Hey people!!!!!!!! As you may have noticed, I'm not real into authors notes and all that. But I'm trying. PLEASE REVEIW SERIOUSLY. Also, check out my new sequal to this story, Angels and Vampires. And then reveiw.

Chapter 44 Slippup Realize-Colbie however-you-spell-her-last-name

Cathryn's POV

The first thing I saw when I wlaked in my room was Cocoa, walking in through my back door all casual, my dog following adoringly at her sdie. She looked like she owned the place. Even after all these months, I still hadn't gottne used to her crashing on my balcony. It was disorienting. When she saw me, she stopped and stared. Oh. Right. I was wet. And see-through.

"Cat, are you okay?" She asked me. She didn't sound concerned, though. More dreadful. Like she really didn't want to know the answer. Which she probably didn't. If anyone had a low tolerance for romance, it was Cocoa.

So really, I was just sparing her when my answer came out not entirely truthful. "Yeah, great. Why?"

Unfortunately, I was not a very good liar. My innocent reply only seemed to reassure her. "No. Somethings up. What is it?"

"Nothing, Cocoa." I said, stubborn as always. "You're being paranoid."

Unfortunatly, Cocoa had shared a floor with me for long enough to know my weaknesses. She disappeared out the door breifly. When she came back, my ipod was in her hands. She walked to the edge of the balcony, where it was still pouring, leaving the ground below soaked and otted with peddles in which my ipod would almost certainly fall prey to. She held it threateningly over the edge. "Okay, Cat." She said decisively. "Tell me what happened or the ipod falls."

I gaped at her. Surley...she wouldn't do that. She couldn't kill my baby. I needed that thing. Needed it like a drug. But as I stared at her and absorbed the grim determination in her eyes, I knew she wasn't bluffing. But that didn't mean I couldn't. "God so help me Cocoa, I will kill you."

"Just tell me whats up and nobody gets hurt." She responed calmly.

Unlike me. "You'll get hurt, all right," I snarled, and ran at her, making a grab for the ipod. Which she deftly dodged.

"Okay, Fine," I said desperately, giving in. "I have a boyfriend. His name is Ethan. He just told me that he loved me." A smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I relished the memory.

Cocoa stared. For once, the girl seemed speechless. I took advantage of her current shocked ate and snatched my ipod back, bringing into the dry safety of my room. I was a good thing I had, too, because my taking it away seemed to jog her, and she was back to her normal, evil self in a heartbeat.

Only, you know, I don't think that Cocoa normally flies into impassioned rages.

"Are you insane?!" She screamed, running at me and shaking my shoulders angrily. "Do you not remember what just happened with Hart like a month ago? Do you honestly want that to happen again?! God, what is wrong with you? Do you truly have no heart? I'll bet you didn't even think of Embry at all when you were getting all lovey-dovey with Ethan! You don't care a bit about how bad you are killing him!"

Now it was my turn to go into shock. "Um...why the heck would Embry care if I had a boyfriend?"

Cocoa let out a low, infuriated snarl. "Because he IMPRINTED on you!" She yelled in exsasperation, as though it should have been obvious. Or at least, she did at first. But as I continued to stare at her unfathomingly, she seemed to realize that I truly had no idea what she was talking about. That she had made a huge mistake. I whatched as she sort of deflated, removing her strangle hold and taking a step back, her dark eyes growing as wide a saucers.

"Whats-" But that was as far as I got. Cocoa made a run for it. Fortunately, thanks to Leslie and her freaky health kicks, as well as Madame Lexican and her wicked dance moves, I had no trouble pinning her to my wheelie chair. "Now then," I said briskly. "What is imprint?"

"Don't worry about it." Cocoa said casually. "Its nothing." Despite my horrific lying skills, I had always been very good at telling whether or not anybody else was doing it, regardless of the skill involved. And Cocoa was a very, very good liar.

"Yeah, right." I snorted. "Tell me what it is."

Cocoa's chin stuck out defiantly, blowing the innocence act. "Nothing can make me tell!"

However. Where Cocoa knew my weaknesses, I also knew hers. I opened my desk drawer-keeping her pinned to the chair with the other hand-and took a role of duck tape. With which I proceeded to imprison Cocoa on the chair, ignoring her protests. Then I rolled her into my bathroom., where I leaned her against the sink. Then I took out a small bottle. "All right, Courtney," I said, using her real name for effect and unscrewing the lid. "This is a bottle of blonde hair dye and I am not afraid to use it."

Cocoa's eyes widened. "You wouldn't." She whispered, horrified.

I laughed dismissively. "Of course I would." I assured her.

