rag-doll. Not expecting the sudden change in direction, Nina lost her staff. Nanoha used her other ribbon to wrap Nina up completely, then pulled her into striking range. With a single blow, she sent Nina careening down into the ground, creating a smoking crater.

Meanwhile, Fate was facing off against Tomoe. After glancing to the side to make sure Nanoha was okay, she casually side-stepped a swipe by Tomoe without even looking. "You really shouldn't try to charge like that," Fate said, still not looking. "You're telegraphing every move by the way you place your feet."

Tomoe smiled a bit more widely, keeping her cool. "Oh, really Fate?" Three rapid swings, then she tried a thrust at Fate's abdomen.

Tomoe was really shocked when Fate stopped it with one hand.

"Yes. Try to be a little quieter if you're going to sneak up on your opponent next time." And with that, Fate thrust Tomoe's Coral Staff back into her stomach, then tried to let the Coral drop. Tomoe apparently hadn't learned her lesson, however, because she brought her staff back for a massive overhead swing that would probably have caved Fate's skull in, had it connected. Fate responded by sticking her own staff between Tomoe's spread legs, then flipping her up with all her might. "NANOHA!"

Nanoha was still coming down from where she had hit Nina to see another Coral flying at her. With no thought given at all to how this had come about, Nanoha used her waist-ribbons to brace against the ground, then swung her staff around like a baseball bat into Tomoe's abdomen, sending the poor girl flying into the side of a nearby hill, leaving a second crater. Without giving another thought to why Fate had called for an assist like that, she landed and ran over to Nina. "Whew...sorry about that...are you okay, NinAHHHHH!" She was cut off by a giant arrow with a pronged fork hitting her from the left and pinning her to the ground.

Fate stared at the source of the arrow and was about to protest when another arrow slammed her right to the ground after.

"Miss Takamachi, I'm afraid that's Nina's point. You broke the rules by leaving the ring..." Yukariko Steinberg, one of the younger teachers, lowered her bow. "Miss Harlaown, that was an underhanded move. No point for you either. And you should really stick to your own opponents..."

Nanoha looked up, a little dazed. "...against the rules? Isn't this combat training?"

Shizuru made a mental note to look into just what they teach kids down in Sinueiju these days.

Nina Wong awoke later in the infirmary to see a pair of purple eyes staring down at her with concern. "Nina?" A voice, vaguely familiar asked.

Well, that is my name, right? Nina nodded, not really trusting her voice yet.

Nanoha sighed in relief. "Nurse! She's awake!" Nina quickly found herself staring into a penlight. It was kind of disorienting.

"Nina, how many fingers am I holding up?" A different voice asked.

"Uhm..two?" Nina croaked out.

"Oh, thank goodness." Nanoha said. "I'm sorry I was a little rough on you."

"...a little rough?" Nina asked, incredulous. "You made an absolute fool out of me."

Nanoha stared at Nina's response for a moment. "No I didn't...Tomoe, Fate and I made a fool out of, but according to Fate she deserved it, leaving her crotch open like that and trying to kill in a training exercise." Nanoha smiled. "You left me a pretty big opening, though, so I showed it to you. Did you see what you did wrong?"

Nina blinked, even more incredulous. "You humiliated me in front of the whole school just to teach me a lesson?"

Nanoha still seemed to not be comprehending. "How did I humiliate you in front of the school?"

Nina blinked a few times, then brushed some hair out of her eyes. "Forget it."

"Oh, okay then." Nanoha said brightly. "You really weren't doing too badly. You're a pretty good fighter, for someone who's never actually done it..."

"Never actually done it? I've been training since I was six!" Nina was starting to get angry again.

"But just training, right?" Nanoha nodded. "You've really got to get out there and do the real thing to master the basics, but training is important too."

Nina just stared at Nanoha for a minute, then said "You should probably get to class," in a flat voice.

Nanoha looked down at the plain white stretched in front of her for what seemed like miles. At the colors of thread, and then at the assignment sheet. Hands that were far more used to a length of wood, a chef's knife, or even a no. 2 pencil than what was before her. Nervously, she picked up the implements, and began.

The motion was slow, and repetitive. With nothing to guard between her fingers and the sharp point, she was being entirely too careful. A single shake of the hands, a single mistake, and...

"OW!" Nanoha dropped the needle and cloth and sucked on her finger. The whole class turned and looked at the girl who faced down the dreaded Miss Maria without fear and put girls in the nurses office after mai-battles as a matter of routine, apparently afraid of a little sewing work.

"Is there a problem, Miss Takamachi?" And speak of the devil, Miss Maria was right there, glancing at her.

"I'm sorry Miss Maria, I've never done this before..." The whole class continued to stare. Something Takamachi wasn't good at right out of the gates?

