Dear Readers,

Just to make sure all of you who haven't seen it out there, Ignorance is Bliss, Until You Get Killed is the sequel to this story.

Anyways, on with the message: I have decided to revise the early (and horribly written and out-of-character) chapters of this story. It's up to you if you'd like to read it or not. No major facts will be changed, I just want to make the writing stronger 'cause honestly, when I went back to the start of this story, I really wanted to throw a hammer at the screen, so my eyes wouldn't have to read it (I'm very critical of my own writing, if you can see), so I've re-uploaded the first chapter for those of you wanting to read it.

Just while I'm here, THANK YOU TO EVERY ONE OF YOU FOR SUPPORTING THIS STORY. I can not tell you how grateful to you all, if you hadn't given me advice, my writing would have stuck worse than a junkyard, I swear. You all made me a better writing, everyone who had simply written "Update soon!" (which motivated me to get the writing out) and to those of you who gave constructive criticism (that really made me look and what I was writing). I don't think you know the extent of my appreciation, but just THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH.


Forever in your debt,
