I don't own Gilmore Girls

Everything happened exactly like the show but Rory didn't drop out of Yale and she and Logan are still together. This is about early November of her sophomore year. She still dislikes Mitchum and the internship did happen but didn't crush her.

Rory POV

I always got along with the Hayden's and they had a plan since she was born. If my parents didn't get married that I was still to take over the Law firm. There was a deal mad, I could do what ever I like until the end of college, from there it is Princeton Law School like every other Hayden, with Yale undergrad to please the Gilmore's. I like law don't get me wrong but I love writing. I went through life knowing the plan. Then Logan happened, he was not part of the plan, I fell and I fell hard. I should tell him about everything but it never came up and what should I say, "Hey how was class, so you know I'm richer then you?" It wasn't something easily brought up. The Hayden's didn't have just a law firm but a huge empire of silent partnerships and companies. I am the up and coming CEO. Logan is so overwhelmed with his future and having no choice, he isn't the only one. Yes, I could walk away easier then him, which is one reason I can demand it to be put off. With Logan it is harder to walk so Mitchum can demand more. I need to tell Logan because the Hayden's will want to start getting me ready and come into my life.

Like always Logan was waiting out side of my last class on Thursday. It is now or never… lets wait till we enter the apartment. After coffee and once inside the apartment the conversation begins. "Hey Logan, there is something I need to tell you."

"Ok, shoot." Logan looks at me with his brown eye waiting for what I have to say.

"Well, have you ever wondered who my Father was?" I ask him. This sparked attention.

"Yes, but I didn't want to push anything that would make you upset. I would be open to you telling me" That is so sweet.

"His name is Christopher Hayden, the black sheep of the family." With this Logan stopped and stared at me before opening his mouth.

"WHAT? Why did you tell me? Do they ignore you? Or do you have a plan?" Logan bombarded me with questions.

"Well I understand you better then you think, I'm free until college graduation then Princeton law school after that I have 2 years before I take over for Strobe Hayden. The fortune jumped over Dad, he didn't go along with what was the plan. My full name is Lorelai Leigh Gilmore Hayden." Logan sat their shock with an empty expression; I need to explain so I keep talking, "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to think of me differently. Plus no one is supposed to know yet until I go to Princeton. "

"Ace, I'm not mad, just shock that you didn't tell me. I get it but one question which one are you heiress for?"

"Both." I reply, short but to the point.

"Well, my parents will be shocked that should be fun to tell them."