Please Don't Leave Me

Chapter One

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." ~Albert Einstein

Yeah, I don't own Gundam 00.

So this is my first fan fic so tell me what you think!


"That was scary!" Lockon yelled.

"Now all we can do is wait," replied Setsuna as he lifted his helmet off of his head. Setsuna threw the blue helmet into the cockpit of the 00 Gundam then shook out his dark brown hair. "We should make a fire. The others might take a while," suggested Setsuna.

"Good idea. I'm freezing!" Lockon rubbed his arms with his hands. Then the two split up and went in two separate directions to find wood. Setsuna wandered deep into the large forest, reflect the events that had just took place.

(Flash Back)

The 00 Gundam suddenly dropped from the sky, as if it hit a wall.

"Setsuna!" Terea, Lockon, and Allelujah yelled, as if calling the pilot's name would fix the Gundam. The mobile suit fell into the choppy ocean with a large splash. The trail of smoke the damaged machine emitted ceased, as the 00 Gundam sunk into the abyss.

"Setsuna? Setsuna? What's going on?" Lockon yelled over the radio.

"The (Fuzzy radio connection) is filling (Fuzz) with water! (Fuzz) me!" Setsuna yelled over the radio.

"I'll go after him, you two go to the Ptolemaios and get more help!" Lockon ordered to the other Gundam Meisters. The green Gundam swerved down and into the rough sea to find Setsuna before his cockpit filled with water.

Unlike Setsuna, Lockon's Gundam wasn't wreaked so water wasn't leaking into the cockpit. Cherudim dived deeper and deeper, and the pressure made the metal groan. How deep could 00 have sunk? Lockon asked himself. Fortunately Lockon found the Gundam suspended deep in the water. How could it have sunk so deep in suck little time? Lockon thought.

"Setsuna? Setsuna, can you hear me?" Lockon called. His radio call was answered with a loud, fuzzy, gurgling sound. "Crap," He mumbled.

Lockon dashed his Gundam forward and wrapped the mobile suit's arms around the 00. Lockon activated the Trans-Am System and emerged from the water seconds later.

The 00 Gundam instantly drained of water and the simple operating functions turned back on.

"Lockon?" Setsuna's tired, panting voice mumbled over the radio.

"It's all okay," the Irish Gundam Meister soothed. Setsuna began to cough rapidly.

"Thank you," he mumbled.

Lockon landed both Gundams on the beach of a small, nearby island. Only seconds before landing, Cherudim's Trans-Am System stopped and the already exhausted machine fell from the sky meters away from the sand.

"Way to warn me," Setsuna said sarcastically.

"Sorry," Lockon giggled. He then turned the rest of the Gundam off and exited the mobile suit. Setsuna also got out of the 00 Gundam. "Well," Lock on yelled to Setsuna as he left the cockpit of the Gundam. "That was scary!"

(End Flashback)

Lockon had already arranged a small fire pit, which glowed a soft orange. Setsuna sat down beside Lockon and pulled out a large knife. He began to quietly cut the large branches into fair sized pieces.

"Rotten luck, eh?" said Lockon after many moments of silence. Setsuna replied with a simple grunt.

Setsuna was intently cutting a large branch when the knife slipped and sliced through his glove and into his index finger.

"Ah shit!" he cursed.

"What happened?" asked Lockon.

"I cut my fucking finger!" Setsuna snapped. Lockon took Setsuna's bloody hand and carefully removed his blue and white glove. Lockon had already removed his own gloves and Setsuna's warm hand warmed his cold hands. Lockon brought the Meister's finger up to his mouth and stuck the bleeding digit in and gently sucked.

"What are you--?" Setsuna began then stopped. He gently removed his finger from the brunette's mouth. For a long awkward moment the two sat staring at each other.

"I'm sorry," mumbled Lockon.

"Don't be," replied Setsuna. He then lurched forward and hungrily kissed Lockon, driving the Irish pilot's back onto the sandy beach.


Note: I'm new to writing, and this is my first fan fic, so please honestly tell me what you think. I know I suck but I wanted to try it out. Flame, constructive criticism, I want it all! Yeah I'm a slow writer sooooo if you liked this one (chances are slim that you would) it might take a few days to get the next chapter out! Sorry!