Sam's POV

I loved him but he just had to cheat on me. Wait what am I saying. yo my name is Samantha Jessica Puckett i am 23 years old, and this is my story.

Lets go back in time to when I was seven.

Sixteen years ago.

I walked around the park not knowing what to do. My dad and mom just split up. My mom was dating this new guy that has two children. I haven't met the kids but i know the guy he is really nice. His name is Dale. I sat on a swing. Than a cute guy sat on the swing next to me.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi what is your name?"

"Sam. What is yours?"


"Sam come on. Time to go meet my boyfriend." My mom yelled.

"Coming mom."

"Where are you going?"

"To meet my mom's boyfriends kids." We waved good bye.

I didn't know that this would be a day I regret.

One year in the future.

I walked to my best friends house. Once i got to Freddie's house I saw that new people moving in across the street. I knocked on the door. A girl came to the door. She looked my age. "Hey i'm Sam?"

"Hey im Carly."I stayed over there for a while. Then went home.

Seven years later.

I was at home and Ruben was chasing me and Melanie around the house. Gibby was at a geek thing. There was a knock at the door. Ruben answered it. "Sup soda bottle nose. Are your roosters dancin?" He only talked like that when we were around other people. We also pretend him and Gibby are not my stepbrothers. Gibby's mom died. Rubens mom was split from Dale.
"Yea is Sam here?"

"What is it dork?" I said walking to the door.

"Why is Ruben here?"

"Because. Now don't change the subject."

"I was wondering if you would go out with me?" He belted all that out really fast.

"Fine. Now will you go. I am busy. We have to clean up before mom gets home."

"Okay bye."

Three years later.

"Sam we have go big problems." Ruben yelled running to me.

"I told you not to talk in regular format."

"Yea but right now. We have a problem. Gibby told my mom that my dad is dead. Now she is taking me and Gibby back."


"I know. Your mom is an emotional reck. So she won't fight for us." I had alot of anger in me. Freddie and Carlly came up behind us.

"What's happening?" Freddie asked.

"Doesn't matter now. Come on you and Gibby have to hide right now." i said. Ruben and I found Gibby. Than ran towards the door, but then Rubens mom came though the door. Gibby has a different mom, So he wasn't in trouble. Rubens mom's name is Kat. "Kat come on don't do this please." Everyone was looking at us. Kat slapped me.

"Shut up bitch. Rubens my son not your mom's." Then Mr. annoying Principal came out.

"Mrs. Chambers, look I don't think that taking Ruben is fair to Gibby, Sam, Ruben or Mrs. Puckett." He said.

"I don't care Ruben my kid." I stood up.

"But he is my step brother. Plus i know the reason Dale split. You were a child abuser." She slapped me so hard I fell to the ground again. Carly and Freddie came to make sure i was okay.

"Are you okay?" They asked.

"Only if I get my Step brother to stay." I jumped Kat. I took her down. Then the police came.

"Sam get off her please." The cop said. I got off.

"Hey officer Comrad." He arrested me once. He calls my sometimes to make sure I am not getting in trouble. He looked at my cheek.

"What happened?"

"I told Kat here not to take Ruben and she slappen me twice. The second time she hitt me she knocked me to the ground."

"Everyone back to class. Gibby Ruben Sam stay." Said Mr. Fishman. The officers took away Kat.

"When I get out of jail. I will kill you Sam and Gibby. I will get Ruben back." Ruben hugged a crying me.

Freddie hugged me. I pulled away. "Sam are you okay?"

"Yea. Look Freddie. I know you and Carly are dating, I found out three months ago. I can't handle it. im didn't see what you could have had, but you didn't see what was in front of you. You don't diserve me. I loved you, but now that is all over." I started crying harder. "Kids you need to leave this state. I have a friend who is a police officer he can protect you, and keep you together." We nodded.

Ruben took my hand and Gibby took the other and we left that world and started over. My mom wasn't a mess anymore. She calmed down. We still saw her. She lived us and started dating the officer that took us in. Carly and Freddie tried calling me, but i didn't answer.