"Be that as is may, Takamachi is unacceptable for you to have only accomplished five stitches in the space of a single class." Miss Maria seemed unamused. Well, more so than usual.

Nanoha said "Nyaha..." and looked over at Fate for help. Fate, who had apparently gotten through the assignment, and produced a beautiful embroidery in an intricate blue and green design. Everyone in the class 'ooooed.' Except Nanoha, who just let her head collapse against the desk.

It was starting to look like yet another day in Etiquette class for Fate and Nanoha's Coral group.

Miss Yukariko stood in front of the class. "When your Master chooses to leave in the middle of a particularly sensitive deliberation, what is the appropriate response?" She looked around the room. "Anyone? Miss Ho?"

Erstin stood up, and bowed. "Excuse us," Then she made to leave the room, but stopped. "Like that, Ma'am?"

"Very good Miss Ho. Now, why don't we try it?"

"I refuse!" Fate pounded her desk and stood up herself, but not in a demonstration. "Why should it be our job to be polite for someone else?"

"Miss Harlaown..." Miss Yukariko rubbed her temples gently for a moment. "You must understand, it's not your place to take a role at the negotiating table, unless, of course, your Master is completely unable and there is no other substitute. Even in that case, you should simply be stating his position, rather than attempting a job for which you are not qualified."

"Fate..." Nanoha tugged warningly at her friend's sleeve. This was getting to be a routine, except this time, it almost looked like Fate had had enough. She glanced down at Nanoha, who looked back with pleading eyes.

That was, just barely, enough to remind the blonde girl that there was more on the line than her opinions. Miss Yukariko said, slowly with the greatest patience, "Please demonstrate for us, Miss Harlaown?"

Fate's voice was tightly controlled, as if the slightest thing might set her off. "Excuse us." She bowed in a manner that it was hard to tell if she was just stiff or deliberately mocking. Then, she walked towards the door. It would never be known if she actually planned to walk out of the class, because the bell picked that moment to sound.

Chie and Akane were actually waiting outside the classroom for them. "Fate? Can we have a moment?" Akane opened. Fate was vaguely amused that the two thirds of the Torias that she actually respected felt intimidated enough by her that they felt the need to gang up on her.

"Of course, Oneesama. What can I do for you?" Fate did her best to follow the form. Chie smiled.

"If you could do that in class, it wouldn't be necessary to do this, you know."

Fate frowned. "Chie-Oneesama, I respect you. I apologize if I don't show it more often, but this school is difficult, and you have my highest respect for your performance here.

"However, my respect for many of the instructors is lacking. They simply haven't earned it. And their ridiculous ideas..."

"Are what you are being tested on." Akane said patiently. "I know it's difficult for you."

Fate laughed. "Akane-Oneesama...please don't get me wrong. I do respect your accomplishments, and for a school, this is difficult. But compared to what I have faced already in my life, Garderobe is nothing special. You'll have to do far better than this to 'scare me straight.'" She smiled. "I take the point, though. Chie-Oneesama, I will, for your sake, try to deal with things with a bit more...grace..even if I disagree."

Both of the Torias stared at Fate, and Chie just nodded. "And please, keep an eye on Tomoe as well?"

Fate smiled. "Of course, Oneesama."

And so the weeks passed in this fashion. Soon the end of the first trimester of the year approached, and it was time to discuss who was to be asked to leave the school. Normally, this meeting was a mere formality, the rankings as they stood at the end of the semester would make the decision for everyone, with no questions.

The system, however, had not been set up with two Mid-Childan combat mages in mind.

Natsuki Kruger had a decidedly harried look as she stared at...well, just about the rest of her staff.

"They are the biggest discipline problem I have ever seen at this school," Miss Maria stated. "Totally ill-suited for service."

"Miss Harlaown can't manage to make it through an etiquette class without at least three separate outbursts." Miss Yukariko said, seeming to be on the verge of either tears or fury. "To say nothing of combat instruction."

Yohko interjected with "Injuries among the Corals are still the highest of any, really any year still on record, but they are tapering off a little."

"Enough!" Natsuki Kruger shouted at the three instructors. "I understand your concerns. However, despite all of this, I'll note that they have consistently been rated Corals Ten and Eleven throughout the term. Now, if they are such problematic students, why is this?"

Miss Maria sighed. "Because, despite the...issues..their academic performance is satisfactory, even if some of their practicals are either refused outright or botched horrifically."

"Precisely." Shizuru said smoothly. "And not only that, but the combat grades of the entire Coral class are the highest average in recent memory."

Natsuki coughed. "I'm sorry, I know that they're a problem, but let's see if a little more effort can't reform them. They'll never be Meister material, I don't think. Far too independent."

Miss Maria stared. "You mean to ask them to be Columns, or instructors?"