I waited. Cocoa said nothing. I shrugged and tipped the bottle over her hair....

"Okay, fine!" Cocoa blurted. "I'll talk!"

"Good." I said cheerfully, righting the bottle.

Cocoa bit her lip, deliberating. "I'm waiting..." I held up the dye as a reminder.

"Oh, calm down!" She snapped. "Imprinting is...well, a wolf thing, obviously."

"Obviously." I echoed, bored.

"It...well-when-okay. You know how Sam looks at Emily, or how Collin looks at Leslie? Jake looks at Nessie, Jared at Kim, Paul-"

"Yeah yeah. I get it. With adoration in their yes." I said quickly. Now that we were finally getting some where, I didn't want her beating around the bush.

"Exactly." Cocoa looked releived that she didn't have to elaborate. "Thats because the wolves imprinted on them."

I was going to need more information than that. "Imprinting makes the wolves look at girls weird?" I aske skeptically.

Cocoa grimaced. She hated talking about this, I could tell. "It just a certain girl. Their...soul mate, I guess you could say. Its like love at first sight. When they see the one that they are supposed to be with, they love her."

I blinked, dumbfounded. "Embry...loves me?" I asked, my voice coming out all breathless and squeaky.

"Yep." Cocoa nodded.

But...that would mean that my little infatuation with him was more than just a little infatuation. Ands that I had been blowing off my future husband for a wife-beater and a wuss. One of which I had said that I loved. When I didn't. How in the world could I have thought that I loved Ethan? Ethan wasn't...well, he wasn't....

He wasn't Embry.

My heart did a weird twisty thing as I thought his name. God, I'd really goofed it up this time. "Omigod. I'm gonna go ask him." This couldn't be cleared up without him. I turned on my heel and started down the stairs.

"No! He'll kill me!" Cocoa cried, panicked.

I rolled my eyes. Did she really think that her murder would upset me much? After she had been virtually nothing but a thorn in my side since we'd met? "Don't care." I called over my shoulder.

"At least untie me!" She yelled.

I stopped in the kitchen to get my cell phone and car keys. Okay, so I didn't have a licence. The police force around here wasn't exactly top notch. And Jake had taught me well. "Nope, I don't think I will."

"Cat! She screamed as she toppled downstairs, still tied to my chair.

I chuckled under my breath as I closed the back door and stepped out into the garage. I stuck the key in the hole and twisted, relishing the purr of the engine. Then I took out my cell phine. Yes, it was mean of me to break up with my boyfriend over a text message, but this wasn't what you would call normal circumstances. I smiled grimly as I pressed the send button. Then I pulled out of the driveway, squinting to see through the rain. Then I sent Embry a voicemail. "Hey, its me." I said softly. If we were soldmates, he'd be able to recognise my voice. "Meet me at the First beach by the cliffs as soon as you get this, okay?"

Chapter 45 All I wanted Sometime around midnight

When I got to the cliffs, Cat was already there waitng for me. She was leaning against the rock and not looking at me. As soon as I saw her, all the composer I had been trying to regain was lost. All I could do was ask her what she wanted and pray that I was harder to read than I thought. She looked amazing. Her hair was wet and falling over her face in loose shining waves. Her equally drenched dress hung across her body in juts the right way...but thinking about that really wasn't the best thing for my heart right now. It was already mangled beyond repair at this point, making it worse just might kill me. Which, admittedly, didn't sound like such a bad alternative.

Cat glanced over and, seeing me, stepped forward. "Its my turn." She said simply.

I blinked, confused. "What?" Did my voice really sound that raw? That broken? God,. I was pathetic.

"Truth." She elaborated.

Oh, yeah. "Right. Er, shoot."

She took a deep breath. "Did you know that Cocoa was living on my balcony?" She asked me.

Telling her that I had been under said balcony almost every night since she'd moved in probably wasn't the best way to go. "I heard something about it." I hedged, not sure where this was going.

Cat nodded. "Well, she told me that werewolves did this thing...it was called imprinting."

My heart stopped throbbing. Or, at least I think it did. I couldn't feel it. "Um...yeah." I said.

"Well, she said it was like...love at first sight? Like finding your soulmate?" Se said these things like they were a question. She wasn't sure.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. If I opened my mouth, I would probably start denying that I was crazy in love with her. Again.

Cat bit her lip. "Then she said...she said you imprinted on me." She looked up at me for the verdict.

"Thats not a question." I whispered.

Cat rolled her eyes, breaking some of the tension between us. I was glad. It made breathing easier. "Was she telling the truth?" She demanded.

Well, what else could I say? "Yeah." I told her. Nice. She gives me the chance to tel her everything, to tell her exactly how much I love her, how much I need her, how much I hate her stinking boyfriend, and I come up with 'yeah'. Brilliant, that.

Cat's heart stuttered. I looked at her searchingly. Why would she...why would it...unless I actually had a chance? "Cat," I said, taking a step forward.

She stepped forward to. We were so close now, we were touching. She stood on tip-toe and wrapped her arms around my neck as I knelt down and kissed her.

A kiss that was more personal than anything I had ever done in Port Angeles. It felt better, too. Everywhere she touched me, it was like she lit it on fire. Like I was being struck by lightning. Only I was pretty sure that either of those things would hurt. This felt great. I finally had exactly what I wanted from her. Now, impossibly, I loved her even more.

Chapter 46 The One

Cathryn's POV

Remember when I wrote about kissing Hart? About how it hurt, about how it felt like he was trying to eat me rather than kiss me? Do you remember later, when I wrote about kissing Ethan? About how I barley felt it, about howe it wasn't rough at all? Boring, almost? Yeah. Hart bit when I wanted him to kiss. Ethan kissed when I wanted him to bite. And Embry was so stinking perfect that I still get chills when I remember it. And trust me, anybody that can give somebody chills when their body temperature it one hundred and ten degrees has a gift.

Which was why, when Embry picked me up so that I could get to him better, instead of freezing up like I would have with my ex or my current boyfriend, I hitched my legs around his waist, greedlily pulling myself closer. And all that was going through my mind the whole time was this: If I could have had Embry this whole time, what the hell was I doing with guys like Hart and Ethan? I was truly the dumbest person that had ever walked the face of the earth.

Unforunately though, all good things come to an end. And this one came when we were rudely inturrupted by Cocoa, screaming, "FINALLY!" in a smug voice. Somehow she had managed to get to the beach still tied to my wheelie chair. The girl was amazing.

I raised an eyebrow at Embry, who rolled his eyes and walked over to her. But instead of putting me down before he did so-I was still attatched rather scandilously to his waist- he readjusted me slightly so that I was being cradled rather than stradling him. "I cannot beleive you told her." he said in a much stronger voice than he had used only moments before.

"Hey now." Cocoa defended herself. "She forced it out of me."

"No, you let it slip out. God, you can't keep a secret to save your life." Embry told her.

"I did you a favor. If it weren't for me she would be locking lips with Ethan right now instead of you."

"True. So with that in mind I won't kill you." He turned away and started towards his car. "Where are we going?" I asked him. Personally, I would have went with him into the mouth of a volcono, but it would be nice just to know.

"Sam and Emily's if thats okay with you. A bunch of us were going to hang out there."

I nodded unenthusiastically. I would hate to see Emily's gloating face when she discovered that she was right.

"Hey!" Cocoa yelled from behind us. "Get back here! Untie me!"

Embry rolled his eyes at me and turned back around. "I didn't kill you, remember?"

"Later Cocoa!" I grinned.






"Cathryn, I'm not going to give in just becasue you keep saying-"


"Aargh!" Jacob threw his hands up in exsaperation. It had turned out that, instead of just Sam and Emily and Nate, their home had been filled by half of both the packs. 'Mirriors' was coming on soon, and Jacob and I were in the kitchen, working on getting the drinks and popcorn. Or we were supposed to be. But I had other things on my mind. Such as, what was the big deal in a few motorcycle lessons? I mean,s eriously. The guy had taught me to drive my Porsche. I could do a lot more damage in that than I ever could in a stupid bike.

Apparantly though, Jacon disagreed.

"Okay. You know what? Fine." I said, surrendering. "You won't teach me.'

"Damn straight." Jacob said.

I took a deep breath, then went for it. "Ill teach myself."

Jake looked up. "What?" He asked sharply.

"Just keep in mind," I went on, ignoring him. "That I am not the most coordinated person in the world, and the chances of me learning to drive a motorcycle without killing myself or at the very least ending up in the Er are very, very slim."

Jacob snorted. "And what makes you think I would care/'

"Oh, I don't." I assured him. "I'm just thinking about how Embry will feel when he finds out that his significant other is dead because his best friend refused to take maybe an hour of his time a week to teach her how to drive a motorcycle."

Jacob stared.

"What?" I asked innocently. "Am I wrong?"

"No!" Embry yelled from the living room.

Jaco made a very rude hand gesture towards his voice before turning to me. "You will be at my house at six tomorrow." He commanded. "I'm not waiting, so don't be late."

I grinned in triumph and gave him a salute. "No, sir!"