"That's exactly what we're proposing." Shizuru said. "Nanoha might actually be an acceptable Meister for some of the more independent factions of the Aires Republic, mind, but Fate would be an excellent investigator. For one thing, she won't take a Meister's word for it that her Master's privilege is being abused."

Everyone stared at the woman. "Don't worry about it. Just let everyone enjoy these next two weeks off."

Natsuki nodded. "Are we agreed, then? The current rankings stand final, and Corals forty-six through fifty will leave the school?"

Grumbling reluctantly, everybody nodded.

Nanoha laid back on her bunk. Their roommate had already departed, but the next sand-schooner to Artai wasn't scheduled for another full day. "I can barely believe we survived that, Fate."

Fate stood bent over their bags, making sure they had everything packed. "You know we can't relax yet. We still need to make it back to the hotel in Artai and transfer all this data from Bardiche and Raising Heart back home." Fate sighed. "Maybe if we're lucky they'll send Crono in to wipe all life from the planet."

"Fate, you can't mean that." Nanoha flipped over onto her stomach and looked down reprovingly. "I mean, they're not that bad..."

"They just sacrifice young girls to this school for the sake of a 'peace' that isn't real." Fate said. "But you're right. I just get so frustrated at how calmly everyone takes this."

"What's got you so upset, Fate?" Nanoha asked. "Is it about your mother?"

"...I can't lie to you for long, can I?" Fate smiled ruefully. "It's just...everyone here is being exploited the same way, only they don't see it because being an Otome has been played up to be just like an idol singer on Earth."

Nanoha smiled, jumped off the bed, and hugged Fate from behind. "It's not the same, Fate. An Otome is in a very important position, even with all the silly rules. And I'm sure not all of the Masters are like. . . "

"Maybe." Fate conceded. "But if the rules are like that, a lot of them probably can't help themselves."

Nanoha sighed. "Look, we have some spare money, and the TSA owns the hotel so we'll be staying there for free. So...why don't we really take a vacation? We haven't had a chance for awhile."

Fate stopped, then smiled. "All right Nanoha. I can see you're really looking forward to this."

"Yay!" Nanoha grinned. "Let's finish packing, then!"

End of Chapter 1


These are provided for reference, if you haven't seen one show or the other. I've tried to be complete within the story, but if you're confused about a new term, check here.

TSA/TSAB: The Time-Space Administration Bureau. Nanoha and Fate work for this group, a Technology-From-Magic multidimensional government. Fate and Nanoha's primary duties revolve around the investigation of magical events that threaten to become major disasters. Consider the scope this group patrols and you'll understand what it takes to register on their radar as a "major" disaster. Source: Mahou Shojou Lyrical Nanoha

Raising Heart: Nanoha's "Intelligent Device." Its' full name is "Raising Heart Excellion." See below. Source: Mahou Shojou Lyrical Nanoha

Bardiche: Fate's "Intelligent Device." Its' full name is "Bardiche Assault" See below. Source: Mahou Shojou Lyrical Nanoha

Intelligent Device: A focusing tool for mages trained in the Midchildan style. Intelligent Devices are the most powerful of these tools (in this story), and are imbued with sentience. They communicate with their owners, are capable of deploying protective magic without outside direction, and can even teach their owners spells from their own database. Despite all these wonders, they still haven't mastered basic grammar and are prone to word-choice errors. Source: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha

Lost Logia: Midchildan term for nearly any ancient artifact of magical importance. Most, but not all, are weapons created by the civilization known as Al-Hazared. To reference, two dozen Lost Logia each the size of a walnut were a danger to several nearby dimensions when misused, so finding two believed to be planet-sized is something of a big deal. Source: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha

Mid-Childa (Place): The planet that serves as the home-world for the TSAB. They've had a few Lost Logia incidents in the past. Source: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha

Mid-Childa (Magic Style): The primary magical system used by Nanoha and Fate. It's directly descended from Al-Hazared's magic, and tends to focus on big booms. Source: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha

Otome: A type of super-soldier, dependent on the ancient technology of Earl. In this version of the story, the planet that the inhabitants of Earl come from is, for obvious reasons, not the Earth Nanoha is from. Source: Mai-Otome

Garderobe: The only school for training Otome, and also, at the time the story starts, the only place where they can be created. Source: Mai-Otome

Oneesama: In Japanese, a term meaning 'Older Sister'. Among Otome, it's used as a sign of respect and admiration for one's elders. An Otome might refer to one particular senior as 'her' Oneesama, usually designating the particular Otome who was her helper in Garderobe. Source: Mai-Otome

Sinueju: A city-state on the borders of the Zipang Empire in the South. Independent from Zipang, too small to register normally on the Earl's political radar. Like Zipang, they neither have nor normally want Otome. Source: Crystal Energy Original

If I missed anything that confuses you, leave a review and I'll get it when I post the next new chapter. Feedback is welcome.